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Petz! petx! Petses!


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in this thread we talk about our pets and such!


i love animals, they're always so cute!!!!!!!!

i've only ever had dogs, but i want to get a ferret!

even though my mum thinks they're ugly!!!!!!

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I have a diabetic golden retrever with many mental problems. She is very strange and every day is all about her. She loves food, attention, and playing.

I also have fish, but their tank is nothing but a graveyard.

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One Dog, named Atlas: Half Doberman half Rot Weiler: Dumbest Smart Dog I know. Very funny. He's untrained and he's a trickster.

Three turtles, named Shagohod, B.T., and Tank: They live rather pathetic and boring lives. We put about fifty feeder fish in their tank every now and then and just watch in awe as they're gobbled up by our viscious and hungry turtles.

Six parakeets: Um it's actually eight now cause my oldest Glasier won't stop having sex with Kuni.

Glasier: Greyish in color with strange tints. Oldest. Female and very moody.

Liao: Bule with the dark patterns. Generic looking. Second oldest and a player. Likes to date the Lutinos.

Lulu: Yellow. Pure yellow Lutino. She's passive and friggin easy to catch. She and Liao seem to get along just fine.

Setsuka: Albino. She's the white one. She's my fighter jet parakeet. She is the fastest bird I have. Able to dodge a catcher's hand trying to grab her out of the air. She turns on a dime and is difficult to handle.

Kunimitsu or Kuni: Kuni is like Liao but Green. He is pretty young but him and Glasier just can't leave each other alone. So Kuni is now the father of three parakeets. He's pretty much identical to Liao except he's a family man whereas Liao is still in his player phase. We used to think Kuni was a girl which is why his name is Kuni as his male name would have been Yoshi.

Ichigo: Ichigo is the Daughter of Glasier and Kuni. She's a very shy and timid bird and less than three months old She's yellow with black markings and has blue feathers above her tail.

Others: I haven't named the other two cause they just got here about half a month ago. One looks like Ichigo, the other is almost straight black with some white plums coming in underneath.

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We have nine cats. At least, I THINK we have nine cats. I could have easily miscounted. Some of them aren't actually our cats, they just hang around our house and eat our cat food. Only one of them is actually mine, and his name is Wally. He can be very, very loud.

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We have nine cats. At least, I THINK we have nine cats. I could have easily miscounted. Some of them aren't actually our cats, they just hang around our house and eat our cat food. Only one of them is actually mine, and his name is Wally. He can be very, very loud.

lol, loud cats!

one time, a guy and a girl cat were right next to my bedroom window. they were doing..... stuff......

cats can be VERY loud and scary in those moments

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I have 3 dogs, a cat and a bird.

All of them except the cat were rescued. We were taking care of 5 puppies about a year or so ago. But we had to give them away. I wonder how they're doing...=[

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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I have no pets. The apartment complex here has strict rules against them. I did care for a stray cat some time ago, but I eventually found it a home after taking care of it.

On a related note, I tried to pronounce the word "petx without pronouncing "x" as though a separate word. I failed.

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I have one small dog named Misty. She's about a foot tall, and is white and fluffy. She's a Bichon Frise if that means anything to anyone, although she doesn't look all stupid and poofy like the show Bichons.

I used to have fish, but most of them died, and I probably went through about 20 fish. Each one would last a year at most. Most died from ick, but one little dude survived. After all but the 1 died, I decided he would be my last fish. Then that one lived for like 3 years!! I would forget to feed him (*sob* I'm sorry, I didn't mean to) but he still wouldn't die. It was amazing.

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This guy still a child but he is a expert dota player:


lol My brother's cat used to do that

Anyhow, I got a cat in my house who belongs to my sister. She can be funny at times (she drinks water from a soup cup) I play with her sometimes.

My brother's cat, who's still a kitten, likes to lay on people's laps. I let her lay on my lap while I play video games in my brother's apartment.

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