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Worst character


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Probably Astrid. They practically force you not to use her. By the time she joins the GM everyone is 3rd tier and she's probably (unless you boss abused, which doesn't count for anything) 2nd tier, probably level 1-5 second tier. Plus, her growths suck and you already have two amazing archers; Rolf and Shinon. Worthless unit.

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Eh. Don't judge Fiona until you use her. If you get her past that dark spot, she's an excellent unit, capable of soloing most levels once she gets to her second class.

I would say Lethe, Lyre, Leonardo, Laura, Ilyana, Astrid, Ena and Gareth can all compete for that role.

Mainly Gareth, Ena, and Astrid.

Getting one-rounded by enemies on your joining chapter is really, really fail. It doesn't matter how good you are when you reach tier 3 if you can't reach it without massive BEXP, which in turn, makes those good growths kind of null.

Laura? She's good if only because she's the only healer the DB has.

Astrid has Paragon, a horse, and access to the Double Bow later.

Probably Astrid. They practically force you not to use her. By the time she joins the GM everyone is 3rd tier and she's probably (unless you boss abused, which doesn't count for anything) 2nd tier, probably level 1-5 second tier. Plus, her growths suck and you already have two amazing archers; Rolf and Shinon. Worthless unit.

Paragon, horse (and thus Canto), and Double Bow access. The Archers probably want it more, but it's there. Also, her growths are pretty good. 70% Luck growth's pretty h4x. 50% Res, too. She'll become a great mage killer. Spirits beware!

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Astrid actually turns out very good once, you get past that horrible babying. That's mostly due to the Double Bow, which has +3, is tied to Urvan in MT, and can melee.

The dragon utilities are too good to be considered bad.

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Actually, after seeing some guy beat Ashera in one turn using Leo, Ike, Fiona, Astrid, Nasir, Gareth, Ena, Elincia and Micaiah, I think that Meg is prbably the worst. Although Fiona is more of a pain to raise.

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Astrid actually turns out very good once, you get past that horrible babying. That's mostly due to the Double Bow, which has +3, is tied to Urvan in MT, and can melee.

The dragon utilities are too good to be considered bad.

She actually turns out really mediocre. Her growths are really meh. Even with blossom. Rolf and Shinon are amazing, and don't need to babied to hell and back.

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She actually turns out really mediocre. Her growths are really meh. Even with blossom. Rolf and Shinon are amazing, and don't need to babied to hell and back.

Being worse than two god characters =/= Being the worst character.

As noted, she's got good Res and Luck, Canto, Paragon, and better movement.

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Being worse than two god characters =/= Being the worst character.

As noted, she's got good Res and Luck, Canto, Paragon, and better movement.

Who cares about that stuff? She's inferior to most of the cast and takes uber babying. Her resistance and luck are good, but 30 strength, 34 skill, 31 speed, and 24 defense is epic fail. They give you so many good units in part 3 that there's absolutely no need to raise Astrid a whole other tier just to get her average. Also, to put the nail in the coffin, her bases are awful, and her growths don't make up for it. 13 strength, 15 speed and 10 defense at level 2 promoted. Please. She fails. Horribly.

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Astrid is the best unit on horseback come endgame, easily. She sucks to start, but she isn't very tough to level up, especially with Paragon.

Fiona starts absolutely terrible, but can turn out awesome.

Meg starts terrible, ends up average, so she's not the worst.

Lyre or Gareth are the worst. Both are absolute fail.

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Astrid is the best unit on horseback come endgame, easily. She sucks to start, but she isn't very tough to level up, especially with Paragon.

Fiona starts absolutely terrible, but can turn out awesome.

Meg starts terrible, ends up average, so she's not the worst.

Lyre or Gareth are the worst. Both are absolute fail.

I found Lyre interesting....

...on a laguz solo.

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I would say Ena is the worst character.

With Fiona and Meg you have time to level them up.

I find it difficult to level Ena up....

You don't have time to level up Fiona. She's only available in 2 chapters in part 1 and you need to dump a ton of bexp into her just so she can survive her first chapter. Without bexp, she's useless. She'll be missing and getting one rounded by everything. She loses AS with an iron lance and has the worst bases in the game. She's a lot more trouble than she's worth though she can turn out awesome.

Yeah, Ena also sucks. She can't hurt anything, she's weak and slow, it takes forever to level up her strike. She can't even hurt Gareth while he's on a defense tile and she can't hurt Dheginsea. Why did they force us to take such a crappy unit into endgame? Out of the ones that are forced, she is the worst by far.

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You don't have time to level up Fiona. She's only available in 2 chapters in part 1 and you need to dump a ton of bexp into her just so she can survive her first chapter. Without bexp, she's useless. She'll be missing and getting one rounded by everything. She loses AS with an iron lance and has the worst bases in the game. She's a lot more trouble than she's worth though she can turn out awesome.

Forging weapons is your friend. Everything you said is true, but it's still easily possible to level her up without BEXP. I've done it at least 3 times.

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Forging weapons is your friend. Everything you said is true, but it's still easily possible to level her up without BEXP. I've done it at least 3 times.

Wow, I can't believe I never thought of forging her an iron lance. I don't use Fiona, I've only used her seriously once only cause I wanted to take every character to endgame at least once and she turned out good for me but I don't want to go to all that trouble of training her again.

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These two might not be the worst but I have to bring them up: Danved and Sigrun. Arguably the worst in their respective classes, I don't see a point in using these two over Aran, Nephenee, Tanith & Marcia.

Aran has good strength and defense. Nephenee has good speed and resistance. What does Danved do that they can't? He's got more magic and luck but who cares about that? He's got the worst strength and defense of the halberdiers/sentinels.

Sigrun is slower and weaker than Tanith and Marcia and has less defense than they do. She's got more luck and resistance but that doesn't help much.

They may not be the worst but I'd say they're pretty bad, especially when compared to their superior counterparts.

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Lyre and Gareth. The former is a cat, and cat laguz are USELESS in Radiant Dawn, whereas Gareth is a big hassle to keep alive because of all the magic attacks in the last 2 parts of Endgame. Also, the only thing he has going for him is Blood Tide, which Ena has.

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Lyre is a pretty good char if you use her. And Gareth is awesome- If he hits something.

Too bad then that Gareth can't hit the broad side of a barn, eh? Also, Lyre is a cat, and cats revert too fast to be of much use.

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