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5 minutes ago, Azure, Roundabouted Out said:

I have heard writing in comic sans helps. If not, I can help.

I am writing in comic sans. I’ve written about 3 drafts(well for like one scene anyway) at this point!! Nothing just seems to really fit what I’m going for. Still I appreciate it I might DM in a minute 

Edited by Ottservia
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I whipped up an entry! I hope it's good. I hate writing Grima, but he was required to be in this, so yeah. Also a note, I used default Robin in this, not Kelli, my personal one. I just decided on this to further differentiate this reality from the one I normally write for Awakening. The OCs mentioned and appearing still have the same origins and occupations and stuff though, like Ralph being Frederick's childhood friend and an incredibly talented singer who started out poor, Frederick's sister Isabelle being a hunter and fashion designer, and so on.

EDIT: Crap, I must've either forgotten or not known that Robin was in that list of not-allowed-to-die characters. But I had a character that is allowed get killed too, and I just feel it doesn't make sense for Robin to not want to kill Grima herself after this, and that will always result in her "death," so can this still count?

Title: A Knight's Duty
Words: 3795
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Awakening


A Knight’s Duty


The war in the halidom of Ylisse had been long, hard, and not without many casualties. The undead creatures known as the Risen, brought forth by the entity known as the Fell Dragon, Grima, continued to threaten anything and everything. The dragon’s followers, known as the Grimleal, had been hellbent on having him destroy everything and give the world a clean slate.

And yet, one group of warriors had still managed to climb their way to one final showdown against the dragon. It was the group led by Ylisse’s own Exalt and king, Chrom. Their resilience had been like nothing Grima had ever seen before, and it only made the dragon angrier and more determined to win. His followers had been defeated, as had many of the Risen he’d allowed to wreak havoc. And now all that stood between Chrom’s army and victory was the Fell Dragon himself.

Unfortunately, there was only one problem. Grima was using for a vessel this army’s tactician, a woman named Robin. The Robin he controlled was from another timeline, but it was Robin nonetheless, and if he could influence one Robin like that, he could certainly gain control of this world’s Robin as well. And she constantly was struggling to fight it. Even worse, should Robin deliver the final blow to Grima, she would perish along with him due to them being virtually one in the same. It was a hefty price to pay to ensure that the Fell Dragon could never again threaten the world…

“Keep it up, everyone!” Chrom shouted, his storm blue hair whipping about as he whirled to strike any Risen that approached him. “We can and will win!”

“There’s no turning back now,” Robin added, flipping back her long white pigtails with one hand while the other held a magic tome. “We will be victorious! Though Chrom… I’m still indecisive about who should deliver the final blow to Grima…”

“Robin, don’t worry about that right now,” Chrom replied. “We can decide when we confront him directly. We still have Risen to cut through!”

“Indeed,” Frederick, who was nearby chopping down a Risen himself from atop his horse. “We must remain focused. I cannot allow either of you to be distracted, lest you let your guard down and be at mercy of the enemy.”

“I know, Freddy Bear,” Robin replied with a smile. “Thank you.”

She loved Frederick with all her heart. At least she knew that as long as he was there, she could not be too ill at ease. And although Frederick did not care for the nickname his wife had given him, he could not disallow the woman he loved to show her love for him. He did not trust Robin in the least bit when they first met…and yet he was ever so happy that she’d found a way into his heart.

It made them even happier still, although also feeling rather awkward, to meet the two children from another future whom had been theirs, as well as find a childhood friend of Frederick’s, a talented singer named Ralph. He now was a knight himself. One of the children was a boy named Morgan, who was set on becoming as great a tactician as his mother. The other was his younger sister, Antoinette, a healer on horseback who was serving as a retainer to Chrom’s own future daughter, Lucina. She only wished to serve her the way Frederick served Chrom.

They and other children had come from that future to prevent it from happening. In their world, Grima had won, and their parents had all perished, along with much of the world. The outcome of this battle would determine whether or not that ruined future would come to pass…again.

“Of course, my sweet,” Frederick replied, returning the smile, but only for a moment so he could return to combat himself.

