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What we know of Engage's mechanics so far.


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11 hours ago, Cysx said:

Alear has as much Bld as Céline though, that don't make no sense
Funnily enough we already knew this, it was in Alear's twitter video. I genuinely forgot.

Also the thing is ready. Made a spreadsheet, that's simpler. Disclaimer.


  • Feel very free to correct me on anything in there. Seriously.
  • As said earlier, a lot of this isn't final, but I tried to only include weapons we actually had some info about (with exceptions for the main Iron - Steel - Silver trios). A question mark means we have nothing / I'm not reasonably sure. There should be no wild guesses in there. If you want the reasoning for anything, ask away.
  • Some of the weapon names aren't official at all, especially for body arts(which I'm slowly realizing may actually just be Arts and we may have jumped the gun because Iron-Body Art has Iron in the name)
  • Sorry about Weight, I get that what's here is disappointing, but we really aren't given much to work with when it comes to it. It doesn't seem written down anywhere and thus, one needs the Bld stat of the character, which also isn't visible 90% of the time(and now we know that changes, too). We can guesswork a lot of the values, though.


Thank you very much for making it! I know this can be a bit much, but could you list the footage you use to calculate weapon stats too?

By the way, your list is pretty spot on so far, I only have a few things to add:

  • Training Body Art: +30 Crit Avo (Framme showcase)
  • Steel Bow is indeed C rank (Alcryst showcase)
  • Short Axe: Localized as Compact Axe (Engage with Emblem trailer, Diamant's enemy at around 0:47)
  • Silver Bow indeed has 85 hit & B rank - if it has 0 crit (Fogado showcase)
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So, Rosado was shown as a Sword Knight, which is another base tier class (and yet another thing returning from Tellius....Now give us third tier classes so we can get Archsage). If we assume Fates style class restrictions, it is likely that Rosado will always have access to a mount.

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1 hour ago, kienquocsi said:

Thank you very much for making it! I know this can be a bit much, but could you list the footage you use to calculate weapon stats too?

By the way, your list is pretty spot on so far, I only have a few things to add:

  • Training Body Art: +30 Crit Avo (Framme showcase)
  • Steel Bow is indeed C rank (Alcryst showcase)
  • Short Axe: Localized as Compact Axe (Engage with Emblem trailer, Diamant's enemy at around 0:47)
  • Silver Bow indeed has 85 hit & B rank - if it has 0 crit (Fogado showcase)

Modified, thank you!

Honestly the main problem is that it's a pretty big undertaking for some of them, as the data is also based on character stats or several pieces of footage at once. But I can start working on it if nothing huge happens in the next few days.
Also there's a contradicting instance for the Silver Bow, hence why I put a question mark; but it's fine without one too, Fogado has no buff after all, it should be reliable


... oh, right, Leif.

Leif, Emblem of Genealogy :

  • Equipment : Killer Axe, unknown lance
    • Synchro Skill: Vital Shifting: Takes less damage when at weapon triangle advantage.
    • Engage Skill: Adaptation: When attacked, automatically switches to a weapon with an advantageous weapon triangle matchup or range, if possible.
    • Engage Attack: Tetra Trick: A combined attack using the Light Sword, unknown lance, Killer axe, and an unknown bow.

... also, we probably don't need that many "main" posts, kienquocsi, so feel free to add it all to yours. If given permission I'll do the same, at least until there's a link to yours in the very first one.

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1 hour ago, Cysx said:

... also, we probably don't need that many "main" posts, kienquocsi, so feel free to add it all to yours. If given permission I'll do the same, at least until there's a link to yours in the very first one.

OK, will do

Also, some more weapons stuff:

  • Armorslayer & Killing Edge seems confirmed to have 75 hit (Somniel trailer)
  • Silver Sword confirmed to have 0 crit (JP DLC trailer)
  • Aymr doesn't seem to have 65 hit. At 1:12 JP DLC trailer, Alear's Luck/2 = 8, his hit is 112, so the hit must be even since Dex * 2 is always even. I think it might be 60 like in 3H?
  • Silver Blade has 80 hit (if 0 crit) and A rank (Roy showcase - around 1:09)
  • If Steel Blade indeed has 18 might, then Leif's Killer Axe has 11 might (Leif's showcase, around 0:36)
  • Silver Axe confirmed to have 70 hit and B rank (Bunet's showcase. Also looks like Pannette has a -10 crit avoid skill)
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26 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Aymr doesn't seem to have 65 hit. At 1:12 JP DLC trailer, Alear's Luck/2 = 8, his hit is 112, so the hit must be even since Dex * 2 is always even. I think it might be 60 like in 3H?

Yup, seems to be a mistake. Thank you. They do seem to generally keep stats accurate to the game of origin.

26 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Silver Blade has 80 hit (if 0 crit) and A rank (Roy showcase - around 1:09)

I think that's a safe assumption. Alear likely doesn't have 14 Dex, or even less, in that clip.

