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The Bastian Thread

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The thread displayed on your moniter now tells you that in this fine area of the online universe, you are permitted to and must speak like the fair Count Bastian from your Fire Emblem game.

I'm bad at it. Talking like Bastian is tricky.

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Meh, Soren is better if only for availability.

Soreneth iseth emoeth andeth haseth aneth Eeth ineth Staveethes.

Doust thou insulteth thy Count Bastian? Slander, I should think! Thou shalt be impaled on yonder shoes!

Thateth iseth tooeth wordyeth.

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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Fayre

This is a heart-wrenching tale, in which, 'lo

My life was shaken to and fro

Now if thou would be so kind as to sit right there

I shall recite how I have come to be the Count of Fayre.

My place was evermore betwixt Melior's houses

Adorned with curly shoes and frivolous trousers.

The librarium, thither, relevations galore

As I studied the arts of the tongue of yore.

Then a couple of gents with evil sentiments

Commenced running amok in my environment!

One round of fisticuffs and unrooted hair

Caused my mater to fret and say "You're going to Fayre."

I rented a steed, but as I got near

Its overwhelming odour caused me to sneer.

Regardless, I mounted this foul-smelling mare.

I pulled the reins and said "Ol' chap, ride to Fayre!"

Then. I. halted 'fore a castle with scrupules nary

Onuppan a hill with idylls overmany.

I descended from my mount as the rightful heir;

A newfound patron in the estate of Fayre.

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He isn't a bad unit by any means. I would definitely pick him over Sanaki.

To bad he joins so late....

Yeah, Bastian is certainly a useful unit.

Honestly, , though, I don't understand why Sanaki gets so much fire from fans; she turned out to be pretty useful in my run of the final chapter of this game, mostly because she could double-hit the red dragons and have a high enough evade to dodge the counterattack.

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Shakespearian Rap? I approve! It would certainly add some soul into what is generally considered a rather uncouth habbit. Especially by yours truly.

Bastian, Count of Fayre, is by no means a bad unit. In fact, he is quite skilled. However, at the moment in time at which he wanders from yonder, there are already far superior minions willing to die be manouvered at your whim. However, if by some miracle the fair Soren has not been used or has been struck down by the finicky RNG Goddess, then Bastian is a supreme choice. He is a more logical choice than the absentee, Tormod, in any circumstance!

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Shakespearian Rap? I approve! It would certainly add some soul into what is generally considered a rather uncouth habbit. Especially by yours truly.

Bastian, Count of Fayre, is by no means a bad unit. In fact, he is quite skilled. However, at the moment in time at which he wanders from yonder, there are already far superior minions willing to die be manouvered at your whim. However, if by some miracle the fair Soren has not been used or has been struck down by the finicky RNG Goddess, then Bastian is a supreme choice. He is a more logical choice than the absentee, Tormod, in any circumstance!


Three cheers!

Edited by Thingy Person
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Hast though forgotten about the tasks at hand? The fair count Bastian has demanded that we, as his chilvalrous servants, attempt to speak like Him. Noweth geteth toeth worketh, naeveethes!

Your overuse of "eth" is of great sorrow to my ears. Such insults to Bastian's way of speach! Alas, thou knowest nothing of proper Shakespearian English. (I'm not so keen myself, but whatever)

Bastian, oh how I sympathize with your tastes. I believe that the lady Lucia may be even more beautiful than the very queen that she protects! The fair Lucia, hair blue and (originally) long, hands as soft as silk. Lo, what a treat it must be to witness her at her best, being friendly and a cook. Doest thou comprehend her potential in the culinary arts? Ye, she could be the one who can rival the cooking of Oscar's! But alas, the thigh high boots and long gloves hinder the view of what could be the glorious sight of her arms and legs. Such a fine sight that must be! Oh, how the her delicate, small hands are blocked off by cloth. How her smooth, graceful feet is unseen by those boots. But lo behold, is this a blessing from talented Fire Emblem fans?: luchino.gif

This is of great cheer! How the artist portrayeth her beauty! She looks at the highest degree of peace! Bastian, thou must look with great fervor! This may be the masterpiece placed on your mantle!

....That seems Bastianish enough for me. Oh yeah, those talking about a Shakespeare rap:

Edited by Kintenbo
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He's okay but he comes too late in the game to be of much use. Yeah, he's useful in the chapter he joins but I'd rather use the other characters that I've been playing the game with. I took him to endgame once and he was only good against generals and dragons. Yeah, I'm not a big mage fan mainly cause most of them are slow and can't double attack.

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