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Everything posted by Arcphoenix

  1. I'm hoping for some variety myself. 3 characters are clones and almost all use only swords (save Robin and Corrin). My picks for characters are Tiki, Alm, Celica, Ephraim, and Hector. I'd really like to see Celica using an entirely different spellset and sword style than Robin rather than being a semi-clone, perhaps one of the two becoming more melee oriented and the other more magic oriented? Alm is basically a package deal with Celica. Admittedly, I see him playing mostly like Link, but he could maybe use some arts in his moveset? (ie: Windweep as a risky-but-rewarding way to punish counters). Tiki's had multiple appearances and could probably have a dragonstone mechanic or something. When not in dragon form, she'd flail around like in Warriors Ephraim and Hector- They're both pretty popular (and not sword users). Roy and Lucina could be made into an alternate sword style for Marth or something, IMO. (Unless Roy could be made unique. He's much more of a semiclone compared to Lucina)
  2. For most characters, their special activation quote is about how they're going to win or deal a lot of damage to the enemy. Chrom, on the other hand, yells "I'm being helpful!" before hitting someone with his special. It almost kind of feels like IS was poking at how Chrom's been a bit of an underdog in events really. In Smash, both CYLs, and the Princes and Princesses voting gauntlet. It became a bit of a meme. Now IS is finally giving him a chance to shine as "Helpful Chrom."
  3. Sometimes I like to call LA Eliwood Mr. President or President Eliwood since his lance's name is Spanish for "White House." Also, I've taken to calling the new Chrom "Helpful Chrom" because of his special line from the trailer
  4. Fair point. Mainly the attack stat is for healing purposes, which is why Wrathful isn't in her set. Granted, it could be refined for it probably. I suppose giving her a skill that calculates healing based on her resistance or a skill that increases the amount of health could patch the lesser attack. (I'm considering giving her Heal Touch and making it inheritable for other staff users. In Awakening it gave an extra 5 HP when healing). Also, that staff kind of scares me. XD I have in mind a situation of being reduced to one melee-non DC character and being hit by the staff repeatedly Peacebringer does make more sense in the C slot. Though I might give it a different effect. Drive Def/Res is drive def/res. I'm having thoughts of slowing or halting offense special cooldown in a range or decreasing all combat damage in a certain range of Emmeryn. I haven't fully decided. A split balm? I like it. Chilling is also a great idea. I'll have to consider between it and healtouch. That staff ability is definitely a possibility. I may move the ploy skill into the staff, like Arvis's Valflame, if it overlaps much with peacebringer I'll make some edits to her later. Also, I'm throwing around ideas for Aversa. I'm debating giving her an inheritable weapon or a personal weapon, and which if either. So far I'm considering: Waste- A Dark Magic tome which essentially would act like Dire Thunder. Likely uninheritable. Goetia- Had the highest tome might in Awakening and was carried by and dropped Aversa in Awakening. I'm thinking high might and maybe another effect? Aversa's Night- A legendary version of Nosferatu+ (A new skill). Fenrir+ - A silver Red tome. Also carried by Sophia. Raourserpent+ -A red version of F'Morgan's tome. Nosferatu+- Inheritable. Would have some nerfs for balance's sake. Maybe lower healing(10%-15% of damage dealt), an inability to stack with Sol if it triggers, inability to be refined (like Blade tomes), lowered might, or have lower cooldown. I'm unsure. I'm also thinking about whether or not to use her shadow gift skill, and how it could be used
  5. There's nothing saying both can't be in, just released separately (kind of like Lucina and Masked Lucina). Bruno, I feel would be obtained through the story as Main Veronica likely will eventually. Zacharias would likely be from a Tempest Trial or CYL. Definitely priorities. I'm sort of just speculating ahead in this. I'm imagining this Zacharias would be from a different Askr, pulled from during the time he was in or had just left that Order of Heroes of that world (he'd probably be at a lost on how to get back in this case, regardless, he'd be a separate entity from main Bruno). That or he's from an alternate Zenith with a somewhat different background (as I'm imagining CYL Veronica may be as well).
