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Rumour - Europe and America get extra content

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So I was browsing through this thread to see what poeple outside of the circle think of the game. There are comments about the graphics as expected...Nintendo have done themselves diservice by releasing no English videos since the animations look really smooth in motion

I came across this.

Is it common knowledge that the European version comes with extra content?

When questioned here.

I did an interview with the dev team recently and they revealed the US and Euro versions come with more maps than the Japanese edition. The interview won't be published until next week, but thought people might want to know that little tidbit :-)

I have a terrible gut feeling it is one of these quotes that is lost in translation and IS are just talking about the Gaiden chapters in relation to the original NES release but assuming it isn't what do you think these could be? I'm guessing Trial Maps of some kind as I cannot see substancial things being added in 2 months.

Yeah I know both the interview and the game are little more than a week away but let's speculate anyway :)

Also, interviews with IS tend to be pretty good. Remember it was one of those that exposed the fact of Maniac mode being removed from US FE9.

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More maps? That would be nice, but it sounds unlikely if you ask me. I'm more anxious to see if the characters' stats will be altered in the localization.

Edited by Musashi
Fixed a typo.
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They better give us Americans a little something extra for the huge wait. We'll be the only people not getting them before the Christmas season. =/

I would be satisfied with more artwork. =)

Well, that's incredibly narcissistic. European countries get games much later than America and they get nothing extra. :/ In fact, they often get less.

Edited by ChaosNinji
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Well, that's incredibly narcissistic. European countries get games much later than America and they get nothing extra. :/ In fact, they often get less.

Hmm... I suppose your talking about Smash Bros. Brawl (I agree, Europeans had a rediculous wait.)

But your getting an FE game earlier than us (and since we don't even have an official release month, there's no telling how much earlier than us.) That matters a hell of a lot more than a casualized Smash title.

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But your getting an FE game earlier than us (and since we don't even have an official release month, there's no telling how much earlier than us.) That matters a hell of a lot more than a casualized Smash title.

Huh, I don't quite understand the last part. I'm sure most people have many other games higher in their priority list than Fire Emblem, and I would have thought Smash Bros. would be very high on that list (if they're a Nintendo fan at least).

Also, there's countless other examples than just Brawl, as ChaosNinji's post implied.

European countries get games much later than America and they get nothing extra. :/ In fact, they often get less.

For instance, in just the FE series, we got less music tracks in FE7 and the entire Extended Epilogue was removed.

Edited by VincentASM
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Well, that's incredibly narcissistic. European countries get games much later than America and they get nothing extra. :/ In fact, they often get less.

I could do a week of research and STILL not find all the ways that Europe has gotten screwed over the years. Though really, that would be copyright infringement on Starwolf's territory.

You want something? How about the wait for FE7? I think FE8 had a long wait, too. Not sure about 9 and 10.

This is where we're told "well, translating for other countries, five different language options, blah blah"-- Bullshit. Europe gets shafted because they know Europeans will pay more for less when it comes to games (once you take into account the dollar vs. the pound and euro)

Edited by Superbus
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You want something? How about the wait for FE7? I think FE8 had a long wait, too. Not sure about 9 and 10.

FE9 came out relatively fast, but the downside was that FE8 was released on the same day as it...


23rd May 2005 (North America)

4th November 2005 (Europe)


17th October 2005 (North America)

4th November 2005 (Europe)

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Why would they even remove stuff from European versions?

America speaks English. Many large parts of Europe (namely Britain) speak English as a major language.

Seems like atleast those versions would have all of the content.

But removing songs? The only songs I can think of (in Fire Emblem) that require translation.... wait... there are none.

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Why would they even remove stuff from European versions?

America speaks English. Many large parts of Europe (namely Britain) speak English as a major language.

Seems like atleast those versions would have all of the content.

But removing songs? The only songs I can think of (in Fire Emblem) that require translation.... wait... there are none.

Don't ask us.

Maybe it's to save space, to fit in the script in other languages? I don't have the EU ROM handy to check if that's the case though.

Or perhaps they wanted to remove all references to a sequel (aka FE6), since it wasn't going to happen anymore in the West. Then again, if they wanted to do that, they should have removed songs 95 and 96 as well, I dunno...

It's the speshul ones from the Mario Kart bonus disc (unless they lost even more than we did). Due to the disc not being available anywhere non-US.

I'm pretty sure they cut song 97 (In the Name of Bern) as well. I could just go and check my cartridge, but I'm lazy D:

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You know, sometimes these bonuses aren't really a good thing. Sometimes they just fuck up the game. NOA has a habit of doing that with Fire Emblem. Europe gets it even worse of course. Germany just plain gets raped to hell and back.

I still don't trust the source.

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Hmm... I suppose your talking about Smash Bros. Brawl (I agree, Europeans had a rediculous wait.)

But your getting an FE game earlier than us (and since we don't even have an official release month, there's no telling how much earlier than us.) That matters a hell of a lot more than a casualized Smash title.

Eh? I don't live in Europe.


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Hmm... I suppose your talking about Smash Bros. Brawl (I agree, Europeans had a rediculous wait.)

But your getting an FE game earlier than us (and since we don't even have an official release month, there's no telling how much earlier than us.) That matters a hell of a lot more than a casualized Smash title.

And what of all the other countless games that the US has gotten before EU months before? It's not just Brawl, it happened to FE10 as well as games outside the FE series.

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All I can say is STFU and stop whining (NA players). You'll get it when it's well and good. Learn to wait, or learn to import, or curl up in a corner and cry.

Alot of the US who care have taken this one incident with a pinch of salt, which is good. But there's a few who seem to be kicking up a bit of a fuss over this.

On the importing issue, I'm willing to bet that many are refusing to import FE11 purely on the basis that they refuse to buy it because it isn't American. But that's just me guessing.

Edited by Raven
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Alot of the US who care have taken this one incident with a pinch of salt, which is good. But there's a few who seem to be kicking up a bit of a fuss over this.

On the importing issue, I'm willing to bet that many are refusing to import FE11 purely on the basis that they refuse to buy it because it isn't American. But that's just me guessing.

There's that, or they could have a rom and flashcart.

I'm just waiting, but that's not relevant to the conversation.

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All I can say is STFU and stop whining (NA players). You'll get it when it's well and good. Learn to wait, or learn to import, or curl up in a corner and cry.

Fuck you. I AM importing the game (again, as I own the Japanese version), TWICE at that (one for the guy who won the last FESS contest), and I think you're being a twat for no reason other than you can. So fuck you too.

EDIT: Raven, to be fair, the people kicking up a fuss are the ones that would kick up a fuss about everything. "But we didn't get a redone soundtrack! WORSHIP ME!"

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