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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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As the ship came into the dock, spying another, Roxanne basically vaulted off the Maelstrom, Cass holding a hand out to stop the sheep before deciding better in it and chasing after her. The sight was... Tough. Whoever they had chanced meeting with hadn't waited, it seemed. Charged forward, and given their ship was still here and there weren't any sounds of merry celebrating coming from above... She walked up alongside the curled up ball Roxanne had become, placing a hand on her back. "Hey. Hey... I'm not gonna mince words. I'm not gonna try and make this easy for you. If they're gone... There's no bringing them back. What you need to do is take all of that sadness, regret, anger and hatred, and bore a hole into Kazran with it. Maybe your captain got jumpy and struck before she should have, but if he wasn't here, there wouldn't have been a need for this in the first place. He dies today, Roxanne. There will be time for tears after that." Cass unclipped her axe and walked forward with the rest of the mercenaries, some of them already charging into the fray.

"That wolf's got fight in him... Alright. Hey! HEY! You WORTHLESS lot!" Cassandra looked down the stairs into the dungeon-like caves, grinning wide, sharp teeth on proper, full display. "I'm gonna kill every last one of you pig fucks! Rip out your throats! Smear your blood along the walls! Eat your guts and then send your bones down to the bottom of the sea! My name is Cassandra Meredith Gaffney, and you and that vile filth you call a Master have FUCKED with me for the LAST TIME!"

Cass to 16,9

"Come and kill me if you think you can!"

Krystal had taken to one of the corners while the pirates group had attacked, hiding away from it all, only poking her head out when it was all over and Vermeil was shouting for her through the halls. "Ughhhh, why meeeee, why todayyyy... Why ever, ghhhh... Gawds, what a mess. There's blood everywhere... At least they got rid of the bodies, bhh, guhh... Gonna hurl, this sucks." She could hear his demands nice and clearly all the way down the hall... No point in going to meet with him-- and now someone else was shouting, their voice echoing through, the... "Oh. Oh no. Oh dear. Not another group... Uggrrrghhhhnn..." She felt her stomach churn. Today was becoming a truly terrible and awful mess... "Just gotta do my job and keep my head down... That's all... Then things will go back to normal, hah~ Not that normal is much betterrrrrr... But it's better than watching a bunch of Clouded throw themselves at death. Gawd, why does anyone bother? Just let Kazran run amok until Nicolas cleans him up." She muttered the end of that to herself, slowly walking off towards the cells, trying to ignore her growing anxiety. "Just a pretty succubus... No need to fight me. Just gonna tell some folks when their execution is scheduled for... Ignore me, please..."

Alvira was surprised that Cass had just tossed her title out there and everything, marking herself as a serious target for Kazran's people... "Brave. Or foolish... Either way, well said. They die. Starting with you."

Alvira steps up to 14,10 and ices Sword Armor #1!

"Dance for me, you bastards! Show me what working for a slug like Kazran is worth!"

Amera's ears flicked and her nose squirmed. The smell of blood was strong here... There had been serious fighting before they'd arrived, enough to coat the place in the stench of airborne iron. She quickly shook her head and narrowed her eyes, trying to focus on what needed to be done. "Gotta keep up with Seila... Keep her safe. Get these bastards... Okay. Just deal with it, Amera. You've got this...!"

Amera to 15,8

Versaris wasn't sure what to say. Roxanne was a mess, but there was fighting to be done... Cassandra had said what he'd thought of, in harsher words. These people needed to die. There would be no mercy for anyone willingly working underneath Kazran. "Aly, Gean, with me. Be careful, be vigilant. Don't do anything unnecessary... The same goes for me. We get rid of these people without losing a single one of ours and send a message to the man upstairs: the reaper has come and his time is at an end. Now, move." His voice was quiet, but steel, not close to calm. He just needed to channel that anger at the appropriate sources...

Versaris to 5,3

Sylmaria had been living in a daze for the past while. The days seemed to wane in and out, nothing felt real. She was still alive. Was she event meant to still be alive? If she'd just, shot Owen... All she had to do was... But it was too late. Far too late. Even if she did it now, the Tigers were here. They were charging. They were going to fight until one side's light burned out completely... "Giovanna..." The only thing keeping her moving was her friend. She wasn't here-- wouldn't be here. She'd be upstairs along with... "I'll kill him. Kill him kill him kill him kill him...!"