“Tch, what pointless feelings and emotions,” Grima spat to himself in Robin’s voice upon overhearing the conversation. He was nearby, watching and waiting to draw blood if he so needed and desired. People disgusted him, and he only wished to see them cease to exist forever. People were selfish, greedy, and any other awful word the Fell Dragon could think of, and it did not seem that they could stop being these things. The only answer was to eliminate them.

Yet these two, Chrom and Robin, still stood in his way! Nothing was stopping them. No Risen Grima sent against them seemed to stand a chance at all. He hadn’t even been able to get Robin to submit to him after pulling her into a black portal earlier. Or leave them at a massive disadvantage by dealing a blow to their entire army right then and there. That wretched divine dragon Naga interfered. And soon enough, both of them were able to focus on Grima himself. But this couldn’t be the end yet. He was certainly capable of defeating them himself, wasn’t he? He was as powerful as a god!

“We come to end you, Grima!” Chrom proclaimed, still followed by Robin.

“ARROGANT MORTAL… I AM THE END!” was all Grima could respond with, the anger and hatred in his heart only growing.

And yet, both of these fools still managed to land heavy blows on him. It was incredibly annoying that Chrom’s infuriating sword, the Falchion, was embedded with the power to take the dragon down. And even without Robin’s own attacks, that sword could do a lot of damage. They found themselves wondering how Grima could still be standing, in fact. Grima merely snickered, knowing that they weren’t the only ones who could be resilient.

And the Fell Dragon wasn’t too blinded by his emotions to have one last trick up his sleeve that just might work. There were still some Risen left nearby, and there would be as long as Grima still drew breath. Many of Chrom and Robin’s allies were occupied by them still. This was his big chance.

Grima then ordered a pair of Risen to approach the two from behind.

“Heh heh… I’d watch your backs if I were you,” he sneered.

Chrom and Robin then both whirled to see a pair of blades about to swing at them, forcing them to bring their own up to meet the attack. Robin could use a sword just as well as she could magic.

“Damn!” Robin fumed. “Chrom, are you alright?”

“I’m fine, let’s just get these goons out of our way before—!”

“MILORD, ROBIN!! LOOK OUT!!” Frederick suddenly screamed, with a fear in his voice that neither of the two had ever sensed before.

Out of the corner of his eye, the knight had noticed Grima’s hand prepare another attack while his liege and tactician weren’t looking. Frederick spurred his horse as fast as he could to meet it. He stepped between the pair and Grima just as the latter launched the burst of magic. Chrom and Robin turned their heads to see him.

And unfortunately, Frederick, as good as his reflexes normally were, could not bring his weapon up in time.

The blow pierced his torso, going straight through his bulky silvery blue armor. His eyes bulged wide as his mouth fell open, the force of the attack also causing him to plunge from his horse. Robin shrieked loud enough to sting Chrom’s and Grima’s ears.

“FREDERICK!!” She and Chrom both cried at the same time. They both then sliced down the two Risen that engaged them as fast as they could so they could tend to the wounded knight.

“…Oh gods… Fred… FRED!” Ralph uttered, his eyes going wide with disbelief at what had just happened. He had also not been far away, providing support with his own sword and angelic singing voice.

“…Fool,” was all Grima said about the fallen knight with a growl.

“FATHER!!” both Morgan and Antoinette cried simultaneously as well. They soon rushed over.

“We need a healer! Any healer! NOW!” Chrom ordered. “Everyone else, cover us!”

Lissa was the closest, and so she ran over as fast as she could. Maribelle soon followed, though, being another on horseback. Libra was unfortunately too far away and had to remain where he was to see to the rest of the army. Grima could probably take this opportunity to strike them all down this moment…but he could actually enjoy this scenario. Heh heh, I think I’ll sit back and watch how this plays out. No point in not having some fun.

“Frederick!” Lissa cried. “Hold on, we’ll fix you up! Please, just hold on!”

“I’m…sorry…” Frederick uttered, grimacing from the pain. “That blow…went straight through my back. I’m afraid…I…”

“No… NO!” Robin was repeatedly saying as well, her eyes welling up as she took her husband’s head into her arms. “Frederick, don’t say that… You can’t leave me…! You can’t!”

“Fred, god damn it, this can’t be happening!” Ralph sobbed. “I just…I found you again after so many years…!”

“Daddy, please… Don’t!” Antoinette sobbed. “Morgan and I can’t lose you again… Not again…!”

