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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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By the time Roxanne had finished healing the pair, one of them, the one who had looked to be the aggressor of the two, had practically melted into a pool of embarrassment, stuttering and tripping over her own words in an attempt to explain herself. Odd that she would have put herself into such a situation if she was quite so shy, but Roxanne had no intention to judge. The sheep had been about to give her a few words of reassurance, when a sudden impossible to ignore spike of magic drew Roxanne's attention away, and to Kise and Jeremiah. What sort of magic did it take to develop a life-harvesting technique like Kise's? The answer was something else to be certain, Roxanne unable to look away for the scant few moments the fight lasted after Kise's opening. 

It didn't take Jeremiah long to disarm Kise, and then finish her in an impressive flourish. To someone who couldn't sense magic, the bout likely would have seemed incredibly one-sided with the mage resorting to her claws once her tome had been removed, but anyone who could feel the weight of that initial blast would know without question why Jeremiah had sprung into action in such a manner. Feeling the staff nearly fall from her hands, Roxanne caught it just in time, closing her mouth which had at some point fallen agape during her staring.

"Aha... sorry about that, I wasn't expecting to suddenly see something so explosive. You two feel free to carry on, no need to shy away on my behalf. Sorry again for the interruption." Roxanne noted, as Lucretia and Renais quickly moved onto the scene to heal both parties. It would seem she wasn't needed urgently, then.

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"Mhmm..." She let out an almost meek sound of acknowledgement as Versaris began to list of his feelings for her, the creation feeling her cheeks heating up further, sure now that her face must be a heavy shade of blue. She shared most of these feelings, the absence of her thoughts not meaning a void of feeling. The fear that she'd wrested with had been born out of a desire to see Versaris safe and well, that he would remain around for her to spend her time with him. As he got more subjective her feelings stopped lining up, but she blamed that on her lack of understanding, she still lived very much in the moment and rarely stopped to think about the things Versaris had started to describe.

She didn't have a bold declaration like he did, no passion filled unspoken promise. Instead, all she had were three words, spread out over a short sentence. "I... Think, I l, love you, too..." The words were a struggle, her voice refusing to be anything but meek as she quietly declared her love for the not-elf. She remained clinging to him, almost melted against him, as she continued to try to hide her face from him.

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Studying the Texts


Üllr had returned to where they’d spent the night with the clothes they’d purchased, waiting in his room as Iris told him she was getting changed. Guess she really liked what she bought… He resigned himself to waiting, wondering where they’d go next, with food being in his mind for now. Could use something less gamey now that they were in town…

It had taken Iris a moment to get her new clothes on, especially the ‘top’, which was basically a strip of clothing that she had to adjust around her upper half and her arms. She was dextrous enough to get it on, finally tying it and inspecting herself in a mirror. A lot of her body’s purple stripes were visible now, along with a lot of her white skin, especially with shorts on downstairs. “I hope… I hope he likes it. I really hope he likes it… I wanna… I wanna do more with him. I don’t know what more is, but my body can tell… It wants something more. Hhhn… Ullr…” Iris took a deep breath and left the side room she’d changed in, coming back to her room with Ullr. “Confidence…”

She opened the door and stepped inside, all smiles, eyes watching him. She had to hold her confidence, she wanted to get him riled up. “Hey there, Ullr~” With slow, steady steps, Iris approached Ullr, stretching her arm towards him and pressing a finger onto his chest. “Well? You like what you see, doggy…?”

"Ah…!" And there was Iris, wearing something notably different than usual, with a top far more revealing than usual, if it could be called that. Üllr didn't know how to handle her new demeanor, frozen until she touched his chest. "Hrr? Uh, yes? What are you up to…" This was weird, very weird, but not in a discomforting way. "It's, smaller than your shirt." She had his attention, for sure, as the wag of his tail belied. Üllr was open to her following actions.

“Yeahhhh… And what else? Tell me everything.” Iris didn’t bother waiting, pushing herself onto his lap, sitting on Ullr with her legs wrapping around his waist. Her arms rested idly on top of his shoulders, all smiles staring at him. “Are you feeling… Warm? Excited? Is your heart racing? Tell me everything, Ullr… And tell me how I make you feel. Because you make me feel a lot of things… Things I’d be happy to tell you, if you think you can handle hearing them~”

"Mmrr… warm? Yeah…?" Üllr wasn't understanding what he was feeling, but with Iris sitting on his lap promptly, maybe he didn't need to. It was weird, but nice. He embraced Iris in a hug, arms around her. "Mmm… it's nice, I like it… I don't know why… but, I can't sit still." It wasn't like a fight at all, and yet, he was feeling so worked up. "Mmm, t-tell me…"

“You got some of it already, Ullr. Warm. Unable to sit still… Like a rush of adrenaline, this want to move. To touch. You can move your hands lower, you know. I'm sure you want to, even if you don't understand why~” Iris’ heart was beating so fast, trying to stay sultry and in control, but she knew she was slipping too. Ahhhhhh, I wanna touch! I wanna kiss! I wanna lose myself in him, but he still doesn't get it! Or, like, he gets it, but only in feeling, and he's not pushing those feelings, arrrrgh… Th-The guy in the book was all over her once she started talking like this, what am I missing?

Iris let her tail curl up around Ullr, running it along his back. She slipped a claw onto his chin and turned his face up to meet hers, smiling. “Anything else… You wanna do? Puppy~?”

"Uhhh…?" Üllr was still grappling with Iris' forwardness, how much she was into this… and if she was instructing him to be more forward, it was probably okay. With claws moving along her waist, grabbing them readily, Üllr pulled Iris closer, real close, as their faces were unbearably close, feeling the warm breath of each other's. "Mmm…. y-yeah, I do…" He didn't understand much of why people did it, but he knew what was a kiss, and soon leaned forward to meet Iris' lips with his own.

“Hyah!?” Iris let out something of a squeak as she was pulled that close, face lighting up purple as she blushed hard, her bravado fading swiftly as Ullr took over. “I always forget just how strong you are…” This was it… This was the moment they'd lock lips and share in that passionate feeling of bliss. Iris slowly closed her eyes, feeling Ullr on her as he kissed her, her body's immediate urge to push forward against him, melt into the kiss, even let out the smallest moan~ “Mnhn, Ullrmmnhn…!” A sudden energy hit her, a rush of feelings and emotions, so strong, urges she'd never felt before! We have to do more than kiss! We have to!

“Hmmmrr…” Focusing on the kiss, Üllr kept holding Iris close, it was easy to forget her weight, with his strength, and like she said, this feeling was… nice. He didn’t know what else was there to do, what couples did, but for now, it was good to have this feeling with Iris. Without thinking, Üllr’s hug was tighter, and he let the kiss end a bit more out of breath than expected, his lupine tail wagging fast. “That was good… you were right.” His chest was warm, much warmer than usual, but it wasn’t unbearably so, almost comfy… Üllr struggled to understand the sense in these feelings, but for now it didn’t matter much. Iris mattered, and that was enough.

