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FE is a fantabulous series, but there's one major flaw in it that I can't stand

Father Wood

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The repitition of music. Don't get me wrong. FE's music is fantastic, but seriously, who wants to listen to the same song five plus chapters in a row? <_< It's agravating! I've only played FE6-10, but I'm sure this is a problem in older ones too, I mean come on! It's annoying to listen to Eternal Bond and Crimean Sonata over and over again (song names I remember.) To fix this, FE12 and beyond should give a music selection choice every chapter, but as long as they vary the music anyway that'd be cool too.

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FE10 had the least repetiton of music in any FE game I've played. One of the reasons I liked it so much.

I normally don't listen to the music on the GBA games, but I admit the battle music gets extremely repetitive.

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That is kinda the same with some RPG games...

In FE9, I enjoyed listening to the battle themes alot.

I liked how the battle themes changed after Ike's promotion, too. I don't think I had ever been so happy to see enemies attacking me.

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I liked how the battle themes changed after Ike's promotion, too. I don't think I had ever been so happy to see enemies attacking me.

O yeah that music was awesome. Forgot what it was called =/

Yeah that was the best music and I never get tired of listening to it.

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At a basic level I sort of agree with you, the music isrepetitive, however, in the GBA games I really don't notice the repetition, in the older games, which I've played on the computer, I add my own soundtrack, and with the console ones I drag in a CD player and put on my own mix of things, so to me the point is kind of moot.

I really can't fault them for it though, composing as much music as it would take to really cut the repetition would be a real hassle.

Edited by Commissar Gaunt
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Actually, some of the music is so good, I can't get enough of it

What my friend does, though, is he mutes his TV and puts on his own music while playing FE. I've done it before when playing PoR and it's pretty nice to play a great game while listening to great music that you choose

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What my friend does, though, is he mutes his TV and puts on his own music while playing FE. I've done it before when playing PoR and it's pretty nice to play a great game while listening to great music that you choose

My brother does that. I, personally, prefer giving the game a chance to get me in the mood with its music and sound effects.

Then again, I'm an oddball who thinks the soundtrack is the second most important element in a RPG, right below gameplay itself.

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Actually, some of the music is so good, I can't get enough of it

What my friend does, though, is he mutes his TV and puts on his own music while playing FE. I've done it before when playing PoR and it's pretty nice to play a great game while listening to great music that you choose

You could turn the in-game music off and keep the SFX on, not saying you didn't know that, but yeah.

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I don't believe music should be user selectable for chapters, because music choices reflect events in the storyline.

And they have been getting better about repetition, as already stated with FE9 & 10 as examples, and they added new chapter songs in FEDS just to break up the monotony of every chapter except final having the same song. This is almost a huge blessing, but the DS Lite has the most quiet speaker, and it is hard to listen to the songs without a headphone. With good headphones, you tap into the full potential of the songs.

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FE10 had the least repetiton of music in any FE game I've played. One of the reasons I liked it so much.

I normally don't listen to the music on the GBA games, but I admit the battle music gets extremely repetitive.

Actually, FE10 is the only game in which I've been annoyed of repititive music. I'm thinking about what goes as "Ike's theme" in smash - the first time it's heard it feels like a sort of dramatic highlight, but when it keeps going for chapter after chapter it's really irritating. Maybe because it takes more attention than most tracks.

I think music usually works out fine as long as the same theme isn't in several maps following each other. And I agrre with FE3 Player in that music should reflect the storyline.

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The thing I don't like about the music is the whole enemy phase being a seperate tune. It means for some of the earlier enemy phase tunes you'll only ever hear the entire tune in the sound room.

FE4 should be the milestone to aim for as far as FE soundtracks go. I'm not saying each map or shop should have a different theme (it would be great though...I miss the days the secret shop had its own tune) but 12 player phase tunes and about 20 enemy phase tunes was it? If you do an FE10 and merge the phase tunes thats 34 tracks and most FE games hover about 30 chapters...

The only problem with tunes played in 1 chapter is you miss them :(

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At least the battle/map music changes in FE. It's not like the map music for FE7 is the same through the entire game, as an example. You have Lyn's map music, and then you have two other songs for whatever mode you pick.

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You think the music is repetitive in the more recent titles? Try playing some of the older ones. :[

Repetitive music doesn't bother me that much. It never has and probably never will. And I can't stand muting my games while I play. I just have to hear the sound from the game itself, even if it's less than good.

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On the topic of repetitiveness and annoyance, nothing beats FE 3 book 1, from chapter 1 to 19. That player phase music was pretty awful and didn't fit in a lot of maps. Granted, they changed it for book 2.

My main problem with battle phases is that the music repeats itself over and over again, from the start. At least in FE 10 it continued where it left off at the last battle.

Of course you could just take off the battle animations and listen to enemy phase music or, in the case of FE 9 and 10, just continue to listen to the player phase. Some of them are pretty epic ( final chapter for each generation of FE 4 comes to mind ).

Edited by Captain Falcon
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The repitition of music. Don't get me wrong. FE's music is fantastic, but seriously, who wants to listen to the same song five plus chapters in a row? <_< It's agravating! I've only played FE6-10, but I'm sure this is a problem in older ones too, I mean come on! It's annoying to listen to Eternal Bond and Crimean Sonata over and over again (song names I remember.) To fix this, FE12 and beyond should give a music selection choice every chapter, but as long as they vary the music anyway that'd be cool too.

You may like FE4 then. Every chapter has a different music.

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I do like a lot of the songs so its no problem for me but I understand where you're coming from. Sometimes the battle themes get a bit repetitive but most of them have grown on me so I don't mind them that much anymore. I like a lot of the map themes so no complaints there. I like how they continued the battle theme in FE10 instead of restarting the track for every battle, they should do that in future FEs.

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In FE10, the only repetition I despised was Eternal Bond. For the rest, there weren't even that many repetitions. Hymn of the Righteous appears twice in a row, and so does Echoes of Daybreak. There's also Ascent four times in a row, but that's more or less justified. I think the "cave" music appeared a few times too many, but maybe that's because I don't like the theme to begin with. Unending Task, on the other hand, is underused...

And the battle music is gorgeous so I never have any hang-ups with it. Thanks to that lovely trick I found to switch battle animations at any time without going to the options, I never get annoyed by them.

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Wait, what trick is this?

Turn the anims to "Off". If you hold a certain button as you initiate a battle or when an enemy targets you, the full animation will show. For the sideways wiimote, it's the A button. I suspect the GCN equivalent is the Z button.

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