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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Things were getting louder, the sound of flapping wings in the distance was evident. "Tch. We need to move faster, they'll try to overwhelm us." Owen readied his blade, striking at the nearest unfortunate man, some collector... affiliated with Kazran. "Whether you're securing his goods or have ill intent, you chose a poor time to show up."

Owen to (26,26) fight thief 2 with lordly rapier.

"Haah... better now. Hrr!" With deep breaths, Üllr continued charging onward. Couldn't afford to play too safe if he wanted to help!

Üllr to (24,26), punch pirate 6 with gauntlets.

"Haaah... thank you, Lady Cassandra~. It sure isn't a nice hit to take, ow..." Whining about his wounds, Chris hopped back onto his platform. "Well, time for a bit of a trick shot. Can't let their healers run around!"

Chris hold, mount, shoot flamespate at priest 1.


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“Thanks Roxi.” Gean let the healing magic wash over her, feeling right as rain after a roll of the shoulder. With a roll of her shoulder Gean got on the move once again. As she rounded the corner, Renais was there, readying herself in case anyone needed assistance. Gean quickly gave her girlfriend an embrace, speaking close and quick. “We can do this, I'm sure of it.” Then the embrace was broken and the merfolk moved towards the action. 

Gean to 6-26


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"Heeeeeeeyyyyyyyy!!" Krysral shouted after the fighter in gold, waving her staff at them. "Where's my thanks, huhhhhh? Saved you from the brink and you didn't even turn around!! Ungrateful lot, Gawd... What, you still need MORE, or something?"

Krystal idles and Physics Miria

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When Renais was held by Gean, the pinkette just leaned into the hug. At this point she was past protesting about sudden hugs. "Just don't be too reckless. The last thing we want is to trip up before the finish line." She gave Gean a quick peck on the cheek before she pulled away. "You'll get more later when we finish, you and Kise." She had so much she wanted to get off her chest, she just had to make sure she survived. She had to make sure Gean survived too, and all of the Tigers.

Renais moves toward 7, 27

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The attacking group having closed in more, now was their chance to turn that part of the fight back in their favor... Tasha simply left Sylmaria's apparent glee unbothered, knowing the reception to being corrected about it would be colder than whatever ran through Mercuria's veins, instead following Miria's lead to get one of those pesky wyvern riders out of the picture. "Now! Crush them and keep moving!"

Natalya moves to 17-21 and fires her rifle at Wyvern 3!

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Nyx heard the commander's call and grinned as their new ally was already well into following her command, "Aye, aye! That means you, ya hear?!" Nyx turned her bow on the remaining Wvyern, and moved in for a better shot.

Nyx moves to 12, 22 to take a shot at Wyvern 1!

Alvira engages Bow Armor 2!

[65, 3] My ratio of crits to anything else is insane.


Alvira gains 34 EXP, and +2 Light EXP!

Aly engages Bow Armor 1!

[47, 21] What else is there left to say honestly?


Aly gains 26 EXP, +2 Hidden EXP!

Lani attacks Pirate 6!

[59, 85] The crushing blow opens up Pirate 6 to Ullr's approaching fist!

Lani gains 12 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Seila then calls down the thunder on Pirate 2!

[42, 19] If Miria wasn't on Seila's side, this would have turned her into a lightning rod.


Seila gains 38 EXP, and +2 Anima EXP!

M holsters the regular revolver, and draws her personal one to fire at Wyvern 2!

[62, 53] (Yes a 53 crits here)

I really do just need to be stopped tbh


M gains 34 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP!

Cass finishes off Wvyern 5!

[12, 21] The man barely hanging onto lucidity was finally extinguished by Cass's attack!

Cass gains 14 EXP!

Lati uses her Shortbow on Wyvern 7! (For future reference the Shortbow is exclusively 1 range so her move would not work, but we roll with it)

[84, 75] Lati put another arrow into the opposite side of the man's mount, sure to notch another, and fire it into the man's body at his steed passed on, sure to not leave him alone in his final hours.

Lati gains 10 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!

Miria engages Pirate 3 with her Iron Sword!

[91, 81] With her sword still blazing, Miria pays back Pirate 3 for the earlier axe with a slash of flame!

Miria gains 34 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Sylmaria B L A S T S Wyvern 6!

