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LEGO Video Games


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I've only ever played Rock Raiders for the PS1 and the first Star Wars one (on PS2, I think) but, I love this series, I grew up on LEGO and I just love the nostalgia it brings, plus the fun and amusing atmosphere around it.

Once I'm working I plan to buy Star Wars: Complete Saga, Indiana Jones and Batman for the Wii (most of which will be cheap by now I think).

Has anyone played it, like it/don't like it?

Edited by ZephyrShakuraus
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I'm in the same boat as you.

If you're going for the newer LEGO games, you shouldn't be disappointed. They're great collect-a-thons. The only one I have is LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. If you're a perfectionist, you'll enjoy the game. But the last three episodes are noticeably worse in level design and bugs. Multiplayer is fun in these games too.

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I remember owning Lego Island 1, where I couldn't catch the Brickster when he went loose at the end (yes, I actually remember names), and the sequel, where I couldn't figure out how to manage my scuba diving controls in the first minigame of the Knights section. But they were pretty cool games, especially Island 1 where I raced vehicles as a pizza chef. XD

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The new ones are complete shit. They have terrible physics and are just plain annoying to play. Especially since in things like Star Wars, you're not even allowed to choose which characters you're going to use, and a large handful of them can't do anything, like jumping and attacking.

The only good recent lego game was the original trilogy on the DS, even if it did have a few annoying glitches, it was very fun, and I still play it.

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I own Lego Island 2 and Lego Alpha Team, and possibly another one. They were rather nice games a couple of years ago, but it lost its appeal to me after some time.

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The new ones are complete shit. They have terrible physics and are just plain annoying to play. Especially since in things like Star Wars, you're not even allowed to choose which characters you're going to use, and a large handful of them can't do anything, like jumping and attacking.

Once you start unlocking enough characters, yes, your teams in Freeplay mode are automatically generated, save the character the player(s) choose. However, it aligns according to stock: there will always be X amount of useless, X amount of "rogue," X amount of Jedi, and so on. So you're really complaining about a moot point, other than not being able to select an entire team.

I had Lego Island waaaaay back on some crappy computer. Could barely get the thing to run. I might think about looking into the game sometime soon... I got burnt out of Fallout 3 :E

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I've got:

LEGO Star Wars (Gamecube). Beat the game in co-op. Didn't go for 100%.

LEGO Star Wars: The complete saga (Wii). Unopened. Its for co-op use and I wanted to play Epsiodes IV-VI (the gameucbe version of verison of LEGO Star Wars 2 over here is mega-expensive due to low supply)

LEGO Indiana Jones (Wii). I caught a good deal. Played a bit in co-op. The fact its more puzzle based makes it all the fun when you try to work out what to do and start blaming each other for doing things wrong.

I've heared LEGO Batman enters illogical teretory as far as the puzzles go. Also, given the time between Indiana Jones and the Complete Saga the game has entered cash-in period (and people say Madden, Fifa and the like are bad for doing it yearly while LEGO has 3 games out in the time period).

When I was younger I played with real LEGO toys and didn't have a computer capable of 3D stuff.

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I have lego island, lego island 2 for the pc and game boy.

Lego island 1 was easy enough, but catching the brickster in the end was somewhat annoying. I ended up beating the game with all 5 characters. I can't really play this anymore either, my desktop's cd drive is kinda screwed and never likes to read disks correctly, my laptop can't play it cause vista doesn't like it. (presumably since lego island uses directx 7, which is an old version, (vista has 10), but that's just my guess.)

lego island 2 i actually got back when my dad still had an older computer, so i wasn't able to play it until we got a new one. (said old one is now broken, newer one is the desktop i still have right now),

I ended up getting it for the game boy before being able to play it on the pc, i must have played through it about 50 times. (i'm not joking). I even played it through with spanish language for the fun of it.

Finally being able to play it on the pc was fun, it's actually the only 3d type game i have the the pc. XD It's mainly since my desktop is too crappy to play anything good, and i just got my new laptop recently. I kinda prefer console games anyway. :P

And yes, the 2nd one actually WILL play on my laptop, but i don't really feel like bothering to play it through over again. Maybe sometime if i'm ever really bored.

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Uhhhhg. I have both Lego Star Wars (GNC) and the Original Trilogy (DS).

The DS game had so many glitches, I couldn't even make it all the way through the game. It was sad. I couldn't get places I needed to because the game was so glitchy. I also unlocked characters I wasn't supposed to and couldn't unlock the ones I needed. And you couldn't beat the final level in freeplay mode.

The GCN game was average, not too good, not too bad. It was fun for a little while, but then got boring.

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I've played both Lego Island (original) and Lego Rock Raiders. I freaking LOVED Lego Island. It was glitchy at times, but a ton of fun. I played rockraiders a lot less, but IIRC it was very glitchy. Also, the missions were far too restricted in what you could do. By the time you finally started having fun the mission would be over and it'd be the next mission. And you pretty much had to set up the whole base from scratch every time. It became tedious rather than fun, and I gave up midway into it.

I also had lego creator, but didn't tool around with it much other than blowing shit up with the dynamite sticks. :D

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, and the sequel, where I couldn't figure out how to manage my scuba diving controls in the first minigame of the Knights section. But they were pretty cool games, especially Island 1 where I raced vehicles as a pizza chef. XD

I too had Lego Island 2. I was actually able to get past that part, but I always got stuck up on the fishing game in the desert. It seemed impossible to figure out at the time, but that was seven or eight years ago and it probably would be pathetically simple now.

Other than that I had Legoland and Lego Rock Raiders. Legoland I remember as being pretty fun, but in the end it sort of amounted to little more than a run-of-the-mill theme park management game. Unlike Iceland, Rock Raiders was the apple of my eye. I used to love that game. I'm not sure I ever beat it, but it used to be so much fun. I actually downloaded it again about a year ago just for the hell of it, and it stood up very well against what I remembered. Although the controls were a little clunky, the concept was really neat and, at least I thought, played out very well.

Edited by Commissar Gaunt
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