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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Sister Sister: Sister Harder

Iris rolled around on the bed in the room that she was sharing with Alriana, yawning a little. She’d had a very active day with Ullr and was enjoying her new clothes, constantly looking it over and tugging at parts, finally sprawling out on the comfy mattress. “I wonder how Aly’s doing… She’s always hanging around that notelf… They must be friends. Maybe more than friends? But I dunno how all that really works… Other than being together and kissing? Hmmmmrrrrrrr…” Iris did another spin on the bed and flopped, sighing. “Confusing. Feelings for Ullr are confusing too…”

“Haah…” Alriana let out a sigh she didn’t know she’d been holding in, carting her books towards her room. The time she’d spent with Versaris had been enjoyable, but exhausting in ways she hadn’t even thought about before today. He loved to push her buttons so, even at expense to himself. She pushed open the door, Sixteen having already beaten her back. “Hello, Sixteen.” She greeted her sister cordially, lacking the casual energy her sister seemed to have mastered. “How was your day today? Mine was… Tiring.”

“Alriana! I have a new name!!” Iris rolled off the bed, flopped onto the floor, squirmed to standing and waved very happily at her sister, tugging some at her new shirt still. “It’s Iris! Iris~ Ullr gave it to me… I think it’s really pretty!! What do you think?” She paused, nodding. “I’m sorry that your day was so tiring… Did something happen? You were with the notelf, right?”

“New name…?” She remembered that the bookstore owner had said something about that while she was getting her books, that an Iris had bought books, but no ‘Sixteen’. “Mrrr… You didn’t even ask me.” She let out a small huff, somewhat annoyed that she hadn’t even been consulted for the task but the feeling quickly melted away as Iris expressed so much joy over her new name. “Feh… Glad you like your new name so much. And my day was tiring because of the not-elf. That’s just how he is.” She moved over to the dresser beside her bed, plopping her stack of books down onto it with a thud. “Got a lot to read at least.”

“Awww, don’t be so upset, Alriana… It’s a nice name and that’s what matters~” Iris remained positive despite Alriana’s grumpy nature, looking over her books and her. “He exhausts you, huh…? Why’s that?” Iris slipped back onto the bed and stared over her books, picking up a few of them, looking over the titles. “Lots of books… Can you share some of them?” Hopefully she would. Iris didn’t read as much as Aly, but she still enjoyed it. “Whyyyyy do you say he’s so tiring, anyway? You spend so much time with him… But he makes you tired?”

“I wanted to help name you,” she huffed a final time before she moved on from the topic, over it solely because of S- Iris’s sheer enjoyment of her name. “He just does… It’s all his taunting, and teasing. It’s annoying, but it makes me feel ways that I don’t understand yet. Trying to understand everything as it happens wears me out, I can’t just read about all these emotions because the context doesn’t line up…” She sighed, glancing towards the romance book she’d purchased, sitting on the bottom of her pile of books. “That’s why I bought… That.” The mere thought of buying that book for Versaris’ sake, and getting teased for it, both brought a blush and a scowl to her face.

“Hmmmm…” Iris swayed from side to side, thinking things over. “Okay… Let’s start with, my name! You can give me a last name! People have last names, right? Well, I don’t! I was just Sixteen, now I’m Iris~ So you can give me another name, that’s fair, right?” Hopefully it would be fair. Iris didn’t want Aly to be upset about this, and she was happy to hand the other half of her name over. “Aaaas fooooor… Versaris. I think you like him.” Iris smiled, without any ulterior motives. “I mean, why would you go so far out of your way to try and figure this stuff out just for him? If he didn’t matter to you and all… That’s what I think, anyway. And speaking of… That~” 

Iris rolled onto the bed and crawled towards the book pile, yoinking the novel out from the bottom. “You wanna read it together!? I wanna see if it matches up to stuff I read before… Maybe there’s more that I don’t know yet!” There very likely was.

“You can’t just spring it on me like this. Mhhrr…” She was already back to grumbling, though for a different reason now; part of it was definitely the tail end of thinking about Versaris. As for the rest of her grumbling, she wasn’t good with names. That was why she hadn’t suggested one yet, and now such an important decision was being thrust upon her with no time to prep. “...Hyl’Sin. You can have the last name Grelbiria gave me, too. We’re sisters after all.” Perhaps not the most original of names, but it was one that made sense at least logically.

“Like Versaris?” She almost scoffed at the notion outright; the not-elf was frustrating and irritating, always alluding to his own wants that she didn’t understand, teasing her over the smallest thing just to get a reaction out of her, treating her kindly but going against her wants to do so half of the time… A deeper blush had settled on her face, remembering the date and how enjoyable she’d found it to be despite her impossible to please list of complaints. She felt, weird, in a way she couldn’t really describe; nervous but not afraid. “Mrrrr… I wasn’t asking what you thought,” was all she could offer to refute her sister.

“Hey!” Alriana quickly lunged for the pile of books, stabilizing them before they could topple from Iris’ reckless book grabbing. “Mhhrr… Fine. We can read it together. But I know even less than you do about what’s in there, so don’t ask me questions about it…”

“Heheha~!” Iris giggled as Alriana made a fuss over her books, nodding. “Okay, okay~ We’ll read it together… You’re super red, you know? I think you do like him… I don’t really get what this kind of ‘like’ really means, but it’s probably a good thing, right? Friends are good, so if there’s something more than friends, wouldn’t that be great?” Iris’ take on relationships was certainly naive, but it was at least positive and hopeful. 

“I won’t ask you questions, promise… But I will definitely be asking other people. Maybe Miria or Syndra… They still scare me a little, but Syndra was nice enough to give me her tome, so… She can’t be a bad human. Probably… Anyway, let’s read!” Iris was already opening it, getting into the first page, flopped on her back.

“Super red? Why would I be red? I’m as gray as you are Iris.” She let out a huff, completely in denial for a reason that she didn’t really understand yet clung to. “Even if I do like him, this isn’t ‘friend’ like. I don’t feel like this over Alvira, or you for that matter. I don’t know if it’s good, but he seems happy about it…” Maybe it isn’t so bad then… She shook her head and swiftly brushed that thought aside as she climbed onto Iris’ bed and laid beside her sister. 

“C’mon, scoot over so we can both see then. And what makes you think they know any more than we do? I don’t see them even doing things like going on dates…” How Iris has such confidence in them Alriana wasn’t sure, but it was good that Iris wanted to interact with some of the Tiger’s humans now. “At least you’re comfortable with some of them.”

“Aly, you know what blushing means now…” Iris stuck her tongue out a bit and blew a tiny raspberry at her sister, shuffling some to give her some room. “If he’s happy and you’re happy, why deny it? Happy is good… Maybe there’s some nuance I don’t get, I dunno. Think about it… And, here.” Iris handed the book over, squirming up next to Aly. “Your book, you turn at your pace. I can read pretty fast, so don’t worry about me.”

“You weren’t supposed to comment on that.” Alriana pouted as her sister repositioned, her tail flicking some behind her. “Mhhrr… I don’t know. I don’t understand these feelings. I don’t understand what he wants out of this relationship. He says loves me all the time, but I don’t know if I reciprocate…” The red on her face deepened a bit. “He wants to kiss me, don’t know if I should let him…” Iris scooching up to her snapped her back, staring at the book cover as Iris handed it to her. She’d been in such a hurry to buy it she’d neglected to read the title, only now seeing it for what it was, big and bold letters on a velvet red book: “The Sinful Secretary”. There was no going back now, no matter how little confidence that title inspired.

From the first page into the book proper the lizard wondered if purchasing this book had been a big mistake. But she pressed on, determined to find knowledge and understanding. Knowledge that wasn’t ready for was what she got instead. The sisters were barely one fourth of the way into the book and had read over scenarios that almost exclusively exceeded their combined knowledge of the subject of romance. The only thing that Alriana herself recognized was kissing, but even that felt like it was a far more advanced version…

“You’re so funny, Aly…” It seemed she didn’t know how she felt yet, even if it was written all over her face that there was more she wasn’t willing to admit. I really wonder what this kind of ‘like’ feels like… I wanna know. Maybe I can experiment… With Ullr? Mmmm… She didn’t say anymore; needlessly poking Aly would make her actually mad at some point. She focused on the book instead…

… And what a book it was. Iris felt herself turning a faint shade of purple, in a similar way to Aly, her blood rising into her face as they kept reading. A lot of this stuff was similar to the one she’d read, but a lot of it was different… The word ‘romance’, appeared a lot, with a lot of other words she didn’t understand… But something in her told her that it was embarrassing. “Wow… This sure is… A lot.”

“Should we… Keep reading?” Though far less knowledgeable than her sister, and ignoring the fact that she had been blushing before, Alriana’s blush was a shade deeper than her sister’s; somehow the lizard felt embarrassed just from reading the combination of words that she couldn’t possibly understand in the context being presented to her. “This book… Feels indecent, somehow. I don’t even know what’s happening, or if I want to… Do you, want to keep reading Iris…?”

“Ah, huh? I, uh… Y-Yeah? Kind of. I wanna know… The words, at least. Even if I don’t know their meaning… But, I feel like…” Iris paused and took a deep breath. “I feel like if we go down this avenue, we aren’t gonna come back. This is stuff we’re gonna know for the rest of our lives… So, I guess, I should be asking you, that question. Do you wanna keep reading, Aly?”

“I… Mhmm… I should also, probably know words… At least.” She couldn’t help but squirm some in place. “Versaris, probably already know all this… Can ask him about it, at least. Even if he teases me about it… Like a jerk.” She huffed, steeling her resolve to delve even deeper into this weird book. “You can stop reading if you want…” 

“Like a jerk, huh…” Iris wanted to poke at her some more, but the book came first. “I wanna keep reading. Let’s finish it tonight. Then we can ask people about it tomorrow if we get the time…” She nodded and squirmed just a little closer, focusing on the pages in front of her.