M had sat crossed legged, slouched over, ever since they dropped her into this cell. She had no words for the few that had survived along with her. She'd fucked up, and while they'd put more than a dent into Kazran's forces... What did it matter? They hadn't killed him. They'd lost so many, on her orders, and... For nothing. People would be replaced. His power would return. He would do whatever he wanted with them, toss them aside...

"... What?" They were right. Footsteps. Shouting. Cassandra? "What?" M sprang up, her energy returning to her for a moment, long enough to run up to the cell door and slam her face again it, trying to hear anything else. "It's fighting... Fighting, shouting, combat... It's... The Gaffneys. Did, did Roxanne..." She fell back against the floor, slumping into her pile. "I... I should've... I could, have... Ahh... Ahhhh..." I should've waited... Roxanne. Roxanne! You made it! But I wasn't... I couldn't... I'm so sorry...

Edited by Nanami Touko
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The siege had begun, but based on Roxanne's reaction, it had started before the Tiger/Gaffney coalition had made it there. There wasn't a way to go back in time to stop that though, the only through now was forward. Still, Syndra tried to give Roxanne some kind of encouragement. "I know this is hard for you Roxanne, but don't despair just yet. There's a chance that Kazran kept the... 'valuable' members of your crew alive still. There's always the chance we can find them here, so don't write them all off as dead until you know for certain that they are." Syndra herself had to go forward and make sure the rest of their group was safe. She wasn't robust at all by any means, but it was better for her to take the sting of their army's pure weapons then most of her companions.

Syndra moves to 13-9 and equips Blizzard

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Roxanne shook underneath Cassandra's hand, her figure violently seizing with every sob that escaped her. She heard Cass, she knew she was right. This was the fault of Kazran. Kazran for being in power, Kazran for being a racist bastard, Kazran for taking Jane, Kazran for existing as a useless heap of flesh, belching the toxic miasma of his rhetoric into the air, turning the very oxygen he wasted foul and unfit to give life with it's vile stench. Roxanne had been willing to accept a suicide charge... if she died alongside them so be it, they would have gone together. But to be the one of few... perhaps the sole survivor if things had gone to the worst? It was a weight too heavy to bear. And yet, the Tigers were right, as another, Syndra this time, tried to encourage her. Perhaps some still lived. Kazran was a beast, more a monster than any who bore the name. If he had captured any alive, they might... just might, still breathe, if only to be sold or dissected later. Did she have the right to hold onto that hope? If she did, and it was false, could she handle being forced to face their deaths a second time in one day? 

"If I can't save you... then I'll avenge you..." Roxanne managed, somewhat soft, through her sobs. Forcing her body to move, she slowly stood, her movements almost mechanical as she began to step forward. The tears still strewn down her face as the violent crying ceased. She couldn't... couldn't change the past. M had warned her that she might not have a week, but all Roxanne had been capable of doing was trusting that she would. That hadn't happened. They were gone. That was set in stone. But the future... the future was different. Roxanne hadn't arrived at Beacon Keep alone, aiming to kill as many as she could before she was cut down. She had brought an army.

"Die. They all die. Every single one." The sheep managed, as the pace of her strides increased. Cass, as well as a few of the Tigers made boastful war cries. Roxanne didn't have it in her to scream, to yell, not yet. She simply walked forward with fury smoldering behind her eyes, those eyes locking on to the first man she saw standing. Holding a wicked lance, designed to tear monsters apart flesh from bone. A lance still coated in blood. Roxanne grit her teeth as the anger welled up in her, magic flaring like a beacon as her whole body began to glow. Without even a command, her conduits loosed themselves from her.

Disarm the foul weapon. The first burst of light searing into the joint of his armour, breaking through with ease and separating the arm from his body at the elbow. Next the shield. Through the wrist, one smooth motion, as the second arm lost it's hand. Third, make the martyr kneel. Kneel? No. Both knees, guarded only by pathetic steel, severed from the leg. It might have been one second now. The man finally let out the first of many agonized screams as the pain began to register only after he had been relieved of all four limbs. How did they scream, when you plunged your abomination of a weapon into their flesh, fried their magic circuits? Mercy? No.

