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Thoughts on the Wal-Mart employee who was trampled to death?


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You do realize that this could easily be a problem self contained in Long Island right? Just because a group there were heartless doesn't mean that's what the average american is like.

You won't believe how many Americans can't locate the USA on a world map....

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Reading comments on articles like this is great for a quick laugh.

People! People! You must look on the bright side! At least some people got their presents! <_< [/joking]

Was it really worth the death of a man so some fuckin immature child could get a damn toy or video game?

A man lost his life over so some fat bitch soccer mom can spoiler her fuckin' son or daughter.

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You won't believe how many Americans can't locate the USA on a world map....

Seriously?! They must've drunk/high/wasted or a combination of the three

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Some of my classmates don't even know what the word "West" means. I figured that one at school.

Teacher: "What coast do we live in?"

Student: "I dunno."

Teacher: "The West Coast."

Student: "But I thought we live in the Left Coast."


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I bet the average American, at any given time, is one of those >_>

fortunatley I'm not , but at the wal mart I work at they had to close down the store until people left because we were so over crowded, we almost handed out riot shields

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I bet the average American, at any given time, is one of those >_>

I'm getting the sense that you hate americans

Not me and most people here as well

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Some of my classmates don't even know what the word "West" means. I figured that one at school.

Teacher: "What coast do we live in?"

Student: "I dunno."

Teacher: "The West Coast."

Student: "But I thought we live in the Left Coast."


Jeepus. What grade? Am I lucky that my grade has less than 10 druggies/droppies?

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From what it sounds like Howard County is one of the only counties in America without a school system that fails epically.

Also, my friend brought this up in a party on Friday. At first as a serious, but one of my other friends used it as a joke. Eh... a bit too soon for that but oh well.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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Honestly, the saddest part about this to me was how carelessly his life was tossed aside by most of the mob. I might've just said that they did it accidentaly, but no, they didn't even want to stop shopping! That was human life there! Did they seriously feel no obligation to feel sorry for, or to even help a man whom they should've known was about to die?! Most of them pretty much know that his death was all their fault, and yet it's not important to them at all?

But the most disturbing part of this for me, is how they could have grown up to be that way. Could you possibly imagine most of them being that callous as a small child? What kind of society did they grow up in that they turned out this way? Our childhood is perhaps the single biggest factor in how we are when we are adults after all...

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People will go to any lengths to get what they want, the same can be said no matter your gender, race, country, or age, people can and will kill to get what they want, because of how they were raised, and because it's just human nature to lust after something, and do anything to get it.

And as for you, Destiny Hero, not all americans are stupid, suprisingly, however, though I myself am American, I like to compaire most Americans to whining babies, simply for all the racist remarks about Obama, and all the 'jokes' and cruel treatment towards Bush, and well, I could go on, but I wont...

there was a time when 'In God we trust' meant something, just saying...

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You know all you guys saying Americans are idiots is offending to me because I love this country.

That is what people are, people are people no matter were you live

Destiny Hero SHFU, your not too smart yourself

woah, this article really made my day...

Sure it would make Stalin's day too

Gino you became an SOB out of no were, what the hell?

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Not gonna lie, I've known some Wal-Mart employees who could probably trample themselves in a locked room.

It's not like the shoppers are the only ones to blame, if in fact they even can be blamed. All sorts of advertisements and media coverage had been in place to enforce this idea of a "chaotic shopping spree." The Wal-Mart where this happened even had signs up advertising the "Blitz" (their words) that was going to happen Friday morning. People don't just go crazy, institutions like Wal-Mart intentionally created this frenzy in order to drive up sales. The fact that a person who got in the way was trampled by a mob honestly isn't that surprising, it's not like these people are "stupid" or "retarded", in fact I'm sure if a couple hundred SFers ran through a room all at once they would trample more than one person. You can't even see your feet in a crowd that big. Even a mob composed of "smart" people is still a mob (although I'm not implying that SFers are smart, mind you).

This doesn't need to be blamed on such generalizations as "stupid Americans" or "consumer pigs". When people are charged up like that it's hard to slow them down, no matter their intelligence or where they're from. Mostly I just think sources like the media, which actually encourage this shit, need to be more responsible in warning people and toning down the madness. Christmas is still a month away, for chrissakes.

your not too smart yourself

The irony was too delicious to resist.

Edited by Black Knight
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This is the very definition of pathetic. DH, I don't know you, I don't know much about you, I don't know where you're from, but I do know this: I don't like you. Watch what you say about other people's religion, ethnicity, and probably more importantly their country. Don't make stupid generalizations like you've been doing.

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