“Mnnhahh, Ullrrrrr…” Iris’ heart was beating so hard she could hear it in her ears. Her body needed more. It needed so much more… but before that…

“Hey… I w-wanna say a few, things.” She gulped, a claw sliding into Ullr's hair and petting him. “I… I threw away, my magic. You know that. I told you, but it's, b-because of you. Because I can't let this damn, voice in me, hurt what I have. Family. Friends… a lover. You all inspire me, to be ‘Iris’. You gave me this name, Ullr… it means so much to me. You mean so much to me. And I want you to tell me everything about you… All your feelings. All your wants. All your dreams… I want to be here to see you achieve them. To help you achieve them. To stand by your side through all of it…”

She gently kissed him again, smiling so brightly. “Thank you. For liking me. For treating me so kindly… For giving me a name and giving me a family. All I did was get angry at some people holding you captive… And whether or not you know it, you've done so much more for me. Thank you, Ullr…”

As the moment stopped and Iris moved to  speak of her feelings for the wolfboy –strong feelings at that–, Üllr didn't know how to reply. Rather, it felt pretty inappropriate to interrupt, when she was pouring her heart this hard. This, Üllr understood. "Yeah… you were the first person that helped me. Back when the soldiers thought I was smuggling something. You risked yourself to free me. It's not common. Not from what I learned while living. I was only used to grandpa helping." It was far less eloquent, but his feelings mirrored her in many ways. He didn't share her experiences, but he was a survivor of  horrible treatment by humans all the same… 

Üllr was beginning to understand the emotions boiling over, holding Iris in that tight embrace, giving her another passionate kiss. "Thank you too, Iris. You trusted me, and I trust you. I will fight if anything bad tries to happen to you. You're my friend… and. More." He certainly yearned for more, hands keeping Iris on his lap, running along her slim curves, wishing to prolong that content. "Mm, Iiiiiiiris…" So cute…

“Mmhn… Nh, heheh~ Anyone should have helped you. These people are too stuck in their ways… I can get along with humans just fine. But, these Islexians, those knights, they want Monsters. So let’s show them some monsters~” Iris had no qualms with giving the Islexians exactly what they wanted to get back at them for how they’d treated her, Alriana, Ullr; so many of the Tigers had suffered at the hands of humans that just didn’t like them for existing. I’ll show them what they get for pushing us so far…

Her thoughts were quickly moved away from that as Ullr’s hands ran across her skin, making her shudder and let out a small whine, swallowing pretty hard. “H-Heyyy… Geez… You’re gonna get a girl all worked up, y’know… I hope you’re much more than my friend, Ullr~ What say… You and I do whatever we want, until we’re satisfied. We do whatever feels good… How’s that sound?” Her tail swayed behind her, the tip whipping and flicking. “I’ve got a lot of stamina.”

"Eh…" There was a lot going on in Iris' mind that Üllr was taking time to pick up, between her thoughts on those that hated them, to… the more immediate feelings. She was always very free and open to following her heart, after all… "Mmm." Yeah, he could learn from it. His mind and heart wanted to focus on this moment… and then he could focus on the bigger picture and get stronger later. "No one to bother us… let's stay here." It was time to just think of himself, and Iris.

"Hmm. Good reasons." Üllr nodder promptly, feeling satisfied with the answer. "The Underground are those guys that attacked us and took Alvira and Syndra, yeah? We'll beat them." He hit a balled fist against his palm, the memories of that night coming to him vividly. "They're bad people, so they'll come after us. After we broke into that place, for sure."

Üllr's train of though was disturbed by the end of Iris' spar, seeing her flop onto the floor as a mess. "Ah... I have to go. Thanks for the talk, Nyx." Grateful to stretch his fists, but more worried about Iris' situation, he ended the conversation and made it to her side with quick steps, waiting for the sheep to do her magic. "Thank you..." He didn't quite know how to address the newcomer yet, but it was good that she was another healer in their ranks. Maybe he'd struggle less in the fields next... "Hmm... Iris, are you okay?" He lowered to his knee, looking at her situation... "Hm!" it was almost enough to distract him from the bit burst of magic as Kise and Jeremiah duked it out, which scared him into a defensive stance for a second, before he calmed down as the match ended quickly and impressively. "Strong..." For as magically illiterate as he was, Üllr was notably sensitive to it.

"You know I agree with you on that, Captain. This line of thought has only made our people more divided, it's a shame to think of the kind of life this girl was robbed from." Owen spoked sternly, thinking back to their discussion in the privacy of the Keep's walls a short while prior. That Sylmaria was this convinced of her unnaturality was a tale that reflected the life of many, an uncomfortable truth of the situation that was easy to forget --even with the imaginary line dividing their territories so close. "Mmm. I don't think she'll be getting other ideas on the way there... not with people like Alvira ready to snap back at her. Besides, she wants to be with her friends most of all. This is something you can work in your favor. I'm pretty sure this Giovanna wasn't informed about Sylmaria's suicide attack, from our talks."

"I'd like to think my reputation, dirtied as it is, is nowhere near that man's level." Owen forced a smile after that, "Every victory will give my name validity. And with that, more people will choose me as the 'devil that they know', until Islexia's impression on monsters change for the better." Even the best speeches weren't enough for somebody who was taught to hate so deeply in his heart, and Owen was starting to accept he would never have people's full support in this climate, but his cogs were still turning, determined to lay the path down for his ideals. "I must say, Tio's impassioned speech gives quite a weight on my shoulders, I hope I can meet those words." It was fascinating to Owen how much she was invested and trying, even with Sylmaria's silver tongue.

"...Oh?" As a bit of a break from the topic, another Clouded stepped in for his attention. A familiar one. "Oh, Mina. 'Tis good to see you, business, or something more?" With a step back, he gave space to the two. "Please, don't mind my presence." It was not like there was a lack of activities worth of audience at this time, between the many spars, Jeremiah and the Tiger's kitsune found themselves in a mighty match, too fast for his eyes. Owen could barely tell the use of magic by the fox, not very acquainted with the trade, but still enough to realize it was something else. And Jeremiah... Hard to think of his position when he's such a capable fighter. Truly a gulf between us...


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After people broke away from Miria, she sat against a wall and waited a bit. She wanted more of her energy to return before she went running out somewhere to eat. Besides, more of the Tigers were going to go up against Jeremiah, and she wanted to at least be there for as much of the crew as she could. First was Gean, then Iris, Syndra and Kise. The fight with Kise was easily the most intense, and Renais was quick to jump in to help heal her. It was good to see the Arbitrator fight. The cub wasn't sure if she could incorporate anything she's seen into her swordplay, but that just meant she had to practice more. She cut it close when they dueled, which meant her she could've been easily beaten should Jeremiah had gotten serious.

She got herself back on her feet, gave her arms and legs a stretch, and patted Tanya's shoulder. It was a good day, so far. Some good training, and a new couple friends. Soon enough, a meal befitting of her appetite. Hopefully. She didn't want to just dip on the training, so she approached Jeremiah, who had just gotten finished with his fight and was being healed. She put her hands together, and took a deep breath.

"Jeremiah," She started, a little embarrassed she'd even ask but, "Sorry to interrupt. I know you set up training, and waited for us to gather for it, but, may I excuse myself to eat? I need it for, well, my energy," And she pointed at her necklace, clearly implying her armor. "I didn't know if you had anything else, and didn't want to just... well, bounce and not be, clear to go, I guess?" And she ended with a sigh. 

