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13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I did really like those two tunnels in Leftheria, they were beautiful. They were better than all the faux coral the Eryth Sea had scattered over its land to attempt its nautical feeling; but I'm not calling the Eryth Sea bad, it was a quaint brain lake.

The deep sea aspect was partly thoughts on reality from watching plenty of Planet Earth, and partly remembering the old JRPG Skies of Arcadia. The game has a brief segment where you have to descend to and scan the bottom of sky with radar to find something Minesweeper-style. Think Chapter 7 XC2 if Mikhail had to drop a crane into sand to find Jin, and often to only discover a giant manta ray he'd have to kill instead and then try again. SoA also had the Dark Rift, a giant black hole-like place that was in ways underwater-themed, and in others is a little creepy dark alien void world-themed.


Underwater battles and locations in XCX2 would be great to me. Mira has a lot of water that amounts to just empty space, underwater environs could fill it in. Looking at the XCX map of Mira:

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There is enough empty ocean here for another couple regions. Although since Skells move faster than humans on foot and are bigger, the areas could feel smaller than they actually are, which might be to their benefit with so much ocean to fill in.

One couldn't retroactively add underwater portions to XCX1 though, owing to the Lifehold Core being submerged and for that reason it was undiscoverable until the very end of the game.

I could see some saying Thermal weapons shouldn't work down there, but like an electric stovetop, really hot things don't require flames. If Skells can operate in space and air, then sea should be no concern.

I actually really enjoyed exploring in Xenoblade X, there was so much to find and see, and it hardly disappointed me. I agree adding more areas to explore sounds really great, so I support this idea and a water themed area sounds like it could fit. One of the things I enjoyed about exploring besides the gorgeous views, finding the Tyrants. There were so many of them in X that 2 felt like it had so much less in comparison. Also, I don't think 100% logic needs to apply, since it hardly ever does anyways, as far as thermal damage goes, at least.

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17 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Don't tell me you forgot to recruit Arthur, too! Becaus She, along with Umio, are best DLC characters tbh.

I should be fine, because I haven't started Neptune's story, as I'm doing the story in reverse order this time. So it's Vert -> Blanc -> Noire -> Neptune.

As a side note for Blanc's story, something that came to mind while playing for the first time and has only been enforced the second time: It feels like the writers had something against White Heart with how weak she appears to be in her story. She either has to get bailed out or is on the verge of collapsing after a battle.

16 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah, the best character. I say that as a joke because she's an actual joke character. She also didn't originate from any of the games. From the wiki, here's her origin

Amazing XD
I like Nepgya, honestly. My initial post might not seem like it, but I like weird stuff and she/it fits the bill. Looking forward to having both her and Nepgear in my party.

16 hours ago, Armagon said:

Wait, you can lock yourself out of recruiting them?

I sincerely hope I get another chance to recruit Nitroplus once I can visit Leanbox again.

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14 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

One of the things I enjoyed about exploring besides the gorgeous views, finding the Tyrants. There were so many of them in X that 2 felt like it had so much less in comparison

X has more exploration-involved things much more than any other Xenoblade game because that was one of the focuses. Not that exploration isn't a focus in other games but it's much more emphasized in Xenoblade X. It's why Xenoblade X is a true open world game whereas other Xenoblade games are open world-lite.

14 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

As a side note for Blanc's story, something that came to mind while playing for the first time and has only been enforced the second time: It feels like the writers had something against White Heart with how weak she appears to be in her story. She either has to get bailed out or is on the verge of collapsing after a battle.

Disagree, i think Vert got the short of the stick. The whole "wanting a sister" thing seems like it's becoming the bigger core of her character while the gamer side of her seems to get smaller. I don't dislike Vert at all but i think i'd say she's my least favorite of the CPUs.

On that note, the version of her in Super Neptunia RPG is great because, with there being no CPU Candidates, the gamer side of Vert as a bigger focus on her character.

Edited by Armagon
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Delved back into Splatoon 2 for a bit for the Final Splatfest. Had a good team going and was on a 7-9 streak, but then we got owned. I didn't really know how to counter Brushes with my Tri Slosher, so I think my poor play probably screwed my team that round.

* * * * *

Man, waiting for Three Houses to become playable sucks. I'm almost counting down the minutes if I'm not occupied elsewhere as I'm constantly refreshing to see if there's any new 3H info.

