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baldr is kana's ancestor


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Yes, you read the title correctly. It's possibly the longest possible family tree in the series, and here's how it works.

Baldr and the other twelve crusaders receive magical dragon holy blood and holy weapons from their dragon overlords and wipe the continent clean of evil. They all have descendants and pass down their dragon powers. By Genealogy of the Holy War, Sigurd is the latest of these descendants (and his father Byron, as well). Sigurd hooks up with a hot forest lady who also happens to be descended from Heim, the guy that received Naga's blessings and whatever. Sigurd and his hot forest wife Deirdre have a son, Seliph, who goes on to liberate the continent as his ancestors did before him and Jugdral lives in peace forever, happily ever after.

Fast forward a couple millennia or so onto an entirely different continent, some evil dragon guy gets evil, and so Naga gifts a seemingly random guy (Anri, who may or may not be related to Seliph) with her tooth that just so happens to look just like the weapon that Seliph used back in the day. I think only people in his family can use it, so they've probably all got Naga blood or something. Anyway, he beats the bad guy and then can't marry his crush, so he becomes king of his own territory. He dies single, so his brother Marcelus succeeds him. Fast-forward like 60 something years, Marth is the latest descendant and fights a very similar war to his great-great-uncle, but does it twice, and unlike his great-great-uncle, actually gets married to his crush, and they live happily ever after.

Then like another couple millennia or so later on the same continent, Marth's descendant, the first exalt, fights a test-tube dragon and puts him back in his crib for bedtime. The first exalt has descendants, and then like 1000 years later, Chrom does the same thing (I think I'm noticing a pattern here). Anyway, depending on if you play Awakening the right way, Chrom can marry Olivia, and they have a daughter and son, Lucina and Inigo. Inigo is important for some reason, so he gets transported to another world through multiversal shenanigans and eventually meets a hot dragon princess. Just like his mother, he marries the protagonist and has a daughter and son, Soleil and Kana.

Here's a simpler breakdown:


Baldr is Byron's ancestor.

Byron is Sigurd's father, and Seliph's grandfather.

Anri and his brother Marcelus are descended from Seliph. They are able to wield Falchion, a sword made out of Naga's fang that bears a striking resemblance to Tyrfing, which was a weapon wielded by someone with Naga holy blood.

  • (Now, does that mean Anri and Marcelus have Naga holy blood? Well, Naga like boys with blue hair, so if they were descended from Seliph, yeah they probably would).

Marcelus is the grandfather of Cornelius, who is Marth's father.

Marth is the ancestor of the First Exalt, who in turn is Chrom and Lissa's ancestor.

If Chrom plays the game the right way and marries Olivia, their children are Lucina and Inigo. If Lissa marries, her son is Owain.

Owain and Inigo are transported to another world, where they have children of their own, Ophelia and Soleil respectively.

If Inigo marries Corrin, their children are Soleil and Kana.

 - Alternatively, another generation can be added if you're gross.

Therefore, Kana is a descendant of Baldr.

Also, here's another slightly unrelated thought: considering that at least 3 of the holy weapons in FE4 are named after their dragon counterparts (Naga, Forseti, and Loptous), wouldn't it be logical to assume that the rest of the unnamed dragons share a name with their respective holy weapons? So the dragon that blessed Baldr would be named Tyrfing, for instance.

Anyway, thank you for reading the ramblings of a spaz. Please enjoy the rest of your day.

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There were something like 4000 years between the Twelve Crusaders and Awakening. If we assume that a generation averages out to about 25 years, that means that there's a gap of around about 160 generation from one to the other. Given that we have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, and so on, someone in Awakening timeframe should have 2^160 ancestors from the time of the Twelve Crusaders. Which is around 1.4x10^48, or over a trillion trillion trillion trillion. Obviously, there were not that many people on the planet at any point, and the real solution is that family trees get very tangled and messy if you go back far enough, with the same people appearing in many many of those different positions. And, to cut a long story short, if any of the Awakening cast are descended from Baldr, then it is overwhelmingly likely that the entirety of the Awakening cast are. Because population statistics are weird and unintuitive like that. So even if you have Kana daughter of Selena daughter of Donnel then it still works out.

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

This seems relevant to bring up here.


Your goal was to make one big, logical, interconnected family tree. My goal was to make a continuous, shitpost family tree. We are not the same.

7 hours ago, lenticular said:

And, to cut a long story short, if any of the Awakening cast are descended from Baldr, then it is overwhelmingly likely that the entirety of the Awakening cast are.

then the reality of everyone being descended from marth grows even likelier >:)

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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, Original Alear said:

So does this mean that Marth is not only like Mars and Arthur, but also Ghengis Khan?

Nah, I think it's just a single, continuous, unbroken line. That's how it works in real life, right?

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