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[Full Series Spoilers] Are there any Emblems you'd like to have seen purely because they'd relate well to an Engage character?


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I'll probably need to reword that title...

Anyway, this idea came about when I saw a comment on Twitter's decaying corpse and thought to myself that Veyle and Lyon from FE8 had an awful lot in common*, and that a Bond Conversation between the two could have been really insightful to see as a result. That in turn got me wondering further about any other past characters you think would feel like hand-picked mentors for the Engage cast for whatever reason, like Alcryst and Takumi bonding over their inferiority complexes for example. What do you think, and what do you think makes them so familiar or the Emblem a good confidant for them?

* My reasoning goes something like this. Spoilers for both games, obviously:

  • Both of them were lonely growing up and wanted nothing more than to have friends (and reunite with their sibling in Veyle's case).
  • They struggled to live up to their fathers' expectations (Veyle) and reputation (Lyon).
  • The above two points led them to develop inferiority complexes (it's not as obvious in Veyle's case, but she talks herself down enough that I think this is a valid comparison).
  • Both ended up "possessed" by an evil alter ego who wound up ruining the lives of their loved ones.
  • They're both absolute cinnamon rolls.

Granted, Vigarde was by all accounts a good king and father and may not have even realized what Lyon was going through while Veyle's father was Sombron, but I think they could bond over what trying to win their fathers' approval cost them. Lyon in particular would have been happy that Veyle made things work out in the end where he couldn't too, since he'd probably be in the same as Sigurd and remember dying back in Magvel.

Thanks for reading, I'd love to hear what kinds of pairings you can come up with!

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For reference, Alcryst and Takumi do indeed have a conversation in FE Heroes "Forging Bonds", so you're not the only person who spotted the similarity there.  A quick Google shows a video that I presume might be the conversations if you're curious.

Anyway, this question is a bit off because I feel like 90% of the Emblem Bond Level conversations are boring and uninteresting, so why would I want more?  Fix the interactions we have already first (although admittedly this is difficult when by definition, these interactions can't really say anything about the plot after the character / Emblem has joined).  The best ones are just the humorous ones where characters are riffing on each other (e.g. Edelgard - Zelkov having a whine about Hubert moment, or most of Soren's conversations as he resolutely refuses to engage with nonsense), but it basically falls flat on anything "dramatic" or character development wise.  Veyle & Lyon would be a serious conversation and therefore would probably suck.  I'd rather have, say, Engage's goofier characters (Rosemary, Zelkov, etc.) going at it with appropriate comic pairs, given that those were the only kind of Bond rank conversations I found to have any quality.

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4 minutes ago, SnowFire said:

Anyway, this question is a bit off because I feel like 90% of the Emblem Bond Level conversations are boring and uninteresting, so why would I want more?  Fix the interactions we have already first (although admittedly this is difficult when by definition, these interactions can't really say anything about the plot after the character / Emblem has joined).  The best ones are just the humorous ones where characters are riffing on each other (e.g. Edelgard - Zelkov having a whine about Hubert moment, or most of Soren's conversations as he resolutely refuses to engage with nonsense), but it basically falls flat on anything "dramatic" or character development wise.  Veyle & Lyon would be a serious conversation and therefore would probably suck.  I'd rather have, say, Engage's goofier characters (Rosemary, Zelkov, etc.) going at it with appropriate comic pairs, given that those were the only kind of Bond rank conversations I found to have any quality.

This articulates the thoughts I'd had about this better than I'd been able to do for myself. My first thought was that maybe Jill and Ivy might have some interesting commonality, but then I thought about it some more and wasn't sure what they'd actually be able to say within the very limited confines of a bond conversation. Similarly for Lorenz (Fódlan version, not Archanea version) with Céline. In theory, it could be an interesting conversation about the concept of noblesse oblige; in practice, it would probably look more like "I like tea!" "I also like tea!" So in the spirit of going for a goofy and comedic pairing, I'm going to suggest Amber with Emblem Skrimir.

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5 hours ago, SnowFire said:

For reference, Alcryst and Takumi do indeed have a conversation in FE Heroes "Forging Bonds", so you're not the only person who spotted the similarity there.  A quick Google shows a video that I presume might be the conversations if you're curious.

I forgot about that, thanks!

