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Everything posted by LoneStar

  1. Wow Marianne really rose to the top, and here I was anxious about her chances at 2nd place. Pretty good FEH channel overall with lots of good summoning coming up. So are they going to do a Hero Fest for last year's CYL winners? A bunch of people were probably fasting for that banner. Nice that those old Legendary Heroes are retro actively getting skills. And good thing that I have a L!Ike manual sitting around, so I can get both Warding Breath and Joint Drive Res. RIP that one Aversa I foddered off for Odd Res Wave back in the day. I wonder how a Hero Rises will go? Duo Lyn is definitely going to be one of the units there.
  2. Heyo ChoZen! I'm pretty busy these days, but I'll try to drop in sometime.
  3. I was just thinking Genealogy/Thracia could be a thing with Seliph, Leif, Nanna, Julia, Ares, and who ever else (I'm not too familiar with the games). I was expecting 3 houses a few weeks ago, but Sitri not being in CYL makes me think otherwise.
  4. Blue Duel Flying is a skill for Arena scoring. Normally a unit like her scores 145 at base, but the Duel skill artificially increases that to 170. You can look up FEH arena scoring on YouTube if you're more interested. Aerobatics lets her move to a space surrounding any non-flier ally within 2 spaces of her. Just deploy her on a map with the skill and when you select her you will see some light blue squares surrounding a non-flier ally that is 2 spaces away.
  5. Under Special Maps in the top right the are rotating Special Training maps. Right now it's ranged so units that can counter attack 2 range enemies are good to use here. And there are other ones that will be more suitable for other units. I mentioned this, because one reason why you might not want to upgrade your castle is so that you get more SP as you're leveling, because it takes longer to level up. But I don't think that is worth it nowadays. The thing with those 1 and 2 star units that you get from that rotation, is that they aren't really good these days. If you like any of them those are free copies, I guess.
  6. I have my castle upgraded to Ornate Castle so 80% EXP boost. I'm cheap so I don't want to spend 10 orbs for the final level. I say upgrading a decent amount is good, so when you're training your units it doesn't take forever to level them up. Nowadays the special training maps provide an outlet for SP farming.
  7. I know that whatever you type here will save even if you don't send, but I guess losing internet connection is another concern. Man I'm really trying to not get my expectations too high for Marianne. This is the only opportunity a character like her has to place in the top 2. Those avatar characters can easily get ranks in sequential years.
  8. From my experience weapon durability is only a worry for the first few chapters, because you're going to be spamming combat arts. The enemies from the aux maps drop bullions, so that helps. It's good to do Monastery at least once a month to refresh motivation and all that other stuff. Getting all of those pretime skip paralogues done will take up most of you weekly battles when they come by. I tend to do exploration twice more often that battle twice, since you get 3 battles eventually and doing 6 battles in a month gets pretty tedious, and even 4 when you're not trying to knock out paralogues. I played every route on Maddening with in house characters so it's not really that bad if you give them good sets. So you can do your in house characters +3, and 3 more as adjutants. I used a bunch of offensive units, a Dancer, and some Mages that can either heal or deal chip damage. You're definitely going to want to learn some strats because Maddening requires you to know and use the game mechanics, unlike Hard mode which you can sleep through.
  9. What are they going to do with Nina? Obviously it will have the base effect of the Shining Bow. So I wonder if it is going to be some if she's within 2 spaces of ally thing or is it going to be an ally support thing? Maybe with the male ally thing from her personal skill in Fates it could be if there is an ally with more Def than her she gets something, similar to Hilda.
  10. That is one of the main gimmicks of Three Houses, the customization. You need an A+ rating in Bows to be a Sniper, even though you can use Axes as well, your Axe rank won't be as high, and using Axes as a Sniper won't be as effective as a Wyvern Rider. A lot of this stuff is up to the player at the end of the day. Yeah in Hard mode most of my characters wouldn't learn class skills unless I went out of my way to grind for them. The ones that didn't struggle to learn skills during normal gameplay were my mages and healers because they can always do something. And in Maddening I didn't get Hit+20 on characters that weren't going to be long tern Archers, because getting Death Blow was tedious enough.