“Yeah… But maybe don’t talk about the actual things we’re reading in front of everyone?” Given what they were reading and some of the word combos, the lizard was worried her sister would say something that would really turn heads if anyone knew what she was talking about. “Save it for private talks, okay? Just because we don’t know doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t know. Save it for good company and all that. Well…” With great trepidation Alriana turned the page, unlocking even more forbidden knowledge…

Edited by Ursali
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Magicks Beyond One's Ken


Miria waved off Syndra as they returned to the inn from their trip. She had stuff to try and take care of before they finally left. Specifically, one fox lady who may have the info she’s trying to figure out. Please be right, please be right… Miria had already gotten an answer that really gave Miria more questions with the Evokers. Hopefully…

 She started walking towards where Mikoto had been keeping her stock. Before the brunette approached, she pulled out her coin purse. Counting her money, she wanted to make sure she could buy something. There was! That was good! Miria was confident now. She finally approached the kitsune.

 “Miss Mikoto?” She called out as she walked over.

Mikoto was finishing wrapping up her things as another voice hailed her, Miria calling out to her once again, like earlier. She bit back a sigh. This girl sure is interested in me despite not being able to use a lick of conventional magic… I suppose it won’t hurt to inspect whatever her necklace contains, but, all this idle curiosity is… I’m a merchant, not a teacher. Patience, Mikoto… “Yes, hello~” The fox turned to face Miria with a smile, bright, and certainly not forced.

“I assume you’re coming to ask about your necklace, yes? I’m not busy this time, so you’ll find me more agreeable to whatever you’d like to ask… So. What can I do for you~?” Mikoto’s mood didn’t seem at all put on. She was a professional; masking a slight bit of irritation was simple.

 Miria smiled back at the merchant as she continued over. “Yes, Miss Mikoto, of course. But um,” She dug into her pouch and pulled out some money to hand over. “I wanted to make sure I bought something from you too.” The girl gave a nervous laugh. “Sorry again, for bothering you earlier. I’m just… at a loss.”

 Handing the money over, Miria thought about what she needed. “Would I be able to take… hmmmm…” She patted her head. “I think it’s called like, an energy drop, right? The one that helps with raising my strength?”

A purchase? Gold was gold. “Yes, of course… One moment, I…” Mikoto paused, not moving, her eyes closed… before a blue flame apparated and fizzled as quickly as it had appeared, leaving the vial in her hand. “There we are. Three thousand three hundred and thirty three gold… I assume that won’t be all, but I can’t say no to another drop of gold in the bucket. Feel free to take that now, or later… The taste isn’t something I’d call enjoyable, but it’ll do exactly what you expect of it. Magic drugs sure are something, aren’t they~?” Mikoto smiled and swished her now six tails behind her, a rather recent change thanks to some other purchases from the Tigers.

 Miria nodded, and took the vial into her hand. “Thank you Miss Mikoto.” And she slipped it into her pouch. “Alrighty, with that out of the way…”

 The girl unhooked her necklace. “So, I’m not sure if you’ve seen, or… really know what this is, but, my necklace gives me this magic armor, and it drains my magic. I guess, I just thought you might know something about it. The Evokers could only really tell me it was super old, it’s broken-ish, and only I can use it.” She handed the necklace over.

 “I’m hoping too, maybe figuring out more about it can help me with understanding some more magic stuff.” She nodded. “Is there anything you know?”

“Magic armor…” Mikoto frowned and took the necklace, giving it a few once overs, trying to focus on what kind of signature it was giving out… Her eyes went wide for a split second. Voima– No. No, it’s similar, but it’s not the same. I’m far too familiar with it to confuse the two… But it’s so painfully close. Wait… No, it is. What is this? It both is and isn’t…? Or perhaps it’s too weak for me to clearly focus on it… But it’s there. I mislike this. 

She huffed, trying to focus on the necklace to activate this armor… But, nothing. Nothing at all. Just that same, faint, far away signature. “How is this meant to work?” She turned it over a few times, looking for a switch or something else, but to no avail. “... Activate it.” She was too curious now, she had to see it in motion. If Miria was able to activate this, it had nothing to do with actual magical capability. She held it back out for the girl to turn on, staring intently.

Miria nodded as Mikoto took her necklace. She thought some as she watched the fox look over her artifact. Miria could tell, it was either something odd or… something bad. Miria, however, kept her positive outlook about it all.

"Well, I just kinda…" And Mikoto handed the necklace back. "Oh, alright. Got it." Miria held the necklace in her hand, and gave it some thought. Soon enough, there was a flash of light, and Miria was in her armor.

"So, I guess, when I got it, I was just told by the person who gave the necklace to me, they had a hunch I could make it work. And eventually it did. There was no switch or anything. I just, did it." 

Mikoto watched intently as Miria transformed, her eyes widening for much longer this time. That magical sensation was definitely Voima, or something mimicking its power, and it was pointing… Down. Towards the earth. Mikoto did a double take between Miria, now glad in gold, and the ground beneath them, a hand on her chin as she attempted to piece things together–

“Gold…” A memory flashed from a book she’d come across– was it a book or had it been handed to her from someone else? She couldn’t quite remember. “Gold, Silver and Green… Three armors of legend that have rumors and stories across the continent. And here, you, are… Mmmm, how auspicious. The Tigers really do have something from everything gathered here, don’t they? Anyhow…”

Mikoto cleared her throat, relaxing her hands a bit, folding her arms under her chest. “Mm, there is a connection to Voima– either it, or something so similar I cannot tell it apart. And it’s connecting… Ever so faintly,” Mikoto pointed down, towards the ground. “I am unsure as to why I can tell which way it’s pointing, but… Miria, do you know anything about the Gods of this world? I know little myself, but after seeing what happened to Alvira… These artifacts, this golden armor of yours… How the magic– how its essence is directing itself, it must be connected. So very intriguing… I fear, you will receive no better answer until we reach Lufiria. As I have avoided the country for quite some time, I lack knowledge of anything from that mysterious place~”

 “I… Is everything fine?” Miria asked as she watched Mikoto’s face. She wasn’t sure what to think yet. It could be anything.

 Then, Mikoto started going on. Gold, Silver, and Green armors? Legends? “I have something from a legend?” Miria did her best to contain the excitement she felt from hearing that. It was her dream to be a Hero. Maybe, she really could. She couldn’t prevent her big, dumb smile. Miria took a breath, and retracted her armor during a pause. Then Mikoto continued.

 “Voima…” That word again. This strange life magic the fox and Syndra had talked about earlier. For once, a magic conversation didn’t fly over Miria’s head. She was listening so intently.

 “Well, um, I always believed there were gods, but I don’t know any. The most I know about the Gods is that there's believed to be a bunch of them. But nothing I’ve read has ever really gone into detail. At least, not to my memory.”

 Miria tapped her head a bit as she thought, “To think I may have some connection to a god,” there was a clear hint of joy in her voice. She always believed, and she may be right… “Thank you Mikoto, that actually helps me a lot– Wait, what happened to Alvira? Is she okay?” Her glee quickly switched to concern.

“... Oh.” The fox had let that slip, but it wasn’t exactly a secret… Had the dragon not spread it around? “She had a run in with a Goddess of her own, yesterday… Where she attempted to pray beyond where she should have, and her flame was stolen. You didn’t find it weird that the fire dragon in your part was bundled up this morning?” Mikoto raised an eyebrow, not smirking, far from amused; powers beyond her own were a concern, not something to be smug about. 

“If you want the rest of the story, you’re free to ask her… As for the rest… You have a very, very curious trinket. Keep it safe. I’ve no interest in something that won’t work for me, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t someone that would… You know? And while you might be human, we’re going into a very dangerous place… Keep close to your allies, Miria. It would be a shame to see someone wielding the magic of legends, disappear.”

"Well, um…" Miria didn’t even really think about that with Alvira. But to have your fire stolen, would’ve made little sense to Miria a year ago, but with the advent of everything she's seen and learned, that… was understandable. "I guess I'll have to ask her about that. Maybe," the inner desire to learn about a god may have had a hand in her thoughts, but Alvira and her were friends now. The dragon came first.

Miria nodded as the kitsune explained to be safe. She may be human, but Miria was determined to protect her allies and friends who were clouded, or monsters. That would point just as much a target on her. "I'll be careful, promise." Miria smiled, "I gotta figure everything about my armor, after all~" She kept her attitude for a bit, before changing tune,

"And Miss Mikoto, this is the last thing I have to ask. Just… in case. You traveled around, and have met a bunch of people, right? Have you… ever met anyone, who looked like me? I was adopted by my current family when I was really young and, I don’t have anything except, maybe, my armor as a lead to who or where my blood family is."

"That's… Unfortunately, too vague for me to say. I've lived a long time and met a lot of people. I may have met someone that looked like you, but without a reason to care, they've faded into my memory like fog. My apologies." That Miria didn't know her birth family made her connection to this armor all the more interesting. I suppose I should keep more of an eye on her… Just to make sure she doesn't do anything truly stupid. I don't think she quite gets the severity of the country we're walking into. Islexia is going to eat this group alive…

 “I understand,” Miria nodded, it made sense why she wouldn’t have remembered someone like her. “You don’t have anything to apologize for, Miss Mikoto. This has actually been really helpful.” The girl gave a smile and a thumbs up. That wasn’t a lie. Her foot was finally in the door, she understood a bit of what she was. She had magical armor from some legend. That was enough of a victory for Miria. “Thank you so much for the help,” The cub said, graciously. She put her hands together, giving a small bow. Now to figure out why it doesn’t work properly… Well, we’ll be in Lufiria eventually. That oughta give me something.

