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Mac versus Windows


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This seems like a good debate, everyone who uses a computer has some kind of opinion on it.

Personally I'm a fan of Microsoft. Too me, Microsoft's victory and standardization across virtually all the computers in America justifies any of their business practices. If it weren't for Windows, we likely wouldn't be able to transfer any kind of files over the internet, maybe not even use the same internet as each other.

In fact, Microsoft may have done more than any other group in the last ten years for bringing the world together.

Edited by ATTN mods
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I don't have time to type tl;drs.

tl;dr is in the eye of the beholder.

Myself, I think all of my posts are the ideal length for the truths that they are intended to convey.

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The next time I format my computer, I should migrate over to Linux again, and try and get some Windows gaming support somehow (even if it costs money).

But even while using Windows, I am using XP.

Regardless of the OS though, personal computers for the win. The only proprietary hardware I need are gaming consoles.

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I actually have Windows Vista with a Macintosh modification to make it appear like a Mac. However I also have a few hacks installed and a chip or two installed that makes my computer a hybrid of both.

I'd have to say they are both equally matched, as some areas that Windows is weak in, Macs are strong in, and vice-versa. I'd have to say both are superior to Linux and any of its outlets though, simply because you can't really expect a free OS to be better than ones that you have to pay a good chuck of money for. That and the emulation that you must do for almost everything is simply annoying.

I do believe that Windows has helped modernize the world, and made computers easier to use, and encouraged everyone to have one.

Macs are good and all, but I don't recommend having one unless you have had a PC for a while, and own one while owning the Mac. Macs just aren't the type of computer you should own by themselves, simply because a majority of people use windows, so you'll want to have windows for compatibility reasons.

As far as which one I prefer, well I'll have to say neither, because in reality I'm using both right now, consolidated into one computer.

Other devices such as the Wii browser, PS3 browser, PSP browser, and so on and so forth have come a long way, and I think that these devices are slowly making the internet accessible to anyone.

And by the way Knife, there is a USB keyboard for the Wii.

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And by the way Knife, there is a USB keyboard for the Wii.

All USB keyboards should work with Wii. The one I got with my PC works and I see no reason why other USB keyboards wouldn't work.

As for the topic, I'm fan of Linux personally, but I use Windows for practical reasons. Mac has only few uses and none of the appeal to me.

Edited by Nintenlord
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Here is my view on the stuff.

Linux scraes most people off as soon as you get to "open the terminal and...". Funny thing is my usage of linux terminal has killed my MS-DOS abilities...the amound of times I have typed ls rather than dir :( Linux can be a bitch to get working properly (usually monitor or sound problems) though these days its less of a problem than it was 10 years ago. As far as a basic workhorse or server go it can't be beat. It won't crash on you and it'll do the work very well. I prefer to think of Linux as a hobby OS as far a home user goes When I say hobby OS I don't mean to belittle any scientists or other professionals who use programs written for linux and processed in linux for whatever it is they do

Macs are very easy to use though their program libary is a bit lacking in diversity (but not quality). Also a tad expensive. The first computer we had was an Apple 2 (before GUIs were invented so yep lots of typing commands) with a ribbon printer.

Windows. Most my bad experainces can be attributed to Windows 98 or Windows ME (pieces of unreliable shit the pair of them, I've not used Vista so can't comment on that). That and bad users with their startup having 50 programs they don't use or worse...

As far as the basics go. Browsing, office work and media playing they all do that well enough it is only niches that the cracks start to appear. I've had open office manage to destroy some word documents layout-wise and as far as the under ultilised MKV video chapter linking feature* goes it can only be done in Windows as far as mac and linux go the mplayer team are not sure about it since is basically works by scanning the directory and that is a bit of a security issue and VLC is as outdated as hell (besides it isn't meant for watching videos but streaming them over a LAN :P )

*-Basically a MKV file can have chapters for different points in the video. With chapter linking the chapters can be different files. This is handy when you have a set of files with some commen chapters (say opening or credit sequences) as you can save space by effectively eliminating duplicate data.

Edited by Starwolf_UK
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Personally, I prefer Windows, largely because that's what I've grown up using. Supposedly, there's been a computer of some kind in my house since I was 2 (1990) at least, so I grew up watching my dad work and play around with his computer. I watched him do stuff in MS-DOS and early versions of Windows, up until when 98SE was put on our computer. (I had to put up with that crap for far too long.) Around then, I was moving higher through the school system, and encountered computers more often on my own. Eventually, my parents allowed me to buy my own computer so I could stop having to use my dad's. It too had a Windows OS on it (XP), and to this day still has that OS on it (even though I don't use the computer any more). My current computer (a laptop) has Vista and XP set up in a dual-boot (which I don't recommend, since it was a bitch to set up and I haven't even USED Vista yet), so I'm still carrying on with what I grew up on.

Macs are ok, and I can tolerate them, since I have a fair background in computers. They're not hard to adapt to and learn. I just don't really care much for them, as their proficiencies don't suit what I do.

I've not played around with Linux, though pretty much every hardcore computer person will advocate it in some shape or form. I just don't have the desire to spend time setting things up and learning it, at least not while I'm in college.

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I actually have Windows Vista with a Macintosh modification to make it appear like a Mac. However I also have a few hacks installed and a chip or two installed that makes my computer a hybrid of both.

I'd have to say they are both equally matched, as some areas that Windows is weak in, Macs are strong in, and vice-versa. I'd have to say both are superior to Linux and any of its outlets though, simply because you can't really expect a free OS to be better than ones that you have to pay a good chuck of money for. That and the emulation that you must do for almost everything is simply annoying.

I do believe that Windows has helped modernize the world, and made computers easier to use, and encouraged everyone to have one.

Macs are good and all, but I don't recommend having one unless you have had a PC for a while, and own one while owning the Mac. Macs just aren't the type of computer you should own by themselves, simply because a majority of people use windows, so you'll want to have windows for compatibility reasons.

As far as which one I prefer, well I'll have to say neither, because in reality I'm using both right now, consolidated into one computer.

Other devices such as the Wii browser, PS3 browser, PSP browser, and so on and so forth have come a long way, and I think that these devices are slowly making the internet accessible to anyone.

And by the way Knife, there is a USB keyboard for the Wii.

Yeah, that's what I use. It is still hard to scroll up to the top of pages since it always edits text at the bottom by default.

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Mac is for fun.

Except most games and entertainment-oriented programs don't work on Mac. Mac is entirely useless. It just provides an idiot-simple interface for idiot-simple people.


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Yeah, that's what I use. It is still hard to scroll up to the top of pages since it always edits text at the bottom by default.

So do the home, end, page up and page down button not work properly on the Wii Browser? :(

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My first computer was an Imac. From the box, it was a horrible, horrible machine. It didn't last more than than two years. Since then, it's been Windows all the way.

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There's two things to address here: OS and hardware.

Apple hardware and products are overpriced, and the fact that the operating system is integral to the actual hardware means Apple has sole monopoly over improvements in their products and can constantly sell shit products with inferior hardware and come back 3 months later with an "improved" model to sell at top dollar. Whereas a PC can be customized with whatever the hell you want with up to date and competitively priced technology, and you don't even have to install windows as an OS if you don't want to. Whiners who cry that Microsoft is running a racket and allude to Apple's high minded intentions need to get a clue.

Windows itself doesn't do much for me, but it's mainstream and thus all software is compatible with it, unlike the Mac OS. I'm not going to pay money to make Linux or Mac OS pretend to be a Windows when I can just eliminate a step and have windows, and I'm not so sure that the Mac OS is so excellent that I need to tolerate owning a shitty computer to enjoy it.

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