[73, 49] Sylmaria strolls up to Wyvern 6 without a care in the world, neither for her own safety, and for the life of the man who her blast of energy sent careening off of his mount!

Sylmaria gains 26 EXP!

Owen engages Thief 2!

[69, 10] (57) With a delicate flourish, Owen's rapier, pierced, slashed, and felled the thief in seemingly one motion!


Owen gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Thief 2 also dropped the Killer Sickle!

Ullr engages Pirate 6!

[24, 45] Ullr rocketed his fist into Pirate 6's stomach, and probably rearranged several things!

Ullr gains 38 EXP, and +2 Brawling EXP!

Christopher targets the fleeing priest with the Flamespate!

Chris can not miss nor crit, so numbers will not be rolled!

Chris deals 22 damage!

Chris gains 4 EXP, and +1 Siege EXP!

Cin ignites his soul, and uses it to punch Wyvern 4!

[35, 18] (50), [52, 44] (23)

With two quick flurries, Cin first incapaciated the man's mount, before jumping, and letting his momentum, and the flames do the rest as he lariated the rider, knocking him completely unconciscous!

Cin gains 26 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Tasha opens fire on Wvyern 3!

[33, 46] (80), [43, 96] (74)

Tasha's rifle rang out twice in quick succession, piercing the wing of the wyvern, and then once more through the wing, and the body of her rider!

Tasha gains 26 EXP, and +3 Gun EXP!

Nyx engages Wyvern 1!

[42, 74], [64, 66] Almost perfectly in sync with the shots on the other side of the wall, Nyx fired two arrows, the first seemingly missing the rider, but the second placed perfectly that as the man moved to dodge the first one, his momentum helped the arrow carry him off his mount!

Nyx gains 34 EXP, and +3 Bow EXP!

Roxanne physic Syndra for 12 HP!

Roxanne gains 16 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Krystal does the same to Miria but for 13 HP!

Krystal gains 17 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Alvira reaches level 12!

37    3    43    55    45    89    53    37

+HP, Str, Mag, Spd

Cass reaches level 16!

24    30    72    11    31    64    6    1

+HP, Str, Skl, Speed, Lck, Def, Res

Seila reached Level 11!

5    41    44    19    53    35    2    82

+HP, Mag, Skl, Def!

Miria reaches Level 12!

53    89    78    94    100    33    16    11

+HP, Lck, Def, Res!

Ullr reaches Level 12!

16    9    76    23    1    33    1    13

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res!


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Archer 4 rushes in and targets Alvira!

[15, 24] His shot connects dealing 13 damage!

Alvira counters!

[67, 95], [73, 66] The retaliatory blasts were effective, and finished the archer off for his aggressions!

Alvira gains 26 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Archer 3, with an unusually large bow steps up, and then takes aim!

[72, 57] Attacking from a greater distance than Alvira could combat, the man took aim with a massive arrow, but his aim was wide, and Alvira too quick as the large arrow fell with a harmless, but concerning thud.

Priest 4 rushes forward, and heals Priest 1 all the way back to full!

Enemy Reinforcements have arrived!


Turn 10.png

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Roxanne had tethered her conduits to Alriana, but it seemed the gesture had been unneccesary. She could tell that the dagger had ended the armoured man's life in an instant before the followup of light showered his corpse.. what terrifying aim. If she was fine on her own, then...

"Err... looks like you didn't need help, Alriana. I've got you, Alvira. Give them hell."

Roxanne to 10,29, Recall funnels, Heal Alvira

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One arrow had been annoying enough, but two? And one the size of her arm!? "What's wrong with you people!? Rrrgh!" Feeling Roxanne's healing on her and words behind her, Alvira rushed up to the archer's face! Remember what Tio taught you... Magic takes the shape you want it to. Spells listen to what we think and what we say... so...! "Light...!" Pushing her intuition to its limits, Alvira encased her claw in a light spell, punching the magic I to the man's shoulder, before reeling back and punching another into his face! "And stay down! Huhf... I wonder if Cin would be proud of meooouch...! P-Punching hurts...!"

Alvira to 10,30, deck his halls

"Alright, forward. Let's see if we can catch up to whoever attacked this place..."

"Acknowledged. Moving forward...."