“Not a problem at all… I must finish with my things, if that’s all. I… Suppose, I’ll let you know if I figure out anything else for this armor.” It was something to look out for, at least. Maybe this group was already hiding some of the others… The Tigers really do contain far too many magical mysteries. I wonder if it means something~

Miria was quick to ready herself for battle. With the amassing force she needed to be ready for battle. She removed the vial from her pouch she had gotten from Mikoto, popping the top off and drinking it. The taste was... well, awful, but she hoped how it worked was real and it'd kick in.

Before making her advance, she stopped. She knew it's been a rough time for Gean. She approached the girl and gave her a quick, tight hug. After letting go, she nodded.

She focused until she was in her armor, donning her helmet and making her advance.

Miria drinks an Energy Drop and moves to 2, 21

As Miria moved, she noticed something odd... There was a tugging from her chest. Was something going on across the mountain, where it felt like the tugging was coming from? Miria wasn’t exactly sure, but, she went with her gut.

She turned back to the group, "Does anyone else feel something... odd? It's like something around the mountain is trying to pull me over."

Edited by Silver Gallade
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"Huh? Yeah, I can drive." Alvira was a bit annoyed to have to pull herself away from Tasha, but if they were getting into it, she needed to be as ready as everyone else. Alvira needed to be as well... She didn't have to ready anything like Tasha did, but...

When they all got off the wagons and approached the battlefield, it became very apparent that people had gotten to their mark first. "Guess we just have to go through them... No hard feelings. Your mistake for getting in our way." Apparently one of the Amaryllis being present tipped them off immediately, making this all the more suspicious. Alvira stepped forward and held out her claw, the same ice as always forming instantly... It was cold. She could truly feel it now, but... I know you can't hear me anymore, Mercuria... But you should've taken this too. Taken my light as well. As long as o can fight, I will never forgive you! You'll rue the day you fucked with me, no matter your reason! And I WILL have Fomalhaut back!

Determination in mind, Alvira began to move... Feeling something in the distance that she couldn't describe. That's, weird though. Why am I feeling this pull? It couldn't be... The black spear? Already!? No way! There's no way it'd be that easy...

Alvira to 6,22

Iris wasn't sure of much, but she was sure they were fighting! "Okay! I'm ready... Just like I was taught."

Iris to 6,23

Petty Dealings


Footsteps slowly made their way down the hallway, almost mad at themselves for having gotten to this point. Aegean knew this wasn't going to go easy for her, but for the sake of the Tigers future endeavors, it would be best to talk now. Well, at least attempt to talk, who knew if Mikoto would give her the time of day after her more recent behavior. Still, she made her way to where she believed the merchant's room was. She gave two knocks before speaking up. "Pardon the interruption, are you free to talk?"

There was a silence for a moment until the door opened, Mikoto’s wide smile meeting Gean’s face, the fox unable to stifle a giggle. “Me oh my. Out of eeeeeveryone in the Tigers, you’re the person I expected to come and visit the least… To what do I owe your presence, Aegean? As long as you’ve not come to berate me or ask something unreasonable, I’m sure I can find the time to listen… Unless.” Mikoto paused, her tails swishing, her smile turning into a smirk with her sharp teeth momentarily bared. “You’ve come to talk about Renais…~”

Gean took a deep breath, seeing the land mine right before her. Mikoto was being sharp, and Gean knew there were many ways this would slip on her. “Well, for starters I would like to ask if I could join your ‘discount club’ and make a purchase, now that I have the money to buy. I would also like to extend a formal welcome to our journey. I hope this is a fortunate partnership.”

“Really…? That’s all? That’s all you want to talk about~?” Mikoto almost felt impatient, like she’d been expecting something, but she opened the door all the way– Not that there was room for Gean to enter, her tails were all still in the way. “What can I provide for you then, Aegean? What sort of item were you looking for? I’d be happy to take your energy, but… I can’t just do that without providing something in return, right~?”

The first step had been met, although she was still outside of the room. Gean pulled her coin purse out as Mikoto made her second inquiry. “Well you had a variety of items meant to make folks more powerful. Do you still have one for one’s physical strength? I don’t feel ready enough for the future so if this can help me do that, I’m fine with dying at eighty seven instead of eighty eight.” Gean paused and waited to see if she’d be let into the room or if Mikoto was going to keep her in the hallway. The fox was waiting for something else from the looks of it.

“One of these? Not a problem.” Mikoto brandished a small vial of red liquid from the most brief flash of blue fire, holding it between her fingers. She leaned into the door’s frame and dangled it in front of Gean before pulling it back, still smirking like she knew something or was expecting something. “And you’re sure you want to do this~? There’s no refunds… Neither your energy or your three thousand three hundred and thirty three gold…~”

Gean failed to keep a sigh from escaping her lips. “As I said, I need to get stronger, and I wouldn’t make the offer if I felt that the purchase wasn’t worth it.” Gean crossed her arms and stared back at Mikoto. “Are you wary of this purchase? Or is there something you want more than my gold?” 

“Not at all. Since you’ve agreed, then… Sit still.” Mikoto reached her empty hand out and pulled the very essence of Gean out of herself, slowly, practiced, with little effort, but great amounts of grace. The gray energy swirled like waves until a single drop of this ‘water’ fell onto Mikoto’s fingertip, the fox pulling it away and sliding it into her mouth with a hefty grin, eyes watching Aegean the entire time. With a small pop~ as the finger slipped out, the swirling gray slowly disappeared into nothing, the transaction met…

Mikoto shook, visibly, slowly holding herself… With a hefty sigh, the fox swished her tails… A sixth one slipping out from between the folds of all that fur. She was almost blushing, the exhaustion that was supposed to be hitting Gean looking like it was hitting her as well. “Mmhnn… Thank you, very much, Aegean~ Hahhh… As, agreed.” She held the vial out again, now resting, rather than leaning, against the door’s frame.

Gean felt a wave of exhaustion pour over her, which for a Clouded of the Sea, felt very unnatural. Taking a moment to regain her balance, she was surprised to see that Mikoto was also looking exhausted. Gean was also sure another tail had shown up, but wasn’t sure if that was just the exhaustion. “Are you supposed to get tuckered out like this?” Gean asked as she took the vial from Mikoto. 

“Yes~” she answered with another sigh, finally regaining her own breath. “Hahhh… That’s not going to taste great either, but it won’t exhaust you… I hope you enjoy your newfound strength, Aegean. Hopefully you can use it to keep Renais safe…” Mikoto giggled, happy to press her buttons now that the transaction was already over.

Gean opened the vial and threw back the mysterious liquid. Mikoto was right, it tasted terrible, but suddenly there was a strength that slowly coursed through her body, almost counteracting her exhaustion slightly. It seemed that the merchant was still spry enough to prod Gean again. "She is high on my list of folks to protect, I would hope this strength does that and more." If Luci was in fact the thief, if uncle Jeremiah was on his way, if Lufiria… was aiming to go to war, then Gean needed to get a lot stronger, and soon. If she was going to save any of the people she held close to her heart, be they with her or potentially about to fight her, she would need strength and resolve in equal measure.

Gean felt that they were in a strange dance. Mikoto was looking for something, and considering that she mentioned Renais twice, the younger girl had a good guess as to what that might be. The problem was whether she should walk away now. She had a strong feeling that she could definitely leave and be on her way, but would that truly settle things? Instead, she opted to play this game a bit more. Gean brushed a lock of hair behind her hair and shifted her weight, leaning in the opposite direction to Mikoto. "Why us? What makes the tigers such a worthwhile investment. I know we're probably one of the few folks who'd be bold enough to trade in years, but to stick with us through Islexia?"

“Oh?” She wasn’t expecting that. Mikoto smiled. “That’s almost the entire reason, actually… You don’t realize how hard it is to find such a large group that’s willing to give up something so… Realistically, worthless, but no matter how you make it sound… Priceless. I mean, it’s your life, right? Even if, you, being a mercenary, might die decades before that flame inside you burns out… The idea of giving up any part of that. No one wants to do that~” 

She sighed. “Yet here you all are… Giving it up with the slightest coercion. It’s paradise~ My plans are progressing quite readily, because of you all… Why wouldn’t I keep you all safe, considering that? Especially since I haven’t gotten to all of you, yet… Mmmm… Well, that’s almost all of it. I’m growing quite attached to Renais… Unfortunately for you, it would seem. Then again… With how well you two are getting along, maybe I won’t have to be the cause for heartbreak. You can’t even handle her interests…”

There was the knife, and the egg on Gean's face again. Mikoto really wanted to pull those emotions out of Gean, and there was definitely a flash of frustration on Gean's face at the fox's assessment of their relationship. Whether Mikoto could tell if the frustration was towards her or Gean herself was a mystery. "I– will make no excuses for my own mistakes, but that's for me and Renais to talk about. I won't speak for her, but I'm not giving up yet and no goading or self doubt will stop me. I'm glad that you have a reason to treat us well, even if you make us who have made a purchase a bit reckless." Gean felt some apprehension at Mikoto's original reason, like the group was going to regret the further they interacted with this Mikoto.

“Good luck, then. I’m not giving up either… You getting to her a day before me means very little to me, so. May the best woman win her heart, Aegean~ Hmhmhm…” She shrugged. If Gean wasn’t going to fall for her provocations, then there was nothing else to say… Almost nothing. “Though, it seems I’ll have the easier time of it… Given,” she paused a moment, folding her arms under and then pushing up her chest to emphasize her point. “She sure is rather weak to this sort of thing… All the better for me~”

Gean was almost free, almost. Preying on her earlier turbulent emotions and the cause for them, Gean had another flash of frustration, but was still keeping her cool. “Well, I may not have the most easy method, considering yesterday’s events, I have my own tools.” Gean also crossed her own arms under her chest. “But yes, may the best woman for her be with her, and may she be as happy as she could possibly be. Whether she chooses me or not, I’m still gonna support her. She needs it, and I couldn’t fully do that prior to this but you can be sure I will going forward.”

