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If you really had done that, it likely would have been discovered long ago and the religion would have died out.

Not really, since the Christian religion --and to an extent most of religion in general-- is concerned with denying or believing when it comes to a lack of evidence. There is no physical evidence that God doesn't exist, and in fact only logic, so since Christianity is by its nature illogical, it will not change the situation and make the view just collapse.

In other words, I haven't seen anything in this thread proving either side. Sure, I only skimmed through until I made my first reply, so I might have missed something, but I highly doubt you can actually show me this "proof" you speak of, or whatever you refer to it as.

I believe I've sufficiently pointed out the logical inconsistencies and outright impossibilities of the qualities that God is defined with in the Bible.

You've proven he's contradictory and therefore false by the widely accepted interpretation of the Bible. Not quite proven him non existent. F*ck why did I quote you?! You're just going to come back at me :(

That's how you prove something non-existent. For example, by logically cutting to pieces an argument in favor for little green men on Mars, you're disproving the notion that they exist. You do not need to find some positive physical evidence that they don't exist (that's a physical impossibility, by the way), just cast the idea of them existing into sufficient doubt.

That has been done with the God of Christianity on multiple accounts, and the defenses that are utilized by religious individuals in general is that God defies logic, and therefore the arguments against him are false. But that's a ridiculous argument, since you can't argue that something is logically inconsistent and then expect to win an argument. And that is why religious debates usually end up so one-sided; because there is no fair argument for beliefs in God.

Aren't a lot of scientific...."things" not technically proven? Greatly evidenced maybe, but not 100% proven.

The only thing that is 100% proven for anyone is that they exist; that's it. There is no such other thing as one hundred percent proven. It's not one hundred percent true that the Earth is round, it's possible through some inane means that it could just be a hoax, or something similar.

The point is that reasonable people realize that it's alright to discount such scenarios, because just because they could be true through some extraordinary means, does not mean it is fair to vest belief in them.

What is stopping a scientist from being a Christian or part of any other religion?

Nothing. Several scientists are religious.

Whaddya mean animals?! We're not animals without it! Mankind hasn't changed over the past 6,000 years! We're exactly the same in everything that we do! Technology doesn't make us any different. People worked with less logic back then but still used logic. Nothing's changed.

Several things have changed; humanity still possesses tendencies that they did back then, but that's about the same as saying humanity is the same as it was back then because they have eyeballs. To say that civilization as a whole hasn't made serious progression in pretty much every single manner since its inception is just plain ridiculous.

I don't know. I think if there really existed substantial evidence that proved there was zero possibility of any God possibly existing, people would have been sensible enough to stop believing. That's my opinion anywho.

There is no such thing that makes anything have zero possibility to any observer. There isn't a zero percent possibility that the moon is made of cheese. But you don't believe that the moon is made of cheese do you?

You see, people group these things off; sure, it's unreasonable to pray to a bale of hay to give you a good harvest, but not God. Because God's real, obviously.

Even though they may be the same logically, individuals still try to differentiate to be capable of holding their current view.

I have no reason to believe Adam and Eve weren't real since I've never been told who the first humans were otherwise.

There are a theoretical Adam and Eve genetically, but they weren't anything like what you're thinking of.

You need to be bringing evidence of their existence forth, we don't need evidence they don't exist.

Didn't I pretty much say I don't know what to believe? Christianity has been drilled into me all my life. When I turned away from it, I got my ass handed to me, like a slap in the face from God saying "What's wrong with you!?" Ever since then, I've attempted to take a middle road and it generally works out quite nicely.

And it's because you assumed that it was God that you were led to that belief.

I'm sure you could go on and on, but all you said is that no one should believe anything because it might not be real. People have to believe in something. We can't go through our lives disagreeing with everything.

The idea is to accept that which is most reasonable as real. Do you think it is reasonable to assume that I am a man? How about that I have arms and legs? Hair? These are all relatively reasonable to assume, based on the circumstance. But let's make a progressive change. Is it reasonable to assume that I am an astronaut? That I have flown a plane? That I'm the president of the United States? That I can fly with my mind? That I am an alien? That I am hundreds of thousands of years old? That I am God?

