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[CYOA] Teehee and the quest to Rean's Bod (LoH: Trails x FE3H)

Codename Shrimp

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A small chapter today. Next few days will be mainly Interludes.

Also, thinking about possible Bad Ends is fun.


Chapter 8: The Aquatic Capital

Our Mission this month is taking us to the capital of the Alliance, Derdriu.

Tita and The Blue Lions are dealing with an uprising in the Kingdom, while Olivier and the Black Eagles have a mission in the Empire.

A bustling city by the sea, full of shops and merchants.

We have two objectives.

The first is to observe a meeting of Nobles, as the future leaders of the nation.

The second is to guard the border to Almyra.

Heading to the meeting place, i look over the shops. 

It would be nice to buy some stuff from here when all is said and done.

But first we've to finish our objectives.

*Time skip*

We are now heading to the Border.

I think back over what transpired in the meeting.

How has this country survived for so long?

The Nobles couldn't agree on anything. They keep blocking each other.

I look over to the others.

The look of disatisfaction is clear on their face.

They have a long way to go if they want to fix and protect their country.

But like me with my objectives, they will never give up.

I wonder though...

What is Claude's vision for the future, as it's future leader?

Or will Lorenz rise to replace him, as he so usually proclaims?

*Time skip*

Fodlan's Throat.

What protects Fodlan from Almyra, the apparent Barbarians.

I wonder if they are truely Barbarians, of it's ingnorance or propaganda.

The only way to know the truth is to observe it for myself.

Standing in my position, i notice our dear class leader is sneaking out from his.


Choice 1: should go after him.

Choice 2: report to the professor.

Choice 3: stay in my position.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Standing in my position, i notice our dear class leader is sneaking out from his.

Hm. "Dear class leader"

Musse x Claude? 

That would be interesting.

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5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Musse x Claude? 

Ships, if any, will mainly depend on support Rank (check information sheet.)

Currently she has no support with Claude.

Also, it's a quest for Rean's bod 😉 

i doubt anyone still believes that lol

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I love that you gave each house their own mission that has to do with their own country.

One of my problems with the game tbh. The first half was mainly in the Kingdom.

I am trying to diversify it a bit, and to not follow canon 1 to 1 until the huge divergence point.

Hence the need for more interludes next.

Poll is up btw!

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

lest something bad happens again.

my reaction


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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also, it's quest for Rean's bod 😉 

i doubt anyone still believes that lol

I do!

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

One of my problems with the game tbh. The first half was mainly in the Kingdom.

I am trying to diversify it a bit, and to not follow canon 1 to 1 until the huge divergence point.

Hence the need for more interludes next.

Poll is up btw!

Good decision!
And voted.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

my reaction



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Interlude 4: The Kingdom's Injustice

It's over.

I didn't expect to see something like that here, but i should've expected it.

''Are you ok, Tita?'' I hear Mercie calling to me.

''I am...doing fine.'' I respond, ''Anyway, let's go heal the wounded.''

Using light magic i've been learning with the help of Annie and Mercie, i heal the ones we just fought.

Those who survived.

Even if they were enemies, they are just civilians.

And the battle is over. Their commander defeated.

Beside me i seeMercie doing the same.

''By the way, Tita,'' She calls to me, ''I...''

''Move on girls.'' We get interrupted by a knight of the church. ''Don't heal the wounded.''

''The fighting is over, sir.'' I respond to him. ''There's no need to let these people suffer any longer.''

''They are enemies of the church,'' He responds with a rough voice, ''are you willing to throw your life away to help an enemy.''

''The battle is over, sir.'' I turn to him, ''If you are willing to let these people suffer more than they already did...'''

''Then you will have to go through me.'' I tell him as i stand protectively infront of the wounded.

''What's going on here?'' I hear Professor von Essar asking as he and the rest of the students head to our direction.

''Sir Knight wants to stop me from healing the wounded, professor.'' I respond.

''Those wounded are enemies. Make the girl move away before she's deemed an enemy of the Church, Hanneman.''

The Professor sighs in resignation.

''Young Tita,'' He tells me, ''You have a bright future ahead of you. Don't throw your life away like that.''


''You can't be serious, Professor!'' I respond, ''Are you asking me to build my future on the suffering and the corpses of people?''

I look around me.

Everyone is looking away. 

''Prince Dimitri!'' I get his attention, ''These are your people! Even if they did mistakes, these are your people! They already suffered enough!''

I am met by silence.

''Answer me, Prince!''

I am met by silence once again.

''For a prince who always speaks about justice,'' in my anger i tell him, ''you are very fast to turn a blind eye against injustice.''