“Let’s hope so, Gean… If you get upset as easily as you did earlier, I can’t imagine things lasting~ But, humans are fickle in both directions, so maybe she’ll get over it just as easily as you got upset… Who’s to say~?” Mikoto shrugged and moved to close her door, smile still as wide and smug as ever. “I look forward to working with you~ Talk to you later.” And, shut. The fox had things to pack and that sale had gone as smoothly as possible…

Gean stood there looking at the closed door for a few seconds. She didn’t feel like she lost that exchange, but there was no feeling of relief. There was one final deep breath, and then Gean began her way back down the hallway, to gather her things and steel herself for everything coming her way.

Mikoto slid off of Akai and dismissed her familiar, slowly making her way over to Renais. Without missing a beat, she hugged the girl, giving her a squeeze before relenting and taking a step back. "We'll be here for you all if you need us. Otherwise, we'll watch the flank, so you all don't get pincered~ Do your best out there, Renais." With her encouragement said, Mikoto turned back towards the Evokers and a certain 'elf', all smiles.

"Well? What do you three make of all this?"

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Alriana had spent much of the morning, and most of their journey out of Hectacia, still pondering the book she and Iris has read last night. There hadn't been time to ask Versaris anything, at least not privately, so she'd been left with her own thoughts, confused as they were, on how what had been described in the book was anything close to romantic. So distracted had she been that she failed to notice her sister chase after Ullr once he'd somehow caught a whiff of smoke nearby until she'd gotten a fair bit ahead of the others. In the very least she'd already had her armor on, no need to don it.

Iris and Ullr had stopped before they had gotten to far, at least, that worry now out of mind. There appeared to be a rather large host in the area, most likely related to the thief the Tigers were hunting given the mishmash of humans and clouded everywhere; mercenaries like herself, though their attention swiftly shifted from uncertain to hostile, she could see it in their stances. Words were useless then. 

She quickly moved to the front, positioning herself with her back to the mountain, low to the ground, ready to attack at a moment's notice. A glance up at the sky revealed the primary threat to herself, the wyvern riders would almost certainly be able to spot her regardless of how well she hid; black armor on a white body did little other than stick out like a sore thumb without cover. She clutched the new tool she'd acquired in Cerezia, ready to put it to use...

Aly to 7,22, equip Wing Shuriken.

Edited by Ursali
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Renais was ready for action, though she didn't expect Mikoto to give a hug. Then again, at this point people seem to do that regardless of her protests, so at this point she just didn't bother pushing her away. The pinkette was enjoying it truth be told. So with a small blush she simply nodded at the fox as she savored the last hug she might have for a while. "...I really do appreciate it, Mikoto." She spoke and turned. "Let's get this done then." With that said, she made her way along with the rest of the group.

Renais approaches 2, 23

When Miria brought up a tugging sensation, the cleric gave her a quick glance. "Odd? No...I don't feel anything." Other than the smoke things didn't seem to catch her eyes, she couldn't hear anything out of the ordinary either. 'Something my senses can't pick up? How strange...' 

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After Ullr had told the group of smoke appearing in the distance while they were traveling, Syndra prepared herself for combat. As the rest of the Tigers had done the same, Syndra noticed off to the side a pair of men somewhat cutoff from the rest of their group. She wanted to take advantage of that break in formation, but didn't think she would make it in time before they grouped up, at least not without help. "What to do about this..." Syndra then looked around and caught Siorel, and remembered the dancer's capabilities. "That might work! Miss Siorel? Can I ask for your help? If you did one of your dances for me, I think I can get those two axemen that are lagging behind over there. I'll wait up just a bit ahead of us."

Syndra waits at 3.21

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"Right." With support from others in the group, including the green horserider, Üllr wouldn't be risking things out alone, he helped lead the way, though the horses were wont to outpace him soon.

Still managing to keep to the front somehow, Üllr and the others were confronted by a group of... mercenaries? Üllr didn't quite know the difference, but they were abled and armed, and had a distate for them the moment they saw the green armored lady. That would have to be enough evidence for now that they were up to no good. "That's a lot of them." Grumbling as he tried to count their numbers, Üllr stopped as soon as the beat of distant wings distracted him. There were still wyverns, right.

Overall there were a lot of them, more further back for sure, and none too close to start throwing hands at. Frustrating. "Grr..."

Üllr to (4,21).

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There was an odd unease working through Laniva as she dismounted the wagon and looked towards the enemy, forming up for battle. Something in the direction in front of them; the mountain, or maybe beyond; there was something pulling, tugging, almost as if drawing her closer, calling to her. It was unusual, not only because usually she was calm, focused, heading into battle - but because this was simply a sensation she'd never felt before. It was difficult to say if it was a negative sensation, but regardless, it was somewhat uncomfortable.

She drew the greatsword from its sheath, testing the slack on the chain attached to the pommel.

This, at least; this felt comfortable.

Laniva to (5, 21).

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Syndra felt a rush of energy through her, and something else as well, she felt, sturdier somehow. She turned and bowed at Siorel, “Thank you, and don’t worry, I don’t intend on meeting my end here.” She then headed over to the forest nearby, ready to pick off the axe fighters as they approached.

Syndra moves to 2,20 and equips Blizzard.

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(Posting older retros that were supposed to be posted way back before the last town, but I kept forgetting to)

One Fish, Two Fish


Camp had been set, and everyone was off doing their own things for the night. Another long day of travel, another day of sitting and relaxing. At least, for everyone not Miria. For the most part. Spending all day in the wagon reading, and almost every other day doing some form of exercise, she decided one day for some peace and quiet would do some good.

During the trip, she noticed they had been following a river. Maybe that would be a good place to start a nice evening.

And that she did, pulling out some fishing gear from the back of one of the wagons, including two fishing poles, she wasn’t sure if anyone would join her, but she’d keep the second just in case, and made her way off to the river. When she arrived, she took a moment to bask in the cool breeze from the water, and appreciate the beauty of it. Could’ve gone swimming, but then that’d scare away the fish! 

Miria set down all her equipment, and proceeded to remove her boots and socks. Walking to the water’s edge, from the grass, to the sand, to the cool water itself. With a soothed sigh, she took her pole, and took a swing into the river. Time to catch some fish!

After their group had set up camp, Syndra was getting ready for the evening, but noticed someone walking off on their own. It was Miriam and she seemed to be carrying something. Is that a pole? I know we’re by a river but I didn’t think anyone besides Dame Aegean fished. It was unlikely that anything was going to occur tonight, and if trouble were to arise Syndra was always ready as long as she had her bag of tomes on her. More importantly, Syndra hadn’t had a lot of opportunities to speak with Miria one-on-one, despite how often the two of them had fought in close proximiity in recent battles. So getting up from where she was, she decided to follow Miria to… wherever down the river she was going.

After a bit of a walk, Syndra had finally caught up with Miria’s trail. It seemed like Miria was just casting her line from the riverbank. She didn’t seem to have much of a care in the world at the moment, just sitting there, smiling, enjoying the view. Syndra decided to walk over to her and join her. “Nice weather out here tonight isn’t it?”

Miria was content. She hadn’t had a bite yet, but she felt good at the water. It was just the plan, then… “Huh?” She turned around to see Syndra, and she gave a big smile, “Evening Syndra. Yeah, it is nice out, huh?” And back to the water she was, keeping track of her line. “I had to get out, do something instead of reading, or training. So, I came out here and started to fish.”

Suddenly, the girl decided to start slowly reeling in. If the bait looked like an escaping prey, maybe a fish would grab at it. “Would you like to join me? I brought a second pole, just in case.”

“Considering how long we’ve been on the trail for, I can see why you’d want to.” Miria had invited Syndra to join in, so she took the pole that had been offered. “It’s been so long since I’ve done this. I just hope I don’t cast the hook into a tree.” Syndra didn’t cast off immediately, since Miria seemed to be reeling in, and so she didn’t want to disturb the water. Instead, she decided to just ask something that was on her mind. “So in our last fight, or I suppose before it started to be precise, you had walked out of the tavern we are in fully armored up. How’d you do that? I don’t remember you bringing any change of clothes with you after we left the caravan.”

Syndra joined as hoped. Miria felt a bit of excitement. Having a friend to fish with is always fun. Better together than alone, something her father always talked about. "Oh, you can go ahead and cast too. It should be fine as long as we aren't too close together." She assured, as she thought about the other question. The girl had to make sure Syndra understood how it all worked.

"Well, so… It's a type of magic. The Evokers helped explain it to me, I use my necklace I have, focus some energy, and I have a currently incomplete set of magic armor that just sits in it." She took her right hand off the rod to show her gauntlet she wears. "I just have a few pieces I made to fit where stuff would normally go. Does that… make sense?" She nervously laughed.

“So it just kind of exists in some pocket dimension created by your necklace? That’s… huh, I’ve never heard of something like that.” Syndra casted off into a different part of the river from Miria. “So you said you focus energy into it, would that mean it’s locked to your signature or would someone else wearing it also be able to use it?” Syndra had been curious if other people could do what Miria is able to. The best way to find out was just asking the source.

“Neither did the Evokers,” the girl replied, as she was still focused on the water. “They were surprised I had something like this at all. Especially how I got it.” She gave a sigh. “I got it in a trade from someone, who told me it didn’t work for them, but thought it would for me. And, well, it did. And here we are.” The nervous chuckle that followed was clear. Miria really didn’t know much more regarding her armor. She just had it.

“And yeah, so far, it seems like it only works for me. Miss Tio, Miss Elisa, even In- Sari, all tried it, and didn’t get much out of it. So as of right now, it seems to only work on me.”

