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The Roger The Paladin

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  • Member Title
    Unleash the The

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    Archery, Arthurian legend, Nordic mythology, Greco-roman mythology, pointless facts about extinct animals.
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    Under the The

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadow Dragon

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  1. I played through that last year. It kicked my ass when I played it 22 years ago... but it was pretty manageable this time. I secretly stole your skill. But is there any way to avoid getting older except to die?
  2. I've never used the Triangle attack in SD myself. Indeed I've only used it in Gaiden and Shadows of Valentia.
  3. Yeah, but that was after the tutorial fight with Mario... where Bowser complained that he wasn't bringing his A-game... which was revealed to be Peach & Starlow's doing in an explanation of why tutorial Bowser was a joke right before said telekinetic yeeting to Dimble Woods. Which how you know it was a far amplified version of what Peach can get away with by herself. Besides the fact it was said Starlow was helping. By the way, I added the spoiler tab you suggested. I just didn't get a chance to reply because a rather dangerous animal had entered my property and I had to forcibly remove it. How the turntables. Wraith contributed to the Teehee cause. Mind you the fact the tag was something along the lines of "Help me The Roger The Paladin" kind of explains why he thinks I make more sense than other people in the thread. He literally brought me here. Which technically means that I'm like the bridge between Wraith and the rest of the thread or something. Which makes a lot of sense when you consider there's some considerable overlap in taste in fiction, I'm about the same age, I tend to like older FE and remakes of older FE more than the later games and I don't really watch anime. I also enjoy posting total nonsense at times. So from my perspective he's not as odd as he likes to pretend to be. I'd prefer that over any damn Agarthan. No matter how ridiculous it is.
  4. I like to come up with ideas on how to use a gameplay related concept to add to the lore.... or sometimes vice versa. I once had an idea for instance relating to how Bowser is most capable of tasks when he's working towards a good end. Remembering the instance at the start of Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside story where Peach was able to weaken him with Starlow's assistance, the concept of Peach's wishes helping her get saved from the Star Road explanation in Super Mario RPG, and even the Star Rod/Twink wishes in Paper Mario.. I posited the idea that when Bowser is doing something beneficial it's the one time we see him where Peach isn't actively wishing for his failure. The original Super Mario Bros manual did posit that she had some sort of magic that Bowser perceived as a threat. I posit what Starlow did was merely the amplification of what's already there. That Peach essentially weakens Bowser making him more defeatable through a subconscious mechanism. This would also explain the inconsistency of Bowser's performance as a boss throughout the years. Ultimately all pointless overthinking of something the developers probably never thought much on, but fun to think about.
  5. I do see the idea of it undermining the tragedy. But I feel the fact their life was cut short, that they know the harm done by their fall, and the fact what they are doing now is just atonement rather than fixing their past actions means the tragedy is never truly erased. After all, I doubt anyone
  6. Like you couldn't do both. Just because there's one hero between Book 1 and 2 doesn't mean you can't do two villains. If it were me though, the villains like Hardin and Lyon and Edelgard that weren't necessarily evil would have Emblems that you acquire by defeating the prior holder. A kind of "redemption" arc afterwards. But if you introduced the concept through Edelgard, you'd get the attention from having her as a villain initially... while having the benefits of a character that has more recent recognition introduce the idea without giving away the possibility of characters who were doomed in life to die a villain getting a chance to redeem themselves in the afterlife. Meanwhile, the more Gharnef type villains... would remain just that. Whether you have the Emblems conveniently lost by story purposes... or even have a corrupting influence.
  7. Plus it'd be the best advertising possible for the game. People legit would be talking about it constantly. Besides, it's better than including those forgettable Agarthans and thereby adding more dark magic users to the villains side. Whereas I ended up in this particular thread because Wraith arbitrarily tagged me in it once despite me having never posted in it prior. Turns out it's got a nigh-inescapable pull because of the amount of people who end up here. Yeah. That's irony for you. Wraith, who always talks about the insanity of the thread literally brought someone else into it.
  8. So, I was thinking. We know the at least one of the villains has a ring for Fire Emblem Engage too. If IS really, really wanted to rage bait people into talking about the game... they could have the villains across the game all use rings that summon high profile villains from the series history (Gharnef, Zephiel, The Black Knight), only to throw people a curve ball by having Edelgard as the villain rep for Three Houses.... knowing full well some people relate more to her goals than the other lords of that game.
  9. The funny thing is, I don't remember who actually did whatever he got blamed for... or really what it was. Just the fact everyone was pretending to be him.
  10. I'm not Sooks, I'm Wraith. Stop messing with me The Roger.
  11. I made that joke thinking back to a group I used to be in, where someone mistakenly blamed a guy for something, so everyone changed their profile pictures to that guy's profile picture and we started all claiming to be him for a day. I knew some real screwballs back in the day.
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