''That's enough, Girl.'' The Knight moves infront of me, ''I won't allow anymore disrespect towards his Highness or the Church. This is your last warning.''

I won't move.

I see the Knight picking up his weapon.

I brace myself....

''Stop, Father!''


''Tita saved my life today!'' She is standing infront of me, ''Will you make an enemy of someone who saved you daughter's life?''

''If you value her so much,'' He responds as he puts his weapon away, ''teach her to pick her fights.''

''Knights, imprison the rebels. Leave no one behind.'' He mutters his order before the knights come and pick them all up, ''And let someone watch over that girl so she doesn't try anything stupid.''

''Well, Boar prince.'' Says Felix, ''It seems our weapon smith has more guts than you do.''

''Felix!'' Responds an enraged Ingrid, ''Don't speak to his highness like that!''

''No, Ingrid,'' Prince Dimitri interrupts her, ''he is right. As the prince of this country, what happened today is a failure of mine, and proof that i still need to do more.''

''Your Highness...'' Mutters his close aid, Dedue.

''Anyway, Class, take a small rest and get ready to return to the academy.'' Orders Professor von Essar.

As the group disperses, one thing is clear.

The Blue Lions will never be the same again.

On the way back, news of the prisoners escape reach us.

No one knows what to make of the reports. 

Except me.

The knights suspected me at first, but i had my alibi.

It seems, no matter where i go...

Agate is there to support me.

Interlude 4, End.

....I think that's enough for today.


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OST: Unfathomed Force

Interlude 5: The Fool

''Shuffle Shuffle!''

I move them all around.

In the midst of the chaos the only one who knows what's going on is me.

And a familiar person.

A person who shouldn't be alive.

He casts Crescent Mirror to protect his allies from my magic.

But my magic isn't the only challenge they have to worry about.

For monsters are swarming the imperial capital of Enbarr.

What an amusing sight.

A three way fight between me, the students of the academy and the monsters of the Agarthans.

I cast Galion Fort and take out a few monsters trying to come my way.

They will never get me, those dirty Agarhans.

I spot movement infront of me.

It's the Prince.

The Prince who shouldn't be alive.

''Are you causing this?'' He asks of me. ''Is this one of your experiments?''

What a stupid question.

''What's with that question, prince? Did all these years make you forget?''

He looks confused.

The fighting continues around us.

I see the Imperial Princess, the agarthans puppet, and her aide cleaving a way through the monsters and coming our way.

As i cast my magic to stop them, the Prince counters with his own magic.

''Years? What do you mean, years?''


So the prince doesn't know?


It would explain why he is siding with the agarthan's puppet.

I cast Seven Spheres as the prince prepares his own art.

A battle of arts in the midst of chaos.

For any one else it will be certain death if they don't have someone to cover them while casting.

But not for an art expert like him.

And not for me, Enforcer 0, Campanella The Fool.

And the battle rages on.

Art after art.

Slain beast after slain beast.

Seven Spheres. Ixion Volt. Albion Wolf. Akashic Star.

High level Arts and magical Crafts not even the mightiest of these beasts can survive.

Yet the dance between me and the prince continues. The dance between the Students and the beasts continues.

A beautiful bloody dance in the imperial capital.

If Bleublanc was still alive, he would've definetly appreciated the beauty of this sight.

Yet like everything beautiful, this too, has to end.

Recognizing what i was about to do, the prince calls out to his allies.

''Everyone, group up!''

Admantine Guard, was it?

Too late.

''Shuffle Shuffle!''

And i shuffle them all around again.

Humans and Beasts.

No one is in their place anymore.

But that's just the start of the end.

I spot the Prince preparing to cast a high level Art.

But this will undoubtly end it all.

''Fake Salt Pale!''

Interlude 5, End.


I actually hope you all enjoyed this small fight scene lol.

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The serpent has arrived, its poisonous fangs bared. What is its true objective...?

Cool interlude! The scene matched the music perfectly and really gave it that additional epicness. In short it was 👌
Also, you managed to make my (so far) least favorite Ouroboros member seem awesome to me.

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

What is its true objective...?

Does even Falcom know what their true objective in the series is?


Glad you enjoyed the fight, though! I was honestly hesistant about writing it, especially since i planned to introduce the Society a bit later, but i didn't know what to do with Empire's/Olivier's Interlude, and so while outside walking yesterday and listening to Unfathomed Force on my mobile i got that Idea to introduce Snek boys now and write the chapter from their viewpoint.

Also if you don't know what Fake Salt Pale is, since he doesn't use it in Cold steel to my knowledge, it's his S-craft in Ao no kiseki.

