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Pet Peeves


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Ok, Sojiro
I also hate hot girls who think they're ugly and skinny chicks who think they're fat. They're all just fucking around so they can get some attention when they have enough already
On a somewhat related note, one of my friends pisses me off when they get into the whole self-defeating "I'm no good" thing. They're not even always depressed--they honestly think they're worth a lot less than they are. Exasperation ensues.
Actually my real pet peeve is how horrible people get so much attention. (Paris Hilton, Sarah Palin)
I know I'm a party pooper, but how do you know Paris and Sarah are horrible people?
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Poor grammar (non-native speakers get a waiver).

Aside from the generals I have a few more elitist sort of pet peeves as well. Specifically:

  • its vs it's
  • less vs fewer
  • who vs whom
  • subjunctive mood
  • failing to use a serial comma
  • skipping the apostrophes in contractions
  • others I can't remember offhand

That said, I have a few quirks/misspellings of my own that I continue to use despite them being incorrect.

Another major pet peeve of mine is people improperly using abbreviations for their time zone, e.g. using PST during the summer (when they clearly mean PDT).

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  • Elitists
  • Preppy people (I hate them more than emos
  • People who can't take a hint, are shortsighted, etc
  • People who can't handle the truth or other people's opinions
  • Anime haters
  • Any kind of fanbrat
  • this decade
  • Religious extremists

From the other topic. Also:

  • Simple-minded and incompetent people. This one annoys me the most. They're not smart enough to understand something, and then they call it outrageous, call me crazy, etc. They're everywhere and suck so damn much! This is also why I can hardly get along with many people.
  • Many celebrities
  • Racists/Sexists/Feminists
  • People who think cartoons of any kind are for kids only (hence the butchered anime dubs)

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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I hate stupid people and the things they do.

I really hate stupid people who think they are smarter than me.

And I ESPECIALLY hate stupid people who think they know my job better than I do. Yes I know you got a drink dumbass, why don't you let me finish ringing you up for it before you ask for the cup?

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It's quite simple ....

hypocrites....which usually are extremists unwilling to expect anything but their way as the correct way.

Though I've learned to deal with it for the most part especially in petty affairs

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Ok, Sojiro

I also hate hot girls who think they're ugly and skinny chicks who think they're fat. They're all just fucking around so they can get some attention when they have enough already

This... Nothing worse than a girl with a fine figure calling herself fat... Argh. And if you tell them that's not true, they think you're hitting on them. Same goes for good looking girls who think they're ugly. Just can't win.

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i hate immature people who pretend they are smarter, handsomer, and altogether better than everybody else. i think that its really low class when you do something like that. its better to prove that you ARE smarter, handsomer, and altogether better than everybody else then bragging about it.

NOTE: you can replace "smarter, handsomer, and altogether better" with any action of your choice. it really makes no difference in my mind.

Edited by Empress Alina
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