No? I would assume that as you progress, the lack of evidence serves to incriminate the idea. There is no evidence that I am an alien, and therefore it is relatively safe to assume that I am not an alien. There is a lack of real evidence that proves that I am actually a male, however it is indeed not unreasonable to assume that I am male (as, of course, there are no women on the interwebs).

The Bible: Not laws, if laws, we would be arrested. The lessons stated in the Bible are meant to be guidelines to teach people how to live before their new life in Heaven begins.

So you would disagree when God states them as rules to be followed, and presents them as laws to the people?

The reason why the peace brought here will not be boring is: Angels are servants to God, our Holy Father. We may become guardian angels, which look over every person. Even non-believers. Why does everyone get one? Simple, to be kept safe when something happens, but it isn't quite our time to die.

Where did it say that everyone can become a guardian angel?

--Satan: Opposite of God? Perhaps not. He is a being of trickery, deceit, and eternal damnation. Ruler of the Lake of Fire because he wanted what God was, a ruler. Couldn't you say God gave him what he wanted, but at a price he did not expect...or did he want it?

Of course, God was the cause of all this. Even when Lucifer had been put so close to perfection in God's eyes, God was well aware that Lucifer was imperfect, but let him screw up anyways; this is illogical, and very lacking in benevolence, since God should and would have been capable of fixing the situation; moreover, if God were indeed omniscient, then he had to have set out attempting to make an imperfect being, which should logically be impossible for a perfect God (nothing but pure perfection can stem from something that is totally perfect. In other words, nothing can ever screw up if something truly perfect is around).

Satan could be seen as evil, but he could also be seen as the first revolutionary. I may find that Satan is known to be characterized as a being of trickery and deceit, but he was doing what I find a good thing by rebelling against God. I believe Bakunin said it well, that were God to exist it would be necessary to abolish him.

--Heaven and Hell:Your ultimate gift, or the eternal damnation? Which will you choose?

Shouldn't you be questioning why hell exists in the first place?

-Heaven: A place of complete peace. The "New Jerusalem," outside being the "dogs" or received punishment.

Can you go into greater detail and explain how Heaven can possibly be eternal happiness, since you're doomed to eventually be unhappy given an infinite amount of time?

Why, given an infinite amount of time, you'll descend into quite the madness. What is it about the children of God that would possess such a a staying power that they simply never become unhappy? I don't find it very logical or possible to conclude first that heaven is an existent place, and second that it is possible to be eternally at peace without something being intrinsically altered in the human psyche. In other words, if you ascend to heaven and are through some bizarre means made totally happy, you're no longer you and indeed someone else.

-Hell: An eternal place of suffering. Believed to be a place where you die over and over again.

Not necessarily. There are several different views of what hell entails, from a fire that totally consumes a man's soul and gives him a final death, to an eternal damnation where one experiences their worst fears for all of time.

No remorse from anyone. Earth bodies are the beings here.

Wait, wait, what?

--Judgment: Think of it as a jury of one, with the jury consisting of God.

I just want to stop here and say how ridiculous that sounds. Great one to be deciding your fate for all of eternity.

God is also the Judge. While you, the person, is the defendant. Depending on life-lived (how you lived your life) you will receive your sentence, or you will be set free.

So, when is God judged?

One ass-handing was all it took to make you give up? ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH

Speaking of that, couldn't the Anti-Spirals be partially referred to as God? Eh? Eh? You know you want to.

I'll make this short then. The bolded part; That sounds pretty good to me. You're pretty much saying religious people are stupid, but ignorance is bliss, right? Being religious makes people happy and makes living easier. Sounds like a good enough reason to me.

No one ever said that living in ignorance can't be happy. They said that ignorance isn't truth, and if you do want what is true, what is logical, and what is fair and obvious, then you're not going to get anywhere unless you learn to question any and all of your beliefs and approach them with a fair amount of skepticism.

Living in ignorance may sound great to you, but that's what a lot of ignorant people would say. A child could be born into this world through some means and have the pleasure center of their brains stimulated for eighty years while they simply lay in a tank, and while they would feel pleasure from beginning to end, would you really call that a "good" life? Rich and full? Did they experience what you find makes life worth living?

