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  What's a game/game series that you really wanted to like, but couldn't? What stopped you from liking it?

On 10/18/2020 at 5:01 PM, twilitfalchion said:

Is there a fictional character that you can relate to?

If so, please only discuss it in a way that you feel comfortable doing.

Either you're really perceptive, I'm really obvious, or it's both.

That aside, I suppose Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon is the closest character I can think of, with my strengths and skills being rather unconventional , being much more skilled mentally than physically, and coming off as weird to most people.

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I would never reuse a question of mine: Do you like spicy food?

10 hours ago, Maof06 said:

If you could have a superpower, what it would be and why?

Rewinding time up to several minutes at a time, which is from a video game, because well, when you can do that nothing shouldn’t be going your way. I mean I wouldn’t use it to like chest at competitions (like I would be at a competition lol) but still. And remove the side effect from that game as well...

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What’s your favorite SNACK? Originality!

11 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Same question to you.

That’s hard... the Arbiters Grounds, Great Bay Temple, and Stone Tower Temple, are all so good it’s hard to choose, but one of those three.

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Do you like sweet food?

On 10/18/2020 at 10:16 PM, Sooks1016 said:

Do you like spicy food?


Last time I had spicy food, my mouth was dying. I can barely even handle moderate spiciness.

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  Who are some of your favourite ugly characters in fiction?

10 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

I would never reuse a question of mine: Do you like spicy food?

I do, so long as it's not too spicy. On a scale of 10 (10 being spiciest), I can probably handle around a 3-4 without water, and a 5-6 with water.

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20 hours ago, Randoman said:

What's a game/game series that you really wanted to like, but couldn't? What stopped you from liking it?

I've only really played FE and Zelda, so I'll have to go with PoR. I was expecting it to be an easy and fun excursion into Tellius with outstanding story and characters and music... And it fell short on every single account. T'was slow, tedious, boring and had a drab plot and cast, and the soundtrack was extremely lackluster.

What is your favorite kind of burger?

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How would you change Three Houses’ class system? Or would you go back to every unit being stuck in one class?

5 hours ago, indigoasis said:

Do you like sweet food?

Look at my location and my interests on my profile and you’ll be able to figure it out.

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4 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

How would you change Three Houses’ class system? Or would you go back to every unit being stuck in one class?

I'd either go with DSFE semi-free reclassing if Reclassing is a thing the cool 3ds kids are doing these days, or branching promotions the way FE8 does it, with maybe a third option added. Either way, vastly limit it so that the devs have a better idea as to how to balance the game. I personally prefer solidified classes, though.

My other problems with the current system are that it just slows the game down too much and the class progression system is too slow. That said, I don't despise the class system too much, it is simply the repercussions on the map design that it has.

How about you?

Edited by Benice
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4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Favorite fruits and vegetables?

Veggies: Basically everything that isn't Bok Choy or Zucchini, but I especially like Brussels sprouts and artichoke hearts.

Fruits: Mangoes and Pomegranates.

How about you?

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

How about you?

I love brussels sprouts, broccoli, and sweet potatoes are my favorite vegetables.

Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and apples especially are my favorite fruits.

Favorite game series?

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On 10/19/2020 at 10:40 PM, twilitfalchion said:

Favorite unit to use in Awakening?

Lucina!Morgan. Robin's Uber genes + Aether = OP.


Have you ever used cheats in any game?
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21 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Favorite game series?

If I had to pick one it would be the Souls series (Demon souls, Dark souls, Bloodborne). The game play is a lot of good quality fun. No gimmicks or none sense, just a solid adventure.

Favourite class in Fire Emblem?

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How did you get in to fe?

12 hours ago, Benice said:

How about you?

Hmm... I’d definitely rather go back to normal 1-20 promotions... maybe every unit has a set class they join as, which they can change into any with a seal, and then they can promote into anything and do that again?

