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How long of a lifespan do Playstation consoles usually have?


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So in my city, it seems like PS5 are still scarce since I saw one (used) for sale at $800 in my local gaming store and there seems to be a lot of sellers on Craigslist/Offerup within a similar price range. I bought my PS5 a while back and the only game that interested me was Ghost of Tsushima. I grew up with Nintendo consoles and none of the exclusives seemed to catch my interest. I bought my console mainly just to play GoT and a fighting games since the Nintendo Switch was lacking, though I transitioned to PC due to better connectivity and free online services.


Since the PS5 is less than two years old, how much longer does it have before the PS6 releases? The only games I'm considering is the upcoming Wolverine game, a possible sequel to GoT, and Persona 6.


Made this thread since I feel a little guilty than I'm not getting my money's worth out of the console but I'm curious as to how lifespans work as this is my first PS console. I grow bored with games fairly quickly and I'm mainly into JRPGs and Fighters which my Switch and PC already covered.

Edited by Fryer
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A new PlayStation typically releases every 6 to 7 years, although that doesn't necessarily mean the previous console is obsolete. The PS2 was still getting releases up until around the launch of the PS4 (but to be fair, a lot of the console's last games were sports games, kind of like how the Wii was on Just Dance life support up until 2020). Anyway, I wouldn't expect a PS6 for at least another 5 or 6 years.

More games will come out for the PS5 soon. I'd keep an eye out for Final Fantasy XVI if you have any interest in that series. Of course, if you get bored quick, then there's only so much I can recommend.

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I got my Xbox Series X for around $750 about a year ago, so I can see why you're worried about getting value out of your console (It may not be a PS5, but I'd say that they're pretty comparable in terms of power and games). I personally have been able to get a good amount of use with the Series X, with games such as Halo Infinite, Scarlet Nexus, and Hitman III included in my library for the system. I have a little over 10 games on the console, and there's a good amount of titles that I plan to get for the system in the future, so I'd say that I've managed to get my money's worth.

It's not a good sign if you're already thinking about the PS6 when the PS5 hasn't even been out for two whole years. If you only plan to get those 3 games for the console, it isn't worth holding onto it, especially if your Switch and PC are already covering the genres you're mostly interested in, or if they get ports of those three games later down the line. 

As for the PS5's lifespan, I'd say that it has about 6-7 years, since that's usually how long of a lifespan that PlayStation systems have before being replaced by the next console. It's not like you can't hold onto a system despite a newer model being out though. I've held onto my GameCube, 2DS, Wii U, Xbox 360, and Xbox One S despite also having a Switch and Xbox Series X. But like I said in the previous section above this one, if you don't plan to get many games for the PS5, you might want to consider either selling the system or giving it away to somebody (like a family member, other relative, or friend) who may be interested in owning a PS5.

Edited by CyberZord
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2 hours ago, CyberZord said:

I got my Xbox Series X for around $750 about a year ago, so I can see why you're worried about getting value out of your console (It may not be a PS5, but I'd say that they're pretty comparable in terms of power and games). I personally have been able to get a good amount of use with the Series X, with games such as Halo Infinite, Scarlet Nexus, and Hitman III included in my library for the system. I have a little over 10 games on the console, and there's a good amount of titles that I plan to get for the system in the future, so I'd say that I've managed to get my money's worth.

Side Tangent Incoming!: Hold on a second, you're telling me that not a single Nintendo exclusive is interesting to you? Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, Metroid Dread, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, or Kirby and The Forgotten Land (just to name a few) have nothing that catch your eye? I also grew up with Nintendo Systems (started with the Wii and never looked back), but I proudly own every single Switch game that I listed off in the previous sentence (and a whole bunch more, including some third-party titles). I guess they're not for everybody, but do you have any particular reason for not having an interest in Nintendo's exclusive games? 

Side Tangent over, I just couldn't help but mention it because I love a good chunk of the Switch's exclusives, and was rather surprised to see that you weren't interested in a single First-Party Nintendo game (Nintendo's exclusives are a major selling point of their systems). Anyways, I'll get back to the main topic now.

