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Supports You'd Like to See in Three Hopes

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What are some supports you'd like to see in Three Hopes, particularly between characters that maybe didn't have supports in Three Houses?

I'd like to see supports between Edelgard and Hapi, I think they'd have a lot to talk about, What with being imprisoned and experimented on as children, and Hapi could tell Edelgard about her mom.

I'd also be curious to see Constance and Petra/Shamir talk about the Dagda and Brigid War.

And Balthus/Caspar and Balthus/Raphael as GYM BROS.

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I'm looking forward to potential Byleth supports, as Byleth will actually be voiced this time.
-- I'm curious if Byleth will be able to support everyone like Shez, or if Byleth's support roster will be smaller because Three Houses exists.

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Are there actual support conversations for unit pairs that don't include Shez? I think I got a small amount of C's in my black eagles playthrough and I didn't see any way of actually having the characters talk it out. Just a stat bonus, right?

Not trying to rain on the aspirational side of things.

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4 minutes ago, Original Johan Liebert said:

Are there actual support conversations for unit pairs that don't include Shez? I think I got a small amount of C's in my black eagles playthrough and I didn't see any way of actually having the characters talk it out. Just a stat bonus, right?

Not trying to rain on the aspirational side of things.

Yes, Edelgard and Ferdinand have one at C, for example.

In Three Hopes, not every rank has a support conversation. You can see if there is one if there is a "talk bubble" above the rank, otherwise the support just gives the gameplay bonuses.

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4 minutes ago, Sire said:

Yes, Edelgard and Ferdinand have one at C, for example.

In Three Hopes, not every rank has a support conversation. You can see if there is one if there is a "talk bubble" above the rank, otherwise the support just gives the gameplay bonuses.

That's good news. I would have accepted only supports for new characters, but it's good to know some additional ones are in there. Thanks for the info.

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I’d like a support between Hapi and Alois. Hapi namedrops him as the only knight who’s nice to her, and she says she hates his jokes. There’s plenty to work with. Also Alois adopting her in their A support and giving her a life where she’d never need to sigh is something he’d totally do.

I think Gilbert and Ignatz also has potential. He’d be cordial about it but Gilbert probably has opinions about nuveau rich merchants buying their way into knighthood, or boys becoming knights purely because daddy wants it.

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House Leaders of course


Sylvain and Ignatz - Art Bros

Bernadetta and Ignatz - Art Lovers

Ashe and Bernadetta - Formerly Team Hoodie

Ignatz and Ashe - Knights: Pros & Cons

Dorothea and Ashe - Commoners Unite!

Dorothea and Dimitri - I Can See It

Dorothea and Hilda - Catfight (or Not? They May Get Along)

Hilda and Edelgard - Catfight Part 2 

Dedue and Constance - The Verbose Speaker vs The Man Who Doesn't Speak Much 

Yuri and Ashe - It Should Have Been In the Game 

Constance and Sylvain - Magic and Flirting

Constance and Annette - It Should Have Been In the Game Part 2

Manuela and Balthus - He Likes Older Women

Seteth and Mercedes - Holy People Unite! 

To Be Continued At a Later Time


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Obviously I'm eager to see supports involving characters who weren't playable in the original game, like Rodrigue.

But talking purely about "missed opportunities" from the original game...

Hapi + Lysithea = cursed dubstep experiments

Ashe + Flayn = Precious cinnamon bun meets precious cinnamon bun

Lorenz + Constance = insufferable gathering of insufferable nobles.

Hubert + Dedue = overly dedicated vassals and how far they're willing to go for their lieges.

Hanneman + Bernadetta = Crest of Indech buddies.

Hilda + any character who is able to reverse uno card her and trick her into doing work for them instead of the other way around. I had hoped for something like that in the base game but the closest we got was Annette accidentally making more work for Hilda. I wanna see someone deliberately pull one over on her.

Edited by Anomalocaris
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