While you may live for happiness, that doesn't mean that happiness should be the one deciding factor in what you believe. It may be happy to be in pleasure while also being ignorant, but it's certainly not good; at least, it's not in my eyes.

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If that's what being an Atheist means, screw Atheism. I'd rather be at peace knowing what's going to happen to me, not living in fear.

But you don't understand. I DO live in peace. I am able to come to terms with my fear. And because of this, I essentially have nothing to fear. And I have knowledge.

There are so many things that knowledge can do. Living in ignorance is nothing compared to living with knowledge.

I know this because my life only improves as I learn more. Not only does it help you in so many ways and to do so many things, but knowledge itself can be incredibly fulfilling.

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If that's what being an Atheist means, screw Atheism. I'd rather be at peace knowing what's going to happen to me, not living in fear.
What ZXValaRevan described is not "living in fear." It could be argued that it's the exact opposite, but I shouldn't speak for him.
Speaking of that, couldn't the Anti-Spirals be partially referred to as God? Eh? Eh? You know you want to.
Of the universe they created, I guess. Are you still God if your amazing, frame-by-frame scribble drawing self only has total dominance over one dimension? :awesome:
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And it's because you assumed that it was God that you were led to that belief.

Up until this point you were replying to things with the same anwers as the others, so I'll skip that. I don't really understand what you're saying here.

The idea is to accept that which is most reasonable as real. Do you think it is reasonable to assume that I am a man? How about that I have arms and legs? Hair? These are all relatively reasonable to assume, based on the circumstance. But let's make a progressive change. Is it reasonable to assume that I am an astronaut? That I have flown a plane? That I'm the president of the United States? That I can fly with my mind? That I am an alien? That I am hundreds of thousands of years old? That I am God?

No? I would assume that as you progress, the lack of evidence serves to incriminate the idea. There is no evidence that I am an alien, and therefore it is relatively safe to assume that I am not an alien. There is a lack of real evidence that proves that I am actually a male, however it is indeed not unreasonable to assume that I am male (as, of course, there are no women on the interwebs).

What is most reasonable can just be a matter of opinion, especially in this case. Some people think a higher being is perfectly reasonable, and why shouldn't they?

One ass-handing was all it took to make you give up? ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH

Speaking of that, couldn't the Anti-Spirals be partially referred to as God? Eh? Eh? You know you want to.

Under the circumstances of it all, that is all it took, so yes.

No one ever said that living in ignorance can't be happy. They said that ignorance isn't truth, and if you do want what is true, what is logical, and what is fair and obvious, then you're not going to get anywhere unless you learn to question any and all of your beliefs and approach them with a fair amount of skepticism.

That's exactly what I do, and that's what got me into this situation of not-sure-what-to-believe.

Living in ignorance may sound great to you, but that's what a lot of ignorant people would say. A child could be born into this world through some means and have the pleasure center of their brains stimulated for eighty years while they simply lay in a tank, and while they would feel pleasure from beginning to end, would you really call that a "good" life? Rich and full? Did they experience what you find makes life worth living?

A little extreme, don't you think? I've always believed that if someone is fine with who they are and are happy with how they live, they have a good life and shouldn't have to change. If that includes religion, more power to them.

While you may live for happiness, that doesn't mean that happiness should be the one deciding factor in what you believe. It may be happy to be in pleasure while also being ignorant, but it's certainly not good; at least, it's not in my eyes.

"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Sorry if you aren't American, but it's right there. In my honest opinion, happiness is the ultimate goal in life. There are wrong ways to be happy, like if you enjoy killing, but if you aren't happy with how you live your life, what are you doing?

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But you don't understand. I DO live in peace. I am able to come to terms with my fear. And because of this, I essentially have nothing to fear. And I have knowledge.

There are so many things that knowledge can do. Living in ignorance is nothing compared to living with knowledge.

I know this because my life only improves as I learn more. Not only does it help you in so many ways and to do so many things, but knowledge itself can be incredibly fulfilling.

That's pretty much how it's been for me ever since I became Atheist. I think I was more frightened when I wasn't Atheist.

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I'll make this short then. The bolded part; That sounds pretty good to me. You're pretty much saying religious people are stupid, but ignorance is bliss, right? Being religious makes people happy and makes living easier. Sounds like a good enough reason to me.

