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Happy Thanksgiving!


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Happy Thanksgiving to you all. This is a day when your supposed to be greatful for what you have, so I'm thankful for the fact I have a job in these hard economic times, I'm thankful for a warm bed, but most of all I'm thankful for all my friends and family. Even though not all the people exactly like eachother here, I still I'm happy to know each and everyone of you. I wouldn't want any of you to leave, no matter how annoying either you are, or how annoying you think I am.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Now let's go kill a turkey.

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They just did a Rick Roll in the thanksgiving parade. No joke.


DAMMIT!!! Why I had to turn off the TV for a few quick minutes!

Well, I'm just thankful for friends and family and God. That's all for real. I'm also thankful for music.

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We dont really celebrate this day. We look at this thing this way. Why is it that people only say thanks once a year? When people should really be grateful and thankful everyday, tbh. If you believe in God, shouldn't he be thanked every day and not just on a man made special occasion day?

Anyway, yeah, those are our beliefs. We are thankful every day, not just on one. So this day for us is just like any other of the passing year.

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They just did a Rick Roll in the thanksgiving parade. No joke.


I wonder how many people around the world have been Rick Roll'd now.

Going off-topic, but For anyone who frequents the net or telly and say they haven't been Rick Roll'd is just, quite frankly, bullshit.

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My father and a few of my aunts and uncles got together and threw a Thanksgiving get together for the entire Fox family. Over forty people were supposed to show, but I think only about thirty arrived. It was rather awkward for me, since I could barely remember anybody.

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happy thankgiving everyone. :D

I went to my great aunt's house as usual. Later, i ended up playing rock band 2 with my second cousins. It was fun. I actually managed to do a song on normal... dang that fourth button, took some getting used to. :P

They also had the drum set for it, which was fun to play. I accidently hit the menu button in the middle of the drum set instead of the drums during one song. XD

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I love thanksgiving, as it involves two of my passions: Food and Football. Plus it means that its time to get ready for the Christmas season. As soon as the clock hits midnight tonight I'm blasting the TSO Christmas albums from my speakers at full blast.

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