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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Three wasn't much, but it was much better than nothing. "Got it. Just stay behind us until we've captured the castle!" The man wasn't going to be useful in battle in his condition, but with Kazran's forces no doubt trying to get rid of the ship they'd sailed in with, getting out that way wouldn't be safe until after the end of hostilities either. Her gaze turned back forward, Natalya assessed their situation, but didn't get far before Sylmaria piped up again, even louder than she'd been earlier. Clearly there were some people she knew personally here besides her friend and Kazran himself, and this one she was none too happy about seeing... unsurprisingly, given that the woman she was shouting at looked to be another Clouded in the vile man's employ. He sure does have more of us around than I'd have expected of what I've heard about him... As toys or meat shields, I'm sure. I'll put a hole in him for everyone he's enslaved, gods willing.

The situation with the bovine woman aside, there were enemies to clear out, and someone with a lance wasn't going to remain an obstacle for the tiger for long, especially with the assistance of her allies. She'd have to take a moment afterward to see if she couldn't convince Krystal to switch sides...

Natalya moves to 16-24 and attacks Lance Armor 4 with her Iron Poleaxe!

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The witch had hardly finished her treatment of Cass before she rushed off in search of yet another fight, and just behind where she'd been stood a wolf Clouded. He shared Cass' former state of injury, it seemed, and she went to assist. "My, it seems you've all made rather a mess of yourselves. Keep up the pressure on them - I'll be right behind you all."

Seila to (22, 17).

The lines were shifting readily. Seila had made her way over to their little eastern group, and she felt a bit of relief - they'd been sorely missing a healer. The fight was turning now - forwards!

Laniva to (24, 21), Iron Greatsword Archer 6.

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M got a revolver from her companion, and almost immediately, the unusual clouded made sure to extinguish one of the offending armors. She was here, so she might as well try to show out too, right? "Them guns pretty swifty, ain't they...? But ain't nothin' I can't do with this! Your turn!" 

Nyx to 13, 24 and Iron Bow Sword Armor Knight 3! 

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With the armors taken care of, Amera ran forward, checking down the halls ahead of them. "All clear for now! Hey, missy, you're really not gonna fight us, right? Cuz otherwise, I'd have to kill you." Amera let out a flurry of blows against the air, the threat obvious.

"Yes! I'm done! I won't fight you! Wahhhhh... P-Please, no violence, ughhhnnn, Gawds... I'm gonna be sick..."

Amera mrows to 11,25


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"Hrr!" That javelin was making its wound felt. A vulnerary could only help so much... Ãœllr wouldn't mind some healing magic, but that never seemed to work too well on him, for some reason. "Haaahh..." Deep breaths, then, the pain could wait for later, with all these enemies in front of him. Left jab, then crushing right.


Ãœllr to (25,19), punch soldier 10 (with knuckles).

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Vermeil could feel his hands starting to shake as combat seemed to stretch on, and on, and on, and instead of getting further away, it felt like it was getting closer, and closer still. "Blast it all, what the hell is going on out there!? It should just be a cursory force, it should just--"

"Commander Vermeil! Disaster! The pirates are escaping, and our forces are having trouble with the attackers! What's more... they've confirmed that Cassandra Gaffney is among them... but... they also confirmed that Owen Gaffney, is here as well."

Vermeil froze, and dropped his bow as he whirled to look at the messenger, "...What? What did you just say? That's not... The damned witch was supposed to...?"

"...They report seeing her along the attackers as well. Sir."

Vermeil took a long, deep--very deep--breath before he slowly gathered his bow, "Sylmaria. Is. Here? With. Her target?" The man started to chuckle, and then he burst out into laughter, echoing through out the halls. "Really can't leave any planning to any of the bitches within this house. First, Giovanna, and now fucking Cereza's plan goes up in our face... Agh, I knew it! I knew that damned dragon was best as--" Vermeil paused, slicked his hair back, and composed himself. "Tell everyone to move in. By now the riders should be back, and pinching the beasts. We wait no longer. Have one of the priest go to warn Lord Kazran, as for the rest of us... sally forth, spare no one, nothing, women, children, the pirates themselves, all the same at this point, however, if Owen or Sylmaria come into your sight, leave them for me. I will crush them, and then taken them to Kazran myself. Owen alive, Sylmaria, very, very dead."