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Same as a lot of people.
- Discovered FE from Smash Bros
- Got a 3ds and decided to get FE Awakening
- Liked the game play and expanded to different games from there

What's your favourite topic in school?

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4 hours ago, Shrow said:

Oh this thread looks fun why have I never noticed this one.
What relaxes you the most? After a stressful situation or doing something that's irritated you?

Hiking, biking, corss-country skiing and otherwise being outside. Otherwise, spending time with loved ones and/or drinking soup is also nice.

Where did you get your username from?

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On 10/19/2020 at 4:11 PM, twilitfalchion said:

Same question to you.

If you indeed meant me and not indigoasis XD
Let me quote myself here:

On 10/19/2020 at 4:06 PM, DragonFlames said:

[...] where my absolute favorite song even outside of video games plays: Lucia. It should come as no surprise that this theme is my absolute favorite in any video game. I absolutely love this song, despite not knowing what it's actually about. *cough*

Ah, just listening to it makes me feel all happy.

What motivated you to start your LP?

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

What motivated you to start your LP?

The desire to enjoy FE7, mostly. While that hasn't worked out, I certainly have enjoyed my LP a lot, and am glad that some people appear tkolike it! I'm just really slow in my updates, though. Certainly won't be my last! Er, I hope.

Do you have any quirks in your writing? (I,E, you like naming your characters after video game characters, you tend to write with alliterations, etc.)

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3 hours ago, Maof06 said:

Have you ever used cheats in any game?

Yeah. The old Spider-Man the Movie game for the GC was something I always used the unlock cheats for. There have been some others, but that's the main one that comes to mind.

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

[...] where my absolute favorite song even outside of video games plays: Lucia. It should come as no surprise that this theme is my absolute favorite in any video game. I absolutely love this song, despite not knowing what it's actually about. *cough*

Ah, just listening to it makes me feel all happy.

I do believe that Silver Will has quite a tough rival for the title of best video game song ever/battle theme ever/song ever. :headbangingcat:

Favorite video game song ever?

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9 minutes ago, Benice said:

Do you have any quirks in your writing? (I,E, you like naming your characters after video game characters, you tend to write with alliterations, etc.)

I tend to never really describe things beyond a surface level, leaving my readers to fill in the rest (like, if my characters walk through a forest, I'll never say anything more than "yep, they're in a forest"). Only when something is important to the plot or serves the world building do I describe it further.
Same with character appearances, really. Save for some details that are important to the plot or the character in question (such as a mask, a scar, unusual hair/eye colors), I never go beyond a character's gender, and leave it to my readers to imagine what the characters look like (that way, I hope to achieve more immersion).
Now, if you ask why I do this: I suck at describing things, and thus I pretend like it's "an artistic choice". XD

5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I do believe that Silver Will has quite a tough rival for the title of best video game song ever/battle theme ever/song ever. :headbangingcat:

And to me, I have a very wide variety of songs that I love, but there is nothing that comes close to even rivaling Lucia. I honestly can't explain why, but something about that song just... ah, I'm getting all giddy just thinking about it!


Anything you hope Awakening will do?

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

And to me, I have a very wide variety of songs that I love, but there is nothing that comes close to even rivaling Lucia. I honestly can't explain why, but something about that song just... ah, I'm getting all giddy just thinking about it!

Ey, it do be an amazing song. Great music is great.

Are there any video game songs you initially disliked, but eventually grew on you?

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I might have already asked you this and even if I haven’t I’m 99% I know what the answer will be but JUST IN CASE: ...how do you come up with story ideas... xD

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Anything you hope Awakening will do?

Cut it out with the ambush spawns, give me ample time to make babies get S supports without grinding, cut it out with the ambush spawns, have the story keep up with its relatively high quality so far, and.... cut it out with the ambush spawns.

NINJA’D!!! Uh uh uh uh uh uh I asked you already but you didn’t answer so Fe Awakening OTP?

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