I dont understand why you keep arguing about this. Some believe in God, some dont. It's a personal problem, if believe in some Gods make you happy, keep on believe. If you feel alright without believe in any God, so just keep it like that. It's useless to talk about god with a non-believer or trying to tell a Christian that Jesu is not real. Evolution and God, is that important? What will you gain when you break someone's believe? Who are you thinking you are? Who give you the right to say someone is ignorance?

You (I dont mean you, Red fox, I mean ValaReVan)! You are no difference to the missionaries, who apply their god to African! You are mind's racist!

All I can say is to keep your way of life for yourself. Dont force ppl to live like you.

Edited by Silver Fox of Metal
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But you don't understand. I DO live in peace. I am able to come to terms with my fear. And because of this, I essentially have nothing to fear. And I have knowledge.

There are so many things that knowledge can do. Living in ignorance is nothing compared to living with knowledge.

I know this because my life only improves as I learn more. Not only does it help you in so many ways and to do so many things, but knowledge itself can be incredibly fulfilling.

So do I, and I did when I was a full-fledged Christian. I don't fear death. In fact, I don't have many fears, but everyone gets afraid.

I agree with that. Do you think I'm an ignorant person? Just because ignorance is bliss doesn't mean knowledge is a bad thing.

I agree, once again. But why can't I do that and still be religious.

I apologize if I'm repeating things over and over again, but I really can't find a good reason to not be religious.

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I dont understand why you keep arguing about this. Some believe in God, some dont. It's a personal problem, if believe in some Gods make you happy, keep on believe. If you feel alright without believe in any God, so just keep it like that. It's useless to talk about god with a non-believer or trying to tell a Christian that Jesu is not real. Evolution and God, is that important? What will you gain when you break someone's believe? Who are you thinking you are? Who give you the right to say someone is ignorance?

All I can say is to keep your way of life for yourself. Dont force ppl to live like you.

Preach it, brother.

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As an example of how atheism can be anything but the fearful option, some agnostics and even some religious people believe/leave open the possibility of the ideas of God, Heaven, and Hell because they are afraid of what will happen to them if they don't believe. It's intellectually dishonest if you think Islam (because everyone's talking about Christianity, hurrrr) is ridiculous, but you follow the religion anyway because you are afraid of being punished in the afterlife if you admit to yourself you don't believe it.

A little extreme, don't you think? I've always believed that if someone is fine with who they are and are happy with how they live, they have a good life and shouldn't have to change. If that includes religion, more power to them.
No, they don't really have to, but why not shoot even higher?
"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Sorry if you aren't American, but it's right there. In my honest opinion, happiness is the ultimate goal in life. There are wrong ways to be happy, like if you enjoy killing, but if you aren't happy with how you live your life, what are you doing?
And if you enjoy killing, and you are happy with your life? Better not let someone stop you from achieving your ultimate goal in life. :B
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It's a personal problem
If something's personal, it's likely important to that person. People generally like to speak for beliefs important to them.
It's useless to talk about god with a non-believer or trying to tell a Christian that Jesu is not real. Evolution and God, is that important? What will you gain when you break someone's believe?
I think you can learn a lot from talking with people who disagree with you.
Who are you thinking you are? Who give you the right to say someone is ignorance?
We all have the right to say what we want. As far as forum rules go, anyway. >__>
You (I dont mean you, Red fox, I mean ValaReVan)! You are no difference to the missionaries, who apply their god to African!

All I can say is to keep your way of life for yourself. Dont force ppl to live like you.

He's not forcing anyone to do anything. Missionaries used violence and other methods to force people to convert. The "atheist gang" here is just speaking against what they think is wrong--they aren't forcing anyone to listen.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. The way this topic was going, I was expecting a reply to come before I typed up my second.

Edited by YokaiKnight
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I agree with that. Do you think I'm an ignorant person? Just because ignorance is bliss doesn't mean knowledge is a bad thing.

I agree, once again. But why can't I do that and still be religious.

I apologize if I'm repeating things over and over again, but I really can't find a good reason to not be religious.

Ignorance is the lack of Knowledge. If you are ignorant of something, you have no knowledge of it.

