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Post Your Room 2

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Well the first one is long dead, so imma revive it.

My Keys (Yes I play):


My Golden Gun and Monitor I found in the alley:


My TV (5 Cool Points to anyone who can point out which VC games I have):


My Bed (That's right ladies B) ):


My Desk (With R2):


My Bookshelf, Complete with Books, DS, Screen Wiper thingies, A Futurama action figure and a Bionicle:


Edited by Toa Lord Shade
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Mine's a dump. I cleaned it out last summer (from 5AM to 11PM, indeed) and took pictures while my dog slept on my bed. But now it's in total ruins. However, if I get some (what's the word I'm looking for... Second time today I've forgotten a word.....), umm... That word that means something that encourages you to do something (>_>), I might get it done. I'll look for them ancient pics, though.

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Mine's a dump. I cleaned it out last summer (from 5AM to 11PM, indeed) and took pictures while my dog slept on my bed. But now it's in total ruins. However, if I get some (what's the word I'm looking for... Second time today I've forgotten a word.....), umm... That word that means something that encourages you to do something (>_>), I might get it done. I'll look for them ancient pics, though.


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Mine's a dump. I cleaned it out last summer (from 5AM to 11PM, indeed) and took pictures while my dog slept on my bed. But now it's in total ruins. However, if I get some (what's the word I'm looking for... Second time today I've forgotten a word.....), umm... That word that means something that encourages you to do something (>_>), I might get it done. I'll look for them ancient pics, though.


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a f

s tv f

a f

g f

g bathroom f

g f

g bed f

g f

g f

g f


Yes my walls are made of letters. What kind of stupid question is that?

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Incoming phone (shit) quality.


Old TV and systems are old. Just a bit of stuff I've had over the years perched on top. Wii is in the living room, due to constant people coming over to play Brawl and small room is small, so I had no other choice.


My spare glass table, which holds my huge stacks of Magic the Gathering cards, which I've compiled over five years so far, still going on a casual level. Not a big collector or competitive, but I do enjoy playing with a few friends. Some other stuff too. Next to it is a marble maze project I did in woodshop.


The computer desk, (also half bunk bed which is too small for me now) nothing much to show.


Side cabinet which I don't use really, but I got bored and doodled. And that black card sleeve holds a withered flower the girl I like has tied to my hoodie. :3


Drawers, clothes stacked on drawers, magazines and such, another old TV, Gamecube, games, printer, etc.


More woodshop projects and bunch of (500ish?) tabs from cans.


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Side cabinet which I don't use really, but I got bored and doodled. And that black card sleeve holds a withered flower the girl I like has tied to my hoodie. :3

What the hell? As long as it isn't anything creepier, like, hair, skin, or fingernail clippings. XD The rest of your room kicks ass though.

Edited by Exxon
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Since I have no camera I'll explain. (Which won't take long):

Firslty, I have no where near as much crap (or treasure as some would call it) in my room.

When you walk in, you'll see a carpet, a blanket on the floor (where I sleep) a TV to the left, along with a Wii, and some games to it.

A bunk bed to the north, and a closet next to the TV. I have a drawer on my right side, and the left side of my room is totally blank. :/

Also, I share a room with my little bro.

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