“Father…!” Morgan uttered, unable to find anymore words as his sister took refuge in his arms. “Wait… I remember…  All of a sudden, my memories of you are rushing back. But…why? WHY NOW?! WHY?! Father…I…I’m so sorry!”

“Brother…” Antoinette uttered, realizing how this was affecting him.

“Robin…” Frederick continued. “My love… My children… Ralph…”

“Frederick, stop it this instant!” Maribelle interrupted, fighting back her own tears. “You are not dying here!”

“Maribelle’s right, Frederick!” Chrom added, finding it difficult to avoid watery eyes himself. “You just can’t… You have to make it! What…what would we do without you?!”

“Heh… And I was beginning…to wonder if…you and Lissa had come to despise me…” Frederick replied with a weak smile.

“What? Frederick, that is completely ridiculous! We’ve always appreciated you,” Chrom argued. “Not just as our retainer and knight. But as our friend too. You also practically raised Lissa after our parents died.”

“Yeah, Frederick!” Lissa agreed. “We love you! Just…please, hold on!”

The princess of Ylisse then knelt before the knight and allowed her healing staff to glow, and Maribelle soon followed. However, it didn’t seem to be closing Frederick’s wound fast enough at all, just as he had implied.

“Please…save your magic…for the others…” Frederick insisted. “As I’d said…my wound…is far too…deep…”

The group could tell now that he was beginning to slip away.

“Frederick… Please…no…” Robin said, tears dripping from her eyes. Chrom knelt to their level as well, his eyes welling up.

“Frederick…” He uttered, almost unable to get that one word out.

Lissa grimaced and both she and Maribelle still continued to try healing the knight, even if it was for naught.

Frederick weakly brought a hand to Robin’s face as she held him, wiping away a tear.

“Robin… my love… Know that…I still love you. More than…anything. You and…our children,” he said. “Morgan… Antoinette… I am glad…I got to meet you. Even if…you cannot be born in…this world.”

Morgan and Antoinette could not even get words out, only embrace each other with tears in their eyes.

“No…” Robin repeated, almost in a whisper.

“And… Ralph… I am truly sorry to you… But I…need you to…lead the knights in my place…”

At this, Ralph could only angrily and sadly throw his sword to the ground, his face scrunching up.

“I have…very little time left…” Frederick realized, his breathing now very labored. “Robin… Milord and Milady… I know you…and everyone else…can defeat Grima…and find peace,” Frederick continued. “Even…without me… You must…win…for me. And…please…let my parents…and Isabelle know…I love them.”

“Gods…” Chrom said, also almost in a whisper.

“Milord… Ylisse needs you…to be strong. I need you to be… You…and Robin…” Frederick said. “Do not worry…about me. I have no regrets… I am only happy...that I could fulfill my duty…as a knight…and protect…you…”

Frederick could only manage to say two more words before taking one final breath.


His voice trailed off as his eyes slowly closed, his head went limp in Robin’s arms, and he breathed no more.

“Frederick…” Robin uttered. “FREDERICK!”

Tears now blazed down her face, a whirlwind of emotions going through her head as she cried while still holding her now deceased husband.

Chrom grimaced hard as he also wept, and turned to Grima, who was chuckling as he folded his arms.

“My, how this has turned out,” he snickered. “Your precious knight is now dead. What a fool, throwing his life away for you pitiful creatures. You might as well surrender!”

Chrom’s brow wrinkled as his eyes began blazing with rage.

“You will pay…” he uttered. “YOU WILL PAY!!”

However, before Chrom could do much of anything, Robin stood up, shoved him aside, and raised her Levin Sword.

“GRIMA. YOU WANT DESPAIR, THEN YOU CAN HAVE IT. I AM YOUR DESPAIR. I AM YOUR END!!” she thundered, using some of the dragon’s earlier words against him. The tactician leaped as high in the air as she could and swung her blade as hard as she could, her tears splashing from her eyes.

“What?! Robin, WAIT! NO!” Chrom shouted. He knew what was going to happen if Robin succeeded in doing what she was about to do…

Grima had not seen this coming. And within moments, he faded away, gone from the world for eternity.