Edited by GoldsbroTSG
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"Mmhhnn, what are you so worried for, Renais~?" Kise smiled, playfully, gently batting at her staff. "Just two people giving it their all... We're both alive, aren't we? Hmm?" Renais was always so sheepish... So concerned, so quick to panic. It wasn't a good look. Kise's eyes drifted from her, towards... Oh, my. Ahah. Ahahah~ Not too concerned with your uncle, are you? Were you confident he'd win? Or... Kise winked at Aegean and licked her lips every so subtly, before yawning and picking herself up. "Hahhh, what a pain, having to move, but you've still got people to coddle, yes~? I suppose I should get out of the way... I did lose, after all~" She let her tails fall behind her and began to slink away from the training grounds, brushing her fluffs of tail against Aegean, before plopping back down against Akai. "Thank you, Jeremiah! It was quite the insightful experience." If you're the weakest, then I've got quite a ways to go, but... I could feel it. It wouldn't have killed you, but a bit more and you'd have been on your knees... And THEN I could've killed you. So close... Tread lightly, Jeremiah Noire~

"Alriana..." Versaris knew she couldn't see him, but he was smiling so happily, hugging her even tighter, only for a moment; he didn't want to squeeze as tightly as she had. "That means so much! I mean... You, know that now, I'm sure you get the weight of... Of those words, I... I just... I love you. I love you so much...!" He almost felt like laughing a little, too excited, too pleased, he wanted to hoist her up and spin around-- he couldn't help himself, grabbing on tight and standing up with her in his arms, spinning around a bit; he wanted to hoist her up, but she was so latched against him, he couldn't possibly get her off of him. "I'm going to make you the happiest woman on Amaranth! Because you've just made me the happiest man... I love you so much~" He finally started chuckling a bit, the biggest smile on his face. "What would you like to do today? All this training is almost done. We could go out to eat? Find you something in town to wear? Lounge around and chat? I can get you another book! Or we can find the best spot in town to watch the sun set... Whatever you want. Anything~"

Iris had remained floored as things went on, trying her best to ignore it. Kise's magic was dark magic, it was powerful, frightening, and all over, a future that could've involved her in a terrible way. She shook her head, sitting up just as-- "Ullr!" she sprang into his arms and latched on tight, almost knocking him over! "Heheheh~! Heyyyy... I'm doing just fine. Just didn't wanna get up yet. Jeremiah sure is strong, huh!? Like, sheesh... I can't believe how much this guy can handle... Even, that." She gestured towards the fox, huffing a little. "So rude of her to fight seriously when this is all supposed to be training. Honestly... Mmmn, anyway, what about you? You feelin' okay? You do some training~? I've just been roaming around, bugging everyone..."

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Jeremiah kept his eyes on Aegean until Lucretia had made her way over, letting out a sigh as the woman's magic washed over him. By now, he was absolutely sure that there was something that linked Lucretia and Serena, even if minor, but that was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. Renais's reaction to events was louder than Aegean's, and she was quickly to Kise's side--the Kitsune would be fine, he'd avoided all fatal points, but with the way she fought... Jeremiah wondered if he would have been given the same courtesy. There was absolutely no mistaking it; the woman was testing herself, and if he'd been any slower just now, there was the faintest chance, however small, that she would have gone for it if she could. Jeremiah looked over at Lucretia with a half smile, and shrugged, "Kise said she wanted to see what she could manage, and she's a league beyond all but the Evokers here. That's just the reality of what a fight between people of that caliber would look like, nothing to be concerned about." 

Jeremiah's half smile turned neutral at Kise's continued whining, "Barely a taste? I shudder to imagine what you'd consider a meal then. That blast would have killed a number of people, most everyone here on the grounds as a matter of fact. I simply met the moment. I'll be sure to pass on something to Tamarinne from you." I hope you know what you're doing, Aegean. I have a feeling that given a chance, this woman might do things in your name that you'll regret for the rest of your life... Syndra returned, having scurried away as his and Kise's duel began, "Certainly a glimpse; you have quite the ally alongside all of you. I didn't get to say it before I had to deal with Kise, but your use of dark magic is... lacking for a solo engagement. It doesn't appear to come naturally to you, so it is a bit sluggish, and in an engagement where a single opponent can focus you down, you'll suffer. You'll need to find a way to leverage your strengths; your magic is powerful, you just need the time to get it where it needs to go. Unfortunately, I'm hardly a mage, so I can't quite assist beyond pointing that out." 

Jeremiah then placed his hands on his hips, "But judging from your voice, and the look in your eye... that was the second most important thing. What would you like to ask me, Miss Belrose?"

Before Syndra could ask though, Miria wobbled her way forward, asking to be released so that she could eat. It seemed like her Shroud took a bit out of her. As Jeremiah thought on it, her's did seem... incomplete in comparison to Rivane's. Of course, comparing the two was like comparing a mouse to the falcon that considered it a meal, but the fact remained so.

"I may be instructing people, but I am no teacher; if you need to go eat to recover then best to go while you're still able to in peace." Jeremiah returned his eyes to Syndra.

"I didn't think we'd be that lucky." Tio replied, content to return a barb or two, just because she was willing to help didn't mean that she wasn't still rather bothered by Sylmaria, and her situation. It was at that moment that all eyes fell on the fight between Kise, and Jeremiah. Tio hadn't the pleasure of seeing Kise, or Mikoto for that matter, fight in earnest and the sight was... concerning. The pulse of magic made it clear that there was no holding back on Kise's part, and that in turn, brought Jeremiah out of his teacher's shell. His speed, and ability to control his sword were unmatched--swiftly dispatching Kise's tome, and forcing her into using her claws. Tio remained quiet as Sylmaria asked the all important question, as Tio slowly began to release her magic, but it really was wholly unnecessary, as Jeremiah frankly vanished, appearing alongside a crumpling Kise. "...I don't quite know, actually." That definitely seemed more serious than practice, but with both rose haired healers bounding up to take care of the two, Tio felt like it was safe to relax. 

The same could not be said of Sylmaria as the woman seemed to shrink suddenly. Tio cocked an eyebrow at the sight before swiftly stowing the expression as Sylmaria resumed conversation, "Yes, if Elisa or I figure something out regarding your magic, you will be the first--well, second--to know. You'll get a good sense of what you're working with by continuing to watch." Not terribly surprising... I don't think I hid the chill that ran down my spine watching all of that... The worst part is... I still don't know if Jeremiah was holding anything back still, and he still was able to best Kise... Just how strong is he? How strong are the people of his rank? Genuinely ridiculous... Hopefully neither she or Elisa would ever have to find out the answer to that question... Equally as important was the fact that Kise was able to draw out that much; she'd be a valuable ally for the Tigers going forward. 

Kieran stopped as Marigold strode out in front of him, and... the look on her face was one that he'd never seen before. No, that wasn't true... he'd seen it a couple days ago, back in the cell, back when she had been crying, frustrated over her immortality, frustrated over his stupidity. Kieran's mind stopped wandering, and focused on Marigold, taking in her words exclusively... Until a phrase him him harder than the realization of what he'd done to the Tigers. It stunned Kieran to the point that he had only been able to reach out for Marigold before she disappeared into one of the shadows to hide. He stood there frozen for a good moment, before he looked down at his outstretched hand. 

"...Damn, you really ain't good at anything else but making people hurt, huh? You're supposed to be a healer last I checked..." Kieran looked up, to see that 'Tits Mcgee' had finished up her bout with the dragon, and was over with the raven haired man. There had been a fight there, but Marigold required his full attention... Now though, he wasn't ever going to find her unless she came out again, so... the only thing to do was figure out what to do. Kieran looked around and saw the white dragon resting against the wall, legs hugged together. Probably the best place to start... Don't want to walk out there just yet. Don't want to give Marigold a reason to come back before she's... Ha... when did you start caring so much? She's... right though, I don't have that right to just... let people have their revenge, to just give up and do nothing. How the hell am I going to find a way to deal with that immortality if I'm dead?

Kieran wandered over, "Doing okay over here?" 

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Marigold hadn't gone far, but it was no surprised Kieran hadn't noticed. She'd placed herself in his own shadow, trudging along quietly behind him, eyes digging holes into the back of his head. You're always too slow to react and realize how wrong you are when you say things, sometimes. Too extreme! You just need to find a middle ground you dumbass... ugh, getting me this frustrated. This is all your fault, Kieran. She glanced past him at the dragon he was speaking to, raising an eyebrow. Huh. New face...