5 hours ago, SnowFire said:

Anyway, this question is a bit off because I feel like 90% of the Emblem Bond Level conversations are boring and uninteresting, so why would I want more?  Fix the interactions we have already first (although admittedly this is difficult when by definition, these interactions can't really say anything about the plot after the character / Emblem has joined). [...]  Veyle & Lyon would be a serious conversation and therefore would probably suck.

I wouldn't go that far, because of the Bond Conversations are part of a continuous exchange, and not all of them are as generic as "Let's work together" "Okay!" Veyle's a decent example of both actually. Her conversations with Corrin are all about how she gave up her Dragonstone to get out from under her father's thumb and she commiserates with Micaiah about how lonely they both used to be. So I don't think it's a stretch to imagine conversations that can be a bit more serious while still working within the 8 line limit.

Of course, you guys are welcome to suggest both funny and straightlaced conversation partners as @lenticular did.

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Not so much a character as a kingdom but the Black Knight would probably feel very much at home in Brodia. 

Ishtar might be a good fit for Ivy. There's in about the same situation in that they know that what they do is wrong but that they don't have the emotional strength to leave their loved ones. At least for a while in Ivy's case 

Rosado and Forrest speak for themselves of course.

And last Jean with....Izuka! Having the pure hearted doctor boy converse with the absolute worst a doctor could be would be very funny. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone with Emblem Shannam. Because people are either going to be completely taken in my his bullshit, see through it and make him look like a fool, or accidentally gain some wisdom from him. In any case it'll be funny and workable in about two lines of dialogue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The game doesn't entirely do anything with it but tying Hector to Firene was actually quite the good move. He's got overlap with both its siblings.

Just like Alfred Hector is the more action orientated brother who's a bit oafish and leaves the more delicate matter to his sibling.

But Celine is surprisingly the one he's got the most overlap with. Both have a deathly ill older sibling they'll one day take over from, and both of them are ruthless to their enemies. 

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I think an Elincia Emblem would have related well to Ivy. Both are shy, socially-awkward princesses of fallen kingdoms, but Ivy had to grow up surrounded by courtly intrigue as the heir to the throne while Elincia was sheltered away from it because she was born after her uncle was named heir to the throne.

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Alright, hear me out: Luthier and Delthea as an emblem ring just so they can relate to Pandreo and Panette. Call it Emblem of the Magical Siblings or something. I'm just a sucker for realistic sibling relations being portrayed and Luthier is my fave from Gaiden/SoV. I'd think it'd be heartwarming to see the valentian siblings reflect on how they treat eachother after seeing the solmic siblings be more wholesome and then decide to strive treat eachother better so Luthier doesn't push Delthea to just train her magic if she doesn't want to and Delthea in turn decides to start listening to her older brother a bit. 


Mauvier would've been great with any Camus type character for obvious reasons but most of all I'd like to see him interact with an Emblem Bantu, seeing how they're both older men tasked with protecting a young dragon girl. It could either be very deep or end up in a terrible Frederick-Jakob situation where they compete over who deserves being admired the most between Veyle and Tiki.


And if we had villain emblems I think a cool idea would be to have en Emblem Ashard corrupting Diamant's mind into making the most blood-thirsty Brodia possible. Imagine Diamant riding Ivy's wyvern after having conquered Elusia or even better, he subjugates Sombron and turns the powerful Fell Dragon into his huge flying mount. It could have some interesting but dark story parallels like having Alcryst play a Pelleas-like role.

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  • 1 month later...

I think Nowi could have had a sweet support with Veyle. Erk with Hortensia would have been hilarious. Cannot escape the pink haired clerics. But number one wish-it-happened for me would be Xander and Diamant. They have a lot of similarities and I think a deeper conversation about the weight of being the eldest prince would be nice, although I am unsure of how that would work considering the one line one line two line algorithm the convos run on.

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I would have like to have seen Emblem Caeda with Chloe. I think their dynamic would be interesting.


Or even Emblem Olivia with Seadall. They’re both dancers so they can bond quickly. Yes Byleth exists as the dancer emblem but still.

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Emblem Oliver with Goldmary, two utterly narcissistic beings with different ideals of beauty would be hilarious. 

L'Archel with Citrinne

Felix with Kagetsu - (Random side-bit I just wanted to share; I'm toying with a scenario in which the characters of Engage are the second generation to the Three Houses characters, and it's hilarious. Goldmary is now Manuela's daughter, Kagetsu is Felix's son, and Yunaka and Diamant are Sylvain's children. (Yunaka is Sylvain's daughter out of wedlock before he married and Diamant is his child with his wife.))

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