One of the axemen watched as Krystal cowered in the face of their enemies, refusing to take on her own kind. "Krystal, you damned sow! Stand and fight! Stand, or I'll kill you my damned self!"

Brawler 2 takes one glance at Lani, one glance at Owen, and then chooses to throw hands with Ullr!

[23, 52], [44, 99] The man took a cue from Ullr, striking first with his right, and then rearing back as he put his all into his next strike, breaking Ullr's guard, and sending the wolf to the ground.

Ullr is downed!

Rolls a 7

-2 Defense for the remainder of this map(Both parts constitute one map, and next map)

The rest of the enemy units move in...

All around the Tigers, footsteps, hooves, shouts and calls, and more enemy units arrived from the east and west! "Make your names heard lads! Bring the cursed ones down!"

"Charge, Charge! Help our boys pincher! It's time for a hunt!"


Turn 7.png

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"Ullr, dammit!" Cin growled as the wolf fell to a man who fought the same way that he and Ullr did. He shook his head, fire gathering on his fists as he stalked forward. "Right then. How about you try me on for size then, yeah? I'd say you were going to regret it, but I don't plan on letting you live long enough to have that option." He dashed in, flaming fists swinging.

Cin to 26-18, fire fist iron knuckles the brawler

"I-... R-right." Koba glanced behind, seeing Miria leave to go face the men behind them, while Ullr collapsed in front of him. He peaked around the corner, trying to assess the battle state, when his eyes landed on a chest up ahead. It could have useful things for the fight... Gold, weapons... I should go after it. Surely the Evokers couldn't hold that against me, yeah? He darted forward, but found his way barred by a bulky man with a huge gleaming axe. "R-right. Uhm. Might need some backup?"

Koba to 25-20, aircalibur Fighter 7

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"Sorry Renais... I'm going to have to disregard your advice. Showing them the floor isn't enough... these foul men need to be buried. So as long as I'm still breathing, I'll push as hard as it takes. I might need your assistance again, if they get anymore shots in with those pure weapons... nothing pure about any of this." Roxanne shook her head as a look of disgust flashed across her face, grimace evident for a moment before she bit it back. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate Renais concern, she just... couldn't stop. Couldn't slow down. Not with confirmation that they really were gone... 

"I'll avenge you... all of you. I'm sorry that I didn't make it in time..." Roxanne continued, quieter yet still faintly audible. Slapping her palms against her cheeks, Renais had finished restoring her to health, and it seemed more men had arrived to flank them. Moving ahead of her fellow healer, Roxanne took aim at a burly axeman, loosing a barrage of light in his direction.

"You first."

Roxanne to 4,21, Bury Fighter 8's Light

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"Alright, middle's dealt with. Keep moving up. Small break... For what that's worth." Cass took a deep breath, tearing a strip off of her clothing and wrapping it around the area that myrmidon had cut into her. Her clothes could be replaced. Having open weaknesses for them to strike at would make it harder for her.

Cass to 15,25

"There's, people behind us. Rrghhn..." Sylm was gripping the hand that she'd cast from, her fingers still tense and twitching... This happened at times. Too much magic. She couldn't stress another cast, lest she cause irreparable damage. She'd tried before. It hadn't been pretty... "That's why you taught yourself to use a sword, Sylmaria." She drew the blade and locked eyes with one of the pirates, rushing him and coming down on his axe arm with the blade!

Sylm to 16,19, iron sword Pirate #4

M peered around the corner... Corsairs. Likely coming back from one of Kazran's ships. "Feh... No one to block me. Not throwing away the freedom I just got back... Forward it is." As she moved up alongside another one of the clouded mercenaries, a glint of metal flashed by her eye... The cowering cow was holding a weapon on her. A gun. "You bitch." M lifted the woman up with her meager strength, mandibles clacking angrily in front of her mouth. "Give me back my gun!"