“So others have tried. I’m curious if I might be able to make it work, but if the Evokers can’t interact with it I doubt I’ll have any luck.” While thinking about Miria’s necklace, Syndra thought she felt a tug on her line. The feeling then passed and the spot she cast towards remained calm. Syndra started reeling back in her line, and when it got back to her all that was left was the hook. “I wasn’t any good at this back home either on the few occasions I’ve gone fishing. Oh well, we all struggle with something don’t we.”

"Yeah, probably not. But, you're super strong already, you don't need my armor to make you stronger." She assured her companion, as she kept her eyes out. There was a tug, then suddenly something caught into her line.

"Oh! Oh!" She started to exclaim as she tugged onto her pole, and reeled, hoping to get this catch. Some extra food! Maybe! She reeled, and reeled…

And it seemed to be, just a small fish. It looked like a baby bass. "Aw," That wasn't enough for her. Gently, she brought the hooked fish to herself, carefully unhooking the fish and chucking it back into the water. "Too small. Gotta give it some time to get bigger." Then, she went for another cast.

“That’s a shame.” Miria had success but not quite what she was looking for. “Wait, you actually think I’m strong?” Syndra thought it was a bit of a stretch. Competent sure, but she wasn’t convinced. “I know I’m good at my job and I beat everyone in the arena back at Eibar but I don’t think I’d call myself strong. I at least know I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for assistance from people like you, Sir Cinaed, Dame Nyxied, everyone here honestly. And I’m always still trying to improve, that’s why I went to study in Glacies in the first place.” Syndra could’ve elaborated a bit more if asked to, but she’d already done that with Nyx and Aegean, and it wasn’t why either Miria or her were here in the first place. Speaking of which; “Where’s the bait again?”

“I mean, of course you’re strong,” she answered almost like she thought Syndra’s response was silly. She began her slow reeling again, “It’s like… Everyone’s strong, just, of course, there are people stronger. But that’s just a person to make you stronger. Like me, I’m tough, but, I’m pretty sure I’m pretty frail without my armor. So I wear it. Or like, ah(!), you’re a stronger mage than me.” She flashed Syndra a smile. “And of course we need help sometimes, no one is all-powerful.”

A question about the bait, “Oh, well," she pointed over to the rest of the equipment, “I took some of my bread, and am just using that. I’m not about to go digging for worms right now, hahah,”

Syndra took in what Miria was saying to her, and it all felt like it should make sense, but there was just something in her own head getting in the way of the message. “Hmm…” A person to make you stronger? It would have to be them wouldn’t it. The whole reason I’m even here is to show up my family. “I think I get what you’re saying.” Miria also told her where to get some more bait, and an idea formed. “I could probably help you get some out of the dirt, after all, I’m more than simply an ice mage. Up to you.” Syndra cast out again after rebaiting her hook.

“Of course you do. You’re super smart. Way smarter than me,” the girl laughed as she stretched out her legs a little bit, trying to get a better feel for the water. “I’m not the brightest, and maybe not the most aware, but I do know stuff sometimes.” She turned back over with a smile to Syndra, “I think you are super cool Syndra.” And she was back with her attention to the river, a big ol’ smile on her face, proud of her comment.

When asked about the worms however, “Nono it’s fine. We can wait for a better time. Like after it rains. Then we don’t have to go digging. Digging is no fun, way dirtier.”

The compliments Miria kept giving Syndra were oddly refreshing to hear. Mostly because they felt… genuine coming from Miria. “Aw, well thanks Miria. I appreciate your words. You’re pretty flashy and cool yourself.” With Miria turning down her offer to use her magic to dig for worms, Syndra cast off again, losing herself in the serenity of the river.

Syndra seemed to be taking well to the compliments. It was nice, she was never sure what to think of the lady, due to never really interacting with her, but this was a refreshing take. She was super nice. "Thank you Syndra, I… really appreciate it too." Her smile was soft, as she started to take off her poncho, chucking it over by the supplies. Never knew when…

A particular heavy tug caught Miria off guard, and she toppled into the water with a yelp and a large splash. She made sure to hold the rod with both hands as she got herself up. Spitting out some water, she started reeling, "I got it!" She followed by backing up towards land to drag whatever she had towards shallower water. She kept her focus and kept reeling, seeing the fish splash and try to escape.


"Come ooooon!" She reeled and reeled, and soon, a large fish emerged from the water, flopping as it kept stuck to her fishhook.

"Ah… hah… Look at that guy." Miria took a moment to observe, made sure she was right. "Look at that bass. That's like… fifteen? Sixteen pounds?"

While the part of the river Syndra had cast in was relatively calm, it sounded like Miria was having some success. And sure enough, Miria had reeled in a rather impressive catch. “Haha, alright! At least one of us is-” Syndra cut herself off after feeling a tug on her line. “Oh I think I spoke too soon.” Syndra started reeling in, but whatever she had hooked was fighting back. Hard. “Uh oh. I think you might not be the only one heading into the river!” This is what I get for not being physically active. Syndra was trying her hardest to not fall into the river, but it wasn’t looking promising…

“Uh oh! Hold on!” Miria quickly made her way back to their fishing gear, grabbing a big wrap, to put her bass onto, quickly wrapping it, and tightening it; she’d work on cleaning it for meal prep later! Syndra needed her help!

“I’m coming Syndra!” She hopped her way back into the water, loud sloshing from behind Syndra as she grabbed and held on tight to her. “We got it! You just gotta keep a good grip on it!”

Syndra was hanging on, and then she heard a splash, but thankfully, it wasn’t because she had fallen face first into the water. It was Miria rushing over to brace her. Just hold on. Syndra gripped the pole as tight as she could, trying to reel in her catch. “Hang on tight Miria, we’ve got this!” Pulling back as hard as she could, Syndra was determined to land her catch, even if it meant an unexpected bath. “I think I got it. Hurrrgh!” With a hefty heave, Syndra pulled in her quarry. It wasn’t quite as impressive looking as what Miria had caught, but it was still decently sized all things considered. The effort was physically exhausting though. “Phew, at least pant pant at least we got em’.”

It was tough, Syndra was hard to keep hold of, but with the tough, Syndra got her quarry, and Miria tumbled backwards again with a splash. With a few heavy breaths, Miria picked herself up and took a look at the haul.

"Hah… hah, haha! Woo! Look at that!" Miria excitedly called out. "About… ten… nine, pounds? A whole catfish too. Ooh, catfish is really good! Good job Syndra, that's a beautiful one!"

“Is it not? I haven’t ever had it before.” Syndra was still a little tired, but triumphing over the river was enough to take her mind off that fact. “So then, what are we going to do with these? I could probably put them on ice for a little bit until you wanted to cook them.” Syndra sat her pole down by the rest of Miria’s gear and then sat down herself. “I think I’m just going to rest here for a little bit. Thanks for helping me out Miria. We should do more things like this if the chance comes up.”

"Some ice is probably a good idea. Then when we get to cooking them, that's when we'll focus on all the cleaning and seasoning and stuff. But cleaning a fish isn't too hard." Miria gave a small laugh as she backed up and sat herself on the grass, her feet still in the water. She hung her head over the water and started shaking her hair, trying to get all the wetness out as best as she could.

She gave a smile when she turned to Syndra, "Yeah, this was a lot of fun. This was one of my favorite things to do with Papa. And maybe next time I do one of my things, I can find you if that works?"

“If I’m free to do so, I’d love to hang out with you some more, Miria.” Syndra then stood up and started making shapes in the air with her fingers, and then, with a snap, made ice appear. “Whenever you’re ready to go, we can carry all this stuff back. No need to rush though. I can always just make more.”

“Uhhhhh, we should be fine now, I think. We did good, we’ll chill ‘em up, then we’ll clean them later when we have time. And, y’know, we’re not crawling with all sorts of river germs.” She gave a small laugh as she stepped out of the water finally. “You’re free to get started whenever you want, Syndra. I gotta dry up some before I put all of my stuff back on.” 

It was a good evening, in Miria’s mind. She got to do some fishing, got to hang out with one of her fellow mercs, and even got some future dinners out of it. In reality, she was feeling a lot better already after the past couple of days. She lowered her head towards the river again, taking off her hair band and shaking her hair to get it as dry as she could.

Syndra chuckled to herself at Miria’s head shaking. She seemed like a puppy almost, which would explain her energy and exuberance somewhat. The whole evening felt productive and it was the most fun Syndra had had in a while. Content with how things had gone, Syndra decided to lay down on the ground and take in the ambience of the cool night air.


Training Partners


Time for some training! Miria took a stretch after finally setting camp up. She was ready to get in some action. Some regimented push-ups, cycles, planks, even the dreaded burpees… She kept a steady mind, and was determined. A good mindset for a good grindset. It was a nice night, and Miria felt great.

Scouting around the camp, she was trying to find a good spot to begin her training. She got a ways away until she found herself hearing… something else.

Following the noise, she found herself in a clearing, and saw someone training. She jumped behind a tree trying not to scare who it was. Taking a peek, she saw… she thinks his name was Üllr. The new person who joined back in town. Miria watched for a little bit. She didn't know him very well, and, well…

He was cute.

Üllr had gone searching for a place to train early as the group settled. While appreciative of being taken in, he wasn't sure yet if he would be able to fight on par with the others. Last battle had them doing a lot more than Üllr could. It certainly left an impression. "Haah…"

He didn't need to rely purely on his claws now. Wielding these knuckles felt odd, but they were a better alternative against heavy armor for sure. For now, he wanted to make sure it felt right in his hands, starting with swings at the air, until he felt it was time to move to trees…

"Haah!" Üllr intertwined a heavy, upward swing in the middle of his strikes. He'd seen a few brawlers do that. Maybe the momentum helped. "Mmm…" It was, at least, feeling a bit more natural. He took a break for a moment, letting the wind cool him off.