"H-Huh!?" Sylmaria hadn't expected to be approached by anyone, let alone a man, shrinking away some on instinct. It was that or aggressing on him, and she'd caused enough problems today... Besides, he seemed human. That was safe. "I... No. Not really... But I'm not injured, if that's why you're asking... Not... Anywhere that won't heal itself, at least." She sighed heavily...

A hand slipped into the bandages on her legs, untying it to reveal gorgeous obsidian scales that adorned her legs in perfect matching patterns for each side. "Doesn't matter how many times I rip these off... they always come back. But it would be a hindrance to do so right now, and risk infection or a worse injury before we storm Kazran. They'll have to wait..." She gently began to undo the ones on her arms as well, the scales stretching out across her forearms to her finger tips, painting a wonderful juxtaposition, her pale skin and white, silvery hair contrasting harshly against the pure black of her scales. 

"What's your name? I didn't see you when I arrived... Are you with the mercenaries, or lord Owen?"

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"Yes, quite the ally indeed. We're uh.. lucky to have her on our side." Syndra had never seen either side of the kitsune in action before, it was honestly frightening to see just how wide the gap was between her and the rest of the Tigers. Jeremiah's assessment of her came afterwards, and it was soundly correct. "You're right about my dark magic proficiency, I was predominately taught anima magic by my mother, Bianca, a member of the Westermark family, and I learned dark magic when I... 'moved to Glacies to continue my studies'. I hadn't had enough practical practice with it though due to thinking my friends would need the more proficient side of me to help them do our jobs. and maybe if I had used that I'd have come out on top in our spar, but winning was never the point of this, improving was, that's why I used dark magic today. There's some other... odditites about my casting, but like you suggested, a mage would probably be a better person to ask then yourself."

Syndra then paused for a bit. Jeremiah knew Syndra wasn't fully here for the rundown, not after what she had just seen anyway. "As for the real question, I wasn't planning on asking but after that, I'm more then a little curious. Nicolas would tell me and my siblings war stories about the Collapse, and the grandfather I never met. Those were just that though, stories and rumors. I wanted to know; since you were also in the Collapse, if you knew anything about my grandfather. I didn't know him at all personally, but if he was anything like my father, then I can't imagine him being the most honorable of people."

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While Sylmaria and Tio continued with their impassioned stances from earlier, Elisa had other things to pay attention to. Alvira's description of her current state regarding her magic was certainly a vivid enough one to grasp what it likely felt like, and a cursory use of her own link confirmed almost to an exact degree what the dragon had posited about how much it took from her to use fire at the moment, nodding along to the explanation. "Yeah! Progress is progress, especially when there's less overbearing hostile deity in your head stopping you. We can only really speculate about what the nature of your link to her is, or what exactly happened to it as a result of what we did with the sword, but if things are getting closer to matching your natural affinity, it can only mean good things," she replied, putting on a small smile herself. After all, she'd be much more helpful with practice and rehabilitation if Alvira got her full fire affinity back, being a fire specialist. The speculation about Fomalhaut she couldn't offer much insight into one way or the other, and simply filed it in the back of her mind for now.

The other arrival was a more curious one. Jesse had a similar ability to Miria's, that much was obvious, though differently aspected -- wind, judging by the pattern she felt -- with that being the obvious reason to Elisa why she would approach her. If she was anything like Miria, she too didn't have much of an idea about how exactly that armor of hers worked, and any lead into it could potentially help her use it better. "No, it's fine, for me at least. If it's about your armor, I've helped with Miria's before, and while I can't tell you too much about the specifics, I could try to offer you some insights beyond what you already know. Or maybe you know something I don't?" The latter possibility was one that she couldn't ignore either, since if there was something, they could use it to help Miria out more than they could before.

In the background of everything happening, Jeremiah was still training everyone who stepped up to fight him, which seemed to be going rather well. Syta had brought out Kisara for her spar with Lani, understandable enough... but soon came a somewhat concerning challenger in the form of Kise, who clearly wasn't holding back at all and took the opening shot with almost excessive force. Anyone magically attuned could've easily told that, and while she wasn't altogether too concerned for the man, Elisa's hair still flared a deep pink just in case. This was still training, there was no need to go properly all out! But, Jeremiah proved her intuition right in short enough order, making her let out a small sigh. Deary me, the fox can be troublesome. I hope Renais is dealing well with that... considering Kise is clearly strong enough to wipe the floor with anyone here besides us and Jeremiah, it wouldn't end well for anyone if that wasn't the case.

Still, she hadn't let go of her powered-up state just yet, figuring she should stretch her metaphorical legs a little. Her magic hadn't been back for very long, but the fact she could call upon it at all meant there was a good chance she was combat-ready... and she figured giving a small reminder about not messing around too much by sheer fireworks was in order as well. Besides, Tio had just told Sylmaria to watch, right? "If you'll mind me for a sec, I thought I should try out something on the simple side just to see how much my own strength is back," Elisa said to Jesse and Alvira, turning around to face the training dummies and taking a few steps past them. Of course, what was simple to her was very much on the contrary to almost anyone else, something that became incredibly apparent as she lifted her arms above her head, grinning a little as a great swirling fireball formed in the blink of an eye between her open palms.

As quickly as she'd made it, Elisa threw the smoldering flames at one of the dummies, landing at its base... and exploding into a towering eruption, instantly vaporizing her target and leaving a small scorched crater where she struck with her spell. Sure, it was the same one she'd demonstrated to Miria before, but that was without being at full strength -- this was a proper Bolganone from a master of the element, flashy and destructive yet contained to a very specific radius so as to not damage anything unintentionally. Satisfied with that, her coloration returned to the usual strawberry blonde, and she turned back around with a nonchalant smile. "Yep, looks like I'm doing fine. Didn't even break a sweat~"

"True. If she's still living for someone, she probably won't cause any issues as long as they can reunite, and it's not like we have any reason to not give her what she wants in that respect, yeah?" Tasha agreed with the rest of Owen's musing on the matter as well, and even more than that, cracked a smile at seeing the man's convictions come to the surface. That an Islexian leader felt that strongly about protecting Clouded, to make the country a place where everyone could live as they were, gave her hope that things could actually change given time and effort, or at least there was the chance. Having witnessed first-hand how the local pirates often attacked Glacies just because it was a relatively safe haven for her kind, she knew that it was an incredibly uphill battle.

Another new arrival showed up in the middle of their talk, though addressing her took a bit of a pause as Tasha's eyes went to the clash between Kise and Jeremiah, like most seemed to. She had no idea how strong exactly the fox was, even if she clearly was very strong, considering the immediate change in the man's stance and combat style compared to his previous simple spars with the other Tigers. When he went for it, he was far too fast to follow, leaving the tiger blinking before scratching her head at how quickly the tension defused, somewhat reminding her of a more pointed version of the time Kise had asked her to return the tome she hadn't known was originally stolen from her by the Underground. "Well, I do have a moment, but I'm not sure what you want me for. You're acquainted with Lord Owen, it seems, so--"

As she was saying that, another even more eye-catching show of magic literally erupted toward the side, clearly Elisa's doing. As awful with magic as the tiger was, she knew that there wasn't anyone else among them who could casually pull something like that out, unless someone was really holding back on them, easily eclipsing the fiery explosion Miria had caught Jeremiah off guard with earlier. "If nothing else, it's good to see they're back in good condition... though I could do with less being interrupted. Anyway, like I was going to say, we're in Owen's employ, so I'll listen to anything you might ask of the Tigers, though I can't promise you'll get the answer you want."

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"Tch. Showoff." Kise scoffed quietly at Elisa's performance, but Alvira was enamored, eyes going wide and a smile following.