  6. Does anyone else imagine we might get Zacharias someday, no, not Bruno. Zacharias the lance wielder. Yes the two characters are one and the same, but I've kind of been hoping to see him in his Zacharias alias specifically someday, maybe as a Tempest Trial reward resulting from tempest-weirdness (since it bends time and space), with Zacharias wearing the Askran armor donned by Alfonse, Anna, and Sharena and wielding a lance. Opinions on this?
  7. I'm deciding to take this further and think up a hypothetical set of story maps to go with them as well as a name for the banner and chapter. Emmeryn- Will be fought in a map based on "the Forseer" (the map where the player has to defend Emmeryn against assassins). She'd be allied with a few Awakening characters already in game. eg: Gaius, Chrom, Robin, Frederick Aversa- Will be fought either in the Wellspring of Truth, allied with Illusion Fjorm, Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena. Walhart- Map will be based on either the open field or the castle he is fought in. He'll have some generics with him as well as Yen'Fay. Gangrel- I'm not actually sure... His original map doesn't really have much to it nor his recruitment chapter. Aversa will appear with him here as well. The final map would have Yen'Fay, Emmeryn, Gangrel, a story general, and some generics, I imagine. The map would probably be something original. Priam himself would be the tempest trial boss (the final map being somewhat inspired by his battle and having some number of reinforcements), and Walhart would have his GHB based on the map not used for the story chapter or something original. Tempest Trial title: Challenger from the Tempest Story Chapter title: Shades of Awakening Banner title: Unexpected Recruits? (Not too sure for this one)
  8. Depending on what you did in Awakening, that battle was a nightmare. I imagine giving the enemies the waiting AI, doing something to the map design, or giving them all stronger weapons like in the source game could work. Other than that, I can see the initial units being fixed as Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna for an alternative, reliable, and still getting the point across way of doing it. As another alternative, there are reinforcements.could make the battle more difficult. Rofl. Definitely giving Emmeryn Martyr+ though as it fits her well. And yes, Takumi jumped off a wall in Conquest. At the moment, all DC weapons just have DC. Which, I see as balanced in itself for there not to be any major change in effect because DC itself is so powerrful. Maybe if Weapon Refines get added for DC weapons at large, it could have some additional effect. TBH, I'm a bit caught on giving him DC as a A-Slot skill and giving Ragnell a special effect, but I feel it wouldn't be as true to the weapon. Right now, I'm working out Emmeryn's details. I've never done stats before, so I'd like feedback in that regard. I'm trying to think up an idea of the exact effects Emmeryn's staff. I'm thinking the effects of her staff should make the target and surrounding enemies "less aggressive" in some way, to fit exactly what Emmeryn was in Awakening as a character and to the story. I'm also unsure about B slot (I may actually take out the special as well and leave it open for SI. Personally, I preferred how some of the partial DIY units opened the route for more strategy). As for Peacebringer, it's inspired by Izana's skill from Fates, but I haven't fully decided on what it should do
  9. I really see potential of Aversa's Mirror Spring as a GHB or some sort of special map, but I figured it would be best just to have a single GHB for the theme. I actually wasn't aware Amatsu had DC. Thanks for the information. I'll have to give Yen'fay some thought. Pretty much. There'd just be a difference in design such as with the various Falchions (as they were prior to the refinery update). Awakening Ragnell's design has what looks to be scratches and cracks. Unless you mean effect and not just design?