"Hmm…?" Having taken the time, he felt… watched. It was a familiar feeling, but he wasn't being hunted by some wild animal –it lacked the intent. He turned around, ears twitching a little… There was a guest alright, barely visible between the trees. "Who's there…?" This close to camp, Üllr refrained from sounding alarmed.

Miria sat and watched as he practiced. To be able to just punch and kick and be so effective in the field, Miria thought about that on occasion. Considering her armor, it was that hard. At the moment though, that wasn't Miria’s concern. Just… He was so swift, so cool, so…!

Miria gave herself a few quick slaps, to keep herself back in focus. Her face felt warm, sorta like that one guy who came on the boat with Cin way back. How weird.

Suddenly Üllr turned towards her position and called out, causing the poor girl to snap out of her trance and hide behind the tree she was at with a yelp. She took a moment, and a deep breath, and slowly came out.

"S-Sorry, sorry… I was, trying not to scare you." She tried to answer as best she could. "I was trying to find a place to train, and saw you here, and… You looked so cool and calm, I didn't want to throw you off." She kept a warm smile as she made her approach, "It's, Üllr, right? How are you? How are you taking to the Tigers?"

Ah, so that was one of the girls from the group after all. She seemed rattled by the call, from what Üllr could tell, but not enough to run away. "Don't worry. I just had to make sure you weren't an enemy." Üllr shook his head, "I looked cool? Huh. I just thought I could use some training. The Tigers know what they are doing, and I don't want to slow them down."

As she approached, Üllr tried to put a name to her face… but nothing came up yet. Did she fight in the village brawl? "What's your name? You already know mine, so…" No point offering his name in return. "I like the Tigers. It's much better than traveling alone."

"That, uh, haha, makes sense. Still, sorry." He seemed to take well to her comment. That was good. Then something about him afraid of slowing down the group, "I'm sure you'll be just fine, you seem strong enough." And she gave a small laugh. Then he asked her name, right!

"That, uh, haha, makes sense. Still, sorry." He seemed to take well to her comment. That was good. Then something about him afraid of slowing down the group, "I'm sure you'll be just fine, you seem strong enough." And she gave a small laugh. Then he asked her name, right! "I'm Miria. Miria Luna. It's nice to meet you Üllr." She replied with gusto. "Also, you're a wolf clouded right?" She had to be sure before she even attempted asking questions.

"Miria. Miria… okay." Üllr repeated the name once. It was easy to keep that name in mind, a fine name by his metrics. "Maybe I'm fine. The Tigers just have, magic, and weapons, they took care of those knights quick. Just don't want to be a burden." Could he have been overthinking? Some vote of confidence was nice, even if they just met.

"Right. I'm a Clouded. Wolf parts." His ear twitched a little, he nodded in succession. "And you're a human, yeah?" Truth be told, the first human he had a normal conversation with since his grandfather.

"Mhm, I am a human, yeah. But my papa that raised me, he was a wolf too. You actually, kinda remind me of him." She gave a little laugh. "He just kept a knife on him, I don't know if he fought with his fists or not."

Her arms slid and hid under her poncho as she held her arms together. "And yeah, I get making sure you do your part. I want to do mine too, despite my own weird quirks and faults too. But we all have stuff like that. So we just gotta compliment each other's weaknesses, you know?" 

"Your… dad was a wolf?" How curious. She wasn't a wolf clouded herself, which puzzled Üllr for a moment. His tail swayed in thought, slowly making sense that she meant the wolf just raised her. "Raised you… still counts as father, huh? I guess I understand." With a quick nod, Üllr crossed his arms, relaxing from his combat stance. "Makes sense to cover weaknesses. What do you do in battle?" Maybe she could refresh his memory of the battle as well.

“Yeah! He and my mama adopted me when I was just a baby. I actually grew a love of adventure from him,” she smiled as she proudly proclaimed her fondness for her father. The best way to hide how much she missed him and her mother.

What she did in battle was the next thing asked. Miria thought that it would be a fine time to show it off briefly. Üllr was an ally, there wasn’t any reason to hide her powers from him. “Right, so, uh, you might want to shield your eyes for a second.” She warned, and gave a second, before taking her gem into her hand, surrounding herself in a flash of light, and she was in her classic armor.

“I fight as one of our forwards.” She said with confidence. “My armor helps keep me safe.”

"Ah… They took you in. That makes sense." Üllr got the gist of it. They weren't related by blood, but were still family. That was a nice thought. "Adventure… is that why you wanted to join the Tigers?" That would make sense, but before he got too many questions about it, Miria decided to show what made her stand out.

 "Shield my–?" Before he could process, Üllr was surprised with a flash of light, shielding his eyes and bringing his arms up. Soon enough, the light faded, and what stood in front of him was a familiar visage. "Miria…?" The armored fighter in gold was one person he remembered during the fight. "So that was you… I remember you now. You fight well with a sword. Magic too, right?" Involuntarily, his tail wagged a bit, interested in the sudden development.

Miria scratched her head as she watched Üllr’s reaction, giving a small laugh again, “Haha, yeah, I was. I hope I didn’t scare you when, well, I exploded.” She gave a nervous sigh, “But yeah, I fight with a sword, and sometimes some magic. It’s complicated. I can shoot fire behind me. And set my sword on fire. Mostly just that though. My sword arm’s preeeetty good though~” She replied to his comment on her fighting well with one with a joking amount of confidence.

“And as for me being here, well…” She started, but she thought about it a bit. She trusted him because he was a Tiger, but he may not have needed all the details. “Well, uh, Miss Natalya found me, actually. I… well, let’s just say I made a mistake that caused me to have to run from home, to protect my family. Ran around Glacies for a bit before Miss Natalya took me in. So now, I just run around, being the brave, gold-clad hero of the Iron Tigers~” She tried to keep a positive tone.

"I see… Swords and magic and armor are a lot to handle. That's pretty good." Üllr listened intently to her explanation, putting some more effort after being able to tell her identity from the previous battle. "You fought fine back then. They had dangerous weapons to clouded like me." It was definitely a worthy asset in a team to have humans that could fight for them. "Is your armor magic too?" It didn't take much to guess, most people had to put them on and off like clothes.

"Had to run from home to protect family? Hm…" He didn't get it, but then again, he didn't get how families were supposed to work all that well, pressing less than one might have. "Will you be able to go back to them one day?" He let that out almost thoughtlessly, tilting his head.

“No…” Was her first response, in a tone far lower than her usual positive one, Woah, Miria, where did that come from? She quickly shook her head, no way she should think that way, “Er, I mean, of course. I just need to get stronger, so I can keep them safe, from all potential threats~ Thank you, I appreciate that you thought I did fine.” She did her best to hide that sudden doubt. Was it from the other day? Miria! Hush! Drop it! He did ask about her armor.

She patted her chest a bit, showing that the armor seemed to have a layer of cushion before the actual armor part. “It is, yeah. Um… The Evokers put it like, it’s a really really old item. Something like, the armor sits in…” She paused to focus, and magic herself out of the armor, “...this necklace I have. And when I use it, it starts to use my magic to stay on, and once I run out of magic, it starts draining my energy. I don’t know if you saw it, but that’s… why I just kinda collapsed after the fight was over. But we’re working to fix it, make me… ‘magic better’. And I eat a bunch so I’m always energized. It’s also not complete, so I… work to fix it by having some of my own armor I just keep on, like this,” She shows the gauntlet on her right arm, “And a helmet I have. Thankfully, Gean got it for me when I lost it during the fight.”

Üllr had good ears, he could pick up that initial reaction just fine. It was certainly surprising to hear her tone shift like that, and made him think maybe he should’ve thought a bit more before asking that. “Being strong helps. You’ll get to see them again one day if you set your mind to it, yeah? I have a father, but… I don’t know who he is at all. Though I think I’ll find him one day.” Hopefully that was a more positive thought than what was going on in her mind. “Hmm… so you still need to get stronger to manage it. That makes sense.” Magical armor that cost her energy to stay on? It seemed like a big cost, but no doubt it worked for her. “The armor makes you stronger, but you have to ‘magic better’ for it. Just like training, right?” Üllr was able to follow through, nodding along. “Sounds like a good way to fight.”

Being strong helps. She nodded as she listened to Üllr’s words. Seemed he had some family trouble as well. Actually, somewhat similar to her, but… she didn’t know if he had any family he could go back to like she had. “Thank you Üllr, that means a lot, truly. Well, actually, if you ever need help finding your father, Ing– er, Ver-sar-is, Versaris, might be able to help you. He’s like, a spy, he can figure out stuff real quick.” She tried to assure the young man.

And back to her armor, “It’s pretty strong, yeah~ And mhm, the Evokers have already offered helping me train to better hone it, and not affect me as much. That way, I won’t have to worry about conking out anymore. Hopefully one day, hahah~” She felt herself perk back up a bit.

Seems like his words helped. Üllr wasn’t sure what was the best thing to say in these situations, but as long as it reached through to her, it was better than to keep her distracted with the bad thought he invited. “Ver, saris? I see, I’ll talk to him.” He hadn’t quite put names to faces that well, but he was sure he’d figure out who that was after asking around. “Sounds good. An armor that drains you can’t be good if it drains too much.” That seemed to have spent Üllr’s curiosity, taking a final look before he remembered why she was here –just happening to catch him mid-training. “Do you want to train too or, just, keep watching?”