"Wow! That was great! Holy crap..." She spared Jesse a glance, still smiling, almost looking at her for tacit agreement that what Elisa had done was extremely cool. "Let me try, let me try!" Even if it was taxing, Alvira truly felt motivated, stepping up to one of the few remaining dummies. She took a deep breath and focused, finding that hallway to her fire, going past the locked door... She felt a small twinge of pain; this definitely was not combat viable, but in a situation like this where everyone was around and she was safe....!

Alvira produced a small orb of fire, finally throwing it at the dummy, the sphere expanding at its base and erupting in a similar pillar of flame... But the dummy remained after, albeit burnt to a crisp. "Awwww... Hahh, hh, I mean... I didn't think I could, really match you... but whew, that gap sure is something, huh?" Alvira had managed an Elfire, knowing full well that Elisa's spell was a few tiers up from that. Still... "Kinda wish we'd bumped into each other first. I... didn't get along with your wife all that well, but... Just nice to have a real fire expert to aspire to."

Sylmaria had gotten broken out of her conversation with the man as the explosion of fire obliterated one of the dummies... Elisa, that woman with Tio from before. But, she was human? Sylmaria didn't understand, mouth slightly agape. H-Huh? What? How... We're-- I, humans aren't... That kinda of magic, isn't... The sight shook her core a little. Islexia had taught that magic was truly the power of the beasts, and such feats were a sure sign of infection. Even Giovanna's magic was scrutinized, but at least she used tomes. This, was... I don't like this. I know these people for a few hours and they're already cracking parts of my worldview. Stop it! Stop making my life harder than it is! Dammit...

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Jesse smiled at Elisa. "Thank you, I'll take any bit of knowledge I can get. I guess a demonstra-" Before Jesse could continue. clanging of steel could be heard. The source of such was a bit too serious match between Kise and their instructor. Jesse tense when Elisa's hair changed, but suddenly the fight was over... What's goin on today?  Whatever it was, it didn't concern her, so Jesse returned her attention to the pink haired Evoker, who chose to have a demonstration of her own prowess, instantly burning away at one of the training dummies. "Golly jeez..."  Jesse turned back to Vira with a look of being impressed, before realizing she slipped into her old talking habits. It was Vira's turn next, and though it wasn't as huge of an explosion as Elisa, for someone with no magic experience, it was still a sight to behold. "Today is just full of surprises." Jesse stepped up to the two ladies. "I can't say I understand it, but to cast without a tome is impressive regardless right?"

"Well since we're all doing it, I may as well join in on the dummy practice. I can't shoot magic but I can at least try this." Jesse raised her right arm stabilizing it with her left. She took a deep breath as mana concentrated into her right arm, the jewel on her gloved hand glowing a bright green. "Mana... Shoot!" Suddenly a bolt of green energy burst from Jesse's open palm and streaked right towards the charred dummy Vira had practiced on, with a gust of wind bursting around the girl. The unfortunate dummy shattered upon impact, with the dissipating like a gust of wind. "Hah... Could you sense anything from that Lady Elisa?"

Gean was still in the moment as Kise walked back towards Akai, the mermaid switching between looking at her girlfriend and looking at her uncle. The wink and lip lick already had Gean blushing again, something that Renais was more used to doing in their trio, but the brushing of tails got the girl to jump. Oh boy... Her uncle had returned to being an instructor, but he wouldn't have turned that serious for no reason. "Um.." An explosion flame was what finally broke Gean from her statue like place on the training grounds, it looked like Elisa and Vira were practicing magic. "Right, training." This was no time to be distracted, she could talk to Kise later. For now she need to work on that swing she pulled off during her spar with her uncle. Gean made her way to one of the unoccupied dummies, far enough for some time to herself, and began swinging. Two swings in quick succession, flowing footwork.

Edited by Bluemask 96
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"..." With her declaration finally made, Alriana slowly shifted her head to peak up Versaris and gave him a full view of the burning azure lighting up her face. She could see the raw, unfiltered happiness playing across his face and for some reason it made her happy too, washing away the tightness in her chest at least for now. "Hyaa!?" She hadn't expected him to hoist her up and start spinning, clinging even tighter to him from the surprise of it. If it was possible for her blush to get any deeper, it did; Versaris wasn't exactly being quiet and public displays of his affection for her never failed to embarrass her. But that smile on his face told her she had made the right decision, despite the sudden influx of embarrassment. "N, Not know. Wasn't exactly, in the best mood this morning. Not thinking about what happen after training. Not think, would be doing this today. Just want, spend time with you. Don't know, how people in love should act. Will have to keep learning... Can do what you want, today..." She paused for a moment, fighting against urge to squirm out of his hold. "Happy just, be with you."

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"A more selfish man would probably be happy to have someone that was happy just being with them... Or maybe it's selfish of me to try to impose hobbies on you? Either way, we'll have to figure out some more things you enjoy, beyond just reading and being with me~" He winked and didn't bother putting her down, carrying her towards Jeremiah. "Jeremiah! Now that you've begun to wrap things up, we'd be happy to kick your ass~" He smirked with confidence, finally loosening his grip some to let Aly down if she wanted. "Hopefully the fox didn't take everything out of you, but even if she did, I won't hold back. You deserve nothing less, right?"

Lucretia sighed. "I just fixed him up. Don't you dare ruin all that work, okay?" She shook her head; some of these people were addicted to fighting... "Well... It's Jeremiah, so I shouldn't be too worried, but still! Make sure you don't do anything crazy, or I'll have to throw myself in to stop things, and neither of you will enjoy that.

Versaris wasn't surprised that Lucretia was being protective of Jeremiah after he'd saved helped her through the country, but it was a little amusing to see the spitting image of Serena mothering over him. How nostalgic... "We won't rough him up... Too badly."

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Kieran raised an eyebrow at Sylmaria's response; she wasn't a Tiger, of that he could be sure given that she hadn't tried to take his head off on approach, but the way she spoke about the rather gorgeous scales underneath her bandages was... confusing. There had to be a lot more to what she was saying then she was letting on, but he was already in a hole, so he wasn't going to start digging another.

"Well, if you're new around here, then you wouldn't have seen me before now. Was locked up only a couple minutes ago for a stupid mistake, but I've gotta get out and start making amends for it at some point. Kieran, I'm one of Owen's--for as long as he'll have me." The scales really did stand out against her pale skin and silver hair; it was a rather gorgeous juxtaposition, but regardless of how pretty they were, there appeared to be sharp animosity towards them. It wasn't too uncommon for some monsters to genuinely come to despite their monster elements. Kieran knew perhaps too many who wished to cast that part of them way, and to live amongst the humans, but their features were always pronounced, always present, and always returned even when they suffered pain to destroy them. Kieran sighed, "Yeah, definitely not a good idea to hurt yourself like that before going to deal with Kazr--"

Kieran was quickly cut off by the explosion of flame on the training grounds, where a training dummy had been was now a beautiful pyre of flame. Sure enough, the caster was one of the Evokers, the strawberry blonde, except her hair had been a bright pink. He'd heard stories, and dreamed of meeting them, but even the stories couldn't accurately explain them. "...So that's the upper limits of magic, huh?" Sylmaria appear to lose focus, staring at the display of unbridled power, "Kind of crazy what real mages are capable of. I never got to go, but apparently, Glacian mages are way stronger, and more talented than anything we've got down here... Those two are the pinnacle of that--Evoker is the title given to the most powerful mage in the alliance." Kieran cleared his throat and shook his head, "Sorry, carried away. So, uh, what's your name, and what brings you here?"

