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What is your favorite genre of music?

Phoenix Wright

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Yes it is. There's exploitation crap going around and dominating the media and sales charts simply because it is exploitation crap, but it's no worse than the exploitative stuff going under the name of rock, techno, or whatever else you like.

Hip hop from the late eighties and early nineties, just before the suburban white teenagers decided it was cool enough to spend their parents' money on, is some of the best music generally, if you ask me.

Death is not pulling the generic "Iamanerdwhoisprettydamngenericandhatesrapmusicbecausepopularculturelikesit" shpiel. It's just a joke. :D

"Burn Hollywood Burn?"

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I think this is the part where I explain my sense of humor and the fact that I don't mind if nobody gets what I say so I say it anyways, but I think it's better you learn it over time.

Sorry about not getting it if it was a joke, I've heard people say that exact sentence completely seriously before and don't know you very well yet.

But hey, now I know you that much better.

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My favorite genre of music would have to be metal. I'm particularly fond of the Power, Gothic, and Melodic Death sub-genres. That said I also dabble in a fair amount of other broader genres of music, and have been known to really enjoy some good darkwave, techno, and of course classical.

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For some reason, I'm starting to enjoy modern, shitty rap music. Somebody, help me out!

But seriously, my favorite gerne of music is rock, some metal, jazz, classical, and old school hip-hop and R&B. I would say video game music and movie soundtracks, but all those two are are just ALL music under one umbrella.

Also, to anyone who says rap isn't real music, that it's shit nad it's nothign about guns, gangs, bitches, and all of that negative shit:

FUCK YOU! Stop forming your biased towards rap off of the mainstream shit and what you heard on the radios and MTV and BET.

Edited by Snow_Storm
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I'm partial to most genres of music, actually. Classic rock (Bon Jovi, especially) is my overall favorite, but I'm also fond of orchestra, eurobeat, country (to an extent), classical/easy listening, and so on and so forth.

The only things I can't stand are metal and rap/hip hop/r&b/whatever the heck kids are calling it these days. I also don't listen to J-rock and stuff, but that's simply because I can't understand wtf they're saying. I like my songs in English plz. >_>

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Classical. I'm one of a dying breed.

I assure you, there are more fans of classical than you can probably imagine. They just aren't primarily fans of that genre, they are turned onto it by progressive and avant-garde groups that incorporate it into their music.

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