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Least Favorite Part


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The only thing I don't like is protecting useless Micaiah....... I think she is adorable (not half as adorable as Mist), but I just don't like her stats. Oh and 1-3 is one of my least favorite levels in the game.... if it weren't for those useless yellow guys and the fact that if ANYONE dies its Game Over... it might not be so bad.
I feel you on that one. It's the hardest in the game (or possibly in the whole series). At least the enemy commander on that chapter has no leadership stars or it would be hell.

I don't get it. Every time I've done that chapter (Twice in hard mode) it hasn't been a problem for me. Even during my mage playthrough where I was only using Micaiah, Ilyana, and Laura it wasn't all that difficult.

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I don't get it. Every time I've done that chapter (Twice in hard mode) it hasn't been a problem for me. Even during my mage playthrough where I was only using Micaiah, Ilyana, and Laura it wasn't all that difficult.

I guess you're too careful. Or I'm too careless. But I still find it hard.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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I guess you're too careful. Or I'm too careless. But I still find it hard.

I mean, I wouldn't say it's an easy chapter or anything, but I definitely can't call it the hardest in the game. That would go to 2-E for me (I had a bit of trouble there in easy mode...). I do take it kind of slow... maybe it's just the person playing it.

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I'd say the hardest part 1 chapter is 1-E. I have trouble beating it fast without using Nailah, BK, or other overpowered units. One time, I got so impatient that I just said "F*ck it" and used a bunch of prepromos to clear the chapter. Plus Jarod has 3 authority stars which makes things even more difficult.

1-8 is also annoying cause you only get to pick 4 characters to bring on the map (everyone else is forced) and its really hard to save all the prisoners. The most I've saved is 4 on normal (I've never played easy or hard). And every character forced onto that chapter doesn't even gain a lot of exp except Micaiah. Plus the only flyer isn't even playable on that chapter and Vika has to wait till she transforms before she can rescue the prisoners. Hate that chapter.

2-E is kinda hard but I got a good strategy for it and its worked everytime. I think it gets harder when the CRKs arrive cause most of them have trouble doing decent damage to armors and a lot of enemies use range weapons. They basically have to use ranged weapons so they can counter on the enemy phase but javalins and wind edges are weak and handaxes are somewhat inaccurate in Kieran's hands. Still a fun chapter though its a bit time consuming.

Edited by KSFF2150
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2-E was easy if you didn't play aggressive.

1-3 was annoying as hell. The boss comes in doubling Micaiah too, doing damn near an OHKO's worth on Hard Mode and Normal Mode wasn't TOO bad. The enemies nearby also double Nolan if he hadn't grown enough Speed and Strength in his past level up or two. And they do a lot of damage on top of that.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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Part 2 seemed to be more like a "let's see how Crimea is doing after FE9!" type thing as I think about it more, which isn't totally relevant but it does give us more desired info on the continent.

That's the thing, I think: Part 2 should have seemed more like "let's see how Crimea is doing after Part 1!" type thing.

In fact, just a few changes to Ludveck's character would have made Part 2 much more interesting, I think. I'd throw out the whole power-hungry-jerk idea entirely and make him a loyal Crimean who holds a grudge against Daein (as most Crimeans do) and rebels against Elincia only because she refuses to declare war on Daein after its restoration.

In short, I'd play up the "Crimea's response to Daein's restoration" factor.

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2-E was easy if you didn't play aggressive.

1-3 was annoying as hell. The boss comes in doubling Micaiah too, doing damn near an OHKO's worth on Hard Mode and Normal Mode wasn't TOO bad. The enemies nearby also double Nolan if he hadn't grown enough Speed and Strength in his past level up or two. And they do a lot of damage on top of that.

Why don't you use Aran to bait the boss? He takes minimal damage from the wind edge. Then you can thani him on your turn. Nolan can get doubled in this chapter? That's news to me, besides myrmidons, he should have enough speed to not get doubled by anything else unless he's been speed screwed. I don't think it's that hard as long as you know what you're doing.

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I was really vague about what I was referencing XD It was the Ilyana/Micaiah/Laura thing.

I use Sothe to bait him anyway. But as I recall even with a level 5 Micaiah with 2 Speed boosts or so (which is just about average) she's been getting doubled in HM and NM.

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I was really vague about what I was referencing XD It was the Ilyana/Micaiah/Laura thing.

I use Sothe to bait him anyway. But as I recall even with a level 5 Micaiah with 2 Speed boosts or so (which is just about average) she's been getting doubled in HM and NM.

That's why I've never played hard mode cause its hard enough protecting her and the rest of the DB in normal. I'll try out hard someday but I'm not looking forward to it.

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I've found 1-3 annoying to begin with but nothing to difficult with a little planning, it helps that if you raise Micciah a bit by then she can probably one shot the boss with Thani, and luring him out with Sothe is the great option. Especially if you have him hold a bronze knife so he can weaken the boss without killing him just in case your particular Micciah sucks too much to do so.

Part 2= Quantam of Solace IMHO kind of nifty but in the end rather petty and unimportant and could be skipped over with no real loss.. at best combined into another part/movie as a small prologue for the GM's introduction.

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That's why I've never played hard mode cause its hard enough protecting her and the rest of the DB in normal. I'll try out hard someday but I'm not looking forward to it.
I have to admit, the 2/3 of Hard I've played was pretty rewarding.
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Am I the only one who finds defense missions awesome? Seriously?

2-E wasn't that hard. Haar, Mordecai, and Brom are all great tanks, and they can stop up the holes at the west staircase and the right staircase.

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Am I the only one who finds defense missions awesome? Seriously?

2-E wasn't that hard. Haar, Mordecai, and Brom are all great tanks, and they can stop up the holes at the west staircase and the right staircase.

I usually don't mind em' its just I dont really care for the units available that much. For 2-E at least... I cant remember to many other defense stages.

Honestly for 2-E the only tough part is the start since you have to advance out and claim the mid level portion...which can be rough if you don't think a few steps ahead but after that is really really easy. Haar covers the left almost perfectly especially if he'd gained one or two speed by that point. Maybe I've always been lucky in that regard cause he had 3/3 times I've done that chapter. And Mordecai can cover the east choke point very well. I reckon Brom makes a decent tank but he's offense is soo poor that it pisses me off.

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Defend chapters are pretty fun. I think there are only 3 in this game: 2-E, 3-5, and 3-13 (one for each of the main armies). I like killing as many enemies as I can before the chapter ends. They're some of the easiest and fun chapters in the game. And the ally units are so stupid, it makes it even more fun to watch all their blunders.

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Am I the only one who finds defense missions awesome? Seriously?

2-E wasn't that hard. Haar, Mordecai, and Brom are all great tanks, and they can stop up the holes at the west staircase and the right staircase.

I like em. I never even defend. I still go out and kill everyone :D

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Though it has one of my favorite chapters, probably part 2. I hate 2-1 (by far the worst, 1-9 aside), and 2-2 is among my least favorite. Though 2-P is one of my favorites, it's short, and that only leaves two more chapters. 2-E is pretty epic, and 2-3 is meh. And then I can't forge anything, and I can't assign/remove skills, which is really bad, and I also really have no choice in who I can use, which is also pretty bleah.

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