The funnels swarmed. Shot after shot, violently rending and searing flesh with blast after blast of light, the man's body riddled with holes before it had even thudded into the ground. As it finally touched the Earth beneath, stone itself scorched from the beams that had effortlessly torn through flesh and metal. Kidney. Liver. Shoulder. Groin. Tricep. Groin. Several ribs from the right cage. Groin. Groin. Groin. The man's screams had ceased by this point, lungs too exhausted to expel air. Yet he still breathed. Barely. Only for another moment. Grabbing him by the head, Roxanne stared directly into one eye, as the other came flush with the gem on her bangle. Looking over to the pike on the floor, she quietly uttered her farewell.

"That. You die for that." Light gathered in her bangle as she pressed the gem directly onto the soldier's undefended eye. The glow was intense, immaculate. The eye was immediately blinded. Screams rang out anew as Roxanne's light began to bore, slowly, meticulously, calculated. Uselessly writhing under her hand as she boiled the eye from it's socket. Screams lasted only a few moments. This one was finished then. Bringing the blade of light to completion, it concluded it's boring, spearing through the man's skull and leaving a smoldering hole in the floor beneath. One killed. One avenged. The first of many. Standing upright, Roxanne stared at the remaining swordsman. Hate. Unbridled fury.

"You're next. Strike me down if you can... if you can't. All of you die."

Roxanne to 15,11, viciously murder Lance Armour 1 with Shine

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Cassandra was happy to see Roxanne back on her feet, but what came next defied expectation. The woman swiftly and surgically turned one of the knights into a pile of gore with her light magic, shredding through his armor and his body all at once. It was a gruesome sight, doubly so due to the woman's anger fueling her motivations, but Cass couldn't help a smile. "Yeah. Yeah! You see that, you scum!? That's gonna be all of you in the next ten minutes! Hahahahah~!" Now this was carnage! This is retribution! All those years that she'd suffered with Kazran's men beating against their walls, killing their people, trying to hunt her down-- and worse! "Now you all die! Now you ALL die!"

The killing had begun... Sylm's eyes looked up at the men falling in front of the mercenaries. Some of them he recognized... But none of them would hesitate to harm her, would they? "None of you cared... None of you care now. That's just how... Islexia is." With a simmering rage inside of her, Sylm stalked towards what was left of this hall's vanguard.

Sylm to 13,10

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Cin to 23-4

Kobba to 21-4

Things were already a mess when they stepped off the boat, evidence of a fight having happened recently everywhere. Given Roxanne's reaction, Cin had a sinking feeling that she knew the people who had attacked. He couldn't help her though, as the Tigers immediately ran into resistance, and she seemed to have others around her, so he turned his focus elsewhere, spotting Ullr running off on his own down the side corridor. "Tsk... Koba! Come on, we're backing up Ullr!" Cin set off after the wolf, catching up in time to see him quickly remove one of the enemy soldiers with a single punch, leaving Cin with no target, for now. "Good move. You've got backup, so let's keep moving forward."


Koba had been hesitating, waiting at the back of the group after the sight of carnage had left him feeling queasy. Before he could start to think through his move, his name was called out to follow, as Cinaed moved out after Ullr. Grateful for the direction, he nodded, pulling out a tome as he chased after the other two. Just survive. That's your job. Survive.

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Cassandra was certainly in high spirits, Renais couldn't blame her considering what was on the docket today. Everyone else followed suit, including Roxanne who seemed to recover from her understandable shock. Luthier's cadre was one thing, the atmosphere is intense. Emotions for the fallen had been high, so Renais felt she had to keep a level head and not get swept up in the rising adrenaline. She moved quietly behind the group and kept her wits about her while she did. "I'll be with you all every step of the way, including you Roxanne! So don't forget that!"

Renais stepped toward 9, 5

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Once landing, Miria transformed into her armor. It was going to be a long fight from here, and she had to be prepared to put her all into it. She followed along after Üllr, who has already easily beaten down a soldier, prepared to cover his back.

Miria to 24,3

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"Sister..." What a way to start, with Owen's own sibling screaming expletives and drawing the attention of all the guards --some which were sure to have 'pure' weapons for slaying Clouded, as it were. "I'm sure the group morale appreciates it, but don't draw all their attention at once, not with the weapons they wield." He followed along, a step close to his sister, ready to position himself closer to the front. "Come, let my training help, they can't surround us as a wall."