Lati to 14,11

Talulah to 15,12, engage Elixir

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Finally, their back was clear. With that, the Tigers continued their push north. But, whatever was itching at Miria only... continued. And it felt like it was getting worse.

"I... M-Miss Tasha, I gotta move back I-- I think something's coming." Why am I reacting like this? Is it the Shroud? Miria bared her wind sword. It was her trusty weapon. If anything was gonna get her out of a pinch, it was that blade. She started her way towards the entrance.

Miria to 15,17, equips Wind Edge

When Miria turned the corner, she noticed two people. One, she immediately realized where the feeling was coming from. A chill went down her spine, some sweat building in her face. She held a readied stance.

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Syndra noticed Nyxied run by to handle some of the enemies at the rear. She called out to her girlfriend; "Nyxied! If that was the last of them can you double back this way? There's something over here that requires your expertise." Syndra didn't have much time to wait for a response however, more foes had come from up north. The archers were being handled by Alvira, so Syndra turned towards the cavaliers that had arrived, bearing pure weapons. Syndra took out the "special" tome in her bag and took aim at the closest one to her.

Syndra moves to 9-30 and uses Breeze Lightning on Cav 10

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There seemed to be someone up ahead. Someone in golden armor... Talulah had been about to call out to them, when Yscavelne began shaking in its scabbard.

Release me. Release me! Feed! I must feed on this armor! Now! NOW!!

"Kh!" Talulah gripped the sword, but that only made things worse, her hand clenching tightly against the blade, unable to tear it away! "Rrhhh... You, I don't know who you are... But, prepare yourself!" The blade was drawn, half against her will, but... Anything that makes myself and Yscavelne stronger... Is worth doing!

"...llo... hel... ... ...ead... e..." A voice slowly sounded into Roxanne's mind, quiet, distant. "If... ... an... hea... ... resp...d..." It was so faint, so distant... Ever so slowly becoming more clear. "Hello... Hello? Are you... mmm... Can you... ...r me...?"

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Thing seemed to be going smoothly, with Alvira's flashy melee execution swiftly followed-upon by Syndra and Alriana, leaving the area clear for a moment. Surely it wouldn't be long until more of Kazran's forces came into range, and they would be just as swiftly cut down once they did. Before Roxanne could advance though, she heard a faint voice. She could barely make out what they were saying, why were they whispering in the middle of a battlefield? She couldn't even recognize who was speaking with how soft it was.

"I can barely hear you. Speak u-" Roxanne began, until it dawned on her that no one in her vicinity appeared to actually be speaking. But that couldn't be right, could it? She was certainly having a foul day, but surely she wasn't actually going insane...?

'You aren't... here, are you? Who...?'

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"...o can hear me... ...od. To the Wes... I'm trapp... ...o hav... ... sav... m..." The voice was fading back out, though with one final surge... "Miz. Miz'Githon. Find me... And I will teach you the secrets... anima magi... when... ... stron...r ... Con...ct... Y... ...gain..." The voice faded away into nothing, leaving Roxanne with her thoughts.

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"Miz'Githon..." Roxanne repeated, barely audible. She wracked her brain but... the name did not recall any memories. Though from what little she could gather, if this Miz was trapped to the West, then it was likely far afield from Lufiria, so it made sense that she would have no knowledge of her. The secrets of anima magic... how peculiar. The voice seemed to be gone, but...

'The West? Where to the West? We're on the Eastern coast of the continent, I...' Roxanne questioned briefly, wondering if the voice would return. Should she be encouraging it to? Was this real or was she simply succumbing to the pressure of the situation?

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Gean smiled as Renais kissed her cheek, "I'll do my bes-". There were footsteps closing in, and Gean was sure she was pulling up the rear. "We've got company. Behind me." 

Gean turned around the corner to find two enemies, a mercenary with a thief behind her. Gean looked at the odd sword in the merc's hands, best to let them come to me. Holding her axe in a defensive stance and barring her scales, Gean looked the merc in the eyes. "Come on, let's dance cowards."

Gean to 5-25

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"Understood, I'm with you Gean!" The pinkette kept close to support her girlfriend, her eyes were firmly on Gean's back. We'll make it out, I believe...no. "I believe in you, Gean." It was something worth saying, no regrets left behind after all.

Renais holds her ground.

