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Just how important is the movement stat (And why I never bother to use that old pair of boots that someone left in an chest)

Armchair General

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It's something that I haven't really noticed about the way I use stat boosters. Sure, I have an small collection of trinkets that I rarely had an need to use. The one time that I had to resort using them was on my first run through Conquest on Hard, and that was mostly for winning that duel against Ryoma. Yes, I was underleveled and barely had any idea what I was doing;  but I made it to the final fight and eventually set the difficulty to Easy (or whatever it was actually called) because I was having issues and I was too lazy to check if I could run some Warp shenanigans like I could on Forrest's level (Entrap is bloody hilarious).


But at any rate, another thing that I eventually noticed about Fates is that the main difference between Great Knights and Paladins is that the former has exactly one less tile of movement than the Paladin, or any other cavalry unit; which didn't really matter much to me until I was bleeding out the 60+ reinforcements that occurs on Lunatic Birthright, where the map is precisely designed where you're sandwiched between mounted archers, heavy cavalry that needed to be dealt with on the next turn and some random lunatic sneaking up on me. There's some mages with some long-ranged utility magic. I can't tell you how I got out of this one because my brother erased my save file and Lunatic Birthright was borderline ASMR for me.

Fast forward to 3H and mobility isn't as important because nearly everything is on equal footing; unlike those open battlefields in SoV, where I had to factor in the cavalry bum-rushing me. The thing about 3H (on Hard, at least) is that the maps are just empty as go through them. Like how the opposition is so far apart from each other that running the "defeat in detail" routine doesn't requires any sort of contingencies or some Warp/Rescue nonsense. Only thing that routinely gets me is the battle within the imperial palace; but this is mainly because the starting point usually have me surrounded by shit, which I like.

As far as movement goes: 4 is barely enough to reposition. 5 is kind of decent, but you'll be falling behind everyone else once the promotions starts happening in masse. 6 is essentially nothing special because it's supposed to be cap for infantry. 7 & 8 is mostly there for cavalry to run after thieves (never really had an much of an excuse to actually chase someone, hopefully this might change). Going anything higher than that kind of breaks the game. Like playing an friendly game of "javelin tag" or just wasting it on an armored knight who's job is to stand still. I mean, +1 move ment is technically useful; but that item is so rare that I don't think that it's worth using since the enemy is (usually) programmed to march to their deaths, anyways.

At least, the rest of the stat boosters are fun to play around with; mostly because there's still an chance that something will go horrifically wrong or something like this will happen.

Which is, coincidentally, another reason why I don't really use them, that often.


Idk, I'm just bored, at the moment and overanalyzing stuff before I go to sleep.


Try not to flood my inbox.

Edited by Armchair General
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Sometimes I'm on a tricky chapter and notice my Turn 1 strategy can be way better optimized with one great unit being able to move an extra space. That's typically how my boots end up getting used. The vast majority of other stat boosters just sit in my inventory. I really wanna be better about that, but the only way I can think of is to just sit down on every new map, look at what benchmarks my units are missing, correct them, and hope their raised stats don't slip under that benchmark again in later maps. That kind of math takes a lot of time though. I'm already annoyed with how much time I spend on battle preps screens of strategy games.

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21 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Idk, I'm just bored, at the moment and overanalyzing stuff before I go to sleep.

Try not to flood my inbox.

Aw, okay...

I honestly don't use boots most of the time just because of bad hoarding tendencies. I think I used them on Corrin in my first Conquest run because I figured he was the best unit I had. It's probably best to use them, I don't know, Camilla? Xander? Seth? Gerik? Somebody like that.

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Just toss your boots onto your lord, along with all  your other stat boosters. Unless you're playing Sword Lord in an Elibe game, then they're going to be one of the best units you have any way and are going to want to get to more places faster.

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