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Trails of Three Houses: A Fan-Support Conversation Between Musse Egret and Lysithea

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This deals with a support conversation between Lysithea from Fire Emblem Three Houses and Musse Egret from Trails of Cold Steel III.

I assume you don't know who Musse is, so check this out. Both share traits, differences and also fates. Both like to practice, like sweets and also are wise. Musse has some mysteries whose aren't all revealed yet, but let it aside right now. Musse has an incredible tense affection to the professor, and her trademark is to use teehee in like each third line in her conversations.


Musse Egret joined the Golden Deers and get taught by the best Professor, aka Byleth Eisner. Of course she's touched by his lessons.


On one afternoon after the last lesson...





673243897413238794.png?v=1 (mumbling) Teehee, the professor... so smart... so diligent... so handsome... SO LOVELY!

RL6zmo2.jpg?2 Jeez... can you stop mumbling, especially when other people are around of you?

673243897413238794.png?v=1don't know what you are talking about, teehee.

RL6zmo2.jpg?2You sure didn't! The whole class heard you!

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, of course they shall hear and the professor, too. Everyone in Garreg Mach shall know how lovely and beloved he is!

RL6zmo2.jpg?2 Lysithea: ... I think you’re all alone with this opinion. Whatever... I would ask you kindly to stop with that crap. It doesn’t suit you at all!

673243897413238794.png?v=1It’s bothering you!?

RL6zmo2.jpg?2 Lysithea: Of course, it does! Seriously I would not even care, if it didn’t distract me from my magic exercises. Though I have to ask: You’re a noble too! Haven’t you ever felt ashamed by acting that childish by chasing an instructor? You do show no class at all considering your position.

673243897413238794.png?v=1 Oh my... What has nobility to do with it? Isn’t it natural that a grown girl shows their affectionto someone who cares you with that loveliness?

RL6zmo2.jpg?2 Argh... don’t act like if it’s a behavior of an adult. You just sound like a crazy fan – no like a stalker – who desperately wants to hit on someone with having the knowledge of getting no chance.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Who doesn’t say that I have no chance? Wait... is our Professor already in a relationship... with an other student... or even Lady Rhea?

RL6zmo2.jpg?2 Ugh... Forget about it! Seriously keep up your “hobby” unless you interrupt me from my duties again. Then I will tell it to the professor!

673243897413238794.png?v=1 What would you tell... hey... Lysithea!?... She’s gone. (speaking to herself): Teehee, it would interest me what she would say to the professor. Is she... jealous... or just a lonely girl who doesn’t grant everyone’s love luck. If she just would be more open for this, she would understand me.


How will it end?

B and A support are yet to come in a bit.

Please give me some feedback and / or improvement suggestions!

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Add Musse to the list of waifu candidates for the ever-dull Professor Byleth. Maybe she likes the quiet, mysterious type? Either way, nice job! I can see this being an actual support in an FE game. And Lysithea was perfectly characterized. Btw, how do you pronounce Musse? I assume it probably wouldn’t be “moose” or “muhs.”

Edited by twilitfalchion
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25 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Another thing that you could do is a post time skip Lys and post CS4 Musse when they both got to be with their respective teacher and have them talk about how they got to be with their teacher.

And eat cake

Seconding this!

25 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Add Musse to the list of waifu candidates for the ever-dull Professor Byleth. Maybe she likes the quiet, mysterious type? Either way, nice job! I can see this being an actual support in an FE game. And Lysithea was perfectly characterized. Btw, how do you pronounce Musse? I assume it probably wouldn’t be “moose” or “muhs.”

The game pronounces her myussé with a long e.
Which, funnily enough, is the same pronunciation used for the character Muzét in Tales of Xillia and Xillia 2, who is also flirty as hell and uses a lot of innuendo.
A part of me thinks this is not a coincidence.

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55 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Btw, how do you pronounce Musse? I assume it probably wouldn’t be “moose” or “muhs.”


55 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Another thing that you could do is a post time skip Lys and post CS4 Musse when they both got to be with their respective teacher and have them talk about how they got to be with their teacher.

And eat cake


26 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Seconding this!