Owen to (16,8).

"Mmmiaou..." Tail wagging, Chris got the platform moving, in... moderately brisk gear. There were a few avenues to fire, as long as he stood by the more spacious places. "Mon dieu, they had to start with stairs? Why put stairs down your basement level? Why not make it level with the secret cave entrance? Ugh, hold tight, my sweet child..."

Chris to (13,6).

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‘Captain’ Gean brought the Maelstrom into the cave with no trouble, right next to another ship. Gean was surprised to see a second ship, but the bloodstains on the ship and their newest person Roxanne’s following breakdown told Gean all she needed to know. Another reason they needed to succeed, and Gean would deliver on that. 

The group had taken point, and Gean could see her first target. Sari was giving out orders and his tone was soft, but serious. “Roger.” Gean moved quickly, axe in hand and ready to strike. As she swung onto the guard she looked him in the eyes. “Enjoy the ride to hell.”

Gean to 4-4 and introduces soldier 6 to her Iron Axe

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As they pulled into the secret port the lizard finally saw another ship, though the circumstances about it's docking quickly became apparent with the blood, debris, and the reaction one of their newest additions had once her eyes had landed on it. Alriana had no words for the sheep as she passed her, Cassandra and Syndra seemed to have it handled and she had no real relationship to the woman. For whatever reason, despite the recent bloodshed, there weren't any guards on the docks, allowing the Tigers uncontested entry into what these scum considered their castle, at least the lower levels of it anyway.

Versaris was quick to issue orders and Aegean was quick to follow, charging at the soldier at the bottom of the staircase. Alriana slinked along the wall, concealing herself, ready to pounce on the first unsuspecting piece of trash that wandered into her range.

Aly to 6,4

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The mystery ship didn't remain a mystery for very long, with Roxanne immediately recognizing it and heading in to see if anyone was still alive. Obviously, things hadn't gone to plan, and now that they were able to land, the others weren't waiting for the orders they more or less knew already... Tasha shook her head at both the signs of prior combat and the sheep's grieving, but figured she should at least confirm their attack after Cassandra already went ahead and drew everyone's attention. "Go, go, go! Don't stop at anything until we have Kazran's head on a pike!" She herself would have to use her sharpshooting abilities more, given the likely prevalence of pure weapons amongst the rabble...

...and then Roxanne came in to brutally shred one of the guards, bordering on torture with how meticulously she dismembered and eviscerated the man, getting a grimace out of the tiger. Remind me to not get on her bad side, yeesh. As disconcerting as that may have been, these were people who truly deserved death when they were responsible for stories like Sylmaria's, and she'd do her own part in taking down as many of them as possible, even if her own preference was for a more surgical approach. Still, she couldn't deny having been about as angry when they'd attacked the Underground's compound before, feeling a thirst for blood that only her axes could sate... perhaps she'd get more reasons for an appetite, going through the bowels of this foul man's bastion.

Natalya moves to 14-9.

"Alright, ladies, let's do this! Take no prisoners, because they wouldn't give you that dignity either. Keep an eye out for any survivors from the fight that happened before we got here." Tasha took aim over Alvira's shoulder, giving her a brief pat of encouragement. "I've got your back. Let's raise some hell."

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Vermeil froze, as the boom of thunder echoed through out the halls. For one, he knew that the clouds did not imply that there would be a storm this evening, and even if there had been, the ringing shouldn't have hit his ears. It shouldn't have felt like it was so very close to him. "...What in the Sands name, was that?" He could hear the men, and women around him taking hold of their arms, and then, shouting. It was too distant to make out, garbled by the echo, and then steel against steel. "...That's not possible. Another? Another--" 

"Attack! We're under attack! Sound the alar--" The man was crushed long before he could finish his words, Aegean's axe cracking the man's armor like a hammer against a chestnut. The cries from the vanguard didn't fare much better as they crumpled, the stun from the sudden bolt of lightning, and then the rush of mages far too much for them to handle. The lone remaining swordsman looked on in horror as a mass of beasts rushed into the area, just like the pirates from before had, except there were more of them, better equipped, and the sheep woman with the fantastical items that brutally eviscerated Vandrek, there was a horrific malice in her actions, and in her tone, eyes focused on him now. He drew his blade, resolve returning to his frame as he felt the steel in his hand--this is what they all trained for, prepared for. The monsters were to be culled one day, and one day, they would come. Today was that day, and today, he would fight, they would win just had they had hours before. 