"Wh-- Hwahh!? Wh-What!? This!? Take it! I don't care, j-just leave me alone!"

M to 10,25, shake the cow down for her gun

"You two good?" Amera was surprised the insect woman had it in her to frisk down the horned one while there were still problems ahead of them. "Hey, miss horns, help me if you're not gonna fight us anymore, yeah?" Amera took a deep breath and hopped in place a moment before rushing at the man with a speed not seen before, a flurry of punches colliding with his chest, along with a shocking touch!

Amera to 10,27, electrify Fighter #4!

"Yikes, more of you? Gods, how many racists can you fit in one building!?" Alvira groaned, but turned her attention to the armored man far ahead. "Uh, you guys handle them, I'm gonna melt some metal! C'mere, tin can!"

Alvira to 3,25, Light lance armor #3!


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The blue aura wore off from Miria's armor. She stopped feeling so cold. She was back to just her normal gold look. "Huh." She gave a metaphorical shrug about it, before making her way to her next target. One of the newer people who seemed to join the fight was fighting off some pirate. She focused, "Okay, uhh, do the blue stuff again!" When she attempted to activate the ice power again, suddenly she was back to glowing red, and her sword was on fire.

"Huh? Well, okay. We'll deal with it later." Miria moved to cut off the rest of the pirates from making their advance.

Miria to 16,17 and activates Afterburner! Wind Swords Pirate 4!

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Reinforcements had come through an entrance on the left to try and slow the group down, but Syndra made use of an opening Roxanne had made to reach the swordsman that was hiding in the back. "You should've stayed back in whatever hole you crawled out of, because scum like you have no chance at stopping us!"

Syndra moves to 2-21 and attacks Myrm 8 with Blizzard

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Reinenforcements had emerged from the hallway to the left, but there were in the process of being swiftly culled like the vermin they were. Alriana's attention remained focused on the priest that had turn and begun to run at the sight of their approach. She took into a sprint, rounding the corner and tossing her knives into his back as he fled. There would be no quarter for these scum.

Aly to 6, 26 iron dagger the priest.

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The already battered brawler collapsed to Gean’s attack. They were advancing well at this pace, sure their enemies were hitting hard, but the Tigers were still hitting harder back. Then the sound of wings flapping crept into Gean’s ear. There were people entering behind them, and as far as she knew this was the only force coming to invade Karzan. This could be trouble, we need to move.  The faster they cleared the way, the better, and that meant this cavalier needed to go.

Gean to 19-3, attack cav 6

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"Of course, my staff is yours. I'll watch your back then." Renais just caught her vengeful mumbles, it was very clear what her motivation was. Renais simply kept it in mind and followed behind, determined to watch her back on top of the other Tigers. Speaking of. "Here, Alvira." She lifted her staff toward her squad mate.

Renais moves 5, 21 and distant Mend's Alvira's wounds.

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"Hmph, looks like you don't even need my help." He scoffed a bit, but it was a warm, welcome sight, to see the Tigers dealing with these people so well after how tough the conflict with the Underground had been... They're all growing stronger. Jeremiah, thank you... Let's hope that we never have to face each other in a serious battle. For a moment, Versaris thought back to their conflict with Lucille. The other members of the Asteria had attacked them, Tanvir and his allies. If Jeremiah had been there, would he have joined them? Perhaps. Perhaps some of them would be in much more dire straits than they were now. "No matter... If it comes to that, and I have to choose between him, and family... He knows where I stand."

Versaris to 4,27

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"Uuugh..." Having taken one too many blows, Ãœllr lost his footing, and quickly his consciousness had faded. His pain tolerance was big, but not enough to will his body to respond after too much numbness set in. Rather, he was feeling cold, and his vision faded white. Without another sound, he found himself on the floor.

"Tch." Owen knew that wasn't going to be good for morale, raising his voice. "Eyes on the enemies, the healers will handle him." Luckily, this wave of foes seemed handled quickly, leaving a horseman in sight. "Really? Taking your horse indoors? How rude."

Owen to (27,21), attack cav 7 with lordly rapier.