Actually I would do a split here: One A support before timeskip and one A support after.

As for the cake:


This would be the "grand final".

I think the B and A support will become rather serious than funny.


59 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Add Musse to the list of waifu candidates for the ever-dull Professor Byleth. Maybe she likes the quiet, mysterious type?

That's the actual point.

Musse is a character full of mysteries.

Lots of her backround hasn't been revealed yet, so it be only fitting for her to be with him.

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673243897413238794.png?v=1(to the professor): Professor, could you give me a special lesson, please? I didn’t quite the lesson about the combat, but I really would spend more time with you to increase my knowledge. It's beneficial for all of us.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 Umm… What are you doing, Musse?

673243897413238794.png?v=1… Oh hi, Lys.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 So you’re trying to hit on the professor again, aren’t we?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, if you count asking the best and most adorable professor for getting some extra help, then you can consider it as a yes.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 … Extra help in flirting!? Seriously I told you to stop with this in the audience. You put the entire monastry into dirt with your ruthless and shameful behavior!

673243897413238794.png?v=1Ruthless!? My, my, I just want to get support by someone who made me stronger and smarter and I can count on. Though since you are here could I have a bit of your time? I have a few questions since you seem to be a very interesting person.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 I really have no time for small talk, especially with some kind of weirdo as you are.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, I don’t even deny that I can be weird sometimes. But come on, just a little eye to eye chat. I also made some tea and cake because I know you love it.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… Well… fine! But keep it short, ok?

673243897413238794.png?v=1I only will focus on the details. So no idle chat, let’s start. I can assume you are not a very talkative person at all, and I might even know the reason behind it.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 What do you want to state with that?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Your hair… it’s unusual. I only read in books that this white hair can’t be inherited at birth. It has to be made artificially.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 And if it was the case – which I don’t even affirm – how it is your business?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Please be patient, you will know soon enough! This hair is made by experiments, experiments of an evil group who wanted to spread malignancy on humans by conducting crest experiments on them. The result is that the hair fragments turn into white which also means that the life span of this person will be shortened dramatically.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 You will tell me that I’m going to die soon!? Is this what you wanted to say?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Please let me continue! I only read it in books, but I also read there is a way to fix it.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 (interrupts): You know what!? This conversation went far enough! It’s none of your business at all to intervene in my life at all! I’m done with you!

673243897413238794.png?v=1(speaking to herself): Teehee, it seems like as if I stinged in a hornet’s nest! You might hate me right now, Lys, but it's all for a good sake! 


It's probably not the most exciting support because it goes to the direction of Linhardt x Lysithea, but I need it as hanger for the A support.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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673243897413238794.png?v=1Lysithea, could we talk to each other, please?

RL6zmo2.jpg?3You really have the nerves to ask me that way after what you did to me? Do you remember on our last “conversation”?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Of course I do. And I’m so sorry about that from earlier. I was very insensitive and didn’t respect your feelings. But please listen, Lys! I would like to talk to you just to explain my reason for going after the professor because I might have found a solution for your problem.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Hmph, you won’t seriously tell me again that I am going to die soon too, right?

673243897413238794.png?v=1No no, don’t worry! I would like to tell you something about my family backround. And in exchange I would like to know more about yours? I have the feeling that we are kinda sitting in the same boat.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… I really have no time for this… ugh… whatever… fine! Since you have figured it out anyways, I have no real chance to be opposed anymore. But please spare me with your selfpity, got it? Otherwise it will have been our LAST conversation for sure!

673243897413238794.png?v=1 Thank you! Yes, I promise it won’t be the case! And of course I will not tell anyone about this little conversation. Here, I have made some tea. It’s your favorite flavor, apple.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3If you think to lull me this way, then you’re mistaken! Though I will gladly try the tea.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Lemme start then. You know that I’m from an Erebonian noble family. My parents died early by a tragic accident and then I was raised by my grandparents. My father’s brother took over my father’s title… to demonstrate power and… cruelty. He was responsible for the plan of resurrecting the Demon Lord Testarossa, the Crimson Knight. It should plunge Erebonia into chaos. He entrapped me into a girl’s school to get rid of me. Though I learned to get to know some handsome people like the princess and sister of the best instructor in Erebonia there.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3I see then, so you are wise right now. But what has it to do with stalking other people? Just because you’re lonely?


