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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Gean to 5-10

Gean looked on with no sympathy as the mercenary who dared to challenge Sari was effortlessly dispatched. His companion was more fearful, and fled, which would mean reinforcements. It was to be expected, but still annoying. "I'll move on ahead, we probably have a whole party waiting ahead of us." 

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It had happened again, Syndra had unleashed a blizzard, far beyond what she thought she was capable of doing, or necessary to finish off her foe, and its gales also had a slightly darker tinge to it just like the last time she'd felt this sensation. Annoyed as she was that she couldn't seem to do this when she needed to, she was still satisfied that the soldier she'd used it on didn't have a chance of coming back. Cautiously, Syndra moved through the corridor the soldier was blocking off. The only person she saw in that area now were Aegean and Renais, but that didn't mean there weren't enemies waiting to strike at them from somewhere Syndra couldn't see, so she peaked around the corner from where the wall ended, and spotted a few more guards, but they weren't in any spot to do anything to the group on the left. Syndra emerged from the corridor after taking out a vulnerary from her bag to slightly dress her wound and called out to her friends. "Hey there you two, room for one more?"

Syndra moves to 8, 9 and uses a vulnerary

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Everything was so hectic, Kazran's forces beginning to stir and move in as it became clear that they were under attack again. From the screaming of the dragon nearby, it was clear she wasn't the only one with livid desires on Kazran's head. Hopefully she could channel that rage, because Roxanne herself fully intended to continue doing so. Her funnels, already twitchy as they were, darted around the corner as soon as a swordman with another of those accursed blades came close. Following her conduits out from cover, she took aim at the guard with the intent to erase him.

"Get out of my sight."

Roxanne to 11,17, Light up Myrm 4

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"Eyes on ME you SWINE!" Cass' fury extended into her bloodline, the green shimmer in her eyes and on her weapon, axe colliding with his arm after his swing went wide! She relieved him of the weight of his weapon, then stuck her axe into his stomach and bit deep into his shoulder. Tossing his body aside, she spat his blood into the face of the next man to charge her, sweeping her axe into his sword after blinding him, then sinking it hard into his head. "Who's next!? You want my brother that badly you go through ME!"

Cass to 22,13

Versaris dodged the incoming swipe with minimal effort, tripped the man in the same motion, and stuck his sword into the back of his head, eyes watching the other one run away. "Why are you running? I'm right here. The monster you despise is right in front of you, so why are you running?" His voice was steady, but his gaze was ice cold, eyes scanning the rest of the men coming into view. "Alriana, Gean, more swordsmen and a healer. Prioritize the men with pure weapons, leave the healer for after-- but make no mistake, he dies too. Anyone aiding these creatures is dying today."

Sari to 7,11

Alvira breathed a sigh of relief as her wounds were closed, peaking around the corner at the incoming-- "Whoa, Roxy!?" She was already off, turning the myrmidon into minced myrm, leaving her nodding. "Right. Right, no hesitation!"

Alvira charged towards the door (12,19), casting light magic through it!

Amera mrows to 13,17

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Sylmaria's fiery response came as no surprise to Tasha, even having to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the dragon's single-minded insistence on taking Kazran's life with her own hands. Sure, it was only understandable due to what she'd gone through, but the tiger wasn't about to let her charge into her premature demise. "Yeesh, I'm only saying it so you don't get a sword through the chest before actually getting to kill the bastard," she replied, taking the lead and rounding the corner to see a soldier coming their way. "C'mon, follow up on me!"

Natalya moves to 16-17 and fires her rifle on Myrmidon 3!

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"Be quiet! Enough with your concern!" Sylmaria's fury extended past Tasha towards the swordfighter as they rounded the corner, arm angrily aiming at him, claw twitching with the energy running through it! "WHERE IS KAZRAN!?"

Sylmaria to 17,17, BLAST Myrm 3!

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"Mhmm." There wasn't much need for words, not as the cowards fled as they effectively stormed their castle. These were supposed to be elites, a threat comparable to the Underground. Were they waiting in the reserves? Or was the only thing threating about them the weapons they carried? Time would tell - not a single one of them would be leaving here alive.

Aly to 5,11.

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"Heh... goodness, not one of them standing. Good to know your training keeps you one step ahead." Owen almost felt improper after his sister's display... well, surely he'd be able to help more going forward. "More of them up ahead, as always, let's hope there's a chance to better reconvene the groups further ahead!

Owen to (22,12).

"Hrrr...." The pure weapons were annoying, and now Üllr was lagging behind. Of course, as soon as the mercenaries were dealt with, he made a dash to make up for time.

Üllr to (23,10).

"Aaaand I hit the mark! Hah~, even indoor, this platform is functional, I knew I could do it. And now--to guide it through a narrow hallway. Pourquoi..." Facing the consequences of his actions, Chris continued to drive the siege platform forwards.

Christopher to (14,13).