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So finished FFF:ADF first Route. I've to say, i enjoyed it, especially the middle part where all the meaty stuff happens. Also, gameplay wise, hell difficulty is 👌. Reminds me of Trails in Sky Hard, challenge wise. Have been missing something like that for while tbh.

Sadly however, Story kinda falls short at the last 10%, with some stuff happening that made me go ''lol wat'' and feeling rushed tbh.  Final boss Fight was pretty dope however 😄

All in all, i rate the first Route 7.5/10.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

On that note, the version of her in Super Neptunia RPG is great because, with there being no CPU Candidates, the gamer side of Vert as a bigger focus on her character.

like R;B1 😄

I remember really liking Vert alot more back then. Wasn't she also the first to join Nep?

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

X has more exploration-involved things much more than any other Xenoblade game because that was one of the focuses. Not that exploration isn't a focus in other games but it's much more emphasized in Xenoblade X. It's why Xenoblade X is a true open world game whereas other Xenoblade games are open world-lite.

Xenoblade 1&2's awful jumping does not help at all for exploring places. another thing to mention about exploring Mira, it's much more interesting without a skell, If you ask me. Since with a skell it's more like, i'm just going to X destination like normal games, which takes that accomplishing feeling away from it. It's just too bad that it's on the Wii U, since that slows it down considerably.

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23 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

finding the Tyrants. There were so many of them in X that 2 felt like it had so much less in comparison.

Apparently there are 251 Tyrants in XCX. XC1 has 157 Unique Monsters, with 8 locked to optional quests. XC2 has 85 Unique Monsters, plus the Ardun you can feed. Torna has 20 Unique Monsters.

So you're actually right, XC2 has about a third of XCX's total, and only about half of XC1's. And can they explain the title change back to "Unique Monster"? Tyrant sounds so much cooler, and still makes the point these are different.


When I recruited Elma and started filling in her Affinity Chart, I saw one of her lines in it is to the effect of "Wildlife is much smaller here than on Mira". And then I consciously realized that that might be true. Just running through the common monsters types from XCX and mentally comparing them with XC2, there is a size difference. Ignoring even the most gigantic of enemies intended to be fought with Skells only, more ordinary creatures tend to be a bit bigger. If one thought that Grexes and Voliffs were readily comparable, or better Simians with the also ape-like Gogols, then I think one could find evidence of this.




I've been playing Tales of Vesperia, I've just finished the return to the capital Zaphias:


Can I say the traitor character of this game is nonsense? The betrayal is so short and quick to turn around, that I don't get why they even made the character a traitor.

As for the main villain, if they actually are that, well maybe they'll improve, but their initial reveal was weak given how little they had shown up before. And so far, they remain really really bad, just plain boring to the point I feel like being trepanned. 

I'm about 37 hours in, I've just been plodding along from one place to another. Going in blind, I'll do an NG+ later with increased EXP gain if I want to go for a 100% run.

The main cast is good. I am officially in the cult of Yuri. Judith is solid overall. Repede doesn't have to exist, but he's a good boy. Karol hasn't become a bothersome shota, though I can see him going a little too far for others. Rita is good, though maybe her detachment from all but blastia to caring for Estelle came a little too fast, and initially her hotheadedness might have been a little too much. Patty might overdo the nautical talk a bit, but there is little to deny her VA work suits her to a T crossed at Trafalgar. Guy Flynn is a fine foil to Yuri, but the game's perspective is lopsided against his "work to reform from within" ideal. Raven is eclectic, not that I dislike him, he just hasn't really earned my appreciation. Estelle is very cliched, which I find significantly weighs her down, Natalia was a cliche princess and that was fine, but Estelle stacking cliche princess with cliche powers unfortunately overdoes it.

Narratively, maybe I've just never picked apart a Tales narrative like this before, but compared to others, does the general narrative pull seem weaker? By that, I mean the guiding force that narrates the entire journey, or large arc of it. Symphonia starts with a journey to regenerate the world, Abyss to get Luke back to Baticul (okay, not that compelling), Graces has the unique child prologue and then the Barona Civil War, Xillia has destroying the Lance of Kresnik. Vesperia has reclaiming an insignificant water blastia and finding Flynn, the latter happening fairly early. I'm sticking to the 1st arcs here since the second are more spoilery for some games.