"Sound the alarm! Get someone to the commander, and warn him that more of the half-breeds have come! Rouse everyone! For a better Islexia!" 

"Ho-ly shit." The lizard woman got up, and followed after M, only to watch her leader crumple to the ground, overcome with emotion. Not joy, not relief, but anguish, pain, knowing that had they waited, had they followed the plan... "Boss! Boss, come on!" The lizard knelt down next to M, "Hey! Look at me. Every single damn one of us walked in here not because you asked us to, but because we needed to get that rat-ass bastard back for what he did. If this is another chance... We can't just sit here and dwell on our fuck up! We could have stopped you, we all could have, but we all chose to follow you, because we couldn't wait to get another chance to ice that man-baby." 

Loud groans of pain came from the other side of the cell, as the man pulled himself up to sitting, "Ki-ka's... right." The pain was still real, it radiated all through out his body, and seemed to grow in intensities as the Islexian vanguard roused themselves. "We... fucked up... so... if we get... one more chance... let's... let's... take it..."

"You ain't doing shit, Istavion, you can't even--"

"You... said, if I'm gonna die... do it in peace while... the rest of you... think. Then... let me die... doing... the shit... I can."

Myrm 2 attacks Alvira! 

[14, 91] The sword rakes along Alvira's scales dealing 17! 

Alvira counters!

[11. 90] Alvira returns the favor with a chunk of ice to the head for 20! 

Alvira gains 12 EXP! 

Soldier 4 engages Miria!

[62, 54] The man's steel lance pierces armor for 13!

Miria counters! 

[86, 72] Miria's counter _barely_ connect, resetting the situation for 13 damage! 

Miria gains +1 Sword EXP, and +12 EXP!

Soldier 5 engages Ullr! 

[36, 74] Despite the wicked looking spear in the man's hand, the hit was like any other for 15 damage! 

Ullr returns the favor! 

[67, 59] Ullr's fist breaks his guard and deals 15! 

Ullr gains +1 Brawling EXP, and +12 EXP!

Reinforcements have appeared! 


Lighting the Beacon Turn2.png

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Syndra had blocked off the corridor like she planned, and took a spear to the side for her trouble, she just didn't finish off her attacker in response. Well, she was still there and fully intent on burying her foe in ice. "Don't they teach you to aim for the heart or the head when drilling you people? Or does Kazran just hand out sharpened sticks to anyone with a pulse and a hateful soul? Oh well... that's not your problem anymore..."

Syndra casts Blizzard at Soldier 2 from where she's standing

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As Aegean's axe crushed the guard mid call for alarm, another came running down the hall with a lance that was actually meant to combat axes. No sooner had he rounded the corner the lizard darted out from her cover, daggers aimed his throat, throwing them as she slipped past his soon to be corpse. There looked to be more ahead around the bend, carrying weapons neither aspect of her wanted to be struck with. As long as she could maintain her range, and count on Versaris or Aegean to handle the other, there shouldn't be a problem.

Aly to 4,7 Iron Dagger Soldier 3.

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"Mrowwrr! Coming through!" Amera wasn't going to miss the chance to get involved in the fight, rushing past everyone and aiming two punches into the myrm, one into his back and the other against his head!

Amera to 14,12, punch the myrm in the back of the skull

"Tchh... Roxanne, if you could. Help me please." Alvira steeled herself against the pain and pushed forward.

Alvira to 14,15

The first wave had fallen. Not a one had called to her for help. They don't even recognize you. They never cared. These beasts were right. My sacrifice would've amounted to nothing... Kazran. Kazran! KAZRAN KAZRAN KAZRAN!! Electricity sparked at Sylm's fingertips as she moved along behind Alvira.