"Miaou... looks like that side has it handled. Still have enemies on the way from all sides, my my. Suppose I'll keep onwards." Platform in tow, Chris remained with tome out, expecting much unfun frontline combat.

Chris to (18,26), choke the point.

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"Aggggh!" The feline stepped in, and did something to him, his body suddenly unable to move on its own, peppered by the woman's fists--although he did manage to make one miss. "Hey you--" The healer was torn apart by... something, he couldn't quite make any sense of it. It was a real monster, the kind that the horror stories made to scare the Islexian children reveled in. He turned to his then, only remaining companion, "Rgh... Krystal! Don't just stand there, immolate these bastards! They'll kill you when they hear that you condoned all of this! Stood by and did nothing! Help me fight back...!"

Krystal had been yelled at, shaken, threatened, and now was being barked at by the same people that only gave a shit if she shook her tits at them. They'd all be content to come for her tail with a knife and put a bag over her head; none of them actually liked her. They kept her around because she listened. Because she was one of the good ones. Because she bowed to orders like the 'good monster she was'. If this is my chance out of this life... If these people can win where those useless pirates failed...! "You... You, want something immolated~?" She slowly picked herself up and produced a fireball, Amera squeaking and M losing all her anger as her eyes became transfixed on the bright light. Krystal smiled.

"Here's your Gods damned fireball you wretched piece of shit!!"

Krystal sit still, cast fire on Fighter #4

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The fierce strike that came through surpassed just about any expectations Tasha had for getting through someone so heavily armored, finding a crack in the steel right around the neck, lodging her prodigiously heavy axe head right into the weakness and cleaving the man clean in twain with absolutely no chance of survival. Crimson splatter stained her arms and armor, the instant of the act quickly shoved aside in her mind with the battle still in its early phases. Ugh, that's more hours for me to work on not getting these old plates rusted.

She took a brief glance toward Krystal, and seeing her already being physically interrogated by an unfamiliar face, chose to let that situation play out however it would, instead offering her backup to the magical engineer holding down one of the cell exits. ...While seeing what she could do about triaging the condition of her armor.

Natalya moves to 16-26, takes her rifle in hand while trying to clean her plates a little.

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Cin punches a dude with fist of flames!

-1 HP!

[45, 93] (81), [8, 64] (27) Cin's fist, empowered by anger, launched the fool for downing his companion!

34 EXP, and +3 Brawling!

Koba engages Fighter 7 with Aircaliber!

[49, 41], [46. 2] With a flick of the wrist, Koba's second spell struck with ferocity, destroying the man's weapon, and then rendering him unconscious!


Koba gains 38 EXP, and +3 Anima EXP!

Roxanne attacks Fighter 8 with Light!

[3, 38], [54, 70] He died.

Roxanne gains 26 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Sylmaria draws her blade and engages Pirate 4!

[3, 80] Sylmaria's blade strikes true for 13 damage!

Pirate 4 counters!

"You! Kazran's... Heh. I've been waiting for something like this, you beast!"

[78, 21]

"I'll kill you!" The man's axe fell, crushing the ground where Sylmaria stood, but Sylmaria was long gone.

Aly gon kill a priest.

[44, 14] I'm running out of critical quotes goddamn it.


Aly agains 10 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP!

Amera lets her magic flow through her gauntlets!

Electrify Activates!

[25, 29] (48), [20, 7] (16), [37, 40] (91), [100, 59] (74), [70. 87]

Amera swings a flurry of fists at the man, connecting, once, twice, a third in a blink of an eye, a fourth barely wizzes by his head, but the fifth strike crashes in for 28 damage!

Amera gains 12 EXP, and +4 Brawling EXP!

Alvira attacks Lance Armor 3!

[37, 58], [83, 11]

Alvira cast once, but on her second cast, Alvira had found her footing with the Light Magic, finally starting to make it her own as she brought it close, letting her magic swell, and mirroring the ease with which her Evoker teacher might have cast, unleashed a particularly powerful blast of light, enveloping the map in radiant energy, leaving a very melted, very dead man in her sights.

Brightest Star activates, and Critical!

30 EXP, and +3 Light Magic!

Seila heals Ullr for 21 HP!

