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Rumour - Europe and America get extra content

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This is where we're told "well, translating for other countries, five different language options, blah blah"-- Bullshit. Europe gets shafted because they know Europeans will pay more for less when it comes to games (once you take into account the dollar vs. the pound and euro)

Thing is if they don't do the 5 languages, the game won't sell (if it is text-heavy and if it isn't it is more likely to be translated). If you look at the Square-Enix fiascial numbers you'll see Dragon Quest IV did considerably better in Europe than America while The World Ends With You did worse (TWEWY was English only, DQIV was the big 5).

That aside, looking at today's exchange rates once you remove tax there is little difference between what you pay in Europe and what you pay in America :( But it should not take currencies tanking due to recession to make game prices even :( Well handheld games are still way over but console games are basically the same...

Oh, the source is pants. Neogaf is one of the most notoriously poor sources on the internet.

Which is why I seriously think the interview will turn out to mean the gaiden chapters in an incredible case of mistranslation. Unless the person is published by SPONG in which case the interview never actually happened

As for extras you American games can look forward to. Let's look at Zleda: The Minish Cap. Europe got it less than 10 days after Japan at the cost of Four Swords being shafted even more. Here was the bad news:

-The translation job was incredibly rushed (there are quite a number of signs that blatently point you in the wrong direction :lol: )

-Some parts of the game were broken (you cannot get 100% item completion becuase you can't get the last bomb upgrade...I also seem to remember that if you did some events in the wrong order you would be stuck with some cats which wouldn't move where a house should be bulit)

Though let us remember the circumstances. Less than 10-days after Japan and from the sounds of things NOE made the decision in an attempt to buff up the seasons games (games like Zelda TP, Super Mairo Galaxy and Mario Kart Wii are basically designed to be simultanious worldwide releases from a pretty early on point...its a bit of strain on translation as scripts keep changing).

The other case of different translations for Europe and America is Advance Wars: Day of Ruin. The weird thing is Europe got the earlier version of the translation and the game later (by 4 days) :( It would seem game translations seem to be a case of make a few drafts.

First one is pretty literal to the Japanese and the subsequent ones are the localisation. I know Phantasy Star IV went like that (thanks to English prototypes recently being dumped), the first cut lacked the characterisation of the final release, was a tad Engerishy in places ("You...terd" being the best example...) but it had perverted Raja...

Thing is Dark Conflict must be the second-to-last version of Days of Ruin due to the closeness in release. The only major differences are CO and unit names (Dark Conflict uses the Japanese ones leading to established units like Mechs becoming Bazooka while Days of Ruin does an NOA and changes stuff*) and a few minor bits of scripting (I daresay, character gimicks). But for some reason everyone overeacts like a nuclear reactor in meltdown and tries to prove one or the other completely and utterly sucks.

*-Weird thing is Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon seems to have pleanty of character name changes suggesting NOA are translating it and this makes me think that scripting-wise the US version will have no changes made. I seem to remember NOA translated Freshly Piucked: Tingle's Rousey Rupeeland (Tingle RPG)...a game that never will come out in America becuase the internet discovered a Tingle character survey and voted unaminously no to anything involving Tingle...but sadly I lack evidence to back this claim. I do know NOE does have an English department as Hotel Dusk has a different script in the EU verisons English (various American colloquial terms that are not used in Britain is a summary of changes) but generally they change minor things at best (some mis-romanisations in Super Smash Bros Brawl) but they'll leave American spellings *glares*

Edited by Starwolf_UK
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I also seem to remember that if you did some events in the wrong order you would be stuck with some cats which wouldn't move where a house should be bulit)
Building the 3rd house was impossible in all versions and was probably a reference to the fact that there were 3 Oracle games originally, but only 2 got released.
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Fuck you. I AM importing the game (again, as I own the Japanese version), TWICE at that (one for the guy who won the last FESS contest), and I think you're being a twat for no reason other than you can. So fuck you too.

Being a twat by telling people to shut up about getting the game late even though they often don't have it as bad as other parts of the world?

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To be fair, I don't think there are any NA fans, here, that have been whining. Unless you count Chris Lionheart, but I'd like to think of them as being simply misinformed.

