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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. What does that mean? I am honestly confused lol.
  2. I don't think Fates' is extreme at all, if that's what the topic at hand is about. What can be defined as "extreme"? That simply depends on the individual.
  3. I dunno, I think it's normal to want physical contact as a way of showing love.
  4. *Me on any topic that pertains to character design*
  5. I asked you your opinion, and you refuse to give it. I don't give a damn about the rest of that. What do any of their opinions have to do with me asking you a question?
  6. Also, that doesn't really answer any of what I had said. Why argue morality in a game that clearly has none? lmao
  7. I -did- ask a question that you obviously refused to answer. XD
  8. I feel that this argument is much different than the one about Nowi above for example. Arguing... that she is too young? I mean, arguing this for morality's sake is silly when you are playing a game that is based around killing people. Is that "moral"? I don't think so, but anyone can realise it's a game, right? So it's just consciously accepted. So why is the gameplay excused but the character design is not?
  9. ...what exactly are you complaining about? Xd Like, i dont understand.
  10. I love this about their site for Trails: This is one of Van's crafts they give you info about, what they don't tell you about it is that it also has an effect that acts like provoke, forcing enemies to target him I want to say, it's set at 90%? Of the time. Big misleading right there.
  11. The game needs self-crippling right from the get-go! Lol
  12. You... Have serious gall. I didnt even attempt it, haha. There is not way i could be THAT precise. I would likely end up... Irritated? With my failure, mostly.
  13. For Golden Sun, my worst experience was inputting the password for the 2nd game lmao. That... was awful. The gameplay was unique for it's era i think is the best way to phrase it? In a good way.
  14. If you selected to go with Agate, he disappears. Not with Schera though. Edit: I quoted the wrong thing, thats what happens when you do this after just wakinh up. Lol will fix later. I was referring to Campy disappearing.
  15. Maybe the next Xanadu game wont use other characters heads from their games lol.
  16. I would raise Symphonia as well were it not for the battle camera, it's a bit too... unique, for my tastes. Abyss i'm on the fence on, one hand I really love the idea behind the FoF, on the other, it can be a nuisance to work with at times.
  17. To be clear: I am in no way stating that I dislike Symphonia, Abyss, Berseria, etc, just that they miss the right "notes" for me to say they are great. Will likely move Arise down to it's own tier, though.
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