This overall narrative drive isn't everything by any means, but it's just a criticism I felt like jotting down. I'm still enjoying Vesperia very much.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Disagree, i think Vert got the short of the stick. The whole "wanting a sister" thing seems like it's becoming the bigger core of her character while the gamer side of her seems to get smaller. I don't dislike Vert at all but i think i'd say she's my least favorite of the CPUs.

On that note, the version of her in Super Neptunia RPG is great because, with there being no CPU Candidates, the gamer side of Vert as a bigger focus on her character.

No Candidates, eh? ... I think I miss Nepgear already.
As far as characterization goes, Blanc has always been my least favorite of the original four, with my personal ranking being Neptune > Noire > Vert > Blanc - which does not mean I don't like Blanc -, but I was actually talking about her depicted strength in combat, not her characterization. This game really makes it seem like White Heart is the weakest of the four.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

So finished FFF:ADF first Route. I've to say, i enjoyed it, especially the middle part where all the meaty stuff happens. Also, gameplay wise, hell difficulty is 👌. Reminds me of Trails in Sky Hard, challenge wise. Have been missing something like that for while tbh.

Sadly however, Story kinda falls short at the last 10%, with some stuff happening that made me go ''lol wat'' and feeling rushed tbh.  Final boss Fight was pretty dope however 😄

All in all, i rate the first Route 7.5/10.

That's a bit of a shame. I hate when that happens. Shining Resonance Refrain was kind of like that, too.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

like R;B1 😄

I remember really liking Vert alot more back then. Wasn't she also the first to join Nep?

Yeah, Vert's character did a bit of a nosedive after she became obsessed with stealing everybody's sisters away, but it's still funny in parts. I loved the scenes where she tried to turn Nepgear (in Re;Birth 2), as well as Rom and Ram (in the True Ending cutscene of this game) into Yaoi fangirls XD
And yes, in Re;Birth 1, she was the first CPU to willingly help and join up with Neptune.

Umio's EXE Drive has him using Surf. One of his SP skills is Ice Beam.
Umio is a f***ing Pokémon. XD
Also, Nepgya learned to summon Nepgeardam. And she loves it, apparently, if her calling it "the legendary Nepgeardam!" is any indication.

Playing through Noire's story in the Hyperdimension Arc, and God Eater didn't show up so far. Don't know if I did something wrong, but I haven't seen any events with her. Mysterious.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Apparently there are 251 Tyrants in XCX. XC1 has 157 Unique Monsters, with 8 locked to optional quests. XC2 has 85 Unique Monsters, plus the Ardun you can feed. Torna has 20 Unique Monsters.

So you're actually right, XC2 has about a third of XCX's total, and only about half of XC1's. And can they explain the title change back to "Unique Monster"? Tyrant sounds so much cooler, and still makes the point these are different.


When I recruited Elma and started filling in her Affinity Chart, I saw one of her lines in it is to the effect of "Wildlife is much smaller here than on Mira". And then I consciously realized that that might be true. Just running through the common monsters types from XCX and mentally comparing them with XC2, there is a size difference. Ignoring even the most gigantic of enemies intended to be fought with Skells only, more ordinary creatures tend to be a bit bigger. If one thought that Grexes and Voliffs were readily comparable, or better Simians with the also ape-like Gogols, then I think one could find evidence of this.

This is my point, and of course since Xenoblade 1 is only on the Wii, less is expected from it, overall. But since 2 was on the Switch, I kinda expected more overall. Also, the Tyrant fights were much more interesting, to me. That's one of X's strong points, I think.

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Been playing some more Super Neptunia RPG. And update was put out and i think they made some of the animations smoother.

Also i've been playing Super Neptunia RPG on handheld a bit and some of the text size when playing on handheld is Xenoblade X text size. In other words, i can't see it from afar.

11 hours ago, Sire said:

Man, waiting for Three Houses to become playable sucks. I'm almost counting down the minutes if I'm not occupied elsewhere as I'm constantly refreshing to see if there's any new 3H info.

Bro same. The OST appearently leaked and i've only heard the main theme (the one used at E3 2018) and that's just gonna make this week feel a lot longer than it is. Doesn't help that finals are coming up (though with my one summer class being online, i can hopefully take care of everything before Three Houses drops).

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Xenoblade 1&2's awful jumping does not help at all for exploring places.

Xenoblade 2 (and Torna) at least have some platforming. Big agree on Xenoblade 1 though, jumping in that game was atrocious. You couldn't even jump over fences that were smaller than you. Of course, Xenoblade X has the best jumping. And no fall damage as well.