It's not a good sign if you're already thinking about the PS6 when the PS5 hasn't even been out for two whole years. If you only plan to get those 3 games for the console, it isn't worth holding onto it, especially if your Switch and PC are already covering the genres you're mostly interested in, or if they get ports of those three games later down the line. 

As for the PS5's lifespan, I'd say that it has about 6-7 years, since that's usually how long of a lifespan that PlayStation systems have before being replaced by the next console. It's not like you can't hold onto a system despite a newer model being out though. I've held onto my GameCube, 2DS, Wii U, Xbox 360, and Xbox One S despite also having a Switch and Xbox Series X. But like I said in the previous section above this one, if you don't plan to get many games for the PS5, you might want to consider either selling the system or giving it away to somebody (like a family member, other relative, or friend) who may be interested in owning a PS5.

I grew up with Nintendo but none of the Playstation exclusives interest me.


I loved BOTW, Three Houses, and Smash.

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Ah, well in that case I take back what I said. Thanks for the context. Happy to hear that you also enjoyed BOTW, 3H, and Smash Ultimate. All amazing Switch games I'd say. Now that I know that it's the PlayStation exclusives that you aren't interested in, that actually changes something in my original reply.

I'd argue that console exclusives are a very important part of their selling point, so if a person isn't interested in any of said console's exclusive lineup of games that can't be legally found anywhere else, then there's hardly any reason to own that console. 

I personally think that you should sell/give the system to either somebody you know, or trade it in at one of your local Gamestops (Not a bad option if you want to get rid of your PS5 quickly, just make sure you've got all the parts and have factory reset the system, but I'll let you know that Gamestop always low balls people with trade ins, and you'd honestly have a better shot at selling the thing for a better price on eBay). But that's just my take. You don't have to listen to my advice if you don't want to, it's your system after all. You can keep it if you have a change of heart and want to explore the PS5's library (or you could convert to the Holy Church of Microsoft and buy an Xbox Series X/S. Joking btw), or you could get rid of it through a sale or by simply giving the system to somebody else. It's ultimately your decision, though. Do what you believe is best. 

Edited by CyberZord
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18 hours ago, CyberZord said:

Ah, well in that case I take back what I said. Thanks for the context. Happy to hear that you also enjoyed BOTW, 3H, and Smash Ultimate. All amazing Switch games I'd say. Now that I know that it's the PlayStation exclusives that you aren't interested in, that actually changes something in my original reply.

I'd argue that console exclusives are a very important part of their selling point, so if a person isn't interested in any of said console's exclusive lineup of games that can't be legally found anywhere else, then there's hardly any reason to own that console. 

I personally think that you should sell/give the system to either somebody you know, or trade it in at one of your local Gamestops (Not a bad option if you want to get rid of your PS5 quickly, just make sure you've got all the parts and have factory reset the system, but I'll let you know that Gamestop always low balls people with trade ins, and you'd honestly have a better shot at selling the thing for a better price on eBay). But that's just my take. You don't have to listen to my advice if you don't want to, it's your system after all. You can keep it if you have a change of heart and want to explore the PS5's library (or you could convert to the Holy Church of Microsoft and buy an Xbox Series X/S. Joking btw), or you could get rid of it through a sale or by simply giving the system to somebody else. It's ultimately your decision, though. Do what you believe is best. 

Is there anything that Xbox has that PC gaming doesn't?


I don't really have much interest in AAA video games outside Nintendo; most of the games I play on PC are fighters or indie titles.

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10 minutes ago, Fryer said:

Is there anything that Xbox has that PC gaming doesn't?

I don't really have much interest in AAA video games outside Nintendo; most of the games I play on PC are fighters or indie titles.

Honestly, not really. PC and Xbox basically have the exact same lineup of games, and that includes exclusives like Halo and Gears of War. You aren't really missing out on anything by not owning a Xbox console, so you don't really need to own a Series X/S if you've already got a solid PC.

Nintendo's got some good stuff. I'd recommend checking out some of their other exclusives that you haven't played yet. Mario, Pokémon, Metroid, etc. Do you have any particular genres that you'd like to get into besides Fighters and Indie games? If so, I can recommend a few titles from those genres (Ex. RPG, FPS, Horror, Platformer, Action/Adventure).

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