Sylm to 14,14

"Looks like you lot have the central corridor... Brother, with me, if you like." Cass ran down the side adjoining hall, eyes falling upon two mercenaries. She hoisted a wicked looking axe with a hook near its head, smiling wildly. "You two have those fancy monster gutting blades. Are they clean? You ever fancied yourselves the chance to kill one?" She ran her tongue along the edge of her axe blade, holding it out, ready in front of her. "Why don't you get your feet wet?"

Cass moves to 21,9, equips swordreaver

"Good work, Gean, Aly. Onto the next." It was brutal work, but it was swift, and that was what mattered most. Versaris ran up and spied two men carrying pure weapons... Of course. "You. Me. Let's dance." 

Versaris to 5,8, Iron sword equipped

"Even if you did... I..." It was grueling for M to reconcile with what had happened and what she was being told. They could've stopped her, sure. So many could have. So many mistakes. So many dead... "... You're right. Correct, positive, right..." She bit the words out, trying to kill a part of herself, if only for the moment. "Once they free us, I will retrieve my weapon. And I will kill... Crush, maim, kill! All of these insects!" Her rage fought past the tears steaming out of her dark orbs, eyes on the cell doors. "Just you wait. Just you wait. Kazran... Kazran...!"

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As the last swordfighter met her gaze, the fear in his eyes was evident. Good, feel what they must have felt when the tides turned, as your end now comes for you. he gripped his blade, resolve seeming to return to him, and charged. Roxanne readied herself to meet his blade, but he swung at Alvira instead. 

"Coward." She muttered under her breath as the man was swiftly chopped down from a combination of Alvira and another of their allies. The Belrose taking out the man that had accosted her on the flank left... no one else within striking distance. Roxanne's anger simmered, but short of trying to blast through the walls, there was little she could do with no target. Alvira's request snapped her out of her thoughts momentarily, the swordsman's blade having bit into her somewhat severely. Shaking her head and pulling out her staff, the sheep pressing it against her fire dragon ally.

"Yes, yes... of course, Alvira. Hold still." Roxanne replied as she stitched Alvira's wounds closed, her conduits darting about the air around her, twitching and erratically shuffling about as they tried to find a hostile target, their turbulent and unstable motions reflecting the psyche of their holder as they stood primed to fire at the first sign of enemy movement.

Roxanne to 15,15 heal Alvira

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Gean to 3-7

Gean’s cut was clean as she tore through the soldier. His message was cut short, but from the sounds of magic and the shouting she assumed was Cass, the rest of the forces in this section were now aware that they were under attack. The element of surprise was lost, but that was fine. They would carry out this mission regardless, they had to.

Gean didn’t know what kind of lance the approaching guard had, but an initial glance told her that it was probably designed to handle axe users like herself. Thankfully, Aly was quick to dispatch him, and they were free to move forward. She spotted two mercenaries further down the hallway, both armed with pure weapons to no one's surprise. Sari was taking point, So Gean moved alongside next to Aly and stood by to follow up.  

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Cin to 26-4, elfire Soldier 5

Koba to 25-3, aircalibur Soldier 5

Cin frowned as Ullr was attacked by a dangerous looking spear, the tip hooked and dangerous. Ullr thankfully seemed OK, but Cin didn't want to risk it. He moved around, quickly aiming and throwing a fireball at the soldier.

Koba saw Cin's plan and quickly followed the man's attack with two quick blades of air, aiming for the man's vitals.

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Miria felt like she'd been slacking now. She had gotten hit by the enemy lance and only barely managed to connect back. I've gotta do better! I need to! Miria pent up her emotions and prepared to make her fire happen... but it hadn't.

Suddenly the trimming of her armor became a... blue, instead of red. Her eyes as well, the gold shine becoming an aqueous color. She was suddenly... quite cold. "H-Huh?!" Food for thought later, gotta make it work. And she went in to strike at the soldier again.

Miria activates Ice Cage! She also switches to her Steel Sword and attacks Soldier 4!

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Renais rushed behind Gean and the others, she kept her eyes square on her girlfriend's toned back. Renais had expected pure weapons of course given everything up to this point, but it was still information that kept her on her toes. Not just for herself, but for all the Tigers.

Renais moves 5, 4

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The battle had come to a good start; the initial momentum from their limited surprise of the enemy had carried them beyond the entrance and split into the halls, but here was where the fight really began - no more tricks left to either.

