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Come up with a video game that’ll sell horribly

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4 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

This is going to haunt me for some time on this forum, isn't it?

Yes; I never heard of Worms (the video game series) until recently. I'm sure everyone that's posted on this thread has never heard of at least one notable game series. 

As long as you fixed that hole in your knowledge, it's all good!

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The game features an RPG battle system where characters fight alongside contracted demons known as Servan. These demons can be summoned during battle through the use of SP, and are categorised into attacker and support types. As they become stronger through subsequent battles, they gain new abilities. The player accepts quests and performs customisations at the Hotel, when not taking orders to progress the story or battling enemies.
The game follows the journey of two girls within an uncharted land known as Ruswal Island, where no one sleeps at night. After humans emerged victorious from the battle against the demonic Nightlord, the blue blood from the monster scattered and polluted those who bathed in it, changing them into creatures known as fiends, which steal night-time from the people.

*starts crying*


Jokes aside, my game that will sell horribly is... a dating sim featuring me.

Edited by DragonFlames
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I don't know whether or not these would actually sell poorly or just the opposite, but I am curious on others reactions since they were actual dreams I had:

1. A turn based tactical game that had some time reversing mechanic and a few adventure game elements outside of combat, but the real twist was the aesthetic was that the characters were toys. Mostly action figures, but there was some Legos and others thrown in. They moved in an interesting mixture of stop motion and a comic book style, and is was surprisingly gritty too, with chunks being blown off when hit in a manner that was neither clean not pretty (headshots only took off part of the head, for instance).

This is one of those ideas where the aesthetic and animations definitely sounds cool (especially given the graphics of today), but I see trouble with who the heck would you market it towards.

2. A doodle jump pinball gacha game with the some rhythm game elements as well as combat and boss fights. The artstyle reminded me of Arknights for some reason (despite the fact I've really only glanced at the game because the tower defense looked interesting but I didn't have space on my phone to spare) and the setting seemed to be inside this giant sci-fi tower that decided everything should be black except for lights on the side of the room. It was also a trampoline park that had anti-gravity trampolines and other floating objects that gave a boost in height, and I have no idea what that hell the story was aside from the characters wanting to reach the top and defeat the bosses along the way.

I have no idea what I did that day to inspire this, but the combination seems strange enough I can actually see it working.

3. A Metal Gear game where Snake has to use social stealth in order to avoid suspicion while driving a semi secretly carrying a nuke across the country to safely and discretely dispose of it.

Far from the weirdest Metal Gear dream I've had, but most certainly the one where the gameplay was extremely different from the series standard.


Again, I don't actually know how well these would actually sell, but these dreams came to mind for some reason when I saw this topic. I am kinda curious if anyone has any thoughts on them.

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17 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

How about that virtual training thing doctors get to practice colon exams with the butt controller?

I am pretty sure bundling a game with a functional butt controller will make the game sell like hotcakes.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I am pretty sure bundling a game with a functional butt controller will make the game sell like hotcakes.

Wow, people want to pretend to give a colon exam?

Maybe people will buy it just for the butt. Idk.

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2 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

Wow, people want to pretend to give a colon exam?

Maybe people will buy it just for the butt. Idk.

Yeah, they will buy it just for the butt controller

I am pretty sure they will use the butt for non colon exam purposes.

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