Sylmaria slunk off, and Tio let out a huff. It really was just Alvira, and her all over again, except this time, there really wasn't anything that Tio could explain, or prove like she had done with Alvira. Sylmaria was a very different wall; a wall that made itself taller and taller the closer one got to climbing over top of it. Even if it ran out of material, it would use something else to continue its refusal to fall. It was exhausting to deal with, and it would have been so much less frustrating if Tio didn't understand the impulse. Her clinging to Giovanna was proof of Tio's belief, but if Sylmaria herself didn't allow the wall to fall, then it didn't matter if Tio could prove anything, it didn't matter if Owen did keep Eslcas, or if the Tigers were strong enough to best Kazran. Sylmaria had to be the one to believe it, and... Tio knew how difficult that would be, after everything that had happened to her, everything that Islexia placed upon her, to accept that all of that was not preordained, and simply Islexia being behind the times...

Ugh... Am I ever going to have a week of just relaxing ever again? Tio sighed, she wasn't going to be able to break through to Sylmaria, but she just couldn't sit back. Even if Sylmaria never truly came to believe her, even someone challenging her belief was enough. Sylmaria had to be the one to chip away at her belief, but she wasn't going to do it on her own, because it would be a very painful realization. Tio knew that first hand; the day she finally understood that she was not to blame for her father's actions, nor complete obliteration of her home, friends, and family, and finally, the hatred that she received for being a survivor of the wretched village, it broke her. She'd spent so long with that baggage on her shoulders, and none of it was hers, all she endured, all she placed on herself... 

Elisa, bless her, pulled Tio out of her thoughts with a flawless Bolganone, showing that she was almost back to form completely. Tio knew that she needed to get her own practice in, but her simmering temper meant it was probably best to relax, and let the others perform. And perform Alvira did, the dragon--with a hefty amount of effort--performed her own fire spell, a reasonably strong elfire. Tio smiled, "Well, well... it really does seem like you're starting to be able to break past our favorite goddess's shackles. Well done, Alvira." Back to focusing on magic, that didn't tend to make her upset. Speaking of which... Jesse went to show Elisa something in regards to her armor--they were supposed to have done this before but so many things had happened since their meeting that there hadn't been time--and while Tio couldn't grasp much of the underlying structure, she could grasp the magic itself, and there had been very little from Jesse before the attack. ...Is her armor working the same way as Miria's? Is it a conduit of some sort for a particular element? ...Where the fuck do these things keep coming from?! 

Jeremiah raised an eyebrow at Syndra, before chuckling to himself. "I have to admit, I've been thrown off a lot today, but seeing you here alongside the Tigers tells me that I really shouldn't be surprised that you just didn't eat up all that you've been told about your grandfather. Most of it is true, at least. Elliot Belrose, the closest ally to the late Vivianna, and Vincent Serapia, and arguably the most brilliant military mind of his time. When people say that it was him who made Islexia into the military powerhouse that it used to be, they are almost entirely correct... In the eyes of an Islexian, Elliot would be a hero worth mourning--to my understanding there is such a day across Islexia. However... to anyone who was not Islexian... your grandfather was a butcher, responsible for the deaths of many clouded, monsters, and when the war began, Lufirians. He was a man without equal in that sphere..." Jeremiah hands tensed, even speaking about the man brought of memories of what he had seen, what Elliot had commanded--visions of towns burnt down to their foundations, heads in the streets with too many bodies to determine who was who. Jeremiah took a deep breath, and opened his eyes, not realizing that he had shut them, "That's why he had to die if Lufiria was to survive. I admit, I only met him directly twice, the first as a witness to his brutality, and the second as party to his assassination. I only wish that I had been the one to drive my sword through his heart, but... it could have only ever ended with her taking his life. Serena might have been the one to come up with the plan, but it was Rosaria who put everything together in the end; Virion and I were tasked with opening the way for her. Four fools on a suicide mission ended up besting the greatest military mind of the time, and living to tell the tale."

Jeremiah rested his hand on his sword, "I'm not sure you asked for all of that, so I have to apologize. For some of it, at least. So, yes, I did know your grandfather, and I'm party to his death." There was so much more that Jeremiah could have said on the man--the man had a storied history in the collapse--but those were secrets that he didn't need to hand over at this point. That was a problem for Lufiria. 

As Jeremiah finished, finally, Versaris called over and his voice was full of joy. Full of confidence too from the sounds of it. Jeremiah shook his head and started chuckling, "So I'm assuming this is where you tell Alriana that you've not once won against me, Versaris. I suppose today could always be the day given that you have something more important than simply winning this duel now." Jeremiah looked at Lucretia with a smile, "Thank you for your concern, Lucretia, but I believe this one will go more according to a proper duel, rather than what happened with Kise. Just we're clear, Versaris, Alriana... the both of you are stronger than the rest of the tigers, and considering that the two of you will be fighting together, I will not be holding back nearly as much as with the others. I want the two of you to land even a single hit on me, Versaris knows how difficult that will be. You will have to pull together if you want so much as a chance." 

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"L-Like do more things than that...!" The lizard let out a huff, pouting some at the perceived tease. "Like cloud watching, as example..." It could hardly be considered a hobby, but she really didn't have much that she did outside of reading, training, and spending time with Versaris. "H-Hey! Can walk on own!" As he started to carry her towards Jeremiah she started to actively try to squirm out of his grip, not wanting to be seen being so embarrassed or in such an embarrassing position by someone she was feuding with. Versaris didn't know that, it was her fault for not telling him, but she still would've liked to have been let down before being brought before Jeremiah.

Once her feet were finally back on the ground she huffed, doing her best to erase the blue tinting her cheeks. She didn't want to be seen being so embarrassed by anyone, at least not publicly; she didn't even know if she wanted Versaris to see her like that, but she didn't really have a choice with the not-elf. Admittedly, it was fairly easy, but not for any reason she was happy about. Proximity to the man gave rise to the vitriolic hate she had felt before. As she did her best to calm her emotions Versaris had made quite the declaration to Jeremiah, the Creation's eyebrows rising to her usual perplexed look. Jeremiah was quick to taunt back, before positing their 'win' condition.

"You need to apologize to Iris first." Was how she chose to answer his challenge. She'd been given pause by how at ease her sister had seemed around the man, but having not had the time to ask Iris about that she could only act on information that she knew. "Won't be able to focus on fight, otherwise. Voice already hate you. Too distracting, if I also hate you." Perhaps it was cowardly to hold their spar hostage like this, to suddenly bring Versaris, and anyone that was paying attention, into their feud like this. But it wasn't as though she was lying, either. If she was to try to strike at Jeremiah with these feelings unresolved, she wasn't sure if she would be the one doing the striking.

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"Sylmaria," she replied, looking over at Tio and Elisa. They were the strongest mages from Glacies, were they... So that insane display was the limit of northern magic. Still, it was an insane limit... Sylmaria and Giovanna were looked at like freaks for their control over the mana in the air, so people like this... With known titles, they were likely well regarded, well respected. And they don't look like monsters... Their hair glows, sure, but that's not really enough to label someone a Clouded. Even my features, while subtle at first, grew into what they were by the time I hit adulthood. So if either of them was a monster, a clouded, a beast... It would show. Somewhere. Even that axe fighter had the faint marking of scales on her arms... Hahhh... If that's how magic is treated elsewhere... Magic done by humans... I just... I don't...

She let out something of a whimper, glancing up at this complete stranger. This Islexian native, working for Owen... Fully human, by the look of things. "Am I vile?" she suddenly blurted out, eyes staring up at his with a furious well of pain growing behind them. "Am I disgusting? Am... Am I, a mistake? I... I have, to be. I have to be! It doesn't... It can't be right unless I'm, wrong. I have to be the problem... Otherwise... No. No, I am. I am... I'm disgusting. I'm the freak. I'm what's broken. I am. I am..."