26 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

If Steel Blade indeed has 18 might, then Leif's Killer Axe has 11 might (Leif's showcase, around 0:36)

Steel Blade is Ridersbane +8 as shown in the Sigurd trailer at 00:32 and 00:35... so yeah, that checks out. Nice catch!

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47 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Steel Blade is Ridersbane +8 as shown in the Sigurd trailer at 00:32 and 00:35

Oh yeah that part. Interesting that Goldmary has some kind of buff to Avo when using the Steel Blade, but not the Ridersbane. Maybe it's from her skill, since she's a Hero and all, but that might means Steel Blade stats are a little more complicated than we thought

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10 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Oh yeah that part. Interesting that Goldmary has some kind of buff to Avo when using the Steel Blade, but not the Ridersbane. Maybe it's from her skill, since she's a Hero and all, but that might means Steel Blade stats are a little more complicated than we thought

I think that's because she'd be weighed down without Sigurd's buff to build. Meanwhile her Spd is at its regular value as a result and doesn't appear in blue. That's my theory anyway.

Or maybe it's a glitchy remnant of the +Avo tile she started in.

Edit: Yeah, it's visible here as well (large image):



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Looks like promotion is available at aLv10 and Framme's quote is kind of cringe.

You can also reclass into another one of the same tier, but I think that Twitter's auto-translate is leaving out an few key details

And there's an few hurdles on reclassing; it's mainly gated by one's weapon proficiency, as far as I can tell. But as usual, the rings will help you circumvent this.


Maybe next week, we'll get an partial list of the classes?

Edited by Armchair General
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Looking at this video, Vander has the option to reclass into an Axe Fighter as the first option in his list. That seems to be an unpromoted class with a max axe rank of B, and his level gets reset to 1. Seems like the infinite grinding of Awakening is back, which is a bit disappointing to me (I prefer the less grindy version of reclassing from Fates). He also has options to reclass into unpromoted Axe Armor and Axe Cavalier and promoted Axe Infantry (Berserker?) and Axe Armor (General?).

Like Framme, his list of options seems to show the full set of classes starting with swords, but all his options besides axes are greyed out. Framme's promotion showed that there is a sword infantry class with the same name, presumably Hero, with sword + axe and sword + lance as separate options. Currently I'm unaware of what determines the availability of classes (and their weapon variations); for example, Vander can't reclass into the base sword class in this video. It could be that each character has a subset of classes available, like Awakening and Fates, but then why is the menu seemingly unfiltered? Having the full menu implies to me something like Three Houses, where anyone can become anything.


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I think each character can natively use certain weapons. And emblem can help them fix that. I will take Vander as an exemple.

Vander can use axes. It's not because of his class. It's because of him, like a personnal skill. So he can only be in an axe class. That is why, in the reclass window, some options are greyed out.

But, with emblem, he can unlock other weapons. The third tweet of Armchair General shows this. Assuming Marth gives "Sword proficiency", if you want to make Vander a Swordmaster, you have to pair him up with Marth, upgrade their bonds so Vander can learn "Sword proficiency" and can use sword, to meet the requirements for the class change.

That is how I understand it. 

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22 minutes ago, CompteSecours said:

I think each character can natively use certain weapons. And emblem can help them fix that. I will take Vander as an exemple.

Vander can use axes. It's not because of his class. It's because of him, like a personnal skill. So he can only be in an axe class. That is why, in the reclass window, some options are greyed out.

But, with emblem, he can unlock other weapons. The third tweet of Armchair General shows this. Assuming Marth gives "Sword proficiency", if you want to make Vander a Swordmaster, you have to pair him up with Marth, upgrade their bonds so Vander can learn "Sword proficiency" and can use sword, to meet the requirements for the class change.

That is how I understand it. 

Well, the only thing that we'll be missing out on is replacing Cramme as an Qi Adept, if what you said is true. I kind of expect that Byleth would fill in this role since punching things is an relatively new role for FE; but I really don't see any of the other lords being associated with archery,though

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I wonder which emblems will give which proficiencies. I fear most of them will grant swords and it will be a struggle to divide the rest up among your units if say you want a few guys to unlock daggers or brawling.

I think Micaiah and Corrin could be dagger providers. Miccy doing so would be a nice throwback to Sothe and Corrin seems to mainly provide Hoshidan katana as her engage weapons so being able to provide dagger profiency would make sense.

As for brawling, the only one I see is Byleth which will be a bummer cause the urge to make an entire team of brawlers is strong, especially now that its not gender locked like in TH.

At least all this customisability will be cool to attempt provided we have NG+ (oh god am I gonna try and max everyone out in every class and every weapon type like I did in TH which took me 100s of hours... probably)

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Leif should give proficiency to all but daggers and brawling like a proper Master Knight. Make him good, make him wanted, make him a fantastic utility Emblem everyone wants to bond with, make players go "oh yeah! it's Leifing time!" so we can get a Thracia remake follow-up to Genealogy.

6 hours ago, Azz said:

Corrin seems to mainly provide Hoshidan katana as her engage weapons so being able to provide dagger profiency would make sense.