Xenoblade 1 still has the best ice physics though.

4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I remember really liking Vert alot more back then. Wasn't she also the first to join Nep?

Permamently, yes. Noire joined first but that was temporarily.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And can they explain the title change back to "Unique Monster"? Tyrant sounds so much cooler, and still makes the point these are different.

Same. I think the names "Unique Monster" and "Tyrant" are gonna be one of those differences between numbered Xenoblade and X, but like why?

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

but I was actually talking about her depicted strength in combat, not her characterization. This game really makes it seem like White Heart is the weakest of the four.

I mean, traditionally, Nintendo consoles have always been the weakest in terms of power when compared to the rest of the competition.

I don't know if that was the intention in Neptunia but it's something to think about.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Playing through Noire's story in the Hyperdimension Arc, and God Eater didn't show up so far. Don't know if I did something wrong, but I haven't seen any events with her. Mysterious.

I don't remember when but she should show up pretty early. You did activate the DLC, right?

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Also, the Tyrant fights were much more interesting, to me. That's one of X's strong points, I think.

Yeah because combat has a bigger focus. Between being able to target diffferent body parts, having loads of different weapons to use and the Telethia, the Endbringer fight having a flying phase and a ground phase, Tyrant fights end up being more interesting.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Been playing some more Super Neptunia RPG. And update was put out and i think they made some of the animations smoother.

Also i've been playing Super Neptunia RPG on handheld a bit and some of the text size when playing on handheld is Xenoblade X text size. In other words, i can't see it from afar.

That's the thing with games that are also available for play on bigger screens. The 3DS port of Conception II has the same issue.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I mean, traditionally, Nintendo consoles have always been the weakest in terms of power when compared to the rest of the competition.

I don't know if that was the intention in Neptunia but it's something to think about.

True. I wouldn't put it past the writers that it was the intention. They are really clever with this kind of stuff.
Admittedly, it was just me thinking too deeply into something that isn't really worth contemplating in the first place.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't remember when but she should show up pretty early. You did activate the DLC, right?

I at least hope I did. It should activate automatically, but I just skipped through those messages when loading my save, so I don't know for sure. Eh, we'll see, I guess.

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8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That's the thing with games that are also available for play on bigger screens. The 3DS port of Conception II has the same issue.

I mean yes, but i don't really have that issue with other Switch games when i play on handheld.

When i say handheld Super Neptunia RPG has Xenoblade X text size, i mean that it's really small where it's hard to see even with my glasses on. It is mainly on status screens though, the dialouge boxes are fine.

At any rate, Super Neptunia RPG does run better docked and that's how i usually play it anyway.

8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I at least hope I did. It should activate automatically, but I just skipped through those messages when loading my save, so I don't know for sure. Eh, we'll see, I guess.

Yeah, just check the DLC menu just in case. Going off experience, DLC in RPGs usually has to be activated.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I mean yes, but i don't really have that issue with other Switch games when i play on handheld.

When i say handheld Super Neptunia RPG has Xenoblade X text size, i mean that it's really small where it's hard to see even with my glasses on. It is mainly on status screens though, the dialouge boxes are fine.

At any rate, Super Neptunia RPG does run better docked and that's how i usually play it anyway.

Good to know for when I get the game. As a fellow glasses-guy, this is some important info (though I usually play handhelds without them on).

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, just check the DLC menu just in case. Going off experience, DLC in RPGs usually has to be activated.

The free Colosseum battles didn't need to be activated, but I'll take a look to be safe. Thanks!

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Playing Judgement, finished the main story yesterday. Great scenario, repetitive gameplay - that's how I'd describe the game in on sentence. The new detective elements are made with simple methods and not really evolving since their introduction in the very first chapter. When you do all the side-story content, you'll quickly tire out on them. I've had enough especially of the tailing mechanics. It works in such a way that you have to follow someone suspicious and not get noticed (don't make noises, don't get too close). On your way, there are big blue squares, signaling that you can hide, for example, behind a car or a wall. Not that it was really needed, cause the AI is so dull that even if you get noticed, you just have to run behind a corner somewhere and wait a few seconds. Had no absolutely fun with this element. Chases are simply more QTE, the 'scanning' of rooms is very limited (though I appreciate the cat challenge).

