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To be honest, I don't like reading fictions about members of the forum very often. Simply because it's another form of worshiping some members. I only make the exception to the few authors I know aren't biased about it.

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You could always use the tl;dr excuse.

I prefer to actually be honest and give a real reason, rather than not say I'm too lazy to read a story, I'm also too lazy to type 4 words signifying I didn't read it...

Also, I've never watched House.

Edited by Cynthia
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To be honest, I don't like reading fictions about members of the forum very often. Simply because it's another form of worshiping some members. I only make the exception to the few authors I know aren't biased about it.

This is pretty much what I have against forum member insertion as well. I will try to read your fanfic, but I doubt I will be able to bare it for long. With it's no doubt bland, stereotypical evil villain and "pwnage" cardboard cutout insertion heroes.

Sorry, but I have yet to read a good Script-fic. To quote someone who probably knows what a good story looks like:

2. Threads containing so-called script fics will be locked. We want some quality here, people. A script fic is the antithesis of quality writing. If you do not know what I mean when I say 'script fic,' here's the definition: a story written in the same way as the author wrongly envisions a movie script. For example,

Lyn: Look over there!

Eliwood: It's Hector! But his head has been replaced by Nergal's!

Nergal: Ha ha ha!

Needless to say, actual movie scripts are not like this, but the point remains.

Sorry, but Script format for a story is just plain bad, that's just the way it is.

Edited by Shuuda
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