673243897413238794.png?v=1Our beloved instructor is the bodily son of the Chancellor of Erebonia who’s responsible for manipulating his own folks by making them mobile for a war it doesn’t exist. He burnt down an entire town to make his own people think that an uninvolved country is responsible. He sacrifices his own believers just to extend his power. This is something I will and cannot tolerate! I got into contact to his son to see his point of view. I can say he’s not only handsome, fashioned and cute, but he’s also incredibly smart. He doesn’t follow his father’s goals at all.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Why did you come to Garreg Mach?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Because I see some similarities to the instructor and the professor. Both are so lovely and smart. Though I was interested in that crest stuff because I only have myths about them and I so tried to gather some information. And I have good news for you, teehee! That’s the reason why I invited you. But therefore you have to tell me short what exactly happened so that you can be saved.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Being saved!?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, mhm. Then just tell me if you have two crests? You don’t need to tell me your backround story to save you from pain. I think to know the most anyways, at least the outcome.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… If this is your question… then yes! The major crest of Gloucester... and the......... (almost starting to cry) one of Charon by these....... murders. 

673243897413238794.png?v=1Cheer up, Lys! It's over! (dries Lysithea's eyes) I don't need more information. Anyways the books told me that no one can have two chests. And one way to get it removed is to come the person close, who guides you. And the person who comes closest in my eyes is no one else than the professor himself.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… He could do it!? What do you mean with close?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee… I don’t know. It’s just what the book says. Why not trying it out? You want to have a long life, don’t you? Also this would give you the chance to have children. Doesn’t it sound romantic, teehee? I see you as the most adorable and caring mum of Fodland.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Aww… Draw it mild! It sounds creepy, doesn’t it?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Well yeah, but exciting in the same way.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Lemme think about it.

673243897413238794.png?v=1I see, but don’t take too long. I can imagine other people might be interested in the professor too, teehee.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Speaking of insensitive… you haven’t changed a bit! … But still I appreciate for taking care for me. Thanks Musse!

673243897413238794.png?v=1You’re welcome, Lys! And… sorry! My words tend to be very straight… maybe a bit too straight sometimes. Despite what happened to us in the past, may I ask you if we could be friends? Let’s give us each other a hug!

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… Well, you have some strange attitudes and you are a bit insensitive regarding your emotions, but I can’t see you as a bad person, so. You share a similar familiar backround and some traits with me. Yes, I will take this offer!

(hugging each other)

673243897413238794.png?v=1 (blushing): … TEEHEE, I am glad that I had the chance to meet you. You're such a handsome, smart and persistend young woman! Here, I made a cookie for you. I’m better in eating than making them, but I would be grateful if you tried it out.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Of course! There can’t be anything better than cookies to a delicious apple tea.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Then have a bite!

RL6zmo2.jpg?3mpf, mpf   Wow, it’s delicious!

673243897413238794.png?v=1Thanks for this compliment! I'm feeling flattered. I’m not really that good in the kitchen, but I tried my best.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3mpf, mpf… something’s stingy. There’s something…… like paper…. on my teeth

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, I haven’t told you. It’s a fortune cookie. It’s an ancient rite from the Far East, the republic of Calvard. Inside of a cookie is a little message which determines the future of the person who eats it. Erebonia took over this rite. These cookies are sold in the Summer Festival in Ordis. I really love them. That’s why I made them. Teehee…Aren’t you excited to read what your future will bring?

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… mpf… Umm… mpf… I guess.


Lysithea reads the message of the fortune cookie:

Your past was hard,

but you are robust and smart.

You will overcome it,

by following you target!

Follow the person who does teach you and become his wife,

and you will have a long and happy life!


RL6zmo2.jpg?3........ This rather suits to you, MUSSE!!!