Because it's proven to be wrong? That's the reason I have. Perhaps you are naturally faithful. That may explain things. And again being Religious will at least partly force you to live in ignorance, unless you're very clever about it.

I don't mind people being religious. Hell, I don't mind them preaching or saying they're right. But when they do, they must accept Science's response. Because that's our job.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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*eats hot cookie* Damn, good and hot!.

I will also bold that! Different reason though.

Hm, you know you just contradicted yourself right? Earlier, you say religion and faithful people usually do not care for reality, now you say we believe to hide ourselves from fear? We believe in the illogical to make up our fantasy land? We only care for what's not there, but we hate what is there?

Hm, the longer you'll be around me and Blue Fox of Water (Matt), those opinions will change, even if a little.

I'll tell you now: The ones who you talk about, the ones you despise so, the reason why they are not open to reason is because...they are afraid.

"Oh no...facts...I'll just ignore them. Pretending they don't exist will help my faith." That is what they think. I admit I thought like that when I was a little younger. Now I embrace facts.

Ones who are afraid aren't really friends with the Lord Almighty, they are pretenders. They think God will shower them with joy, He will not. Not until they prove themselves. Not until I prove myself. God wants you to believe, but He also wants a healthy relationship. Not faith alone.

I did not contradict myself. Many do not like reality because it scares them so they use faith to take the fear away. I have been around Matt for like, over a year, the man does not rub off on me it goes the other way around.

Foxy lady (that song is stuck in my head) I have lost your post so I can't give a direct reply to it, but if you want to bury your head in the sand there's nothing I can do to change your mind.

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You (I dont mean you, Red fox, I mean ValaReVan)! You are no difference to the missionaries, who apply their god to African! You are mind's racist!

All I can say is to keep your way of life for yourself. Dont force ppl to live like you.

Lolno. I can't force people. And frankly, you can't tell me what to do. Your entire post was basically irrelevant, either an Ad Hominem, appeal to my emotions, or similar. Basically, there was no real point to it.

Because I'm forcing no-one. I'm simply arguing, and that's the beauty of arguing.

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Ignorance is the lack of Knowledge. If you are ignorant of something, you have no knowledge of it.

Because it's proven to be wrong? That's the reason I have. Perhaps you are naturally faithful. That may explain things. And again being Religious will at least partly force you to live in ignorance, unless you're very clever about it.

I don't mind people being religious. Hell, I don't mind them preaching or saying they're right. But when they do, they must accept Science's response. Because that's our job.

Yes, your point? I asked if you think I'm an ignorant person.

But wait, nothing's proven! Right? If I remember correctly, it's just things that are the most sensible. Maybe people are very clever about it.


Foxy lady (that song is stuck in my head) I have lost your post so I can't give a direct reply to it, but if you want to bury your head in the sand there's nothing I can do to change your mind.


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Yes, your point? I asked if you think I'm an ignorant person.

But wait, nothing's proven! Right? If I remember correctly, it's just things that are the most sensible. Maybe people are very clever about it.



Everybody's slightly ignorant at least, as no-one knows everything. Apathy, perhaps is what you're thinking of? Apathy is intentional ignorance, or being unwilling to obtain knowledge, which I would say you may be to a small degree.

I never said nothing's proven. I said, proof doesn't (and can't) ever be 100%. But 99.9999999999999999999999999999% should be good enough.

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I think this is a good time to point out the fact that many people would rather hold on to a comfortable fantasy than face reality and progress at all. Mankind, el oh el. No wonder we still have so many problems with things like this.

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Everybody's slightly ignorant at least, as no-one knows everything. Apathy, perhaps is what you're thinking of? Apathy is intentional ignorance, or being unwilling to obtain knowledge, which I would say you may be to a small degree.

I never said nothing's proven. I said, proof doesn't (and can't) ever be 100%. But 99.9999999999999999999999999999% should be good enough.

Ah yes. I must say apathetic has always been a good word to describe me. I wish I had thought of that. <-- If that sounds like sarcasm, it wasn't intended.

I could reply to this, but I just realized something; what the hell am I doing? What's the point of arguing a subject I have no special care for on the internet? It's probably because I'd rather do this than my government homework that's due tomorrow. Silly me, I'm so lazy.

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It's useless to talk about god with a non-believer or trying to tell a Christian that Jesus is not real.