The two fighting stances resemble Yakuza 0, where one is used on single goons and the other on groups. However, as in Y6 contextual actions are more exciting than using a weapon. Crashing on someone from a wall jump or throwing them in full speed looks divine. The fight choreography has been polished to the limit and the full potential of the Dragon Engine can be seen here. Maybe after thet pile up the mechanics when we get to Judgment 4 and Yakuza 1 we will finally have the desired gameplay diversity.  I enjoyed the interaction with NPC helpers. I would not mind another Yakuza / Judgment in which before I go out, I choose whom I can go with and the more we fight together the more new EX attacks we gain.

I really liked the bunch of new characters in Judgment. The best in all these gangster stories are imo always the suspicious characters, shady types and those whom you do not know whether you can trust. For example, the journalist Hattori, who at every opportunity rubbed salt in Yamagi's wounds. Detective Ayabe is another such supporting character, being more complex and interesting than the main cast. Takayuki Yagami seemed at first a lot more likeable than Kiryu, but quite quickly turned out to be equally one-dimensional. I guess it was a great joy for the Japanese players to just run around Kamurocho as a famous actor, I would probably also get a kick out of trashing fools with some known face from my country, but after some time Yagami with his righteousness started being me as much tiresome as big-heart-Kazuma (and as stated got no bonus for the well-known mug :P)

Would recommend it for the gripping plot. Just don't go in expecting it to be very engaging on the gameplay side.  

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19 hours ago, Armagon said:

Xenoblade 2 (and Torna) at least have some platforming. Big agree on Xenoblade 1 though, jumping in that game was atrocious. You couldn't even jump over fences that were smaller than you. Of course, Xenoblade X has the best jumping. And no fall damage as well.

Xenoblade 1 still has the best ice physics though.

Yeah because combat has a bigger focus. Between being able to target diffferent body parts, having loads of different weapons to use and the Telethia, the Endbringer fight having a flying phase and a ground phase, Tyrant fights end up being more interesting.

Maybe, but not enough to where it makes a noticeable difference like in X.

Just because it was focused on doesn't mean it was going to be done well. It's just nice to have a lot of options, really.

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Continuing my Focus on FFF:ADF. 2nd route is so weirdly absurdly different (in a good way) from 1st route, it makes you go ''wtf is going on here''. I should be finishing it soon.

I'll leave these couple images here from the Dungeon i am at. Makes me ask myself why Neptunia doesn't have something like that


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4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I'll leave these couple images here from the Dungeon i am at. Makes me ask myself why Neptunia doesn't have something like that


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That looks absolutely beautiful!

Speaking of Neptunia, I managed to recruit God Eater. Turns out I had to wait until Uni joins. She's cool, I like her, even though I've never played the game she represents.
I did finish Noire's story, too, and am now in Neptune's story again, where I met Million Arthur. She's kind of like Red from Re;Birth 2 except a million times better. I didn't have much opportunity to use her thus far, but I am looking forward to it.
I also managed to clear the Neplunker Dungeon once. It gave me a "Hyper Booster"; whatever that may be useful for shall be discovered some time in the future, I hope.

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6 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Continuing my Focus on FFF:ADF. 2nd route is so weirdly absurdly different (in a good way) from 1st route, it makes you go ''wtf is going on here''. I should be finishing it soon.

I'll leave these couple images here from the Dungeon i am at. Makes me ask myself why Neptunia doesn't have something like that


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Oh is that what FFF dungeons look like? I was expecting the more small and compact dungeons from Neptunia.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I also managed to clear the Neplunker Dungeon once.

Now that's a thing i never unlocked. I knew how to unlock it, i just never did it.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh is that what FFF dungeons look like? I was expecting the more small and compact dungeons from Neptunia.

It's only that dungeon that looks like that. However, dungeons in general are (much) bigger then Neptunia, and there are more then a couple dungeons that are 3+ Parts (Some are even 5 Parts). Which makes the lack of save points a bit annoying, since they usually only exist at the end of dungeons.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I also managed to clear the Neplunker Dungeon once.

i was able to clear Neplunker relativelye easy. was never able to clear Neplunker Zero whoever. Jank control man.