My Ninja Corrin agrees.

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- Lucina - Emblem of Awakening

  • Engage weapon: Noble Rapier
  • Sync skill:
    • "Dual Attack" - Allows user to participate in Chain Attack, regardless of battle style
    • "Dual Assist" - If an ally attacks an enemy in user's range (move range + attack range) and user has "Backup" style or has "Dual Attack" skill, they have 35% of making a Chain Attack
  • Engage skill: "Bond Shield" - by using the "Bond Shield" command, all adjacent allies have 80% chance of not receiving any damage from one attack. "Qi Adept" battle style increase the chance to 100%
  • Engage attack: "All For One", all allies within 2 tiles Chain Attack with the user

- Weapons can be forged using gold and other materials. Upgrading to another weapon (for example, Iron Sword -> Steel Sword) seems to be possible too

  • Iron Sword +1: +2 Might
  • Iron Sword +2: +5 Hit

- Emblems can be used to modify stats of a weapon. Each Emblem can be used for 1 weapon only at a time

  • Lyn: -3 Might, -2 Weight, +40 Hit, +20 Crit
  • Lucina: -1 Might, -1 Weight, +30 Hit, +30 Avoid
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So initial assumptions are incorrect and Lucina is most effective on non-backup units (first sync skill redundant on backup units). She'd probably be the emblem of choice for a highly evasive, non-backup unit like Chloe, Zelkov, or Yunaka. And more effective still on a qi adept like Framme.

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Or possibly a Longbow-wielding unit if that weapon is in the game. Thunder-type tomes might also be good? But that might be too niche of a choice for a mage when Micaiah and Celica exist.

Seems like this would've been a great emblem for grinding W.Exp if that were a thing in this game

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It seems that if we were to separate emblems into categories:

Offensive: Celica (warp nuking), Sigurd (massive movement and wiping out whole rows), Lyn (big range and creates doubles that chain attack), Eirika (Luna and Sol)

Defensive: Marth (evasion tank), Leif (WT control), Roy (miracle and pure stat boost, can stop enemies from moving), Ike (damage sponge)

Supportive: Micaiah (pure healer emblem), Lucina (chain attack/chain guard), Corrin (buffer/debuffer using dragon veins), Byleth (instruct and super dancer)

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35 minutes ago, Azz said:

It seems that if we were to separate emblems into categories:

Offensive: Celica (warp nuking), Sigurd (massive movement and wiping out whole rows), Lyn (big range and creates doubles that chain attack), Eirika (Luna and Sol)

Defensive: Marth (evasion tank), Leif (WT control), Roy (miracle and pure stat boost, can stop enemies from moving), Ike (damage sponge)

Supportive: Micaiah (pure healer emblem), Lucina (chain attack/chain guard), Corrin (buffer/debuffer using dragon veins), Byleth (instruct and super dancer)

Marth and Roy seem both good at defense and offense to me. Marth has Break Defense and Lodestar Rush, while Roy has AoE Engage Attack (and of course stat boost)

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14 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Marth and Roy seem both good at defense and offense to me. Marth has Break Defense and Lodestar Rush, while Roy has AoE Engage Attack (and of course stat boost)

Oh yeah I agree, definitely the most all-rounder emblems I just wanted a 4/4/4 split of the three categories lol.

If anything four categories would probably make more sense, with Marth, Roy and probably Eirika going into an all-rounder category but I also like the three

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I was kind of wondering if anyone knew if Dark Mages/Shamans were confirmed to make a return. If not, no big deal to me, but if they were, I’d probably expect Griss to be one.

edit: I’m pretty sure we also haven’t seen Assassins or any sort of Thief promotions either, which makes sense since Thieves seem to go above level 20 this time around.

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So after looking into it a bit more, it would seem that chain attack damage is based on enemy max HP. Specifically, every hit deals 10% of the enemy's HP in damage, rounded down, and as we've known, they always have 80% accuracy.

I've looked at all the chain attacks clips I'm aware of (so like, 12 of them), and it matches in every single one, with a couple iffy cases where I had to count pixels. I think that's what it is.

If that's correct, there's no point trying to build units around it, but having capable characters equipped with the longest range weaponry they have will be advantageous. A bit like in 3H really, except it's damage for everyone this time around.
Makes me wonder if siege tomes will be back. Not too sure considering we have infinite durability.

8 hours ago, VerilyYouSay said:

I was kind of wondering if anyone knew if Dark Mages/Shamans were confirmed to make a return. If not, no big deal to me, but if they were, I’d probably expect Griss to be one.

edit: I’m pretty sure we also haven’t seen Assassins or any sort of Thief promotions either, which makes sense since Thieves seem to go above level 20 this time around.

None of those have been confirmed yet.

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37 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Makes me wonder if siege tomes will be back. Not too sure considering we have infinite durability.

...I sure hope not.

16 hours ago, Azz said:

definitely the most all-rounder emblems

I just hope that "all-rounder" doesn't translate to "master of none" like it tends to do in this series.

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