673243897413238794.png?v=1(speaking to herself): Oh my… looks like I am out of luck of having a future with our professor from Garreg Mach. Teehee, seriously Lys deserves him much more than me. Teehee,  I’m really sure he’ll give all the love to her she never could receive, and more important saving her. Aidios, please bless both and letting them have a long and good future! Still not all my hopes are gone. I’ll be excited returning to Leeves. Instructor Rean, I’m looking forward to see you again soon, teehee!




Five years later in Garreg Mach

This music is played.

Lysithea: I know you aren’t here, Musse, but I also know you will hear me somehow, but I just wanted to thank you that you gave me life and saved mine.  But please don’t act, if I stole you the professor, got it!? It was your damned fortune cookie!



Same day in Heimdallr, Erebonia

Musse: Come on Rean, it’s our big day today!  You’re blushing! Teehee, it makes you even adorable that my groom is nervous. It reminds me on the Summer Festival in the exact same place when the princess asked you for to dance with her.

(thinking) Lys, I know you are in good hands now. This reminds me how similar the Professor and Rean are. Unfortunately everyone can pick only one person as husband, but on the other hand this saved Lys. Better one than none, teehee.

Rean, it’s about time! Let’s go to the window and show ourselves the folks! They’re waiting for us!




Edited by Falcom Knight
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19 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:


  Reveal hidden contents


673243897413238794.png?v=1Lysithea, could we talk to each other, please?

RL6zmo2.jpg?3You really have the nerves to ask me that way after what you did to me? Do you remember on our last “conversation”?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Of course I do. And I’m so sorry about that from earlier. I was very insensitive and didn’t respect your feelings. But please listen, Lys! I would like to talk to you just to explain my reason for going after the professor because I might have found a solution for your problem.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Hmph, you won’t seriously tell me again that I am going to die soon too, right?

673243897413238794.png?v=1No no, don’t worry! I would like to tell you something about my family backround. And in exchange I would like to know more about yours? I have the feeling that we are kinda sitting in the same boat.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… I really have no time for this… ugh… whatever… fine! Since you have figured it out anyways, I have no real chance to be opposed anymore. But please spare me with your selfpity, got it? Otherwise it will have been our LAST conversation for sure!

673243897413238794.png?v=1 Thank you! Yes, I promise it won’t be the case! And of course I will not tell anyone about this little conversation. Here, I have made some tea. It’s your favorite flavor, apple.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3If you think to lull me this way, then you’re mistaken! Though I will gladly try the tea.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Lemme start then. You know that I’m from an Erebonian noble family. My parents died early by a tragic accident and then I was raised by my grandparents. My father’s brother took over my father’s title… to demonstrate power and… cruelty. He was responsible for the plan of resurrecting the Demon Lord Testarossa, the Crimson Knight. It should plunge Erebonia into chaos. He entrapped me into a girl’s school to get rid of me. Though I learned to get to know some handsome people like the princess and sister of the best instructor in Erebonia there.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3I see, then we share at least that we are basically wise right now. But what has it to do with stalking other people? Just because you’re lonely?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, I already admit that you lost your parents without even asking you.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3I mean, yeah, but not how they died. But you know it anyways, so.

673243897413238794.png?v=1You got me! Also to answer your question, the instructor is the bodily son of the Chancellor of Erebonia who’s responsible for manipulating his own folks by making them mobile for a war it doesn’t exist. He burnt down an entire town to make his own people think that an uninvolved country is responsible. He sacrifices his own believers just to extend his power. This is something I will and cannot tolerate! I got into contact to his son to see his point of view. I can say he’s not only handsome, fashioned and cute, but he’s also incredibly smart. He doesn’t follow his father’s goals at all.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Why did you come to Garreg Mach?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Because I see some similarities to the instructor and the professor. Both are so lovely and smart. Though I was interested in that crest stuff because I only have myths about them and I so tried to gather some information. And I have good news for you, teehee! That’s the reason why I invited you. But therefore you have to tell me short what exactly happened so that you can be saved.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Being saved!?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, mhm. Then just tell me if you have two crests? You don’t need to tell me your backround story to save you from pain. I think to know the most anyways, at least the outcome.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… If this is your question… then yes! The major crest of Gloucester... and the......... (almost starting to cry) one of Charon by these....... murders. 

