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I had the most amazing dream last night


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Faiya Branded and I are walking down the street. Then we see this building. its with alot of other buildings but, this one has some kind of aura to it that makes us wanna go in. So we go in. Then some cop walks out and goes "HEY!" and pulls out a gun. Then Uncle Phil from the fresh prince runs in and goes "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" and drop kicks the guy through a wall. Then Ike runs out of the wall and goes "You have saved me from the worst torture ever!" and we're like "What?" and then serra runs out going "IKE IM SUPPOSED TO DO YOUR HAIR!!!!!!" and then ike picks up ragnel from the case it was put in and gets ready to great ather serra, but CGV goes "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" and appears out of nowhere and jumps infront of serra and gets great ather'd. Im like "NOOOOOOOOO CGV WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!?!??!?!?!?!" and Fox walks in eating a sandwich and goes "Hm. I dunno." and leaves. Then a TV turns on and shows Vincent and Fireman on it and they shout how they're launching their doomsday missle at the earth to destroy it and it would hit in 3 mins. Faiya goes "OH MAH GAWD WHUT ARE WE GONNA DO!?!?!" Then we walk outside and see captain falcon and ask him to help. He goes "SHOW ME YA MOVES" and uncle phil gives him the uncle phil drop kick. Falcon gets up and goes "YES!" Then suddenly a bunch of serenes members are behind us panicking. Most of them are shouts of "WE'RE GONNA DIE!" and stuff. TLS goes "Well since we're gonna die would any virgins here like to see how it feels to loose your virginity right quick?" and Bianchi goes "You mean you!?" and lols and sticks her tounge out. Then the missile is about to hit us and then the combined force of falcon punch, uncle phil drop kick, and great ather get in a deadlock with the missile. Branded goes "They cant beat it!" Then suddenly, a glowing light appears, and a grotesque figure shows up and goes "IT IS I. ULTIMA." and then Adam goes "Yeah I used the last of my mod powers to call ultima! :D" Then ultima shouts:

THIS IS THE FISTY BEEF EXPLODING FREEZY DEATH ATTACK OF HALLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And charges at the missile and explodes and dies with it.

Vincent and Fireman get pissed and swear vengance on us, and everyone mourned over ultima's death. TLS, never had sex.

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sorry buuut...that really happened. the sheer awesomness gave you a mild form of amnesia

it was definitely a dream because of a part that happened that im not telling >.>

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it was definitely a dream because of a part that happened that im not telling >.>

It totally involves hawt YouXBranded drunk sex with Faiya video taping you as blackmail.

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