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Your end game squad

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Who do you like for takin it across the finish line?

These were my last two end game squads 

FE6 - Roy, Fae, Clarine, Karel, Cecilia, Sophia, Sue, Melady, Gonzalez, Lilina

FE7 - Hector, Lyn, Eliwood, Athos, Nils, Raven, Rath, Pent, Serra, Priscilla, Oswin, Dart

Havent finished Sacred Stones yet

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I played each of these games over 50 times each by now, I usually take a pick from among my faves for each of the 7 weapon types (staves excluded). Here's my top fave per weapon type per game:

FE8: Lute(Anima), Joshua (Sword), Artur(Light), Neimi(Bow), Amelia(Lance), Ross(Axe), Ewan(Anima)

FE6: Fir(Sword), Sophia(Dark), Dorothy(Bow), Gonzales(Axe), Milady(Lance), Lilina(Anima), Ellen(Light)

FE7: Matthew(Sword), Serra(Light), Erk(Anima), Bartre(Axe), Rebecca(Bow), Canas(Dark), Florina(Lance)

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Just finished Eliwood Normal Mode minutes ago, so here's the squad!

Eliwood - Forced. I gave him my Boots, since I thought they'd be great on my "Seize" unit, and later on a mounted unit. He performed totally average, but to his credit, got the final blow on the Fire Dragon.

Hector - Forced. I consciously undertrained Hector, so that I could go to the Lloyd version of "Four-Fanged Offense". While he wasn't a liability, there was very little he was contributing, aside from his quick support with Eliwood.

Lyn - Forced. I played Lyn's Story beforehand, and between those two runs, Lyn completely went off. She made it to double-digit Strength by ENM jointime, and wound up capping it. One of my most potent offensive units, all told.

Athos - Forced. He handled Nergal single-handedly with the Luna tome, and just gave a dominant performance in the Endgame, as usual.

Nils - Forced. What's to say, he's Dancer/10. With Filla's Might, he set Lyn up for a possible first-turn kill on the Fire Dragon, except no Crits were had. Alas. Didn't really get any of Ninian's supports, either.

Dorcas - A unit I rarely use, but he had some good level-ups in Lyn Mode, and I wanted to invest in him. As my first promotion, his HP let him survive a Luna crit on the boat map. Insane attacking power, but his Speed became a legit issue.

Wallace - He got a single good level-up in Lyn's Story, so I decided, then and there, to bring this man to Endgame. He rejoined worse off than Oswin, but with training, he wound up generally (heh) good. Armor Knight outta ten.

Lucius - A favorite of mine to train up, with no defense stat to speak of, but strong everywhere else. He's great when he's doubling, and I promoted him kinda earlier for sooner stsff support as well. Forgot to give him Aureola for Endgame... whoops!

Serra - That's right, we're packing two Bishops this time. Honestly, she was generally inferior to Lucius, and moreso just stuck around as a staffbot. If I need a Hammerne, Barrier, or Physic, she's the one to call. Legendary leitmotif, too.

Pent - We know how great he is, but he's a unit I rarely found myself using, perhaps because of how "cheap" he feels? I thought of him as a "Mega-Erk", but after the Endgame, "Mini-Athos" might be more appropriate.

Louise - Because we can't have one without the other! Their A-support came in clutch, and might be why I always assumed that FE7 Snipers got an innate crit boost. Anyway, her Speed was great, letting her double even fast foes... and double on the ballista, one-rounding faraway targets. Didn't do much in Endgame, but she'd earned a spot regardless.

Fiora - My Afa's Drops recipient, who also found herself using the Delphi Shield. Her offense was never stellar, but with a Spear, she could one-round frailer foes in "Victory or Death", stopping ballistae and seige tomes before they started. Great Rescue-Drop utility, as well.

That's all twelve, but now it's time for some Dishonorable Benchins!

Rath - I really tried to make him work, but he underwhelmed. Either he didn't double, or he did double, but wasn't dealing enough damage to one-round. Not "bad", and he still had Rescue-carry, but a disappointment.

Florina - She died on Lyn's Story, but when she came back, I gave her some use. 16 Aid meant she could carry Dorcas and Oswin around, even after they promoted. So I never promoted her, and rarely trained her. She had 19 HP going into "Victory or Death", haha. Still a worthy bring, for Rescue-carry and the support with Lyn.

Kent & Sain - They did alright in Lyn's Story, but wound up functioning as "flunkies". I refused to promote them, as doing so would mean that they could no longer carry Dorcas or Oswin. Still on-par stats with most ENM enemies, and Sain was STR-blessed in particular. 

Canas - Love this guy, bring him more often than not, but just couldn't make a space for him this last time. At least Athos was repping the Dark Magic.

Oswin - Actually excellent for me in the early and mid-game, with a few later deployments as well. But since I was trying to raise Wallace up, he became redundant.

Legault - Handled most of the thieving duties from his jointime onward. But there's little incentive to bring a Thief to the last couple maps, so benched he stayed.

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34 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

This was my reaction to last seein Raigh's stats after I took the time to train up Madam Sophia the Squishy

Haha, yep! Love The Simpsons, and Raigh the Shaman. No gameplay reason to use Sophia, unfortunately. 

35 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

No love for my buddy Dart I see? 🤔

Y'arr, I may be a matey, but it be o' a different crew! Really, though, I was already trying to make Dorcas work, and I knew Hector would be forced on a few maps. Going for another axe infantry unit would be spreading myself thin, I figured. Plus, any time I go for rankings, I'm hesitant to burn through the Ocean Seal, as it's worth an astounding 50K. I have no doubt that Dart can swing an axe with the best of 'em, but he's always my "maybe next run" unit.

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20 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Haha, yep! Love The Simpsons, and Raigh the Shaman. No gameplay reason to use Sophia, unfortunately. 

One I planned on usin her she actually turned out pretty decent  

That’s just FE6 doin its usual stupidity like givin Chad more strength than Bors which dont make no damn sense at all


20 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Y'arr, I may be a matey, but it be o' a different crew! Really, though, I was already trying to make Dorcas work, and I knew Hector would be forced on a few maps. Going for another axe infantry unit would be spreading myself thin, I figured. Plus, any time I go for rankings, I'm hesitant to burn through the Ocean Seal, as it's worth an astounding 50K. I have no doubt that Dart can swing an axe with the best of 'em, but he's always my "maybe next run" unit.

Too bad Dart and Dorcas dont have supports, I dont think. Them two together can really slice and dice thru that victory or death chapter 

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My first FE7 run was the best! I used Marcus, Erk, Florina, I think Lucius, Oswin, Hawkeye, Pent, and Louise, maybe Canas? I might've also brought Jaffar or Matthew? I lost a fair number of characters, including Raven. And I killed Guy my first run! (I loaded the battle midway through and forgot that the script indicated Matthew could recruit him).

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