673243897413238794.png?v=1Cheer up, Lys! It's over! (dries Lysithea's eyes) I don't need more information. Anyways the books told me that no one can have two chests. And one way to get it removed is to come the person close, who guides you. And the person who comes closest in my eyes is no one else than the professor himself.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… He could do it!? What do you mean with close?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee… I don’t know. It’s just what the book says. Why not trying it out? You want to have a long life, don’t you? Also this would give you the chance to have children. Doesn’t it sound romantic, teehee? I see you as the most adorable and caring mum of Fodland.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Aww… Draw it mild! It sounds creepy, doesn’t it?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Well yeah, but exciting in the same way.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Lemme think about it.

673243897413238794.png?v=1I see, but don’t take too long. I can imagine other people might be interested in the professor too, teehee.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Speaking of insensitive… you haven’t changed a bit! … But still I appreciate for taking care for me. Thanks Musse!

673243897413238794.png?v=1You’re welcome, Lys! And… sorry! My words tend to be very straight… maybe a bit too straight sometimes. Despite what happened to us in the past, may I ask you if we could be friends? Let’s give us each other a hug!

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… Well, you have some strange attitudes and you are a bit insensitive regarding your emotions, but I can’t see you as a bad person, so. You share a similar familiar backround and some traits with me. Yes, I will take this offer!

(hugging each other)

673243897413238794.png?v=1 (blushing): … TEEHEE, I am glad that I had the chance to meet you. You're such a handsome, smart and persistend young woman! Here, I made a cookie for you. I’m better in eating than making them, but I would be grateful if you tried it out.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Of course! There can’t be anything better than cookies to a delicious apple tea.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Then have a bite!

RL6zmo2.jpg?3mpf, mpf   Wow, it’s delicious!

673243897413238794.png?v=1Thanks for this compliment! I'm feeling flattered. I’m not really that good in the kitchen, but I tried my best.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3mpf, mpf… something’s stingy. There’s something…… like paper…. on my teeth

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, I haven’t told you. It’s a fortune cookie. It’s an ancient rite from the Far East, the republic of Calvard. Inside of a cookie is a little message which determines the future of the person who eats it. Erebonia took over this rite. These cookies are sold in the Summer Festival in Ordis. I really love them. That’s why I made them. Teehee…Aren’t you excited to read what your future will bring?

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… mpf… Umm… mpf… I guess.


Lysithea reads the message of the fortune cookie:

Your past was hard,

but you are robust and smart.

You will overcome it,

by following you target!

Follow the person who does teach you and become his wife,

and you will have a long and happy life!


RL6zmo2.jpg?3........ This rather suits to you, MUSSE!!!

673243897413238794.png?v=1(speaking to herself): Oh my… looks like I am out of luck of having a future with our professor from Garreg Mach. Teehee, seriously Lys deserves him much more than me. Teehee,  I’m really sure he’ll give all the love to her she never could receive, and more important saving her. Aidios, please bless both and letting them have a long and good future! Still not all my hopes are gone. I’ll be excited returning to Leeves. Instructor Rean, I’m looking forward to see you again soon, teehee!


  Reveal hidden contents


Five years later in Garreg Mach

This music is played.

Lysithea: I know you aren’t here, Musse, but I also know you will hear me somehow, but I just wanted to thank you that you gave me life and saved mine.  But please don’t act, if I stole you the professor, got it!? It was your damned fortune cookie!


Same day in Heimdallr, Erebonia

Musse: Come on Rean, it’s our big day today!  You’re blushing! Teehee, it makes you even adorable that my groom is nervous. It reminds me on the Summer Festival in the exact same place when the princess asked you for to dance with her.

(thinking) Lys, I know you are in good hands now. This reminds me how similar the Professor and Rean are. Unfortunately everyone can pick only one person as husband, but on the other hand this saved Lys. Better one than none, teehee.

Rean, it’s about time! Let’s go to the window and show ourselves the folks! They’re waiting for us!




I think my heart just melted away. This was really sweet!
And now it's even harder for me to have Byleth S-support anyone but Lysithea in future playthroughs. And you may have just made Musse my favorite Trails character.

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