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i'm proud to have learned how to ride the bike.

Hey! for me that was really difficult!

I know what you mean.... I didn't learn how to ride one until the 6th grade...

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No, not really. We just kept working. XD

It wasn't like anything movie-epic. She just started coughing and saying her eyes were hurting. Then I just went and got a hose to put out the little fire.

its epic if you save a life, methinks

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I think the only thing I've done remotely like that was save a girl from hitting her head, a few days ago a blood drive was going, and some chick wasn't eating or anything after giving blood, so I kept my eye on her. She was texting on her phone and talking with my friend and I. At a point she put her head on her shoulder and started to roll out of her chair and I caught her. Wasn't REALLY heroic or anything but kinda seemed that way XD.

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I think the only thing I've done remotely like that was save a girl from hitting her head, a few days ago a blood drive was going, and some chick wasn't eating or anything after giving blood, so I kept my eye on her. She was texting on her phone and talking with my friend and I. At a point she put her head on her shoulder and started to roll out of her chair and I caught her. Wasn't REALLY heroic or anything but kinda seemed that way XD.

lol! that happened to a friend of mine, only nobody caught her, and she hit our teacher and the floor really hard!


we laughed about it afterwards

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Racist, Fatist, You ARE an idiot, Racist more, just dicky, XD LIES

I warned you for flaming just the other day, and now you're doing it all over again? Don't push your luck.

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proud to not be an idiot, proud to not be a foreign person,

Okay... you might want to reword that last one to sound less nationalistic.

I'm proud to be at university, and to have actually written as much as I have so far for TSOT.

Edited by Shuuda
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What I'm Proud

-To be black even through I didn't have any deciding factor of race!

-Proud to be super ghetto even through it's insulting to my race, which I'm proud to be even through it's stupid to be proud of something you were born with.

- Proud to be 6'2 despite the fact I have no control over my height.

-I'm a prideful American despite I can't choose my country of origin.

(See where I'm going at?)

-I'm proud at what I have become personally

-I'm proud of becoming a musician

-I'm proud I'm not an arrogant indie musician

-I'm proud of basically, what I have done in my life.

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I am also proud to have won many medals in competitions during church attendance. Well I only won one to be honest, but it was the one everyone coveted. We had bible competitions with other churches, and we would get tested in front of everyone. They'd shoot random stuff at us from the bible and those who knew would answer. Well, since I know more than enough from the entire bible, I won the award. ^^

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I'm proud to be from the best state (Vermont) in the best country on Earth (America, bitches).And I'm proud to be going to the best university on Earth (elitist ftw).

Basically that's it.colon3.gif

Edited by Black Knight
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