Ylisse could now know peace…and yet was plunged into a time of sadness and grief. Despite that the war was won, and the Fell Dragon would no longer threaten their future or any other to come, true peace was still out of reach. A beloved knight and a great tactician had been lost to ensure that that peace would eventually be a reality, but it would take yet more time to be realized.

Days passed, and even after their joint funeral was held, and Sir Frederick the Wary was given a burial befitting a true knight, that dark cloud of despair hung over the kingdom still. Even though he tried his hardest to remain strong for his people as Frederick had wanted, and rule his kingdom well, Chrom could not stop himself from visiting the knight’s grave almost every day, especially after the tombstone was erected. It was one of the largest in the royal cemetery, depicting the knight’s family crest. Frederick’s parents and sister, Isabelle, had offered to pay for it, but Chrom didn’t let them. They had suffered enough, having to suddenly lose him. Chrom paid for it himself instead. It was the least he could do to repay Frederick for his years of great service and for his sacrifice. His only regret was that Frederick had felt he and Lissa hated him. They’d never meant to make the knight feel that way, and Chrom was only glad that he could set aside that fear in the end…and allow Frederick to die knowing he was always loved and appreciated.

Beside Frederick’s grave was an equally grand tombstone for Robin as well, even though she left no body to bury. Naga had said she could possibly return if her ties with the group were strong enough, but with the man Robin loved being gone as well, Chrom knew there was no chance she would. It was best that the two be together, wherever their souls were now.

It was incredibly difficult to live life in Ylisse Palace without them. At times, both Chrom and Lissa would wake up one morning and expect Frederick to appear offering tea, breakfast, clean clothes, or some other unnecessary chore or task…only for him to not be there.

“Frederick…” Chrom would utter at times. “Why…”

Lissa sometimes cried herself to sleep at night. Nightmares also plagued them both, more so Lissa. They’d already lost their older sister earlier in the war. Now their two best friends were both gone as well. They’d sometimes see them in these nightmares, being killed yet again by those who had ended their lives, or crying for Chrom and company to save them…only for them to fail. Even worse, Chrom had no idea how to comfort his little sister or himself.

Though somehow…even though Chrom called Robin his other half, losing Frederick was feeling like the heavier blow. Perhaps despite that he’d often found Frederick’s habits annoying and even embarrassing at times, Chrom had gotten that used to them anyway. Frederick had done so many things around the palace for him, Lissa, and Emmeryn that…he had to admit there was now a massive void there. Paths were no longer cleared of pebbles, the armory was inspected less often, halls and chambers were not cleaned as often, and there was no deep stern voice giving commands to the knights on the training grounds. Ralph was still grieving over losing his best friend, and could not yet provide what Frederick did as captain. Whenever Chrom had to go on the road, his tent was not landscaped. It was untidy. And the campfires were not made right away. You simply could not replace a man like Frederick. Not ever.

However, Robin hadn’t gone without leaving some sort of emptiness behind either. Chrom no longer had an excellent tactician to go to for advice, or a friend to talk about his problems with. If she had still been there, even Frederick’s death would’ve been easier to handle. But now… Robin’s last words could only repeatedly play in his head. I’m sorry Chrom… But I have to do this. Grima cannot be allowed to take anymore lives or make anyone else suffer! I loved Frederick so much… I can’t bear anything like this happening to anyone else. And…I can…I can join my husband… Farewell…everyone…

Chrom could understand her decision. Grima not being able to threaten anyone any longer was obviously a good thing. Robin hopefully joining the man she loved wherever he was could let them be at peace. And yet, it didn’t make these losses any less painful, for him, Lissa, Ralph, or Frederick’s family. His parents grieved so hard that they stayed at the palace for a long time trying to heal. Isabelle closed her clothing store and didn’t reopen for a long time as well. She couldn’t bring herself to do any business. Morgan and Antoinette, although they had departed the army to live elsewhere, returned every month to visit their parents’ graves.

“I feel… so lost,” Chrom said to himself one day in the throne room.

“I…I wish I could help, Chrom…” Lissa replied. “I’m sorry.”

“Me too,” Chrom’s wife, Queen Olivia, said as well. “But I will always be here when you need me, love. Even though Frederick’s death broke my heart too.”

“Thank you, but you guys don’t need to be sorry,” Chrom said. “I’m just…being a fool. We have to get through this somehow. Neither Frederick nor Robin would have wanted us to wallow in grief forever. And as Frederick had said himself…our people need us.”

