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You are challenging the all holy Gravemind, leader of the Flood of Instellation 05. Ha you shall fall, you shall become one of use, and sing this song everlasting

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Gravemind is basically a collective of parasitic organisms called the flood, who infect just about anything that live and covert them into a "zombie"

So... Is that why it's bad for you to hug everybody?...


Well... Hey, I'm allergic to your sig! D=

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Yeah, but these zombies rush at their enemies with reckless disregard for their own safety, and if you kill one, it can still come back to life

Hm... Well, that's true, but I still like vampires way better.

... But I wouldn't hug one...

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My chours is soft but soon it will grow

Ending the slumber I have seen for a hundredfold.

Your life has no meaning to me

Except for becoming me

You shall and you will

There is no change in this

It is faith

Not even Mercy, or Truth has survived my anger

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I wouldn't either

And why would you pull a knife on me? =(

I wanted to say no hugs were happening so that the next person would hug and fall for my evil plan! XD

Even though it's not smart...

*hugs Gravemind*

*then hugs Serene* Yeah, I'm just gonna always call you Serene because I'm used to that name.

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