Marigold watched this creature swing between sadness and resolution, feeling some shock of sympathy. I... know what that feels like, girl. Maybe I've got it worse than you, but it's not a contest. Either way... I get it. You wake up one day and everything... Is wrong. But, you won't hear it from me, will you? You'll only hear it from yourself... That's how I was. I didn't care until I gave myself a reason to care. Hopefully... hopefully whatever Kieran cooks up helps you get over that wall. You're already wrestling with it, so... Marigold had no idea who this dragon was meant to be, but if she wasn't in shackles, she wasn't a problem.

Sylmaria took a deep breath, stabilizing herself. "I was sent to kill Owen."

Marigold almost choked on her spit, catching herself mid swallow and forcing herself to deal with the shock as to not reveal herself.

"But I couldn't... do it. I spoke with him and these Evokers... I'll be helping you all to kill Kazran. Make myself of some use..."

Versaris didn't fight it as Alriana scrambled out of his arms, letting her down without a fuss. "I haven't, Jeremiah, but I've got a secret weapon this time. Something that you left back in Lufiria." He winked, hoping his teacher would catch his meaning. Before they could get into things, Alriana demanded an apology to her sister... "Hmm. So something did happen... And neither of you told me? Goodness. Am I so untrustworthy? Well... Considering it was with him, I suppose, you might've been afraid I'd take his side." Without any information, this wasn't Versaris' fight to stick himself in, so he folded his arms and watched with a calm expression. Jeremiah could handle himself, assuming Alriana's demand was reasonable. She might've pushed buttons she can't understand, too.

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Jeremiah's answer was straight forward and let her go to recover. Miria gave a salute with a smile, and backed up a bit before turning herself around. She kept herself out of the discussion between him and Syndra, but she got too invested in the idea of Jeremiah going all out on Sari and Aly together. She shook her head, "Not today, I'm starving." And she took herself back over to Tanya, who seemed to still be back where they were sitting.

The cub approached the cat and gave her a light nudge and a smile. "While we got some time, let's go find somewhere to eat. Maybe if we're quick enough we'll be back before training's over."

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Leaving Tasha and Mina to their business, Owen was free to continue observing what training the Tigers were okay with disclosing, ending up witness to an explosive spell from an Evoker, no less. "We'll need more training dummies after today." He chuckled, watching the wood being charred to ash after Elisa's fire spell finished. "Well, not that I mind."

Owen could feel his nerves ease up, despite the rush of that day. Being party to such a distinct group was good for his troops' morale, as well as his own. Furthermore, a face that wasn't supposed to be here showed up, making conversation with the self-deprecating Clouded, of all people. Well well, Kieran. Guessing Marigold had something to do with this.

Owen approached the duo, half a mind to speak up --if only to see how Kieran would bluster his way out of it. The wind of their conversation caught his ears before he approached too much, and he paused to listen, sensing a sensitive topic approaching. Perhaps it was best to watch and wait for Kieran's response, lest he weaken the impact. Come now, Kieran, show me you've changed. Mayhap it wasn't very regal to eavesdrop, but Owen was invested.

...Besides, knowing someone, he probably wasn't alone.

"I just fought that archer woman and beat her. Talked a little after. Want to fight more still." Üllr shrugged, "But you're okay, good." She had a good word to say about Jeremiah, so it seemed like she worked out that previous grievance well. That was also good. "Kind of want to try him, but people keep fighting. If he's too tired, it's not worth--"

Like almost everyone else, Elisa's display caught Üllr's attention, flinching and turning to the pillar of fire until it faded. "So many strong people..." Knowing the ceiling was that high was... something. Motivating and daunting.

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Posted (edited)

Kieran watched as Sylmaria--beautiful name--slingshotted between resolution, and then pointed self-deprecation. It was familiar, so familiar that Kieran could almost feel the second hand embarrassment welling up inside of him. She gazed up at him with eyes that seemed poised to run over with anguish, pain turning into tears. A mantra escaping her lips, a truth that had to be or... 

Kieran looked up, unable to glance at the Dragon for too long, but the words were already escaping his lips, "Yeah, you're wrong... just not in the way you think you are. You're not vile, or a mistake, or the problem." Kieran looked down at his feet, and took two steps, "This ground beneath our feet, is the problem. I used to think the way you do; I can't say that I still don't. I used to hate the clouded, and monster, thought they were the cause of all of our problems. It's what we're taught here, but... It becomes really hard to hold onto that belief when I look out over this field, you know? They locked me up earlier because I betrayed them, got two of their members captured by the underground, and I did it because I told myself that I hated the clouded and monsters, and that they had it coming. That I hated the Belrose more than anything, so I gave them what they wanted... That's what I told myself, but no, no that wasn't it. It was never the reason why... it was because I was, I am, a coward. I looked death in the face, and ran, and I had to tell myself, make myself believe... that they were the problem. It's easier, you know? To blame something small, than to blame what's really the problem... Islexia." 

Kieran found enough of his resolve to look back at the expectant dragon, "For days after doing that, I resolved to just let the Tigers kill me. Because I was the problem, I was the person who betrayed them, if they wanted their revenge, then they should have it. My life for what I nearly took from them. But that too... that too was me running away from the real realization, the real choice that I had to make. If I was who I was when I made that decision, if I was in your shoes... I would have killed Owen. I would have rationalized it as the only thing I could have done... But you didn't. That already makes you better than a lot of humans, better than me... because you had, have, something that kept you from doing it, and now are going to fight against Kazran. So now we're the same in that regard... I got something to propel me forward too now, just... wish I'd thought about it sooner. Hold onto that. Don't bother trying to face this world alone... I already tried, I can tell you first hand, you won't get far. These people get that; we can learn something from them." 

Jeremiah's eyes came to rest on Alriana, the faintest smirk on his face as she had fought to be set down, and tried to hide the remarkably obvious blush across her face--it was hard to genuinely mask the blue across her almost true white skin. Versaris confirmed that Alriana hadn't said anything to him about that night, a fairly reasonable assumption given how close that he and Versaris had been--she likely couldn't be sure how he would have reacted. "I'm surprised that she didn't, but yes, something did happen. A misunderstanding of her own position, and a foolish one on my end." 

Jeremiah shook his head, it was not being direct that got him in trouble with her and Iris in the first place. No reason to not strike at the heart of things this time. "I already have apologized to her, several days ago. What I said to her was wrong, regardless of my feelings on my actions, and the necessity of them. Even if I believe in their validity... My validity does not alter hers. I took her father, that is the unarguable truth, and I left her to fend for herself. I apologized to her for that, and you can ask her if you don't believe me." It was the slightest bit frustrating for Alriana to move forward like this, especially after admitting that she hadn't even spoken with Iris, but he had opened himself up to this. It was the least he could do in this situation, and it did confirm that Alriana was worried that if she didn't get her closure, she'd lash out. However, Jeremiah had already made his decision. His feelings on Alriana aside, if Versaris was this sure, this committed, then it would be a disservice to him to not see things through. Perhaps that would eventually quell his own disdain. "Will that suffice, Alriana?"