“Chrom, you are not a fool. You can’t beat yourself up for grieving over losing close friends,” Lissa protested.

“Yeah, please don’t, Milord,” Ralph said, also with them at the time. “I’ve been feeling guilty as hell because I caused Fred and I to lose fourteen years with each other, only to get precious few more with him when he and Robin found me. I feel like I can’t properly command the troops in his place. But we have to keep trying for him. We can do it, right?”

“Yeah,” Chrom agreed. “You’re right, Ralph. I’m pleased to see how much effort you’ve been trying to put into it too. Frederick would still be proud of you, I’m sure.”

“I sure hope so. Also, I’m writing a song about him. I absolutely have to. Morgan and Annie are helping me with it too. I know it will probably make everyone cry…even me…but it’s the best thing I can do for Fred. I'm always going to miss him a lot... But he was my best friend... And he died a hero.”

“That’s a great idea,” Lissa commented with a small smile. “Frederick would love it!”

“Oh yes, and I could dance to it, if you’d like!” Olivia offered. She was a skilled dancer.

“Ah, thanks so much,” Ralph said, a relieved smile forming on his features.

“Yeah, I agree with that,” Chrom seconded. “Frederick died a hero indeed. Though perhaps you could include Robin as well?”

“…Oh! Yeah, I really should,” Ralph replied. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before. …In fact, why not write three songs? One for each of them individually, and a third for their love for each other.”

“Even better!” Chrom commented. “In fact, I feel a little inspired myself now. I think I will create a new position called royal tactician in Robin’s honor. From now on, every ruler of Ylisse will have a tactician of great skill by their side, learning everything Robin knew. And then I’ll have all of us start doing everything Frederick had done. Like picking up those pebbles. I don’t care if I’m Exalt, I will help do any of these chores. Olivia, if you don’t want to though, I won’t make you.”

“Oh don’t be silly! I will most certainly help,” Olivia insisted.

“Heh, thanks, then.”

“That sounds great, Milord!” Ralph agreed. “I will help too!”

“Count me in!” Lissa said. “For Frederick and Robin!”

“For Frederick and Robin!” everyone else chimed in.

Chrom’s plan went off without a hitch. Everyone in the palace wanted to chip in, and soon enough, one could hardly tell that Frederick was no longer around. Everything was looking just as he would have made it. It was a lot of work, but everyone knew that if Frederick had been able to do it on his own, they could certainly accomplish it, and with success that he would be proud of. Some of the pebbles that were picked up were also organized around Frederick’s tombstone as a decoration.

This plan was so successful, in fact, that a new tradition was born in the knight’s memory. It became customary in Ylisse to clear paths of pebbles and debris for knights and nobles when they paid someone a visit. This act became known as Fredericking. Whenever a knight or noble was on their way to their destination, someone always said “Someone go Frederick the path at the door!”

Robin’s tactics were forever remembered in books and documents, and every tactician after her was trained in her ways. It wasn’t easy since the only resources they had were Morgan and a tactics book Robin had given him, but the boy was very glad he could do something so grand for his mother.

Frederick and Robin were no longer with the world…but the couple’s memories had not died anytime soon at all.

I admit, this was kind of hard to write because I love Freddy so much. 😞

Edited by Anacybele
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7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I hate writing Grima,

Strange I usually love writing for Grima when I can though I just don’t have many opportunities to. I simply love those types of villains. Y’know the kind that are smug arrogant assholes that just do shit because they can. They’re highly entertaining to me because well they’re just so smug. Writing his dialogue is just extremely fun for me personally.

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1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

Strange I usually love writing for Grima when I can though I just don’t have many opportunities to. I simply love those types of villains. Y’know the kind that are smug arrogant assholes that just do shit because they can. They’re highly entertaining to me because well they’re just so smug. Writing his dialogue is just extremely fun for me personally.

Well, I hate him as a character since I normally don't like force of nature villains to begin with. They're always nothing more than "Grrr, I'm evil!" and are just evil for the sake of it. Grima was given some more depth in Echoes and Heroes, sure, but it all should've been in Awakening to begin with. Not done years after the fact. And it isn't like IS was planning to do it anyway, because Awakening was being treated as the last game in the series. They weren't expecting to do anymore with him.