Miria nodded, "Of course. And I mean, if you ever need to see him I could take you to him. He helps me a lot with my sword arm~" It was hard adjusting to that new name he's using but she'd do her best to memorize it since he was willing to help her be stronger. Strong enough to…

And then Üllr asked if she wanted to train. "Like, together? Or like, er, I mean, agh!!" Her face reddened a bit before she shook her head. "I mean, would that be fine? It'd be good practice, I haven’t tried to fight someone who fights with their fists and stuff like that before. It sounds… well, fun~"

"...Yes?" Miria's slip of the tongue was pretty lost on Üllr, who didn't figure out any other meanings behind it –training was something you could do with a partner, after all. "Weapons always have an advantage on fists. Reach and all. I can only practice so much on my own, so another person helps." Gone to a topic he was in his element with, Üllr slowly regained his stance. "Can be fun. We also learn from each other." He needed to get better at dealing with weapons, or at least he thought as much, to remain competitive with the Tigers.

He brought up a lot of good points. Learning from each other wasn't a bad idea either. Sometimes a good fight is what you need to learn more about an ally. And Miria could also use it to get her mind off of what was bothering her earlier. Hopefully it'd help Üllr too. 

Miria prepared herself, but a small thing caught her mind, and of course, she just wanted permission first. "Oh, Üllr, is it okay if I use my armor? Or would you prefer, just like this?"

"Hm? Oh. Do you train with your armor? Makes sense to do what you do for practice." Üllr had no idea if it cost too much energy to be used trivially like this, so it was best to err on the side of Miria's own judgement. "Your choice. I think you'll want to try to catch up with my movements. Armor can be pretty hard to move fast on." Of course, depending on the perks of this magical one…

"Awesome!" Miria cracked her knuckles, did a couple of arm and leg stretches, before focusing her energies, and was back in her armor. She took out the practice sword she had on hand, gave a couple of twirls, and backed up some, getting into a readied stance. "And don't worry about my armor. I'm still pretty quick~"

"Alright." The mood was back to normal, Üllr kept his stance, starting to focus on his surroundings again. A very faint cold hit the air, as he brought his fists to a defensive position. "Fast, huh? Very well, then. Ready!"

The battle started with Üllr on the offense, managing an opening for a one-two punch as Miria started testing him. It was followed by a quick counter with the blunt of her sword. She wasn't kidding about her speed. He couldn't hope to dodge that in time, especially since he had such a shorter reach with his fists. Frustratingly, her armor also seriously softened his blows, keeping the two in a back and forth. Miria had a strong counter, but Üllr barely kept up with his blows. She had put him on the back feet for once, movements starting to slow down, but Üllr knew Miria couldn't be lasting much longer either –that or he'd feel embarrassed for his endurance. He went on the offensive once more, before she could find a laat opening.


Charging in and slamming the training knuckle to her chestplate, Üllr finally sent Miria off-balance, making her fall on her back. "Haaah… hah…" He panted, the winds well drawn out of him. "You, fight well. I wasn't expecting… to keep up with me in that armor." It was almost humbling, such a matchup would outclass him if she were a bit faster, or a bit more durable. Üllr dropped to one knee, still catching himself, hand to feel the side of his stomach that received quite a mean smack. "You did really good, that was close…"

He was quick, and hit surprisingly hard. Miria was sure she could hold out. If she just outpaced how much and how hard he hit, she could get him. It was simple. At least, it seemed that way at first. Suddenly, he rushed in, coming in strong. She was ready to hit. However, his knuckle to her chest sent her to her back. She had lost. If they had gone when she was first doubting herself, maybe she’d feel a lot worse. But…

The girl de-armored, as she held her chest with a light cough. Bringing herself back up, she gave a laugh as she listened. “Y-Yeah…! That was, exciting…” Her breathing was a little heavier than normal, but she wasn’t in trouble or anything, just winded. “H-Hang on.”

She spun around her satchel. Opening it, and digging through, she pulled out some bunches of wrap, and handed one to Üllr. “It’s some bread I keep with me, for when I train. To get some energy back,” She kept her smile. That felt, good. She hoped Üllr would feel more compared to the rest of the Tigers now.

“Are you okay?” Noting her heavier breath, Üllr did feel a bit concerned over any lasting injury he might’ve caused, deciding to err with a bit of caution, extending an arm to help her up. “Ah.” She seemed just fine, in the end, he retracted his hand, surprised to see her bounce back so quickly from that loss. “Bread? Thanks.” He wasn’t going to deny an offer of food like that, either.

Üllr took a quick bite of the bread himself, still giving a cautious eye to Miria’s state. “That armor is strong, and you’re still fast. Catching up was hard.” Fighting patterns like that always stuck with Üllr, they seemed to tell a little bit about the person, in the end. “You keep your guard down a bit, but you clearly trained.” She seemed quite focused on others, at least in the heat of battle, either as somebody that cared a lot about cutting an enemy down, or protecting another, and she didn’t seem an awful lot like the former.

"Hmm? Mhm, I'bbth bfiine–" she was already deep into her roll she was on, taking a second to fully eat her bread, "Like I said, I just get really tired. And… Honestly, I thought I'd be fine cause… I thought I'd win. Hahah, guess I got my foot in my mouth, huh?" She laughed, but there was a clear amount of something else. Either embarrassment or shame. "But(!), you did win! And it was fun."

She perched herself by a nearby tree, just to lean and not have to hold herself up. She took in Üllr's advice and observation. "Thank you, though, I'm glad some of my recent training paid off." She laughed again, with less of the awkward tone that came before.

Good job idiot, now you're about to make yourself look like an ass in front of him. Blowing all your chances of a good impression, good work.

“Heh. You almost did win. Don’t let your guard down against someone you never fought, though.” Üllr smirked at her comment, finding humor in the way she slipped the comment. Taking a moment to get back to his bread, he sat down in front of her. “Need to rest after this one too, but it was good. Thank you.” Whether just being polite or genuinely not caring, he went along with the talk, not minding her comment.

"O-Of course. Thanks, Üllr, for not judging me for it." She replied as he sat down in front of her. Her face reddened a little, but she kept to her bread, practically crushing it due to her starving. It was a good little distraction from her stomach, and her soreness.

A smile broke out when she watched Üllr eat her bread. "Y'know, if you like my bread, I'm a pretty decent cook. I caught a big ol' bass the other day. Haven't had a chance to clean and portion it, but when I do, you're welcome to some of it when it's done. There should be plenty~"

"Hmm… oh, fish? Fish is good." Üllr wasn't going to say no to a good offer of food like that. "Never really learned how to cook past making meat fine to eat. That sounds good." He finished his piece of bread quickly, having built an appetite himself. "I'll look forward to that."

Not a huge cook then? Miria could see that. She thought about it, then offered, "I mean, when I make them, I can show you how to cook them really good, how to season them, and that'd be a good skill to keep on you, y'know?" It was one thing to offer to share food, but teaching someone how to cook… "It'd be fun, promise."

"Eh? Teach cooking? That… sounds handy, we could do that." With his quick meal done, Üllr's attention was back to Miria's words, still resting before he picked up training again. "When you have time, we could try." I'd be a good survival skill to have should he need to go back to living on his own one day –which was a reasonable assumption. "Mm…" For a moment, he wished he could teach something in return, it felt better than just taking this help for granted. At the same time, sparring must've counted for something, right?

"Good! Then it's a daa– deal!" She got her words together. She needed to stop slipping like that. "I haven't taught anyone before, but I used to help Mama with cooking all the time. And I just retain it so I can hunt and make extra food for me cause I know I eat a lot." She gave a soft laugh. "But yeah, uh, you gotta go back to your training, right? Is it okay if I just kinda chill and watch, until I'm back on my feet?"

"Hah, yeah, it's a deal." Luckily for Miria, Üllr was not learned enough to catch her slip, simply nodding his head, amused at the stutter. "Mmm, sounds like you cooked enough. Teaching can't be that hard. I can watch you do it and learn already." He wasn't about to doubt her experience after the good fight. If she could fight like that, surely cooking came naturally.

"Oh." It made sense that Miria needed to rest a bit. "Hmm… I never had anyone watch me while training before." He felt a bit self-conscious at the offer, looking back to his claws. "I guess it helps if you learn how I fight, huh?" Slowly, he rationalized it. It didn't feel comfortable, but he struggled to see some harm in it. "Sure, you can stay." Üllr nodded to Miria, giving some time to prepare his nerves to train with an audience.


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Gean was tense. The knights arrival and exchange of info had all but confirmed who their sword theif was, and Gean's mind was filled with a ton of questions and uncertainties. Then she remembered the paper she had shoved in her pocket as the order came to move out. Suddenly Gean was calm. It was time to fight, the rest could be handled later. 

Well there was the welcoming committee in front of the group, and the way they were facing, it looked like the Tigers weren't on the invite list. "The sooner we clear these guys out, the sooner we can continue this search." As Gean finished that sentence she felt a tug in her chest. Some odd feeling was calling her from over the mountains. It was alien, she never felt like this before, but her heart sighed. Clutching her necklace, Gean only hoped that this was a good feeling.

Gean to  5-23. Equip Hand Axe.

It seemed that a fight was gonna break out regardless of Jesse and Ren's presence. The Tigers were already moving in to meet the oncoming forces, and Jesse noticed a familiar force. So that's the person Lady Tio mentioned. Jesse looked over to her healer partner, "Ren I'm gonna stick with that one over there." 

Jesse trots over to 3-20

Looking back towards Miria, Jesse gave her a warm smile before her glove began to glow. "It's nice to meet another one like me." Decked out in her armor, Jesse looked back towards the enemy. "I've got your back here. We can talk after."

Edited by Bluemask 96
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Nyx to (6,24)

“Yo, tails!” Nyx called up to the one who… kinda looked like Alriana, but wasn’t, but was apparently related to her? Nyx didn’t remember if she had a name or not. “Need a lil’ backup? If they got lotsa flyin’ folk, you just leave ‘em t’me… I’ll shoot ‘em clean outta the sky.”