"Ugh! What's going on?!" Giovanna was clutching her head in frustration, "If only... if only Sylm was here. That bastard..." On top of her issues resulting from the pirates' damage to the keep and their equipment, having barely the time to mourn Sylmaria's mission was taking a toll on her wellbeing. "I can't believe this pretentious clown..." Fumbling through the reports was a doomer attempt, with her mind clouded. Still, confined to an office to sort inventory for their march towards Eslcas was the only thing she could do at this point, begrudgingly so. "What am I even doing... this man..." She clutched a stack to paper, finally sorting them after double checking, her grip becoming a bit too hard, enough to crumple the edges.

"...No. He's a bastard, but what can I even do?" She ended up fighting with her own thoughts. This was his land, his rules. The best she could do was vanish without a trace, but in the position she was... "Maybe..." Her thoughts wandered to her friend, losing focus on the text she was reviewing. Maybe I should meet Sylmaria on the other side. I don't have a reason to stay from the frontlines right now. She flinched, dropping the stack on the table. "NNn, no, that won't help, you idiot..." She mumbled under her breath.

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One of the priests winced as a shrill voice shouted out Kazran's name, before launching her target into the wall, with a sickening thud. But then, he stopped as the gears began to turn... "...You! You're Kazran's...!" The priest pointed at her, "It's the demon witch! She's here! She's turned on us!" Then his eyes turned to the south, and where there had been anger before, there was confusion. "Rose hair... The Gaffneys! No, Owen yet lives! It's the damned Gaffneys!" 

"Idiot!" One of the swordsmen ran past him, "Stop wasting time here! Go, tell the others, warn the commander! Lord Kazran needs to be warned that the damned beast lovers are here!"

The swordsman pointed his sword at Sylmaria and then Owen and Cass, "You think you're all so clever getting this far, huh? Well, you've come to the right place to find your graves!" 

Myrm 6 swiftly engages Cass after shooing the Priest away! 

[1, 90] 

Myrm 6 feinted in, but cleverly got around Cass's axe, cutting her down for 22 damage! 

Cass strikes back! 

[95, 34] Not to be outdone, Cass's axe went through the man's guard, and crushed bone, steel, and the man's ambitions in one fell strike.

Cass gains +2 Axe EXP, and 18 EXP! 

Priest 2 heals Merc 4 back to full HP!

Merc 4 then engages Roxanne!

[4, 20] The hooked blade cleaved right through Roxanne's crystalline armor, dealing 34 damage! 

Roxanne counters! 

[50, 26], [7, 88] Roxanne deals 28 damage! 

Roxanne gains 12 EXP, and +2 Light EXP! 

Just then, hurried footsteps appeared from where the Tigers had entered. "Th' fuck is happening in here?! Wasn't we just attac'd?" 

Another man ran in, "Oi, oi, oi, this is bad, it's more of those beastly types... They look crazy armed."

A third man ran in, and bonked the previous two, "You idiots, WE'RE ALL ARMED! And if they're attacking us, then we gotta get in there! The Drakes should be on their way back too, so let's take all the fun! Sharpen the Axes boys, let's roll!" An eerie howl echoed through the halls...


Priest 1 is now considered a Messenger Type Enemy! Priest 1 will not heal enemies, but will try to reach Vermeil to relay information. If Priest 1 makes it to his location, circumstances on Part 2 will alter! His Movement stats have changed in regards to this!

Enemy Reinforcements have arrived, and will start arriving more often now! 


Map 6 T4.png

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Cass coughed up her own blood as the myrm cut deep into her, but her axe ended his life as swiftly as he'd swung his sword. "Khah... Looks like you found yours. Idiots. Rrgh..." A heavier hit than she'd been expecting, and without a healer in sight, she'd have to play it carefully.

"That's right you coward! Your demon witch has returned! Bark your curses upon me! Tell me how you've always felt! It's your final chance to do so!" Sylm was trembling with emotion, anger, sadness, some strange happiness, but most of all, bliss... They didn't care. They'd never cared. And they'd die for it! "I'll kill as many of you as it takes to make Kazran show his damned face!!"

Sylm to 21,18, Shatter on 23,18!

As Sylmaria rushed up towards the group, the electricity in her hand exploded into the air above them as her claw shot out, lightning shooting down between them all, before suddenly arcing into a dome of electric death! 

Alvira rubbed at her arrow wound some, grumbling about magic weaponry, before turning her sights on the incoming horse riders. "Really, indoors?"

Alvira to 8,19, Light Cav 3

Amera bent over as her eyes found a target, the man trying to kill Roxanne with the funny sword. "Pure weapons, pah. The only pure weapon around here... Is my fist~!"

Amera scurry to 10,18, clobber merc 4

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One of the swordsman went past a wall, but there was another one coming towards the group Syndra was in. What she was about to do was risky, but she believed in her allies to follow-through with her. "Alriana, I'll soften this one up, cover me please!"


Syndra moves to 8-14 and casts Blizzard at Myrm 5

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She didn't need any further directing, darting around the corner and then charging with perfectly calculated speed to that the second Syndra's magic began to dissipate her dagger drove itself into the staggered man's chest. 