Seila gains 15 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Laniva has a swordfight with Myrm 7!

[27, 68] Lani forgot that in order to have a swordfight, you actually have to fight someone who can swing back, or it's what we call a massacre.

Lani gains 30 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Miria engages Pirate 4 with Afterburner empowered Wind Edge!

Due to incompetence on the side of the GM, the Pirates did not have weapon ranks, and with proper weapon ranks, Miria would not double and kill this Pirate, but because the move was made without that knowledge, it will be honored as if he did not have his weapon rank


Miria gains 38 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP.

Syndra engages Myrm 8!

[14, 93] (26, 77)

Vengeance activates!

Syndra felt spiteful so she froze him and his whole family.

Syndra gains 34 EXP, and +2 Anima EXP!

Aegean engages Cav 6!

[55, 45] (28) Aegean does big damage with her first strike, dealing 27 damage!

Cav 6 counters!

[7, 16] Even through the minefield of Aegean's defensive posture, and Roxanne's funnels, Cav 6's lance found a way through dealing 15 damage!

Aegean finishes up!

[89, 74] (47) Aegean finishes the job with another swing of her axe!

Aegean gains 38 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP!

Renais Staff technicians Alvira some health!

Heals Alvira fully!

Renais gains 14 EXP, and +3 Staff Exp!

Renais reaches A rank staves!

Owen engages Cav 7!


Astra activates!

[65, 29], [6, 57] With two lightning fast slashes of the blade, Owen dispatches the man and his horse!

Owen gains 18 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP

The man turned to look at Krystal, watching the ball of flame grow, and realizing that she hadn't changed targets. "Wait... Wait, wait...!"

Krystal immolates a man!

[59, 11] Krystal let all of her frustration, and anger leak into the fireball, as she threw it at the man. The heat from the blast was almost unbecoming of the fire spell, more akin to something much stronger, but it was flame all the same, over taking the man. His screams were loud, but fortunately for whoever may have been listening, they were brief.


Krystal gains 26 EXP!


Aegean reaches level 11!

75    10    48    1    35    41    100    61

+Str, Skl, Speed!

Lani reaches level 12!

76    29    81    3    27    44    62    79

+Str, Skl, Spd, Def!

Cinead reaches level 12!

77    6    41    18    33    95    75    1

+HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Res!

Koba reaches level 10!

4    42    4    4    59    94    29    17

+HP, Mag, Skl, Spd!

Koba learns Luna!

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Nyx looked back where they'd come, and honestly, there were way too many flapping wings coming their way. It genuinely sounded like they brought a whole unit, but then again, they brought a whole ass unit against them, and they were winning so maybe turn out was fair-- Nyx shook her head, "Think about th' dumb shit later!" Nyx looked over to their commander, "Hey, Boss, there be o'dragon pileup coming our way, I'm gon' go get a better shot." Miria looked like she was getting ready to plug the hole, and she had to be there to clip some of those wings...

The scream was more than enough for Vermeil to make his mind up. The enemy was too close, they'd come too far, and it was going to fall to him now. He peered over the walls, and saw one of the priests fleeing from the attackers. "Perfect. Inform that man to go find Lord Kazran, and warn him of the impending threat. As for the rest of us..." Vermeil notched his bow, and looked towards his remaining force, "Let us begin the hunt. If the damned Gaffneys are present, then let them being the kindling for the start of the next great purge! Let us begin!"

Vermeil's men cheered loudly as the fight began to pull into its final phase... one last push.


Thief 1 engages Versaris on their way to the treasure!

[40, 9] The thief spied his target, weighed his options, and then with all of his training, he threw it as deftly as he could. The man hadn't even seen him coming, it was truly over for him. And then, a flash of steel, his sword up, and the clatter of steel. The man looked in his direction, and suddenly a chill ran up his spine. As if he shouldn't be here any longer...

Critical miss!

Fighter 3 engages Christopher!

Stability Rune alpha activates

[39, 92] The axe strikes true, dealing 27 damage!

Chris strikes back!

[66, 70] The weight of darkness crushes fighter 3 doing 20 damage!