  11. Wow good breakdown here. I wonder what will happen if you have a Restore healer? Normally you Isolate them so that they don't move, then Isolate the dancer once you're ready to initiate the enemy. But here they end turn, remove the status, get danced, and start waving around their attack area. So that's basically another nerf to Isolation RIP.
  12. Nice you're in the final stretch of things. Be careful, that map is a huge bait.
  13. Sounds good. Technically you get so many blessings now you could just alternate them on one of those Flayns, but that can get tedious. Air Orders and potentially Rescue are good skills to have for inheritance.
  14. Well Dimitri rolled back around. I never shared my clear from the first time.
  15. Well final vote went to Marianne. I didn't support Gatekeeper, but can we make history? What's the deal with female Byleth anyway? I guess most of her popularity comes from the Japanese player base, because most of the places that I look I see little to no support for her. I'd be fine with her and Corrin for next year.
  16. Dancers and healers are usually annoying to level up so those Crystal things that you get can be used to auto level them. There are special training maps that good for getting SP on your characters. You will have to remove Dance from Sylvia so that others (like Ninian) can dance her. The skills that those characters already have are good for most things, so yeah learn them.
  17. So my ballet looks like: Anna(Awakening). She didn't even show up in the top 20 unfortunate. Marianne(Post-time skip) Hapi(Pre-time skip). I like her and the rest of the Ashen Wolves' pre-time skip designs. Python Marianne(Pre-time skip) Marianne(Post-time skip) Probably Marianne again, it would be really cool if she could actually get 2nd place. If I didn't care too much then Orochi.
  18. It depends on what you need. The anniversary banner should have last year's CYL winners at 5% rate. You will have a higher chance of getting the CYL characters than a specific character on the Mythic banner. This Dragon Wall thing is probably going to be a Pegasus Flight situation where it is super niche, but people are going to Res stack units to be able to use it. Then a defense based skill that is more widely usable will come out, albeit much later.
  19. I was thrown off at the fact that she has yellow hair, but going back and watching the opening scene and looking at some official art and yeah that is how she looked back then. In the game it did say that she had a "Revelation" like Byleth, but I thought that was made up, maybe that's why her hair turned yellow.
  20. This is a bit preemptive, but I saw a post on twitter where they had Gatekeeper as a Hero. Assuming the results stay the way they are, how would these characters be implemented? Byleth could either be a staff unit or Sothis 2.0 wearing the Sothis Regalia. Gatekeeper could be a Great Knight Axe Cavalier pls. I don't know enough about Eirika, Marth, or their games to theorycraft anything.
  21. I'm not sure who to choose. Saber is the only one that I really know, but I don't have one currently. I might go either Heath, Raven, or Ogma for level 1 shenanigans.
  22. A man of culture I see. I usually drop votes for Cherche and Orochi, but I'll probably give the rest of my votes to Another one. I'm still surprised they used Kagero over her on some of the seasonal banners. Wow sad for a certain someone. I even gave her a vote.
  23. Freaking Gatekeeper haha! Look at the bright side at least Chrom might get first place next year and get a broken exclusive skill. I wasn't thinking about it, but it makes sense that F!Byleth's popularity wouldn't just disappear. Bernie was kind of a meme (for me) to beat Lysithea last time. I don't necessarily want him, but if he's actually that high up when the midterm results come out I'll throw him a vote to help prevent the Byleth take over.
  24. That's really weird, I would have thrown a vote for Sitri. So much for a Jeralt/Sitri Valentine's Duo next month.
  25. Cool to see the Anna hype hasn't died off yet, I'll give her a vote, but the dream has pretty much died at this point. Most of my votes will go to Marianne. Most of the characters above her were either added, given alts, or added as alts. I'm guessing that's why she's one of the main picks on the poll here.
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