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Megaman X Dive (mobile game)


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It showed very little and said even less, but still, I'll keep an eye on this. I'd much prefer an action platformer that's not for mobile (I was never a fan of such games in mobile), but it should be manageable with an emulator.

I hope it's not something like Xover.

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Oh wow, I don't think this will go Xover well.

I give you a clap.

"Megaman X DiVE takes place in a world called the ‘Deep Log’. This world is made up of all the data from all the previous Megaman X games…"

They already did this, it was Mega Man Xtreme.

Anyway, no Massimo in the trailer, 0/10.

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You know what, I wouldn't mind if we had the stages mashed up for a mobile game, like a Mega Man Xtreme that borrows from X-X8 (be it stages, bosses, enemy rushes etc.). Then enemy weapons and armor upgrades could make each chapter and boss unique after obtaining them.

Thing is, this game at least needs to leave Taiwan. I hope it doesn't flop like Mega Man Online (Universe?), which was a cool idea.

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I've only beaten X1, though I got X4 and X5 dirt cheap on my PS3. I never completed as much as one boss on either of those however (getting through the stages wasn't the problem; similarly it took me many tries to succeed against Chill Penguin- unintentional reverse boss difficulty curve much?). I also tried MMZ Collection years ago, only to discover all I could handle was Easy Mode Scenario, which is so shameful to say that I think X and Zero would agree to unhesitatingly slaughter me as less than human or reploid.

I have read up on much more than what I've played, however. And in that way, I do have some liking for MMX.


Action games and iOS wouldn't go well together I think. An actual controller is important for this genre.

Nonetheless, as a semi-Mega Man fan, I'd give this presumably FtP game a try.


But could they please include MMZ Zero's design in some way? No offense, but those ginormous feet.

The boots that were made to mash coconuts, I have mixed feelings on them. Classic Mega Man, Proto Man, Bass, X, Zero, Axl, probably most of the Robot Masters (Mavericks I'm not sure of), are all steel bigfoots.

They feel dated, in both bad and good ways.: 

  • The feet speak of the IRL era when the Classic and X Mega Man series were being made, they're old "retro", like the NES and SNES. And for Classic in particular, where robot technology is still "primitive", symbolized by the lack of fully independent thought and consciousness X achieved, the huge boots can be interpreted as a rudimentary solution to the "balancing problem" which IRL bipedal humanoid robots have had. Big feet let Mega Man stand in the absence of sophisticated lightweight materials and internal structuring that can bear the weight of the upper body better, since the feet by being so big are very heavy, lowering the center of gravity.
  • On the other hand, the feet are just ugly design. They're prominent and bland, repeated over and over again for the hero Robots/Reploids, and eliminating any notion of sleekness in their forms. X and Zero have the good excuses of being highly advanced old technology, even if their living era is more advanced than Classic's. Yet, Axl has no such excuse, being a 2nd Gen Reploid makes it even worse.


MMZ Zero's design might have faults like absence of arm cannon, bad color scheme, and or a hideous head and torso, I can see people saying these things within argumentative reason. Nonetheless, the overall decline in bulkiness, much owed to the removal of those ridiculous red boots, is a pro to counter the cons of the new design. MMZero is thin, lithe, and were it not for the fact that it has been retconned as Zero's canon design for all of Zero's existence while not de-canonizing the old design, it would symbolize that finally, technology in the Robot Megaverse has advanced to a certain point.


-I felt like using this topic to get that out of my system.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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