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Fire Emblem sucks


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Y'see, Fire Emblem sux cuz it ain't pimp. If it were pimp, like the PS Trizzle, then it wood b pimpin. If it were pimp it woodnt sux. And that is y Fire Emblem sux. Cuz it ain't pimp.

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I rather play Madden or Grand Theaft Auto than dat gayass wackass Final Emblem gay bullshit. Shit for lil kidz and nerdz. Go playz sum real game like madden.

Fuk yea. Madden is pimpin'.

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  • 1 month later...
Man nigga, why sum kid @ mah school was playin' final fire emblme or whaeva that lame shit is called? I smack his bitch ass for play' that gayass shit. need 2 play a real game liek madden

Total bullshit. You probably dont like FE bc u suck at it. Ooooh. I wonder what else u suck? OOps, stupid question. I dont need to ask that.

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Y'see, Fire Emblem sux cuz it ain't pimp. If it were pimp, like the PS Trizzle, then it wood b pimpin. If it were pimp it woodnt sux. And that is y Fire Emblem sux. Cuz it ain't pimp.
I rather play Madden or Grand Theaft Auto than dat gayass wackass Final Emblem gay bullshit. Shit for lil kidz and nerdz. Go playz sum real game like madden.
Fuk yea. Madden is pimpin'.
Man nigga, why sum kid @ mah school was playin' final fire emblme or whaeva that lame shit is called? I smack his bitch ass for play' that gayass shit. need 2 play a real game liek madden

Also known as every person at my school.

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