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This week I played Darksiders. This game had a weird narrative when it came out, perhaps perpetuated by its three minute IGN review. Nobody could really talk about this game without comparing it to other popular games. I don't think that hurt it though, it had a strong 8/10 critical response and its +1 million units sold is probably why THQ could hold out so long in the 2010s. Having now played the game I can't really refute its derivative design, especially regarding its Zelda influence, and also it's pretty blatant Portal gun where the portals are also orange and blue - wow. The most unique ideas the game has are with its story. War is a pretty nothing character and so is his Mark Hammill sidekick who is back and forth between being loyal to the mission or just cruel to War. The way their confrontation ends was a little dumb but I'll admit the ending's setup for a sequel was pretty well handled.

I rate this game a 6.9 out of 10. It's combat is too basic for my taste, with only one button dedicated to each weapon or item, there's just not a lot of depth, even compared to the two button strike/counter system typical of this era's Assassin's Creed and Arkham games. The game also has trouble communicating when an attack doesn't deal any damage since there are no health bars and enemies barely react to being attacked. You can counter attacks with a well timed block, but that counterattack contains seemingly no I-frames which is a problem for mob fights and a few multihit attacks where the enemy wasn't programmed to stop their multihit rush attack in response to being countered which are mistakes that better beat em up and hack and slash games from the PS2 era didn't always make. And quite a few attacks, even from common enemies, can't be blocked or countered. You will take much damage finding out what those attacks are. You also kind of just dash around making combat pretty awkward if you want to avoid damage. The level design of its "zelda dungeons" is also typically strong even if you feel like you've done these exact puzzles before in Twilight Princess and Portal. That's a long list of gripes, but altogether it's a safely designed game taking queues from the best of its time. And while the beat for beat storytelling is very dull, it starts and ends surprisingly strong which is always ideal. The narrative wouldn't feel so flat if there were any characters to care about or fight for.

Edited by Glennstavos
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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

This is most Final Dungeon IF/CH ever Final Dungeon'd

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Wowee, that looks cool!


As for me, I've played some Neptunia VII (big surprise there), still on Nep-Nep's story and fooling around with the DLC characters God Eater and Million Arthur (weapons are f***ing expensive in this game, holy shite!). Million Arthur is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in this series period. 
Also, I bought shades for Umio. What have I done?


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So finished the 2nd route of FFF:ADF (i am going fast, i know xD). All in all, i liked it a bit more then the 1st route, especially the first half after the route split where you are wondering wtf is going on. It's also had some nice new (& better designed) Dungeons, with the Final dungeon being actually Final Dungeony haha.  However, compared to first route, some Scenes lacked the ''oomph'' so to say, and needed a couple more CG here and there.

I'd say it's 7.5-8/10.

Now for 3rd and final route.

20 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Million Arthur is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in this series period. 

What Red should've been.

20 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I bought shades for Umio. What have I done?


Cool Fish is cool 😎

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So finished the 2nd route of FFF:ADF (i am going fast, i know xD). All in all, i liked it a bit more then the 1st route, especially the first half after the route split where you are wondering wtf is going on. It's also had some nice new (& better designed) Dungeons, with the Final dungeon being actually Final Dungeony haha.  However, compared to first route, some Scenes lacked the ''oomph'' so to say, and needed a couple more CG here and there.

I'd say it's 7.5-8/10.

Now for 3rd and final route.

Does it let you restart directly at the route split or do you have to go through the entire thing every single time? If it's the latter, is there a New Game+?

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

What Red should've been.

Oh, absolutely! Took the words right out of my mouth. Million Arthur isn't obnoxious about wanting a harem, unlike Red. Also unlike Red, it isn't her only character trait.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Cool Fish is cool 😎

Saying it right now: Umio is the best fish in gaming. And I'm not even joking.
For how goofy he looks, he's a really compelling character. To say nothing about his usefulness in battle. It's safe to say that, with him around, I don't need Compa.
Speaking of probably sadistic nurses, is it just me, or is Compa's Japanese voice especially grating in this game? Her conversation with Chuko (whose voice is really obnoxious in Japanese) almost made me want to hit the skip button.

Edited by DragonFlames
corrected dumb spelling and grammar.
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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Does it let you restart directly at the route split or do you have to go through the entire thing every single time? If it's the latter, is there a New Game+?

the latter, however there's NG+ where you can choose what to carry over(like in Cold Steel). And from NG+ until Route Split you can fly through it in less then an hour. And the 3rd route is NG+ exclusive, since you need some stuff you can only get post route split -> carry over.

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of probably sadistic nurses, is it just me, or is Compa's Japanese voice especially grating in this game?

i wouldn't say grating, but it was kinda... different? Dunno how to explain it xD

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