This is just how I feel.

@Azure, Roundabouted Out Tagging you in case you miss the edit I made in my entry post. I for some reason didn't know that Robin wasn't allowed to die in any way, I figured only lords and canonical deaths were exempt and I don't consider Robin a lord or someone that actually has a canonical death (since either Robin will "die" and return later or just live entirely). I should have just looked at the list more thoroughly. But I had another character die whose death doesn't break the rules, and this death is the larger focus in the end (the title is even referring to it), so could my entry still count? Again, I apologize though. I didn't meant to bend/break the rules.

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13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

They're always nothing more than "Grrr, I'm evil!" and are just evil for the sake of it.

But that’s the best part! They’re evil and they are fully aware of that fact. They just don’t care. These are the types of people that will blow up an orphanage on a Saturday night just for shits and giggles. Y’know cause they’re bored and they know they can get away with it. And who’s going to stop them? They know how powerful they are and they relish in that knowledge. I don’t really know how else to explain why I like these guys so much. It’s just that their villainous  charisma is just infectious to me. Cause they’re having fun so might as well have fun right along with then

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9 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

But that’s the best part! They’re evil and they are fully aware of that fact. They just don’t care. These are the types of people that will blow up an orphanage on a Saturday night just for shits and giggles. Y’know cause they’re bored and they know they can get away with it. And who’s going to stop them? They know how powerful they are and they relish in that knowledge. I don’t really know how else to explain why I like these guys so much. It’s just that their villainous  charisma is just infectious to me. Cause they’re having fun so might as well have fun right along with then

Well, to me it makes them flat, uninteresting characters. Again, just how I feel.

Edited by Anacybele
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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well, to me it makes them flat, uninteresting characters. Again, just how I feel.

Fair enough. Different strokes for different folks that's just how it is

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So does Mumkhar count as one of those "Grr, I'm evil" types? He's an arrogant ass like you described, Otts. But he has reasonings that I expanded on. Oh and he's also Metal Face btw, look no farther than Smash to see how he acts. It's covered pretty well there.

Mumkhar/Metal Face > Grima imo. Grima never says amazing shit like:

"We don't need her. Look at me, look at me, goody two shoes!"

"I'm getting the hell outta here! But don't worry, I'll organize your funerals!"

"I think a fly bit me."

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Just now, Ottservia said:

Fair enough. Different strokes for different folks that's just how it is

Yeah, pretty much.

Just now, Dragoncat said:

So does Mumkhar count as one of those "Grr, I'm evil" types? He's an arrogant ass like you described, Otts. But he has reasonings that I expanded on. Oh and he's also Metal Face btw, look no farther than Smash to see how he acts. It's covered pretty well there.

Mumkhar/Metal Face > Grima imo. Grima never says amazing shit like:

"We don't need her. Look at me, look at me, goody two shoes!"

"I'm getting the hell outta here! But don't worry, I'll organize your funerals!"

"I think a fly bit me."

I'd have to play through Xenoblade to know for sure, but I do admit Mumkhar's got some really amusing lines, and as I've told you before, his voice is a lot like that Pumpkin Nester Halloween animatronic decoration we have and that thing is hilarious, so... 😛

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7 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

So does Mumkhar count as one of those "Grr, I'm evil" types? He's an arrogant ass like you described, Otts. But he has reasonings that I expanded on. Oh and he's also Metal Face btw, look no farther than Smash to see how he acts. It's covered pretty well there.

Mumkhar/Metal Face > Grima imo. Grima never says amazing shit like:

"We don't need her. Look at me, look at me, goody two shoes!"

"I'm getting the hell outta here! But don't worry, I'll organize your funerals!"

"I think a fly bit me."

Certainly sounds like the kind of villain I'd be into but I'd have to play xenoblade chronicles first(I've played 2 and X though not to completion). Grima may nt have lines like that but he certainly has his gems such as:


Robin: "We're not dead yet!"

Grima: "Details details, *sigh* but, yes, I suppose it's time I got you all off my back, so to speak--permanently"


Robin: "Do you think me a fool? You'll kill them anyway!"

Grima: "...Well, of COURSE I would. I only thought you might want to leave your comrades with a heroic, selfless image. ...But so be it. Leave them with the final memory that you were their undoing!"