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By the time that Tio had pulled up to the battlefield, the Tigers were already moving into combat. "I'm guessing we weren't invited?" Mikoto called out to her, but before she could say anything, she saw something in the distant sky. Her eyesight wasn't as refined as the commander's or Renais's, but she'd seen enough of the winged beasts in these past couple days to hazard a guess. 

"...If you want my opinion, Mikoto. I think we've probably found our thief." Tio waved her hand, and her hair turned brilliant green. "It seems like more wyvern riders are on their way, and this is already a rather incredible amount of people, so they're probably onto her. We'll remain here, and keep any aerial or grounded reinforcements from striking the tigers from behind. It's... very strange, though. Perhaps the speed with which things devolved into hostilities was to be expected; we don't know the kind of bounty that Artorius has placed on the recapture of the blade, but as least as far as I can tell, these aren't knights. Not to say that they still can't be acting in that interest, but the situation and reaction are off. We don't have time to figure it out though... Elisa, do you think you might be able to pin point our thief's location? If it is who we believe it to be, their magical signature should be simple enough to isolate."

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"Really? What gave you that idea~?" Mikoto scoffed, producing a nosferatu tome from a puff of blue flame, idly flipping through the pages. "I agree wholeheartedly with you there, at least... If they're going to be so hostile to our precious Tigers, we'd best put these dogs down." She reached a hand out towards one of the far off wyvern riders, and for a split second, there was some black spot of energy in the air between them and the rider. "Tch... Ah, well~ It was far too hopeful of me to be able to reach from here." She shrugged, keeping her tome out, just in case.

Sari watched her with genuine concern. "You're a bit too happy to be killing people, I'd say... But they are engaging us, so there's nothing to be done about it." He held one hand on his sword's hilt, ready for action. He glanced over at Tio and nodded. "They aren't knights. They're part of several mercenary groups from Cerezia: The Displaced Front and the Iron Guard. The clouded among their members is a dead giveaway that they aren't a part of the knights. As well, I'm sure our Amaryllis members would've been more surprised than they seem to be." It was a mess, to be sure. "What this does mean is that someone got a hold of our thief's location and leaked it to these mercenary groups. There's no way they'd be out in this remote location, full force, without such information. And that, that worries me greatly. The Tigers had better hurry... And honestly, Tio? I might chase after them in a few minutes. If our thief is who we believe she is, I can't stand idly by... If I at least drop Jeremiah's name and some things that only he would know, I might be able to deescalate things. I hope, anyway..."

Mikoto didn't seem phased by Sari's comment. She was always pleased to flex her magical abilities. "Just be happy I don't have a Shadow Shot on hand... Else I'd have swatted that fly~"

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Arms loaded and several stripper clips readied for her rifle, Tasha was prepared to get things done no matter which way they would pan out. But from the look of the mercenaries on the other side -- no way those were Altair Knights, they'd fought before, after all -- there didn't seem to be an easy or civilized way out of this. And no matter what their objective there was, if they were attacking the Tigers, the Tigers would act in self-defense. "Combat formation! Keep an eye out for wyverns from the sides, and mind what your enemy's wielding!" She quickly took a central position, gun in hand and ready to direct the fighting if necessary.

Tasha moves to 4-22 and equips her .303 Bolt Rifle.

Elisa had been monitoring the overflying wyverns in case there were signs of something they should pay attention to, but the notion of smoke, confirmed by the Commander herself, quickly turned everyone around to investigate. While everyone disembarked and got ready to go in, she kept her focus on surveilling the mana flow in the area, looking for any notably powerful signatures... and sure enough, there was one besides the two right next to her. Tio's question came as no surprise, but she had some issue with what to make of what she felt. "I do think we've found our thief, too, but I wonder what's going on. If that is Princess Lucille, it doesn't feel like she's at her full strength, if anything we know of the Lufirian royal family is accurate. She might be heavily injured, which means we can't afford to stress her too much... if the Tigers can even make it to her before the other mercenaries do. Though I doubt she'd just stand down, even if you stepped in, Versaris. No matter how much we could assist her, we can't just let her escape with the Escaflowne either, yet if I'm being honest, we - the Evokers, I mean - shouldn't get involved at all. This is the Knights' problem to deal with, and they have the Tigers' support now. They're mercenaries, so they'll always have an amount of plausible deniability from political involvement that would be impossible for us to claim." She sighed, looking over to the man next to her. "I'm sure you think that's callous of me to say, especially considering there's a real chance the Princess could die, but the only thing worse than a war against Lufiria is a war against Lufiria where Glacies isn't on the Alliance's side anymore because of something we did. As the country's representatives, we need to stay as neutral as possible, if we're to both avoid being against the Alliance and continue to have a chance at diplomacy with Lufiria."

Them staying back to repel any reinforcements that could cut off a route of escape or back attack their group made sense enough, but still... Even weakened, a mage of that power would be difficult to subdue. But she had to suppress that want to assist for all of their own good.

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"I won't stop you in the event that we do need to de-escalate in some manner. I'm not keen in us being responsible for something happening to her, especially now that it sounds like she may already be injured." That was troubling news for a number of reasons; it meant that she was vulnerable, and that if it did come to blows, she would be difficult to deal with. She'd managed to get this far with minimal assistance, and if she'd done it while nursing injuries and exhaustion... "However, as much as it pains me to say, Elisa does have a point. She and I should not get involved with the main situation; there's no telling what could happen, and if Glacies is implicated in events where Lufiria's princess were captured, or worse? We might as well have killed the envoy ourselves. The opposite isn't much better; Hecatia is largely the reason that Islexia hasn't mounted a genuine assault of Glacies, and if we were to lose that backing we would be putting Glacies at incredible risk." Tio huffed with a stomp of her foot, "I am getting extremely frustrated with how often I have to drop this excuse, so dealing with the reinforcements and supporting them with information will have to do." Tio clicked her tongue, she hated being forced onto the sidelines, but they had no choice, and no way to feign involvement as of the moment. 

"We'll have to leave most of the direct support to the two of you..." Tio's eyes narrowed at Mikoto's seeming glee at getting to flex her magical power. Her power had grown since they'd really interacted last. Well, as least I'll get to see what her magic is like...


"Up and at em! You all take em down, and you two, hold with me. Slowing em down is just as effective!" 

Mage 1, Lance Armor 1, and Sword Armor 1 will remain in place! 

Fighter 1 decides to get this party started! 

[20, 75] 

This Hand Axe was actually thrown with confidence, and cuts through the trees and Syndra! 13 damage! 

Syndra retaliates with a storm of ice!

[88, 78] (68) 

The storm comes for everyone, but a mercenary is used to it! 22 damage! 

Syndra gains 10 EXP, and +1 Anima EXP!

Merc 1 engages Lani 

[3, 33] 

The Armorslayer cleaves through her armor, dealing a crushing blow! **26 damage**

Lani hangs on, barely, but with Greatsword in hand, counters!

[68, 90], [10, 71] 

Two swings, and a dead mercenary.

Lani gains 30 EXP, and +3 sword EXP!

Wvyern 2 engages Aly! 

[15, 48] Aly takes 12! 

Aly attacks!

[95, 68] Wvyern takes 19!

Aly gains 10 EXP, and +1 Hidden

Cavalier 3 engages Vidar's Unit Mage!

[6, 78] 

The monster pike strikes true! Dealing 15 damage! 

Mage counters! 

[70, 34] 

The Ice storm pelts the horse and rider for 15 damage! 

Merc 2 sees and opening and engages the Mage as well! 

[99, 34] 

His blade catches air as the mage dodges out of the way! Miss!

The Mage retaliates!

[16, 73] 

Merc 2 finds himself blasted for 15 damage! 

Cav 1 also tries to finish off the mage!

[97, 65] 

The javelin is wide!

Vidar's Mage counters!

[52, 60]

The cold wall hits for 17 damage!

Mage 2 attacks the southern armor! 

[22, 88] 

The bolt strikes for 11!

The armor throws a Javelin back!

[52, 40]

The javelin lands, leaving the mage near death! Mage takes 20!

The mage launches another bolt!

[92, 52] 

The bolt connects for another 11!

Other enemies creep forward!


"Hold the line for now! We can't break through right yet! Weather the storm, and then we'll back the princess up as we push out!" Vidar shouted.

Vidar's Unit will not leave their current location! 

Vidar's Priest heals Vidar's Mage! For all their HP!

Vidar's Mage attacks Merc 2! 

[94, 49] 

The mage got cocky from their endeavors, and sent the Ice Storm wide!

Merc 2 swings!

[9, 97] 

The sword connects this time for 15!

The southern armor throws a Javelin!

[56, 69]

The Javelin connects, and mage 2 ceases breathing!

Lucille engages Merc 2!

Lucille cannot miss or crit, so no numbers were rolled! 

All other units hold!


Important: The Cavaliers have had their numbers switched around to better align with what is on the Sheet. This is an error on my end.


Map 4 T2.png

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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And there the fight started, his neighbor taking a gruesome blow against her armor --takes a lot of guts. With the traded blows looking worse by the moment, Üllr felt compelled to take a lead... it was time to test out those throwing weapons after all. Seeing the wyvern, and now counting his chances against those tough scales, Üllr rushed to try his hand against the cavalier next to him. How far could these things be thrown effectively?

Üllr to 8-20, attack Cavalier #5 with the chakrams.

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Well her plan worked, but Syndra got an axe into her shoulder for her trouble. She just shrugged it off a little. "Right where I want you to be..." This time Syndra channeled elder magic to try and take out her foe.


Syndra casts Flux at Fighter 1.

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And Nyx supposed that was her cue, sliding up a little bit behind the lizard, taking aim, and…


Nyx to (8,21) and shoot Wyvern 1 outta the sky

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