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"Well... Th-This isn't so bad... They're winning. That's good... I guess I can help them to keep winning. Gold Armor still didn't thank me... I'll get my due after this is over. Hmph." She sighed and then looked around the group, eyes falling on... "Oh. Oh, my~" Another clouded individual, it seemed... Cute girl... Or, guy...? Krystal squinted some. It didn't matter much, they had a rather large and impressive ranged contraption. Range meant safety. "Heyyyy~" Time to work the magic...

"Hey, cutie. Nice toy you've got there... Wanna show me how it works? You're probably pretty good at handling it... I'm good at handling a few things, too~" Krystal gently touched a hand onto their back, smiling with severe intent... Then glancing to the left. Geh!? Tyson! Fuck. If he sees me helping them he's gonna knock my block off... He was always one of the more aggressive people around here, rrrrr... h-help, anyone...?

Krystal to 18,25, brave Chris, panic

Sylm to 17,23

M to 15,24

Cass Idle

Amera to 6,26

"I'll hold these stragglers off with y'all! Lemme at 'em."

"And that's their leader..." Versaris pulled the magic sword out once more, not wanting to get caught unawares by an errant knife again. That had been too close. "Let's see if people right under Kazran are worth anything..."

Versaris to 9,33, equip Levin Sword

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Eh? Quoi?" Focused on the target that was running away, Christopher was slow on the uptake that he was being flirted at, jumping at the touch on their back, staring at Krystal with light disconcert. "Ah... pardon, I must've missed you during the trip. Eh... I'm, not sure it's the best time for your to check." He blushed a little after finally picking up her choice of outfit. I don't remember her at all in the ship. I guess I was too focused on fixing up the platform... "Uhh. S-still, if you stay behind me, you'll probably be safe, this attracts attention like nothing else, and it's sturdy! J-Just let me finish this shot, s'il vous plait."

Chris to (16,26), fire at Priest 1.

Reinforcements again... the group was getting in a precarious position, from Owen's understanding. "We can't let them keep pincering us, damn." Readying his sword, he watched the witch among his allies escape, and moved one step closer, feeling certain he'd gain the attention of the swordsmen. "Better equipped men are coming. With me. We can't let them overrun us."

Owen to 24,25, still wielding the lordly rapier.

"Mm." With little else to say, Üllr stayed put, waiting for the enemies to come closer.

Üllr hold.

Edited by Xinnidy
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The wyverns and pirates fell in quick succession in a coordinated strike, clearing the path back toward the sea cave entrance, should they have to retreat. However, just as Tasha was about to turn her attention back toward the front, Miria seemed oddly fixated on the empty corridor, sprinting off back to where they'd come from. "What do you mean something? Hey-- Miria! Where are you going!?" Much as she wanted to follow and not leave any of the Tigers alone, they had to keep their forward momentum going, lest they lose initiative with their push. "Someone look after her and make sure she rejoins us in one piece!"

Turning around to return to the doorway she'd been guarding with Christopher earlier, this time to push through it and keep going, she noticed the bovine girl from earlier... touching him? At least she wasn't attacking them, but that seemed highly inappropriate to do anyway, and Tasha wanted some answers as to why she was on the opposing side just earlier.

Natalya moves to 17-25 and grabs Krystal.

As the other cat rolled his platform to the side to fire, the tiger hoisted Krystal by her arms, closing their height difference by simply pulling her off the floor. "Hey, you. Mind explaining what that was about? And what were you doing on Kazran's side earlier?"

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"Yeah I bet you'd like to finish a shot... Maybe later, cutie." Krystal winked at him and then sighed as he moved along with his machine. "So taxing... Just gotta make myself look small, maybe Tyson won't notice mmmmEEEE!?"

Suddenly, gravity was gone, and Krystal was staring down a rather irate looking tiger woman. "I, I-I was working under Kazran to stay alive! Gawd, p-put me down! You, you have to do whatever you can as a clouded in Islexia, y'know!? Little wink of the eyes, shake of the ass-- doesn't matter if I have horns, they just see meat. A-Alright? But if you, people are seriously here to seriously kill that fucker, seriously... Then I'm just trying to help." She whimpered and stopped struggling in Tasha's grip, whining a little. 

"All I did was give him some of my magic so he'd get all... adrenalined up, y-y'know? See for yourself... He's working that machine twice as fast as normal. It's just some help. P-Put me down...?"

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