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Crime and Punishment - Fire Emblem edition!


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Do any of you know of "The Nanny"? Manuela is basically like the titular character of that show in her desperate pursuit of finding a man before the biological clock's ticking gets louder than a dysfunctional lawn mower... I'm old.
Anyway, because I actually like that sitcom, no crime here!

I can't seem to be passionate about Fire Emblem anymore.

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Do any of you know of "The Nanny"? Manuela is basically like the titular character of that show in her desperate pursuit of finding a man before the biological clock's ticking gets louder than a dysfunctional lawn mower... I'm old.

I didn't watch much of it, but yeah I remember it.

That's fine. Sometimes we need a break from something, or sometimes we move past it completely, perhaps.

I introduce biological weaponry to the FE universe.

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TWISTD actually get Byleth's forces at Merceus, dooming Fodlan. You don't benefit as they see fit to treat you as a beast and cage you.

I got Byleth and COrrin switched between continents.

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Suddenly Corrin has 4 siblings, which half the number as before so they’re quite upset at this switch. And this time they only get one per route, because Edelgard, Rhea, Dimitri, and Claude don’t want anything to do with each other! Meanwhile Byleth shows up in Hoshido and Takumi sees them and goes “SOMEONE I DON’T KNOW???? A NOHRIAN! DIE!!!!!!!” and they die to a fujin yumi crit + vengeance proc or something. Anyway, you get exiled from the fan base for putting a pretty bad avatar in the best fe. You got hired at IS though, lucky you!

I picked Crimson Flower this play through of fe3h.

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You are about to be executed for your crimes but someone has the idea of reading their adorable supports, and all charges are dropped.

I (temporarily) put down Three Houses for Octopath Traveler.

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Me too, meaning you are objectively correct.

I side with Grado instead of Renais since I would actually rather play as their lord than watch paint dry, and Renais has two lords!

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I'd say you know exactly how that ended for the last guy that tried that.
But if we're being logical... that guy would still want her. So you'd probably just end up getting BBQ'd instead of Sigurd.

I tell Gharnef that his Imhullu tome is actually not programmed to negate Medeus attacks (mostly because the match is impossible in an unmodified game)... and what's worse is that Medeus negates magic in FE1. Furthermore, even with the Falchion, Gharnef has neither the bloodline to use the thing or the strength stat to pierce Medeus defenses. Hence his whole damn plan of "I'm going to betray Medeus when we conquer the continent" is dumb to the point of absurdity and only works if you assume Imhullu is supposed to work against Medeus canonically.

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You picked the wrong timeline to say that in.

He laughs, reveals he had Marth mind controlled with the Falchion and gets him to stab you.

Not kill mind, just leave you hanging around Thabes as a warning to everyone who wants to insult him.

(Seriously, Imhullu's not immune to Medeus?)

I got Alm captured by Jedah.

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They get nerfed to hell when you use them.

It's been nearly a month since I last played an FE game.

On 12/24/2020 at 11:22 PM, Sooks said:

It’s altered to be a Trails of Coldsteel/Fire Emblem: Fates.

a.k.a. Draggy's worst nightmare. xD

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Mine too, haha.

I could see a steampunk style FE and Trails crossing over nicely though.

You have to play the entire series straight through, CONQUEST INCLUDED!

I take every one of the Nohrians and drop them without any supplies and in their underclothes in the middle of the ice tribe tundra (whatever it’s called),

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“Hey Flora, you survived as well?”

”That I did, Felicia.”

”Well seeing as we’re the only ones left...”

”....yep. It’s time for revenge, dear sister.”

Corrin: “doy duh da teehee look at me surviving all on my own thanks to my DRAGON BLOOD!”

Azura: I was able to make it because... because... YOU ARE THE OCEANS GRAY WAVES.

*ahem* I use Sylvain.

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