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Predict which characters will get plot armor


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So recently someone pointed out to me that the 4 older royals of each kingdom will likely have the "I must not fall here" treatment, since they are apparently pretty important to the story, and they even show up in cutscenes too. That got me wondering, who else will also get plot armor?

My guess is Vander, since he shows up in the cutscene above, which I think happens after the first map (where you have to rescue the twins). And yes the twins are there too, but I don't think they will get the retreat privilege, since 1) That map's objective could be not let them fall, or 2) If that's not the case, then they can simply retreat as green units, which doesn't guarantee their ability to cheat death as playable characters.

Anyways, what do you guys think?

EDIT: Not really prediction, but I hope other characters will recognize a character's retreat, like with Ninian in FE7. A simple reason goes a long way; characters sit out of battle just because of some unstated injuries is lame as hell.

Edited by kienquocsi
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7 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

My guess is Vander, since he shows up in the cutscene above, which I think happens after the first map (where you have to rescue the twins)

Interesting. I always assumed wandering into Risen on the road WAS the first map. Vander, the twins and Toothpaste chan just wandering around alone has a very prologue feel to it.

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5 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Interesting. I always assumed wandering into Risen on the road WAS the first map. Vander, the twins and Toothpaste chan just wandering around alone has a very prologue feel to it.

Yes that's what I meant, but the cutscene is likely to play after you have finished that map, because you kinda need to rescue the twins first for them to be there. And Vander needs to survive in story for that cutscene to make sense, hence why I said he might have plot armor

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From the confirmed units:

Vander seems like an obvious candidate for the "guy MC talks to in cutscenes by default" role: The guy that is there from the onset, exhibits absolute loyalty and primarily gives practical advice to the protagonist. Likely retreater.

Timerra, Diamant, Ivy and Alfred, definitely, as main representatives of their countries. The way the marketing is looking, they are likely to get plenty of screentime.

I'd say Fogado, Alcryst, Hortensia and Celine will retreat as well - heck, in the turnwheel showcase, you can see that Hortensia doesn't plummet from the sky when she dies like the generic wyvern Rosado murders in their showcase.

Seadall might get to retreat if he's the only one who does fortune telling, which would certainly fit, seeing how he's specified to be a fortune teller in his bio and is also the one handling it in all versions of the Somniel trailer.

Anna could set up a shop at Somniel, being Anna and all. That would make her retreatable. But with the shopkeeps already in Somniel... Eh, there's a chance, but I don't think it's as likely as the others I've listed.

I'd say that's about it. I expect all of the retainers to be fair game.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Seadall might get to retreat if he's the only one who does fortune telling, which would certainly fit, seeing how he's specified to be a fortune teller in his bio and is also the one handling it in all versions of the Somniel trailer.

I forgot about Seadall's fortune telling shop, yeah he is a likely candidate too. Although it would be funny if he dies and you lose access to his shop

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd say Fogado, Alcryst, Hortensia and Celine will retreat as well - heck, in the turnwheel showcase, you can see that Hortensia doesn't plummet from the sky when she dies like the generic wyvern Rosado murders in their showcase.

They are also likely, but I do hope that's not the case. My copium is that the presenter is just playing casual mode, that's why Hortensia doesn't die

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the royals are probably the only ones with true plot armor (maybe dancers too). I think Vander is kill off able. The cutscene you're pointing to us after the first map. Hes a Jaigan who was getting 0-1 damage done to him. I can guarantee by the time he's actually in trouble, his story significant will be gone. 

Edited by Kliss88
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  • 2 weeks later...

My guess is, if any character essential to the story dies in classic mode, the story cannot progress and it's game over. 
This would apply for the main "lords". Retainers would have plot armor: They would be "severely wounded and unable to fight" but stay alive for the sake of the story.

I wonder if characters who died in battle still appear at the Somniel afterwards. This could be awkward.
Like, that guy was pierced by a spear in front of my eyes and can't help anymore in battle, but he's totally fine for a swimming competition or a cup of tea in-between chapters 🙂

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3 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

I wonder if characters who died in battle still appear at the Somniel afterwards. This could be awkward.
Like, that guy was pierced by a spear in front of my eyes and can't help anymore in battle, but he's totally fine for a swimming competition or a cup of tea in-between chapters 🙂

This is a good point. I think that people who do get plot armor will appear in the Somniel to interact with regardless of gameplay status. However, once they retreat, they cannot participate in activities that increase bond or stat like eating anymore. Non-plot armor will obviously just... disappear once they die.

I have a theory that Seadall can die, and his fortune teller shop is inaccessible once it happens. Gone, never to be used again

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