Shit like this is just hilarious to me honestly.


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1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

Certainly sounds like the kind of villain I'd be into but I'd have to play xenoblade chronicles first(I've played 2 and X though not to completion). Grima may nt have lines like that but he certainly has his gems such as:

  Hide contents

Robin: "We're not dead yet!"

Grima: "Details details, *sigh* but, yes, I suppose it's time I got you all off my back, so to speak--permanently"


Robin: "Do you think me a fool? You'll kill them anyway!"

Grima: "...Well, of COURSE I would. I only thought you might want to leave your comrades with a heroic, selfless image. ...But so be it. Leave them with the final memory that you were their undoing!"

Shit like this is just hilarious to me honestly.


I remember those, but I laughed more at what I've seen of Mumkhar's lines. And I've seen quite a few since for some reason he has FORTY of them in Smash Ultimate. xP And he's just a stage piece! He only shows up every now and then on the Gaur Plains stage.

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18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I remember those, but I laughed more at what I've seen of Mumkhar's lines. And I've seen quite a few since for some reason he has FORTY of them in Smash Ultimate. xP And he's just a stage piece! He only shows up every now and then on the Gaur Plains stage.

He has more lines than any other stage hazard/enemy. Go big or go home, that's him in a nutshell.


20 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Certainly sounds like the kind of villain I'd be into

You want more? Picture Mumkhar and Ridley's interactions. They'd be sky terrors together and beat each other senseless. Now picture a boombox constantly being switched from playing Obstacle in our Path to Ridley Battle ala Goofy Movie radio. With interjections such as "Useless scaly reptile!" and "Stupid clawed hairless ape!" Also K Rool sticks a watermelon in Metal Face's exhaust pipe and that's a riot and a half.

It's GOLD.

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5 hours ago, Anacybele said:

@Azure, Roundabouted Out Tagging you in case you miss the edit I made in my entry post. I for some reason didn't know that Robin wasn't allowed to die in any way, I figured only lords and canonical deaths were exempt and I don't consider Robin a lord or someone that actually has a canonical death (since either Robin will "die" and return later or just live entirely). I should have just looked at the list more thoroughly. But I had another character die whose death doesn't break the rules, and this death is the larger focus in the end (the title is even referring to it), so could my entry still count? Again, I apologize though. I didn't meant to bend/break the rules.

Don’t worry, the rules were unbent and unbroken. I feel the fic just having Robin’s death would break the rules.

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48 minutes ago, Azure, Roundabouted Out said:

Don’t worry, the rules were unbent and unbroken. I feel the fic just having Robin’s death would break the rules.

Oh okay, good to know then. Thanks.

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Well that was shorter than I intended but...writer's block fucking sucks.


There I said it.  That was the last two weeks, but hopefully this makes up for it.


Title: Birthwrong

Word Count: 856

Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates


The first death that happened was a mistake, Corrin had been pushed beyond his tactical ability and had failed to notice the enemy archers, leaving Hinoka to be shredded by their arrows as her Pegasus was shot down, the animal screaming in pain, while the horrified young dragon could only watch in horror.


Worse still Corrin couldn't reach them in time, no matter how hard he tried to run towards them.


The guilt ate him as he had to deal with Sakura burying her face in his chest crying helplessly afterwards.  Azura stared ahead and Corrin couldn't even bring himself to cry. At least not yet. Hinoka had still been a stranger to him, and her death had shaken Corrin, but it wasn't as painful to him as it was Sakura, perhaps because he didn't know Hinoka.  Her retainers had also been killed, though he'd not noticed at first.


Takumi fell when Corrin got taken by surprise by a Nohrian ambush, the second prince falling to a fire spell burning him alive to a mage that Corrin should have noticed- especially with his senses as sharp as they were.  He should have known there was going to be an attack from the rear.  Yet the young dragon couldn't get there in time no thanks to the overwhelming fight on his own quarters and…


He buried his face in his hands and gripped his head as sobs wracked his form, why couldn't he protect them?!  What good was the power to turn into a dragon if he couldn't save them?!


At least he had Lilith to lean on after those losses.  She listened to him as he lamented, as he sunk into pain and guilt.  Even so, he'd vowed not to have another loss, not to lose anyone else.  He couldn't stand the thought, yet he had no idea how truly terrible war could be.  He was truly naïve.