Unless you're generalising beyond this forum, but I haven't really seen many whiners elswhere either (just people going "huh, why are Europe getting it first?", although, I'll admit that makes me a little annoyed sometimes). Might just be me though.

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Generalizing and aimed at Chris Lionheart. It's bad enough the PAL territory always gets the short end of the stick. Imagine those of us who waited almost 12 years for the first Fire Emblem to come out in America.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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You earned a gold star. Remember at the end of the round you will be able to trade your gold stars for quizzle sticks or you can gamble them for blue rods...

As far as Dutch and the like go they are lucky to get the manual translated generally speaking :( .

Also I'd like to use this moment to hold my hand out to Australia. They have no release date for the game :( Thats the odd thing if you go back a decade you'll find Australia getting handheld games about the same time as America and N64 games months before Europe despite them also using PAL.

Nowerdays you don't see that (if you think Europe was srewed over Trauma Centre Second Oppinion see what happened to Australia*). Of course the PAL conversions are a bit better but inconsistant (though they can be mostly ignored thanks to the 60HZ option***, SEGA I am forever grateful for you inventing that with the Dreamcast**).

*-US. Wii Launch Title

Europe. About 9 months later

Australia. About 15 months after Europe

**-Due to SEGA enforcing it (unlike Nintendo and Sony who are like, "LOL do it if you want" wihch means lazy people like Capcom didn't until they got inundated with complaints about the slowness and borders present in Devil May Cry) every single PAL Dreamcast release could run in 60Hz.

***-All the manuals tell you why it is better and why you should do it if your TV supports it (which assuming it was made in past 15 years it should), I've heared rumours some games will say to you in-game that you should play in 60Hz :P

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Oh yeah I forgot to say something importers using GAME.co.uk look set to save arround 2.13% (which works out at 53p due to only using whole pennies) due to VAT falling from 17.5% to 15% (I know thats 2.5% but i'll show you the maths*). I just got an e-mail to that effect anyway and the site says so. I didn't know pre-owned titles are not taxed in the same way...geuss that means they make more off pre-owned now :(

The slightly bad news is you get less reward points but the rewards are pretty small anyway (you save more in real money than you make in reward money...)

*-With old VAT and items price is 117.5. With new vat it is 115. Do 1-(115/117.5) and you'll get about 0.02127 (if you don't you're doing it wrong remember BIDMAS!!)

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Oh yeah I forgot to say something importers using GAME.co.uk look set to save arround 2.13% (which works out at 53p due to only using whole pennies) due to VAT falling from 17.5% to 15% (I know thats 2.5% but i'll show you the maths*). I just got an e-mail to that effect anyway and the site says so. I didn't know pre-owned titles are not taxed in the same way...geuss that means they make more off pre-owned now :(

The slightly bad news is you get less reward points but the rewards are pretty small anyway (you save more in real money than you make in reward money...)

*-With old VAT and items price is 117.5. With new vat it is 115. Do 1-(115/117.5) and you'll get about 0.02127 (if you don't you're doing it wrong remember BIDMAS!!)

"BIDMAS"? Isn't it "BODMAS"?

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Both are acceptable. It depends on if you refer to the powers as Orders or Indicies...there were some who call it BIODMAS :S It's like Mrs Gren vs Mrs Nerg

I see. BIDMAS is a first for me.

And I've always known her as Mrs Gren, as well.

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For anyone who cares the interview that sparked this rumour (that turned out to be true) is out now.

Grab it here.

I quote:

The North American and European versions will have more of these type of maps made available than in the Japanese one!

As we discovered...

The very end of the interview brings something up:

However, hopefully I will be able to announce something in the near future that will make all fans very excited...

Whatever could that be?

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However, hopefully I will be able to announce something in the near future that will make all fans very excited...

I assume they mean it's not a game?

Maybe more soundtracks or artbooks? Or figurines? I dunno X D

Edited by VincentASM
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Pro'lly a new game, hopefully, or perhaps planned localizations of the further remakes/Virtual Console ports.

The second one seems a bit less unlikely now, since they added a Fire Emblem History to the European microsite. 'Course, the first one is always good too.

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