Christopher gains 12 EXP, and  +1 Dark EXP

Cavalier 1 engages Amera!

[13, 38] The sword deals 15!

Amera counters!

[46, 29], [52, 63] Amera slugs back for 16!

Amera gains 12 EXP, and +2 Brawling EXP

Wvyern 5, and Pirates 1 and 2, all engage Miria!

Wvyern 5 strikes first!

[32, 40] The man's spear pierces armor and deals 13!

Miria counters!

[3, 51] Empowered by her flames, the attack deals 18!

Miria gains 12 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Pirate 1 throws an axe!

[2, 51] The Axe surprisingly connects dealing 9 damage!

Miria counters!

[99, 2] Furious at the surprise attack, Miria unleashed a tornado of flame blowing the offending pirate away!


Miria gains 38 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Pirate 2 follows up!

[10, 24] (Where the fuck were these rolls earlier?) Pirate 2 also connects combining for 32 damage overall!

Miria counters!

[26, 63] Miria connects for 14 damage!

Miria gains 12 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Miria reaches level 11

37    100    8    11    65    42    57    9

+HP, Skl, Res!

Pirate 3 rushes in to fill the void left by Pirate 1!

[93, 29] This shouldn't be surprising, but the axe missed.

Miria counters! 

[25, 68] Miria strikes back with 12 damage! 

Miria gains 12 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!


"It's this way, c'mon... You know, if I'd known you were so strong, I might've been more apprehensive about helping you, Talulah."

"I'm pleased you weren't, Miss Lati... It's good to know there are wonderful humans out there still, especially in Islexia."

Talulah and Lati made their way across the secret path down the cliffside. After spotting fliers across the sea, the two had determined there had to be another entrance into the fort... A moment of searching revealed a path hidden by bushes and shrubbery, leading to a narrowly dug out staircase towards the caves.

"Well, I might be Islexian by birth, but I'm Lufirian raised. I'd never turn down a Clouded in need of assistance." Lati unshouldered her bow, pulling out an arrow and preparing for any resistance as they approached the cave entrance... the sounds of combat, but deeper in.

"Still, knowing who your father is, with all you've told me... It will be wonderful to oust him and place you where you deserve to be. I shall assist to the best of my abilities..." Ysca, wake up.

Talulah spoke in her mind as she grasped the blade at her hip, a groaning voice responding. It is time to feed--

No. But soon... For now, grant me the armor, that I may lay low my foes and deliver you the sustenance you so crave...

... ... ... If I must.

A purple shimmer slid across Talulah's arms, legs and jaw, covering them with armor that apparated from nothing.

Lati paused, watching it happen in awe, then shook her head. "That's some crazy magic... There's combat further in. Let's go, Talulah."

"Ready...!" Her voice was muffled by her half-mask, but her eyes were fierce, the faintest red glowing behind them.

Reinforcements have arrived?

Turn 8.png

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One clean throw into the back of the man's head was all she needed, the Creation keeping her momentum as she ran up one two new faces and one of Owen's mercenaries. She didn't know what to make of the scantily dressed horned woman, other than that she was dressed very indecently and had just immolated on of these scum. Her eyes didn't linger on her long, feeling that it was improper to look at her. Instead she focused her attention on the mounted man, throwing her daggers into the gaps in his armor.

Aly to 9,27 Iron Dagger the Cav.

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Nyx ran around the corner, and watched as Miria took a flurry of attacks, she remained standing, barring the tide's path, but it wasn't going to last for long if she didn't get assistance. "Oi, you best leave lil' cub alone, or I'll--" Nyx paused, taking stock of the moment, and then calming herself. They couldn't push forward, not against something like that. They had to back up, and whittle them down bit by bit. That was the plan, right? So why didn't Nyx see herself fitting into it neatly? "Miria, pull back, gotta spread em out so we can knock em all down!"

Nyx moves to 14, 25!

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"Wyverns," Lati chimed up, swapping bows to a smaller and more manageable one. "Hey! You two in charge!? You missed a few stragglers on your way in!"

Lati to 14,4, equip shortbow

"Let us see how well Kazran's men fight."

Talulah to 16,3


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