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What- I can't reply to the first post of a thread, and I can't guess what something is? I just read the first few posts and assumed Euthanasia was a lethal injection, etc, it's not really my fault if I guessed wrong, and nobody is going to die because of it (my post, no pun intended).

That's why you do your Google search before you post on a topic. Euthanasia is an act of mercy killing done in a professional setting. That's all there is. Next time you don't know something, research it before blindly posting your stance on it. ;)

Anyways, to bring us back on track...

Euthanasia... What can I say about this. I don't think it should be made free to the public, because then we can get all sorts of legalized suicides and people will be hurting badly afterwards. What I think they should do is restrict it so that only the terminally ill can access it.

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That's why you do your Google search before you post on a topic. Euthanasia is an act of mercy killing done in a professional setting. That's all there is. Next time you don't know something, research it before blindly posting your stance on it. ;)

Anyways, to bring us back on track...

Euthanasia... What can I say about this. I don't think it should be made free to the public, because then we can get all sorts of legalized suicides and people will be hurting badly afterwards. What I think they should do is restrict it so that only the terminally ill can access it.

Firstly thankyou for explaing that to Destiny Hero :)

Second...I never considered that. Your right. I think Holland has adopted those ideas you mentioned.

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I think people should be allowed to use it, but by no means should anyone be allowed to buy it.

And by the way, euthanasia not a product. ;)

Let me put it this way. Putting animals to sleep? Check. Euthanasia on people? Check. They're essentially the same concepts, only that people are more willing to perform mercy killings on their pets than on other people.

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Then what's the point of being able to use it?

Nobody should be able to buy it except for trusted liscened officials, etc. If people could just go out and buy the stuff, they could kill other people with it. But if a person doesn't want to live, and nobody else objects, they should be fine.

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Nobody should be able to buy it except for trusted liscened officials, etc. If people could just go out and buy the stuff, they could kill other people with it. But if a person doesn't want to live, and nobody else objects, they should be fine.

Euthanasia is not a product. <_<

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And by the way, euthanasia not a product. ;)

Let me put it this way. Putting animals to sleep? Check. Euthanasia on people? Check. They're essentially the same concepts, only that people are more willing to perform mercy killings on their pets than on other people.

Nobody should be able to buy it except for trusted liscened officials, etc. If people could just go out and buy the stuff, they could kill other people with it. But if a person doesn't want to live, and nobody else objects, they should be fine.

Did you even listen to what I just said? <_<

Okay, fine, here. I'll baby you around a bit and direct you to a magical land called Wikipedia:


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Nobody should be able to buy it except for trusted liscened officials, etc. If people could just go out and buy the stuff, they could kill other people with it. But if a person doesn't want to live, and nobody else objects, they should be fine.

*head desk*

*head desk*

*head desk*

*head desk*

*head desk*


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K, let's do it.

*bangs head against the wall in supreme frustration*

I post a link, you click on it and read the damn thing! What I said about taking you to a magic land was a metaphor! I provide the means to go there, you take the means I provide!

Use your brain that you claim to have! Jesus Christ! :angry:

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Make people go through a psychiatric exam before going through with it. If someone has cancer or aids or malignant brain tumors or is terminal or even just old and doesn't wanna deal with shit anymore, fine, let them. If they're overly stressed or depressed or bipolar or anything that might be temporary or manageable, no. If they're seriously looking for Euthanasia, they're not far enough gone to pull the goddamn trigger themselves and there's some hope for them.

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Lethal injections?

They should be done to nearly every person in jail. Why the hell are we going to waste resources on terrible people who will never bring any good to society? Kill them; they don't even deserve to live.

Because, some people are able to reform their behaviour problems and even leave prison to become decent members of society.

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Because, some people are able to reform their behaviour problems and even leave prison to become decent members of society.
And if prisons weren't such hellholes in US, the percentage would be much higher.

Anyway, euthanasia is a mixed issue for me. While I believe humans should have more control over their lives, I also think that anyone who wants to die prematurely has some issues with either their lives or mental issues and both of these kind of people should be helped, IMO.