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"... Th-That, can't... You can't... No..." Sylmaria had hoped, prayed for him to agree with her, to admonish her existence, to call her the beast she was. He was Islexian! Born and raised! Not soft like these northerners and Lufirians, not a broken mess that thought they were fine, he was the pride of Islexia... And he was saying she was wrong. He's just like Gio. He thinks I'm perfectly fine... I, she, he, I-I, I can't, I can't be okay, I can't! She shrunk as he continued to talk, holding her hands against her head, curling into a ball. She clasped her hands over her ears, the sensation of the scales enough to make her stomach churn, but she didn't want to hear more-- it was too late, either way, but she needed to pretend she could forget. Giovanna had already been too much. Her mind cracked. That same old wound. It kept cracking and throbbing and hurting and--

"Uwahhhhhh! Stop! Stop being nice to me! Stop caring! Stop treating me like I'm normal!" She began to sob as she wailed, the truth being pushed on her too much to handle, that old wound finally shattering and the pain she'd been shouldering for so many years crashed through. "Then why!? Why did... Why did I have, to hurt... For so long...! If I hadn't, h-had G, Gio, I... I wouldn't... I'd..." Already be dead and happy about it. Fuck... Fuck, why... You're all wrong! I can't be, okay! I can't! If I am, this... Pain, is all for nothing...!

Marigold grimaced. The weight of their kindness had been too much for her, but it was necessary... To a degree. There was no telling if she'd just reseal the old wound or let it bleed that poison out of her. As their lord stepped closer to listen, Marigold slipped out of Kieran's shadow, quietly, walking over to him. "Shh," she motioned with a finger, leaning close to Owen. "I let Kieran out, so get mad at me if you wish... I figured he could use some fresh air, and to face them for what he'd done, but... I guess he's being good for something else."

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Cin let out a sigh of relief, chuckling slightly as Lucretia admonished him for going so hard. "Sorry, sorry, I was trying something new out. I didn't quite expect it to work so--" He cut himself off as the focus of the training yard turned into a flurry of blows, Kise vs Jeremiah, with Kise seeming to be deadly serious. The outcome was sudden, as Jeremiah suddenly moved faster than Cin could keep up with, leaving Kise down and both of them seeming to be heavily wounded. Kise recovered quickly, flouncing off to her wolf, and leaving a concerned Renais behind. Lucretia had run off as well, to go check on Jeremiah, leaving Cin with Siorel. He looked down at her, smiling, though there was worry in his eyes. "Aw, well, it helps me to have such a good cheering section during my training. I think I'm probably done for now though. I will enjoy seeing Jeremiah fight against Sari and Aly though."

"You... You're right. Have to contribute in my own way..." He sighed, not sure what his own way was. No, he did know, but he didn't know if the others would like it. He lapsed into silence, watching the matches, when suddenly the match between Kise and Jeremiah seemed to get deadly serious. He watched in awe as both fought at a level high above his, leaving him unable to follow most of the movements. Renais yelled out and left as soon as the match was over, as Koba just watched, stunned. To see them fight... Will I ever be able to even get close to that level? I... Such a gap...

Edited by scorri
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From how Jeremiah had described her late grandfather, it seemed that Syndra was right to think of her grandfather was as much of bastard as her father was. It was essentially a first hand account of the things Elliot Belrose had been up to back during the collapse, and while Jeremiah could have been lying about all of it, seeing how both sides were fundamentally opposites of each other, the fact he brought up Rosaria by name, one of the people her father hated the most by how he had talked about her in those stories back then, and the way he visibly reacted to bringing up what her grandfather had done, it seemed too real to be anything but the truth. "Quite the story, the way one person tells it it's a nursery rhyme, and a horror story by another. The truth of it isn't something I could know for certain unless I was there, but... I'm more then inclined to believe your version Jeremiah." Versaris had approached carrying Alriana in his arms, and boldly declaring the two of them were going to take Jeremiah down. Syndra turned and bowed to Jeremiah and said; "I'll get out of your way while you handle them, thank you for the lessons. You've given me a lot to think about."

Syndra scanned the rest of the grounds, looking for somewhere she wouldn't get in the way of the rest of Jeremiah's training of the group, and she noticed a group around the training dummies... or what was left of the training dummies, that included Lord Owen, among others. Remembering what Owen had said a few days before, Syndra walked over there. As she approached, she called out to the young lord. "Ah Lord Owen, would you mind if I asked you a quick question? It's just something that's been bothering me a little."

Edited by Billy12510
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Alriana's eyes remained squarely on Jeremiah as she waited for his response, solely focused on getting this apology to Iris out of the man before he departed to wherever he was going after he finished training the Tigers. Her eyes widened slightly, then narrowed, the Creation staring hard at Jeremiah after his claim that he'd already apologized, looking for any sign of deceit - not that she would likely be able to pick up on any from the man. She glanced over to Iris, looking as bright and cheery as ever while she clung to Ullr, a stark contrast to how their night with Jeremiah had ended. She'd also been excited to be here this morning, still full of her usual cheer and unbridled energy. As much as she wanted to witness the apology herself, there was no reason to doubt his words from what she'd seen today.

"Mhmm. For now. Will still check with Iris later." Even if she herself wanted to fully trust Jeremiah, there was no way that the Voice would allow such thoughts to cement themselves unopposed; with the lizard still carrying doubt towards the man complete trust was just an impossibility, for now at least. "Ready fight you now then." Finally, her attention turned back to Versaris. "What plan for kicking his ass? He think we can't do it."

Edited by Ursali
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"Mrrh... ah... that's better, thank you..." Laniva was blushing rather strongly as she sat up rather slowly, still slightly singed but feeling significantly better after the sheep's staffwork. She looked up at Roxanne, embarrassment no less apparent than Syta's, although from where she was standing it must have been rather more simple to make heads or tails of. "I-It's hard to explain, properly. Where to start... well, um, she, ah--?!" She turned quickly at the blast, catching only the tail end of the bout between Kise and Jeremiah; it seemed as if that magic was on another level even beyond what Kisara's had been a moment ago. Was Kisara really not holding back...? Well, she was hardly the best evaluator of magical ability; her metric was approximately "how much did it hurt?", after all.

"N-No, it's okay, that surprised me too... um, I'm fine, Syta, don't worry..." Laniva gently pat her shoulder, hoping to alleviate the rather significant embarrassment she was going through right now. "It's-- you weren't interrupting, or anything like that, she just, sometimes, um... can be impulsive..." She winced a little at her own awkwardness. It had been a hardly flattering explanation, but going on a long diatribe about the context of Kisara right now didn't quite... seem appropriate, right now.

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"Hehe... well, I'll leave you two to being impulsive then, if you're both healthy enough to get embarrassed, then I've played my part." Roxanne teased, putting a finger to her lips somewhat coyly as she took a few steps away from the pair. Scanning the field, a few things stuck out in Roxanne's mind. For one thing, as the canid who had thanked her for healing the bouncy lizard approached said lizard, she immediately seemed to spring back up from the ground. That was good, it meant her fatigue was properly assuaged despite having remained on the ground for a few moments afterwards. Second, and of far more glitz and glamour, was the frankly absurdly impressive bolganone spell that had been performed within the vicinity of Tio and Alvira, even eclipsing Kise's prior, and very impressive in it's own right, display. Just based on those context clues... the strawberry blonde had to be the other Evoker that had been mentioned prior, right? For there to be yet another mage of that caliber simply traipsing about Eslcas on top of the three she had already witnessed simply seemed improbable to the point it didn't seem worth considering. Well, only one way to find out she supposed. Approaching the gaggle of casters with a gentle skip in her step, Roxanne gave a low whistle at Alvira's casting as well. It wasn't anywhere near as flashy as the bolganone, but the elfire was clearly well put together and had burned bright on it's own, Alvira seeming proud of the spell.

"Nicely done, Alvira. I didn't really see your match since I was sparring with Miria, but looking good. And I can only assume from that bolganone that you, miss, are the second Evoker I've heard about from Miss Tio and Alvira. Roxanne Vallena, charmed to make your acquaintance." The sheep gave a quick curtsy to the fire mage, her suspicions on the woman's identity would be confirmed or denied in short order.

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