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Everything posted by maninbluejumpsuit

  1. They can be, but some paralogues make it nearly impossible to recruit the kid due to enemy level scaling. Shiro's is the worst offender of this because he will just about never last til turn 2.
  2. This thread is about revelations mozu, where you don't have a choice but to raise her. She should be the same level as corrin, azura, and felicia/jakob around the time sakura, her retainers, and kaze join after chapter 8 with D-C rank in bows, unless the player insists on not feeding her every kill they can on her recruitment chapter, and chapter 8 when corrin, azura, and jakob/felecia will likely gain less than 8 exp kill. You can't really call it a slow start when she's the only unit you can meaningfully raise at that point. When you do get Takumi, he's that one that'll need to catch up to Mozu, and he'll still be much slower than her on average. The speed difference between Mozu, and Takumi in every lunatic playthrough I've done is not what I'd call 'marginal'. Mozu has the speed growth of Setsuna, and +3 speed on her cap over Takumi. Mozu consistently doubles units that Takumi can't, but at least Takumi has acrobat and a useful personal skill.
  3. The only thing tacomeat has over her as a sniper is his personal bow. Other than that, Mozu is a better sniper.
  4. I'm going Sakura!Mitama to make her a falcon knight that actually has a magic growth.
  5. Nohrian trust- borderline broken but, but i love the new benefits to pairups it brings Hoshidan unity, aka Rightful king- makes the fun procs happen more Vantage- I shouldn't have to explain this one Grisly wound- HP shredding from just fighting. Doesn't matter if attacking, or attacked. I love spear master Oboro!Selkie with guard naginata for this. Death blow- again borders on OP, but it does make things like witch Elise!Ophilia with excalibur/mijolnir/high level forged thunder hilarious to see in action. Replicate- I feel dirty using this. Especially on warping witch assassins Dragon fang- Favorite offensive trigger next to aether, and replaces luna's former role as the 2nd offensive trigger to have after astra/aether from awakening because of its reliable damage and trigger rate Damage reduction aura skills- Sakura with demoselle + inspiration. All day.
  6. Forging feels like the one thing that makes early game revelations lunatic feel fair without logbook abuse with how they LOVE to give you underleveled units. Otherwise, I'd feel inclined to buy weaponfaires for everyone, which is several times more lame.
  7. There's almost always a drawback to most S ranks. Some to the point where a +7ed iron weapon could be preferable for general sustained use. At times, you really don't want a character wielding an S weapon during EP.
  8. http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-characters/supports/support-bonus/ Click the upper tab to see nohrian, and revelation bonuses. Not sure how the kids work, but it's probably like how they adopt their parents' pair up stat bonuses?
  9. Would be nice to see blade lord come back. S in swords. B in bows. (haha that's funny). Haven't thought on it much beyond that though
  10. Niles. Nina's resistance doesn't get gutted because of Niles, and she goes positive with her STR easily with good growth to go with it, and some pretty nasty speed. MAG may need a little help if going adventurer. Doing no-castle runs? I'd just bum that or certain blow from someone else. Especially in conquest hard where both Charlotte and Nyx are borderline un-trainable without accuracy help. Also Charlotte!Forest could make a decent dark knight probably. Wouldn't use him as a hero when there's a bunch of kids that make better ones... or a sorc... or zerker... I don't even like dark knights either...
  11. Garon. All that backstory, and no one spends significant time on it during the game. Instead, he looks like a stupid antagnoist that does mean things to the protagonist because it's natural to do that, and not for a real reason. I say this because keep in mind these things during conquest: Garon considers executing Corrin. Consults higher (or lower) power for guidance on Corrin's fate. Implied this being wants Corrin to suffer before killing them, or maybe that's what Garondorf wants. Iago questions what reason there is for this. Garon tells him it's not his place to question. Garon veiws Corrin as much of a useful tool as the other siblings later. Plan: 'kill Corrin after making them cry' seems to have hit the backburner. Sooooo...: -it wasn't divine decree that Garon was messing with Corrin, or else he woulda'be -Garon clearly didn't have an answer for Iago's question
  12. Random question: Is there a specific name for the garb swordmasters in awakening and fates wear?
  13. They fold up the legs of the boxers, and the battle thong holds them in place
  14. That's why I'm one of the few people that don't like the new hero design; too gaudy, and too dorky.
  15. The fates kids barely belong in their own game, much less another one.
  16. Reina. Screw anime standards, and the more common aesthetic tropes. She still looks amazing. Scarlet. You can tell her personality by looking at her. Camilla. Nuff said. Arthur. His look makes me laugh as much as his personality, and VA does, and I just cannot hate him as a character. That's a win. Rhajat. Like her subtle changes to facial expressions saying as much as they do, and her personal diviner attire suits her nicely. Elise. Can't say no to her. Kaze. Nuff said. Oboro. Makes spear fighters look good. Soleil. I get serious 'main protagonist' vibes from her at times because of her style. Velouria. Reminds me of Nah, and I like Nah. Hinoka. Pulls off the boyish look just right, much like Scarlet. fCorrin. Especially with short version of the 'canon' hairstyle, imo. extra: Selkie is very cute. Like her design. I'd like to mention Sophie, but that would probably be only because she's a discount Cynthia. The one design I hate is Asugi. Everything about Giaus was better than him, from looks, to attitude, to voice work.
  17. The other reason why it was better in awakening: since kids came from the future, outside of Chrom and his wife, parents became parents after an unspecific amount of time of being a couple. The kids coulda've been born between valm's invasion, and the end of the ylisse/plegia war, or after the valm invasion, and some time before grima's resurrection. Both possibilities are plausible, and no one actually has to rush into marriage in their supports aside from the story making Chrom rush into it. In fates, everyone is in a rush to have kids when you think of the time constraints within each route, the fact that there's one major conflict with no major implied time gaps between events, and how borderline instantaneously the kids warp into existence as a result. This is why marriage for many feels so forced and sudden (along with bad writing/trying to make incompatible people have a reason to get together. Sadly not every support could feel as organic as mRobin + Panne, or mMorgan + Nah, or even fCorrin + Kaze) As for the actual poor writing of the supports, they only have 4 shots at making the player buy two people as a couple. Dwyer + Velouria is an example of it done right. Jakob + Oboro is an example of it done oh so wrong.
  18. Jakob + Oboro is just about as bad. #fateswriting The narrative bending over backwards to give us mechanics we liked from awakening is sadly way too common in this game.
  19. Tough choice between srs biz maiden and luminary shoryuken, but I went with the former. I like how she sounds serious for once.
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