  10. This is an idea I've had to myself for a while but haven't really gotten too far into detail on, but now seems to be the best time to share it with the new banner announcement XD I've had an idea for some time about how a few of the Awakening DLC characters could be great in the game as most have special things about them. I've largely held off due to the whole Fateswakening focus last year and negative feedback on said focus, but now it seems more plausible to me. What I have in mind is the following: Unexpected Heroes Banner (Title not necessarily final): Aversa- Red Tome Flier Most people wanted Aversa in the game as a non-seasonal, permanent tome flier. We do have Morgan have now, which I feel makes it more of a possibility Gangrel- Sword Infantry Gangrel would have the Levin Sword. I'm not sure whether or not it should be a personal weapon or not. I imagine it would target resistance (only resistance) and attack at a range of 1 but also allow Gangrel to use melee only skills such as wrath and sacred cowl and also not have to worry about tomebreakers or, ironically, Falchion. His weapon would also allow distant counter. Emmeryn- Staff Infantry Originally I hadn't thought of including Emmeryn until I saw a skill of Izana of Fates called Peace Bringer "Allies and enemies within a 2 tile radius receive 2 less damage" (from the Fire Emblem Wikia). I imagine this skill could be adjusted to fit with Heroes' other skills and to better fit the meta. I could have given Emmeryn a tome, but I chose not to as I felt that staves fit her personality better. I haven't decided what she should have, but I'm thinking a personal staff would make a lot of sense. Maybe something along the lines of how Fear+ or Candlelight+ work? I'm not sure yet. GHB: Walhart- Axe Cavalier I had the idea of Walhart being the best way to finish the weapons triangle of DC Melee GHB Calvary weapon triangle we have in Xander and Camus. His personal weapon would be Wolfberg and he'd have the conqueror skill, BUT I'm thinking it should probably have a different effect than in Awakening. Haven't decided, but I'm thinking it should either involve damage reduction or damage increase against certain types of units. Tempest Trials- Challenger from the Tempest: Priam- Sword Infantry At the time I was thinking of this, I thought everyone getting a F2P Ike would be cool. This was before a Hero Rises was a thing and we all got V'Ike. I still Priam could have his own uses though. Priam also didn't get much screen time or backstory in his source game, and Heroes could go deeper into his story like it has for some other characters. Originally, I had in mind to have Priam as a Grand Hero Battle, but at a friend's suggestion, I decided to put him in the TT. The final map can be a callback to the epic battle against him in Awakening. His personal weapon would be Ragnell, but worn down like the one seen in Awakening (I kind of wish DC units had a different animation for attacking at a distance just so we could have an animation of him throwing Ragnell at enemies XD) I also feel having Priam come out of the tempest himself in search for new people to contest his strength against is just fitting. Especially as it's how he was introduced in Awakening, sort of. *Yen'fay is also in consideration for somewhere, wielding Amatsu with built in DC. I'm planning on editing this post at a later time to include skills and stats. The latter may take more time as custom banners is something I'm just trying out for the first time. I'd like feedback and ideas as well as discussion on the viability or possibility this might happen. If you have any ideas or opinions on this hypothetical banner, just reply below. Do you see this as a potential addition to Heroes somewhere down the line? Characters so far: Emmeryn Gangrel
  11. I'm doing a healer playthrough of classic lunatic Birthright for fun. I got a laugh during some scenes where the avatar fought Faceless with a healing rod XD
  12. Apologies. I’m a bit new, so I’m unfamiliar with the tone here. Sorry for any discomfort from the jokes. The slashes are like commas. Fallen/possessed Celica = Fallen Celica, Possessed Celica
  13. NY'Corrin: New York Corrin or New York City (A friend thought up this one) LA'Eliwood: Los Angeles Eliwood. Spring Lucina: Bunny Lucina/Buncina Bride Lyn: B'Lyn LA Lyn: B'Lyn (Blue Lyn) Brave Lyn: Broken Lyn H'Nowi: Jailbait F'Celica: Possessed/Dark Celica F'Takumi: Betrayal/I am Betrayal
  14. Personally I think story Veronica just needs an exorcism and a hug... And maybe a therapist. Two of the main things driving her actions in the story are her loneliness, thus her collecting of Heroes and sibling-esque relationship with Xander, and the dark influences over her, that being the voices telling her to destroy Askr. Granted there's probably also some duty to her kingdom we're currently unaware of beyond that, though we haven’t seen Bruno in a while. Maybe he found a cure and IS is holding off his return?