Amera wasn't holding back any, that was for certain. Seila made a note to herself; she'd have to make sure she got a proper reward later...

Seila to (16, 10), Lightning Flash Merc 3.

Onwards, onwards. The enemy would be holding these halls, and holding them with everything they could, for neither side was particularly inclined to mercy on this day.

The enemy within their reach had fallen quickly; but she could see cruel blades ahead, the sting of which gave even her pause.

Laniva to (24, 6).

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"Gh!!" Üllr moved to avoid the worst of the spear, realizing how dangerous its tip was just in time, and managed to punch his way to some distance from the soldier. What followed was Cin handling the soldier, with some help from the winged thief. "Thanks." He was planning to move ahead, with that target dealt with, but there was still danger ahead --monster weapons, as expected. He'd go after one, but two fighters tagteaming him with the things was too much for his chances. "Tch." For now, treating this new wound was the wisest option.

Üllr to (25,7), use a vulnerary.

"Oh sister, do mind to block their swings, alright?" Watching her choice of weapon, Owen wasn't terribly concerned. Seemed like she was prepared for swordfighter with monster blades. "Bold as you are, focus on the parrying first." He knew she had what it takes. Still... if it was a matter of two on one, he could bother to assist his sibling.

Owen to 20,9.

"Easy, eeeeeasy there... a thousand curses on who made these stairs..." Muttering and mumbling, Christopher managed to lower the platform without lasting damage, the wheels finally finding even ground. He hurried to adjust the installed weapon as he passed by the hallway, spotting a mark. "A-Alright, I trained for this! Erm, clear some space, set the mark, go go go!" Getting the many moving parts to work faster than to his magic, he fired the flaming bolt at an arc, much like an arrow, with little slowing down. "Whew! Ahhh, time to collect the data~..."

Chris to (13,10), fire flamespate at merc 4.

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Though Tasha was prepared to take out the last remaining soldier from the initial group, Amera swiftly decked them in the back of the head to open the way for everyone to move up. Focusing her efforts on backing everyone up and keeping an eye out for any new arrivals in front, she however couldn't help but notice their new ornery dragon acquaintance almost visibly boiling ahead of her. "Doing alright? Focus your fury, no overextending. Putting yourself in a bad position against real soldiers only gets you cut down for nothing." Her worry may have been unneeded and unwanted, but her motherly side wouldn't allow her to let it go unchecked.

Natalya moves to 15-13.

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"SILENCE!" Sylmaria erupted at Tasha, turning her ire towards the Tiger, hands crackling with energy, body shaking with rage. "I do not need your advice! I need a TARGET! Where are you, Kazran!? Show yourself you worthless COWARD! Leaving your lackeys to die for you-- where's the man that boasted his strength!? That claimed his rule over Islexia!? That said he would KILL the Gaffneys and 'set things right'!? WHERE ARE YOU!?" Her voice strained and her screams became somewhat ragged, huffing and clenching her fists, needing to stay coherent enough to aim at him when he showed his villainous visage. "I'll kill him. I'll kill him. How dare he? I'll kill him!" If he's so much as touched Giovanna... If he's so much as DARED to lay a single FINGER on her...! "I'll kill him I'll kill him I'll kill him...!"

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Vermeil notched an arrow as the familiar sounds of combat began echoing through out the caves. They were too spread out; there were people tending to the wounded, and figuring out who the blasted half-breeds had killed in their mad dash for Kazran's throat. It didn't take long, a soldier sprinted towards him, almost out of breath, "Sir, disaster, it's another attack. It's another force of monsters, but..." 

Vermeil's eyes narrowed, "But, what? Speak up! We don't have time for your melodrama!" Vermeil began pointing at people, and telling gesturing forward. 

"There are humans mixed in with these ones from the sounds of it, and... One of the men report that they heard the name, 'Cassandra'." 

Vermeil's face blanched, before quickly reddening as he grabbed the man in front of him by the scruff of his neck, "Boy... I don't know what that bitch, Giovanna lets you think you're allowed to get away with but I do not tolerate jokes. So I need you to be as serious as you can possibly be... are you telling that one of the one of the damned Gaffney are in this keep, through the sea caves that are supposed to be secret!?" 