Not entirely. Keep in mind that some people are just born into a religion and never had a chance to see the other possibilities until they're present. It isn't useless to show others more possibilities.

Evolution and God, is that important?

Um... YES. Evolution is a possible and good answer to a common question people ask, for those that seek knowledge, it certainly is. As for religious people, why would they praise and follow the teachings of a god if it were of no importance?

What will you gain when you break someone's believe?

I would say I gain better understanding of why this person had that belief and it helps knowing I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

Who give you the right to say someone is ignorance?

Society did when the definition of the word ignorance was established and the fact that criticism isn't prohibited. A person bound to religion has some restrictions as to what knowledge they can access. As revan said, every1's slightly ignorant.

Edited by Boo
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If something's personal, it's likely important to that person. People generally like to speak for beliefs important to them.

I think you can learn a lot from talking with people who disagree with you.

We all have the right to say what we want. As far as forum rules go, anyway. >__>

He's not forcing anyone to do anything. Missionaries used violence and other methods to force people to convert. The "atheist gang" here is just speaking against what they think is wrong--they aren't forcing anyone to listen.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. The way this topic was going, I was expecting a reply to come before I typed up my second.

1. Yes! But they dont ask for ppl to throw trash at them.

2. It's useless if nobody listen to the others. 23 pages topic is the proof.

3. What if you call a Black is an Idiot Africa Monkey? That is just the same when you say God is not real to a Catholic or Christian.

3. Oh yes, I am rather angry. Okay. and to tell...I am also an atheist XD

Edited by Silver Fox of Metal
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Ah yes. I must say apathetic has always been a good word to describe me. I wish I had thought of that. <-- If that sounds like sarcasm, it wasn't intended.

Very well then... I'll just warn you, don't be surprised if the world passes you by...

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1. Yes! But they dont ask for ppl to throw trash at them.

2. It's useless if nobody listen to the others. 23 pages topic is the proof.

3. What if you call a Black is an Idiot Africa Monkey? That is just the same when you say God is not real to a Catholic or Christian.

3. Oh yes, I am rather angry. Okay. and to tell...I am also an atheist XD

1) What?

2) But people do listen, and I found use from this.

3) Difference is that one is WRONG. The other is right.

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Very well then... I'll just warn you, don't be surprised if the world passes you by...

I'll keep my tabs. Although, ever since I voted, I've suddenly had a bigger interest in world affairs...maybe I'm losing the apathetic part of myself....

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1. Yes! But they dont ask for ppl to throw trash at them.

2. It's useless if nobody listen to others.

3. What if you call a Black is an Idiot Africa Monkey? That is just the same when you say God is not real to a Catholic or Christian.

3. Oh yes, I am rather angry. Okay. and to tell...I am also an atheist XD

1. And no one should. It's possible to respectfully disagree.

2. Of course.

3. I'll make sure to call my black friends Idiot Africa Monkeys more often. :lol: (no, seriously, I will.) But it's not necessarily the same as telling Christians God doesn't exist. You can have a perceived insult, meaning that the person thinks they're being insulted. You can also have an intended insult, meaning that the person is trying to insult the other person. So if someone says "I don't think God exists," and another person says "dont fuk wit me bitch lets fight you god damn punk azz muthafucka," there is a perceived insult, but no intended insult. The first person wasn't trying to piss anyone off.

3 (again). Cool dude. Reminds me of this video of a bunch of atheists

some hardcore Christians really nicely.
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3. I'll make sure to call my black friends Idiot Africa Monkeys more often. :lol: (no, seriously, I will.) But it's not necessarily the same as telling Christians God doesn't exist. You can have a perceived insult, meaning that the person thinks they're being insulted. You can also have an intended insult, meaning that the person is trying to insult the other person. So if someone says "I don't think God exists," and another person says "dont fuk wit me bitch lets fight you god damn punk azz muthafucka," there is a perceived insult, but no intended insult. The first person wasn't trying to piss anyone off.

3 (again). Cool dude. Reminds me of this video of a bunch of atheists

some hardcore Christians really nicely.

3. I think he meant when someone just spouts out "God doesn't exist." That can be offensive to Christians.

3 (again). Ass. :(

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