He came to Ryoma with pain in his heart and he couldn't even hold it together long enough.  The firm arms of his older brother couldn't even hold Corrin up, yet one indisputable fact remained.


War was cruel, horrifying and claimed lives readily.  The loss of Xander was even more painful, if only because it cost Elise's life as well.  It hurt Corrin more than he'd thought possible, Ryoma stood next to the crying prince as his composure went entirely out of the window.


Xander was the cut far too close to home.


Yet the battle wasn't over, as Corrin stepped onto the battlefield, a horrible thought clawed its way into the back of his mind.  He tried not to think about it, tried not to allow his mind to wander, he tried. He really did!


Yet as he fought, he lost track of Sakura and Ryoma, the two he swore he wouldn't lose.


The dragon fighting on his own, taking out enemies and noticing the flying knife a moment too late, "Corrin!" Ryoma's voice cried as the injured Samurai leapt in the way of the shot meant for Corrin.


Time slowed down and Corrin swore it stopped as the blade sliced through the one place Corrin knew was a lethal hit.  A scream- a roar filled the air and it took Corrin a moment to realise it was his own and that he'd lashed out in bestial rage.


He wasn't sure what happened next- it was vague at best.  All he knew was that he'd lost control of himself.


He didn't even hear Azura's song, all he recalled was being so tired.


When he woke in the Astral plane, it was to Felicia and Jacob, both standing over him, and Felicia had her hands on his forehead, "Please rest Lord Corrin." She said, "You got really injured in the last fight."

Corrin winced, "Ryoma…" the young dragon slurred, "What...where…?"


The pair winced, and the clack of boots made Corrin turn as best he could to see a lilac purple he knew, "Camilla…" he groaned weakly as her face came into view.  She gently brushed his hair off his face and he couldn't help the tears,

"You got hurt little brother." Camilla said gently, "You defeated father."

Corrin closed his eyes, tears falling, "The...the others?"

His sister hummed softly, gentle hands brushing his hair,

"Rest my dear Corrin." Camilla said gently as Corrin sobbed.  He knew by her voice that they were gone.

"I still don't trust the Nohrian, why the hell is she here?" Corrin sobbed helplessly all the while as Kagero spoke,

"She is someone he knows, and…"

"Hey, you guys there's no need to fight, Azura wouldn't like it for one and two, I don't see you being able to comfort Corrin!" Kaden declared, "He's going to need time-"

"That he doesn't have!  He's the last Prince of Hoshido-"

"That will do." Camilla spoke with a finality, "Corrin needs to rest.  Take your fighting elsewhere unless you want my axe." Corrin sniffled, that was his older sister alright.  She was always so strong. He only wished…


Corrin only wished he'd known another way to save them all.  If only...such a path existed.


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Yeah, I wish this was longer, particularly because the rules encourage us to write between 1,000 and 10,000 words. Though not extremely long, of course. I wrote something that was almost 700 above 10,000 and I didn't really like it being that long at all. xP

Writer's block does suck though, yes.

Edited by Anacybele
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Guys, I really wish I'd flipped heads. My tails option still twists the knife sticking out of my soul and it's utterly ridiculous of me to feel that way about a fictional character.

Also Otts random question, in your expert opinion does this seem to say 'Magical Girl' to you?
...Yes, you are allowed to be disgusted by the utter disregard Japan has for the necessity of pants on 16-year-olds. And yes, those of you who didn't want to click that but had to for curiosity's sake after reading my note, you are allowed to hate me even though it wasn't my idea to dress her like that.

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I wish this was longer, particularly because the rules encourage us to write between 1,000 and 10,000 words. Though not extremely long, of course. I wrote something that was almost 700 above 10,000 and I didn't really like it being that long at all. xP

Writer's block does suck though, yes.

It's been tailing me for two damn weeks, though I have been working on other stories to try to lessen the blow, but it wasn't easy.  This one though...I don't know about longer, since I wasn't exactly going with the original idea, which was to say Corrin went berserk and killed everyone due to his grief of losing Elise and Xander on the Birthright route- which incidentally is what the story was based on.  I kind of felt that'd be too M territory tbh, so I went this way instead.

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