Aly to 7,17 stab Myrm 5 with Iron Dagger.

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Renais rushed forward and lifted a staff up. "Gean, let's move. Too much to do and too little time!" It shined bright and pulled her mermaid girlfriend to her side with a warp sigil.

Renais moves toward 7, 12 and uses the Rescue staff on Gean to move her toward 7, 13

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Gean peered around the corner and frowned, the next swath of enemy onslaught was being led by a swordsman she wanted nothing to do with. Aly and Syndra took charge, but the rest were still too far. The mermaid contemplated her next steps before she felt magic pulling her. Now she was much closer, thanks to her girlfriend right behind her. “I love you so much” was the reply Gean gave to Renais before charging forward. There was a priest amongst their forces, and it would be best if he was no longer there.

Gean to 8-16 cleaves priest 2 

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"Good work, Aly, Gean." He nodded, watching people fall ahead of him. Things were going rather easily... There was a moment of dread in his heart, wondering if this was too easily. A trap? Or did Kazran simply keep all his strong personnel with him at all times? This can't be it. This can't be the best he's got to throw at us... Nothing to it but to keep moving, but I'll be keeping my eyes out and my ears up. Now, how did Jeremiah swing this...? He skirted past Alriana and did his best to mimic his teacher's flourish with the levin sword, lightning dancing across the ground and into the rider ahead of him!

Sari to 7,16, Levin Sword Cav #2

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With a swift volley of light, the swordman in front of Roxanne ceased to be, wicked blade clattering to the ground. Hopefully never to be used again. Unfortunately, just around the corner was yet another swordsman with a similarly foul weapon. Just how many of them were there? She had hoped to cut this one down too, but unfortunately as she caught sight of him, the medic had closed his wounds and the guardsman charged in. A few glancing blows on his approach had slowed him, but he managed to close the distance, wicked blade smashing into her armour, the crystal shell automatically hardening in response, only to give way to the blade. As the jagged steel ripped into her flesh, it was accentuated by the feedback of her armour being crushed ravaging her circuits. Blasting light at her assailant to force him off, Roxanne stumbled back with her hand over her wound, getting a good look at him. He was singed and seared by her light, surely the next exchange would be the end of one of them but Roxanne had made enough space, she would-

-not need to finish him, an ally zooming in like lightning and putting the swordsman down. As much as it pained her to not finish the man off herself, Amera's intervention has given her a second to check her own state. To be frank, it was bad. That was... a lot of blood, dripping out from the heavy gash across her stomach and chest. A painful cough wracked her body, more blood leaving out her mouth. Scanning the area, as another group of Tigers closed in from the South and crashed into the enemy, most of them were wiped out. Just one man stood nearby, in his hand another one of those damned axes. They made her blood boil even as it was leaving her body. She couldn't let him get a chance to use it, it was too dangerous. Ignoring the screaming pain, Roxanne dashed forward, funnels ahead of her as they took aim at the axeman and began to disassemble him much like the others who had faced them shortly before. Just hold out a little longer, body...

"I won't-- let you!" She managed, if barely, another cough and mouthful of blood escaping her midway through. That man had to die, before he could bring that axe down on anyone...

Roxanne to 7,18, Light up Fighter 1!

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Now that both sides were mask off, Tasha felt no need to speak further on Sylmaria's matter. She didn't want her concern, Kazran's men were just as disdainful of her as expected, and they needed to focus on the fighting. Though she wanted to back up Alvira, they'd already split up, and as much as the white dragon tried to convince otherwise, the tiger felt she'd end up pushing too far in on her own without help... which meant her gun needed to be pointing at whatever Sylmaria couldn't finish off herself, impressive as her show of magic was.

Natalya moves to 20-18 and fires on Merc 5 with her rifle!

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"Cassandra!" Seeing his sister take a blow, Owen rushed forward. "Haah... take care for now, that's not a wound to take lightly. You did well enough that I can take it from here." And onwards he should go... there were visible issues. One healer had noted their presence. "Time to advance, this light cavalry isn't fit for such close quarters combat. We can press on."

Owen to 22,17, attack merc 4 if Tasha misses.

"Let me go first." Despite Lani's readiness for the job, Üllr was eager to press on. One of the cavalrymen had advanced close enough where he could dash in and punch, and no horse was going to make things awkward for him. "Hraaah!"

Üllr to 23,15, strike light cav 4 w/ chakrams.

"Mrrr... ok, I think I've worked out the kinks on the wheels now that the stairs are past." Finishing tinkering with the wheels, Chris managed to raise the platform's humble top speed. "Ah... I can see people through that... hm, doesn't sense as friendly. Perhaps, if I fire over like that..."

Chris to 15,17, arrowspate aimed at archer 2

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"Pfthah! This, isn't enough to stop me! Not while we're in the belly of the beast... You hear me, you sods!? Did you think one strike was enough to kill me!?"

Cass to 22,18, white magic Light onto Cav #5!

"You want the monster, she's... Hahh, she's right here! C'mon! C'MOOONNNN!"

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