The younger soldier squirmed in the man's hand, but nodded vigorously, "That's what they heard sir! They're moving too quickly for anyone to have confirmed by the time it, urk, got to me! I was just told to relay the message!"

Vermeil dropped him to the floor, "Then relay this message! Rouse everyone! Injured, exhausted, dead, alive, I care not, just have them snuff out the attackers, and bring me the Gaffney. The other is supposed to be dead, so this is almost definitely a revenge attack. Have some of the riders on standby. I don't believe we'll need their assistance, but I want to have someone who could go and warn Lord Kazran if they prove to be too much for us here..."

"That's the spirit, boss." Kika looked straight ahead as the two bow wielding guard finally started to stir with everything going on. The two of them have been rather lackadaisical for a garrison that just been attacked, but from their brief fighting down here, and above, these were naught but constricts--the real meat of Kazran's forces were above, and marshalled for what seemed like was going to be their own attack. 

"The fuck is going on out there...? Rodrick, what the fuck?" 

"I don't know, Rickrod... Fuck, this was just supposed to be a good pay day..."

"We're on the job, Rodrick, just call me Rick. It's not hard..." Rick drew his bow, and turned it on the captives, "Alright, all of you get back in there, and wait for someone to come tell you what happens to you, if you know what's good for you." That probably sounded intimidating enough. 

Krystal continued her march through the halls, until she came to the central areas were there was a group of men, and women forming. 

"Ah, there you are." A tall armored man turned as Krystal appeared from one of the hallways. "I was wondering if Vermeil was keeping you or not... damned idiot says that we don't have time, but then takes as much time as possible. There's a new force within the caves, and we have reason to suspect that they might be here for the prisoners... You're going to get them out and we're taking them to Kazran. We'll be accompanying you, so don't dawdle. More of your kind are outside, but I suspect if they see you with us, they won't hesitate to cut you down too, so keep that in mind."

"Ah!" Krystal let her anxiety get the better of her, squeaking in shock as she was suddenly addressed, but she calmed down quickly enough. "Oh thank goodness, protection... Of course, of course~ And geez, more of my kind? Did you see me turn sides when those pirates attacked?" She sighed, smiled all sly, and ran a finger across the armored man's chest plate. "I know who I work for... And let's not kid ourselves, 'ser knight'. You can look at my horns and call me disgusting... But when you've got your hands on them, using them to shove your di--" her words were cut off by the crackle of thunder from down the hall, making her jump and jiggle. "Mmmm, save the sexy thoughts for later-- but I know you boys have them. I'm more human than they come! The tits feel the same either way, so keep me safe and you'll get your feel~!" (edited)

The man looked aside for a moment, before the thunder gave him the pretense to not respond to the woman's... provoctions. He couldn't lie, were it not here, in front of others, he'd have no qualms of calling the woman as she was; a bewitchingly beautiful woman. But in this moment, "We'll see how human any of us remain if we don't do our job, let's move!"


Merc 2 engages Cass! [72, 52] His sword was unprepared for the unusual axe in Cass's hand!

"Wait..." The man's eyes fell on the rose haired man behind Cass, "Aren't you--"

Cass doesn't wait for his words! [40, 72] (6)

Astra Activates!

First hit does 15!

[53, 8] Cass's first strike disarmed the man, and then Cass's strike took both the man's arm, and his torso. Critical! Merc 2 is felled!

Cass gains +3 Axe EXP, and 14 EXP!

Merc 3 did not roll well on his wisdom check, and charges into Cass as well!

[21, 97] His sword also gets caught by Cass's axe, knocking it sideways!

Cass follows through! [51, 37] (18), [18, 15] (96)

Two more well placed attacks, and Merc 3 is downed as well!

Cass gains +3 Axe EXP, and +14 EXP!

Merc 1 engages Versaris!

Merc 1 swings... but there was never any chance for him to connect, Versaris simply sidesteping the swing!

Versaris counters! [85, 59], [73, 11]

With a flourish almost too fast to see, Versaris dispatched the first mercenary with ease! Versaris gains +3 Sword EXP, and +22 EXP!

Merc 4 looks at Versaris, and then turns tail back the other way to wait for reinforcements!


Shouting and footsteps begin to echo in the caves around the Tigers...

Map 6 T3.png

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