Campy is by far one of the most intriguing society members...

but CS doesn't show that.

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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Does even Falcom know what their true objective in the series is?


Falcom's gonna need cold water for that one. XD

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Glad you enjoyed the fight, though! I was honestly hesistant about writing it, especially since i planned to introduce the Society a bit later, but i didn't know what to do with Empire's/Olivier's Interlude, and so while outside walking yesterday and listening to Unfathomed Force on my mobile i got that Idea to introduce Snek boys now and write the chapter from their viewpoint.

Good decision! Especially throwing the Slither Buddies into the mix along with them.
I'm a bit hyped, if you can't tell.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Also if you don't know what Fake Salt Pale is, since he doesn't use it in Cold steel to my knowledge, it's his S-craft in Ao no kiseki.

Ah, I was wondering what that attack/spell was. So it's his S-Craft. Neat!

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16 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Good decision! Especially throwing the Slither Buddies into the mix along with them.

I am afraid i am introducing too many plot points however xD

We got snek boys, slither buddies, Sothis, Rean's bod, etc..

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

I am afraid i am introducing too many plot points however xD

We got snek boys, slither buddies, Sothis, Rean's bod, etc..

Well, this IS partly a Trails story, so it makes sense.

You just have to be careful not to lose track of them, I think.

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QP awarded: 3 (+4 Bonus).

Rank up: D -> C.

C Support with Claude get!

(Other choices woul've given no Bonus QP and no Claude support. No Bad End choice this time 😛)

Well, a small chapter today. I split the planned chapter in two because the aftermath of Interlude 5 needs to be a big chapter on it's own. That, and that Interlude was really exhausting to write, even if fun.

Chapter 9: Outsiders

I go after Claude.

I know i shouldn't leave my post, but it doesn't seem like much is happening tonight.

And i want to know what he is up to, what his secret is.

Going forward, i hear the sound of fighting.

I see our dear class leader and a giant of a man fighting of a trio of swordsmen.

I take out my sword and head to help them.

Even if it looks like they don't need it, helping someone goes a long way in building trust.

And we make short work of the enemy.

''Well,'' starts Claude, ''thanks for the help, Musse.''

''Teehee, no problem, Claude.'' I respond, ''I wonder though, you all were speaking a foreign language, weren't you?''

''I don't know what you are talking about.'' Answers Claude.

It seems he is not willing to open up yet.

It's not a problem, i undersntad.

''Oh, well.'' I tell him, ''And here i thought i wouldn't be the only outsider in the Class.''

I turn to leave.

''She got you good, lad.'' Is what i hear from that old friend of his before i leave the area.

*Time skip*

We are now preparing to go back to the academy.

I wonder...

who should i hang out with on the way back?

Choice 1: Lorenz.

Choice 2: Marianne.

Choice 3: Leonie.

Choice 4: Raphael.

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Sorry for the delay, was a bit tired the last few days^^

(Marianne C-support unlocked! C-support limit reached! Marianne chapter unlocked (later on.))

Let's get this show started!

Chapter 10: The Snake's Aftermath

''Leave me alone.'' The Blue haired girl tells me.

I've been trying to aproach her, to no success.

The girl wants to be left alone.

Even trying to let her teach me light magic is rejected, with the reason being ''Lysithea can do that.''

That's not good.

Not just for my information gethering.

But for Marianne as well.

If she's left alone for much longer it will not end well for her.

I hope we can all help her before it's too late.


*Time skip*


The monastery is in uproar.

There are knights and medics everywhere.

The Professor approaches one of the knights to ask them what's going on.

''The Black Eagles students came back earlier today,'' he responds, ''And they all need medical attention. Something big happened in the imperial capital.''

''Do you know what exactly happened?'' The professor asks.

''The details are not yet known, but it's already being called the Salt Catastrophe of Enbarr.''

Salt Catastrophe?

That doesn't sound good. It also sounds familiar.

Did something like the salt pale accident of North Ambria happen?

I need to find Tita and Olivier soon, and if possible, Agate as well.

As i head to the Infirmary to seach for his highness, i find him talking with Tita.

''Ah, Musse, it's good that you are here!'' He greets me, ''let's go find some place where we can talk.''

And we head to the garden behind the mess hall.

''So, Olivier, what happened?'' I ask him while drinking some Tea.

And so he tells his Story.

A Three way fight in the imperial capital. A Fight between the Students, Beasts and the Society's Enforcer.

It's only thanks to him casting Seraphic Ring at the right time that they were able to survive.

