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First time playing (lol emulation)


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Nice to hear you worked out how to resume playing*. Might I suggest making some backups so you don't get stuck by a brick wall so to speak.

*-I never did for Tear Ring Saga it would lock up at the end of chpater 8...that was back when I was using the bad dump of it which would lock up during the demo...when I got a proper dump it still had that problem

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I can see the need of backups now, but the future looks grim nonetheless: the few thorough reports of PoR playability say that no current versions can run the final chapter.

I'm kind of hoping that a miraculous fix will pop up before I get there, or shortly afterwards.

You were unlucky with TRS, then. PSX emulation has been quite accurate for a few years already.

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That's fortunate.

I'll ask you (or any other chinese readers lurking in this thread) for (translated) input in case I reach a desperate situation, then.

Now, time to exploit the fact my brother isn't home and try and kick Ena's ass

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That's fortunate.

I'll ask you (or any other chinese readers lurking in this thread) for (translated) input in case I reach a desperate situation, then.

Now, time to exploit the fact my brother isn't home and try and kick Ena's ass

Assuming you like Sages as much as you say and I'm correctly reading into your avatar, Ilyana ftw. Or Calill. Fuckin' love the female Sages in this game, for STR of all things.

P.S. I hope you have your Bolting still. Save it until chapter 23, when you get Hammerne. Then you can use it on the TWO Boltings you should have my now. Yes, I'm crazy.

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Assuming you like Sages as much as you say and I'm correctly reading into your avatar, Ilyana ftw. Or Calill. Fuckin' love the female Sages in this game, for STR of all things.

P.S. I hope you have your Bolting still. Save it until chapter 23, when you get Hammerne. Then you can use it on the TWO Boltings you should have my now. Yes, I'm crazy.

I actually forgot to give Ilyana Bolting, so yes, I still have it. Actually, I should give Soren an extra rank in Fire magic so he can wield the Meteor I got from Calill. (As much as I like swordmasters and sages, I can't deny that mobility is a big deal in this chapter, due to how bonus experience works. So, I'll only keep two of both, as much as I'd like to give Stefan, Tormod or Calill a chance.)

Chapter 21 is being unstable as hell. Makes me fear for the future.

Would there be a difference between the Japanese and English versions in terms of problems occurring with the emulator?

I haven't tested, although I could (since I do have the japanese iso, as well). The bad point is, I don't think I can easily transfer the English version's savegame to the Japanese version, like one does with GBA Pokemon games.

One would expect the issues to be the same, but who knows.

EDIT: Finished Chapter 22. However, the game looks more unstable than ever, now. I'll see into it tomorrow or so.

EDIT2: Chapter 23 seems hopeless... reading Shinon's info convo, support convos, anybody but Ike's inventory, etc. leads to a lockup. Also, it seems that's a known issue with the NTSC version since early October.

I guess I'll give a shot at the European (provided I find it...) and/or Japanese releases later. Or check out the state of Radiant Dawn's emulation. Or something.

EDIT3: Radiant Dawn's emulation is still a bit too primitive. Graphical glitches (especially magic - lol black screens) and the lack of sound effects aside, it won't battle save and deals poorly with savestating.

EDIT4: It seems it doesn't support savestate loading, actually. Also, curiously, bows don't seem to be glitched in it. Regardless, it's running slower than PoR (hurr) - PoR ran on 45-60fps on my brother's PC, while RD runs at 30-45fps. Maybe I can blame his shabby video card for it, though (hell, my own PC has a better video card than his, after all).

EDIT5: Converting my savefile to Japanese version and running it yields the same results. I guess I'll restart sometime, and see how things go around chapters 13-15.

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I've decided to restart playing - this time, a PAL version (european? I believe so, although I didn't check). I'll see how things go. If the game starts rejecting advanced saves by chapter 13/14, then I'll dump it and try the Japanese version instead.

It's also a good opportunity to correct some mistakes, like ignoring Nephenee and giving Rolf a few too many levels (I don't think I'm going to use him anyway, so he only needs levels to survive a blizzard in order to recruit Shinon or something).

Also thanks for the bump

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I've decided to restart playing - this time, a PAL version (european? I believe so, although I didn't check). I'll see how things go. If the game starts rejecting advanced saves by chapter 13/14, then I'll dump it and try the Japanese version instead.

I wonder if the emulator handles shitty 50Hz mode correctly (if it does look forward to lower framerate and higher resolution but the result of the lower framerate is the entire game is slower...or jerkier if NOE did their job porperly). Make sure you hold B on starting the game up and select 60Hz.

PAL will be European or Australian. I think in the case of Path of Radiance each language was its own disc (usually games have multiple languages on disc).

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I wonder if the emulator handles shitty 50Hz mode correctly (if it does look forward to lower framerate and higher resolution but the result of the lower framerate is the entire game is slower...or jerkier if NOE did their job porperly). Make sure you hold B on starting the game up and select 60Hz.

Actually, every time I start the game, a "do you want 50hz or 60hz?" dialogue appears, regardless of button pressing (it may or may not be emulation inaccuracy). Of course, the default choice is 50hz. I'm playing at 60hz, regardless.

Also, I'd like to mention that I hate chapter 10.

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Chapter 11, advance saves already stopped working. Hm.

Time to start the japanese version and see if the same happens there.

EDIT: It does. It's being alot more unstable, too. However, it's also faster, and the BGMs seem less buggy (as in, stop playing less frequently).

Well, whatever. Since the folks over ChinaFE managed to finish this version, maybe I can as well. Hopefully it won't become a horribly mangled playthrough...

Well, at least I get to play with kanji. And make Elaice/Ilyana critical the shit out of everyone.

EDIT2: ... but then again, forging is twice as expensive in the Japanese version...

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From what I remember if the last video mode used was 60Hz it'll always throw up the message but if it was 50Hz (why this would happen is if a game was 50Hz only) it wouldn't :(

Wait, forging is twice as expensive in the Japanese copy? I never knew that...learn something new every day Don't bother with 255 critical thin weapons unless you boost thier might as their natural strength is too low to make the critical worthwhile.

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Wait, forging is twice as expensive in the Japanese copy? I never knew that...learn something new every day Don't bother with 255 critical thin weapons unless you boost thier might as their natural strength is too low to make the critical worthwhile.

Actually, the costs almost mean "don't bother with forging" altogether (other than steel axes and basic 255 crit thunders). I made a couple thin weapons and can agree with them being rather innefective without boosted str.

In the US version, I'd routinely make max power/extra accuracy steel weapons, but those easily go above 10k in jap version.

Currently on Chapter 18, Japanese version

EDIT: Reacher Chapter 22. However, the game refuses to proceed, exactly like happened with the American version - just one chapter earlier.

I wonder what's wrong.

At any rate, I have threefour options now:

1) Research about the issue, seeing if I can find some common traits between my two defective files;

2) Resume my European FE9 playthrough;

3) Play FE10. After my brother installs a new cooler and overclocks his machine, I'm confident it'll run in a decent speed.

4) Have Vincent (or any other chinese reader) tell me if he can find any piece of useful info in that ChinaFE thread.

I'm more inclined towards option 3, should 4 bear no fruit.

EDIT2: Oh great. Since brother installed a new cooler in his PC (mine can't run Dolphin, as previously stated), I won't be able to play anything in it until next year. Awesome.

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