I personally can foresee suicides becoming number 1 reason of death if humanity evolves to the point where we live several hundreds of years and everyone is at peace, but that's kinda off topic.

Edited by Nintenlord
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I too think taking life is just wrong for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Like the Rwanda Genocide for instance, they're the grand example of Euthanasia:

Throughout history groups of people have tried to eliminate other groups for various reasons, but these attempts have been marked by the human race's refusal to allow such systematic extermination to occur. Unfortunately in 1994 the global community collectively turned a blind eye toward the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. The Rwandan Genocide revealed the governments of the world's ignorance and apathy, as well as their continuing selfishness and refusal to take blame.

The killings were an attempt by a radical splinter, the Hutu Power, of the majority ethnic group, the Hutus, to eliminate a small minority, the Tutsis. The beginning of the genocide is usually traced to April 6, 1994 when a plane crashed with Rwanda's president, Juvenal Habyarimanya on board. However, roots the genocide were established much earlier; the Hutu Power militia was being armed and trained for months before. Their intention was known to all; the Hutus had announced, over the radio and through various other channels, that they were going to exterminate the Tutsis. Within hours of the crash barricades had been set up around the capital. Anyone passing through was required to show identification papers, and all Tutsis were killed.

Instead of apologizing for their actions, the UN should be apologizing for the lack of the actions they displayed. We know that our country has heard the news of the planned genocide and did nothing to stop it. “Protests from abroad, as hesitant and conditional as they were, did produce changes in tactics. Yet, the Clinton Administration felt as though they had to apologize for their actions when dealing with Rwanda. ” The truth of the matter is that these western powers did take priority over other things, rather than the thing that was most valid and that was the genocide in Rwanda. must act upon the event of genocide, for them to do what they must to prevent it from happening. Then if they are unable to do so, they must do all they can do in their power in order to keep the genocide from continuing, and if they can’t do either, they must take responsibility for the genocide they were not able to control. ”

Edited by 安室 奈美恵
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And if prisons weren't such hellholes in US, the percentage would be much higher.

Anyway, euthanasia is a mixed issue for me. While I believe humans should have more control over their lives, I also think that anyone who wants to die prematurely has some issues with either their lives or mental issues and both of these kind of people should be helped, IMO.

I personally can foresee suicides becoming number 1 reason of death if humanity evolves to the point where we live several hundreds of years and everyone is at peace, but that's kinda off topic.

What's sad is America spends more money on them, then on Health Care. (I believe)

@Destiny Hero: What? There is a reason for jail and prison, TO MAKE YOURSELF RIGHT AGAIN. Some have mental problems I bet, which can be helped. But do you realize the pointlessness of killing everyone who goes to jail or prison?


Euthanasia for humans=nope.

An animal that needs to be put down=yes.

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If the guy is suffering from a terminal illness in which he'll die soon anyway, why not just kill him and get it over with? If someone can only live off of life support, but has no chance of recovery, I think the plug should be pulled. It leaves the person on life support in pain, wastes money, and takes up a hospital bed which could be used to cure others with treatable diseases.

Also, the jail system doesn't work well. Most people go back to recidivism.

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If the guy is suffering from a terminal illness in which he'll die soon anyway, why not just kill him and get it over with?

Agreed but...I think that option should only be considered if they are sure if the guy won't be able to survive.

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That's the whole meaning of a terminal illness.

It really depends on how soon the person will die. If they still have years, months, weeks or even days, they still have time to make the most of things.

If however, their death was imminent, and agonizing, then killing them (assuming they give consent) could be justified.

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It really depends on how soon the person will die. If they still have years, months, weeks or even days, they still have time to make the most of things.

If however, their death was imminent, and agonizing, then killing them (assuming they give consent) could be justified.

What if you were tied to bed until you died?

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What if you were tied to bed until you died?

I would probably be reading the Bible 'till I die. Nothing else I would do.

I also wouldn't ask the plug to be pulled on me, that isn't right. Especially on a nurse (or some other stranger) who doesn't want to do it.

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As of now, I am not going to debate here until the moderators get off their asses and start to keep topics from being derailed. It is pathetic.

Make another comment like that and your ass is going to get derailed.

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