Casualities were kept to a minimum, and the city should be habitable again soon. The scale of this catastrophe can't be compared with what happened in North Ambria.

''From the way you talk, Olivier,'' continues Tita,'' The Society wasn't responsible for the beast attack?''

''No,'' he responds, ''The beasts were clearly going after him.''

''Is there anything else of note?'' I ask him.

''Yes, two things. First of all, he asked if 'all these years made me forget'.''

Years...? The implications of this is not good.

''And the other, and more important piece of news is that the Empire is refusing any and all help from the Church.'' He finishes.

''Doesn't that mean that the Empire has something to hide?'' Tita asks.

''Not only that,'' I respond, ''It probably also means that the Empire has a hand in what happened.''

''The Church wanted to use that chance to repair it's relationship with the Empire,'' his highness adds in, ''but instead it's deteriorating further.''

And so our discussion on that matter ends. 

''Ah, Tita,'' I call out to her before we each return to our classmates, ''I have more information on why the Time Quartz could've shattered.''

She looks at me with a curious face.

''It has to do with our new professor.'' I continue.

''The professor? That's... interesting. Why would a Quartz react like that to a human?'' She asks herself more than anyone else.

''Maybe he isn't completely human?'' Ask Olivier, ''Wasn't the legend you were pursuing tell something about Dragons and green hair, Musse?''

''Dragons...'' mutters Tita to herself, probably thinking about every connection possible, and how they could affect orbments like that.

''Anyway, i gotta go back to my class.'' says Olivier, ''Rest well everyone, and be careful.''

We say our farewells and return each to our classmates.


*Time skip*


The Holy Mausoleum. That's where they are gonna attack.

With most of the knights out investigating all across the northern half of Fodlan after the incident four weeks ago, the monastery's security detail is left to the students and their teachers.

I've figured out where they are going to attack during the Rite of Rebirth.

Now to decide on what to do....

Choice 1: Head to the Mausoleum with Tita and Olivier.

Choice 2: Head there with the Golden Deer.

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7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

''The details are not yet known, but it's already being called the Salt Catastrophe of Enbarr.''

Sounds like the Insurrection of the Six to me.

The amount of salt from that pretty much escalated tensions to all out war, I don't think I'm wrong with that assumption, though this is almost certainly Trails related.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

''Yes, two things. First of all, he asked if 'all these years made me forget'.''

Years...? The implications of this is not good.

It's one of those time travel stories isn't it?

One week in here one year in there or some such?

I'm not going to pretend I know anything in regards to the Trails end beyond that demo, but I do think this has held well so far.

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9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Choice 1: Head to the Mausoleum with Tita and Olivier.

Probably a good idea to stick with her friends on this one.

Another interesting chapter! Nice work!

I'll be looking forward to that Marianne support.


Oh wait, wrong thread.

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19 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Probably a good idea to stick with her friends on this one.

Don't forget to vote 😉

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

do think this has held well so far.


20 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Another interesting chapter! Nice work!


21 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:



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Yay, more Musse!

You know, this story has singlehandedly made Musse my favorite member of New Class VII (and maybe even my favorite Trails character).
Not that I thought she was a bad character beforehand, the opposite rather. I unironically think she's a great character, even aside from all the memes.

I enjoyed this chapter a lot! Looking forward to that Marianne support!
In the immortal words of my favorite antagonist and final boss: "What a thrill!"

My vote goes to Tita and Olivier.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Honestly though, i still think my writing of Musse is pretty weak. I do feel more comfortable writing Interludes than main chapters, for example

One thing you could do to improve the writing of her, if I may suggest something, is that she usually deliberately hints that she knows more than she lets on, then pretends like there is no deeper meaning behind what she said, and then throws out something like "whatever might you be talking about?" when someone actually catches on to her.
Don't know if I explained that very well, but I don't know else to word it.
But otherwise, I honestly think you pretty much nailed the investigative and perceptive side of her personality.
The more flirtatious aspects might be "missing" for the moment, but those only ever surfaced around Rean in the game, anyway (hence the quotations around missing), so I wouldn't worry too much about those for now.

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6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

One thing you could do to improve the writing of her, if I may suggest something, is that she usually deliberately hints that she knows more than she lets on, then pretends like there is no deeper meaning behind what she said, and then throws out something like "whatever might you be talking about?" when someone actually catches on to her.
Don't know if I explained that very well, but I don't know else to word it.

yeah i try to do that^^

I think it also has to do with the weird way i write, mainly i imagine the 'character's voice' in my head and see if it fits the character or not, and with Musse i am usually like ''it could fit, not sure though'' xD

yeah i am weird xD

Thanks for the tips, still^^

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