  15. From what I can tell with Brave Units they seem to come from different backgrounds than their normal counterparts. After all, summoning pulls Heroes from different worlds and Askr and Embla themselves have many alternate versions (thus visitor units, multiple Fjorms and Gunnthras, etc). Likewise not all worlds have the same background ie: World of Conquest vs World or Birthright. I'm predicting that CYL Veronica will be a "Good Girl" Veronica from another dimension while normal Veronica will be the one from the story when we get her. Also, with whatever paralogue we get, I'm imagining Veronica Prime coercing CYL Veronica into signing a contract, just like any other hero, which I find hilariously ironic.
  16. I can't think of too many right off the top of my head, but Kellam and Izana really stood out to me as having the bad end of the stick in their endings in FE13 and FE14. I always liked hearing the happy endings and how characters went on to influence the world in the games I've played so far. Those two just had really depressing endings in comparison, Kellam never escaping obscurity and Izana's life going downhill post-war
  17. Personally, I'm thinking some of this was coincidence. I'm predicting IS has plans on focusing on one or 2 games a year for seasonals (happened to be Elibe this year), and Celica just sort of came out in a themed batch (Fallen Heroes). Ephraim? I honestly can't say anything there except that the alts have all been really inconsistent in how they were implemented and happened to occur around the same time. We did get a lot of other alts after all (Ike, Eliwood, Roy, Lilina, Lyn, Grima, Hardin, and Takumi).
  18. Does anyone have Certain blow on their avatar?
  19. Question: All the authentication, integration stuff in the OP needed to join the Discord. Can I do that with the Mobile or web browser version of Discord?
  20. In case you missed the title, this post has spoilers for Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, Birthright, and Revelations You have been warned Introduction, Pretext, etc Now for the defense. As I said, Corrin had some good which is seen in a few moments of the story, even though, as a whole, he's poorly handled. One of his best scenes was in Revelations where Anthony isolates Corrin from the group into a trap. No one else trusts Anthony at this point after a bridge nearly collapsed under them. Only Corrin was willing to go with Anthony to try to make a way into Anankos's palace. Prior to leaving, Corrin makes "preparations." When Anthony reveals his true colors Corrin explains what his preparations were: a message left behind that if he didn't return, Anthony had indeed tricked him. Anthony points out that this meant Corrin had not really trusted him at all to which Corrin replies "I wanted to, Anthony. I really did. That's why I'm sad that things have turned out this way. Don't think that means I won't fight you with everything I have, though! The least I can do is thin your numbers so that my friends have an easier time." While Corrin still isn't exactly flawless in this scene, he's much more wise in his decision than his usual naiivities. I also feel this scene sets what could have been a good character for Corrin. If I were to rewrite Corrin, I would rewrite him a bit to not be stupid (for example the scene with Azura's "disguise," his agreement to jump off a cliff with Azura into a bottomless canyon, and his agreement with Azura that attacking both sides in the "choose a side" chapter for attention would work) and cringefully naiive. I'd write him instead as someone willing to take risks to reach people. I'd have him as the person willing to give people chances and extend a friendly hand, even if others aren't favorable of the decision, but he'll keep his sword on his belt. When Zola joins Corrin's party in Birthright and if Shura is spared in Conquest, Corrin displays this mindset. In each route, he allows the person to accompany him but makes it clear that if the accompanee takes one step out of order, Corrin will not hesitate to slay him on the spot. Likewise, calling back to Revelations, Corrin left a message behind for his friends to come if he didn't return with the assumption Anthony had set a trap. Rewriting Corrin, I'd would also have him show sense enough to discriminate between the allies he's trying to make and those he has in that he openly shows he has full faith in those allied to him, and that he deeply cares for his allies. He'd have trust for new allies to some degree and wouldn't distrust them, but the most important tasks would lie with those he knows best of course. Newer allies, trust would need to be gained more via experiences and time before relying on them for anything dire. Some support conversations could even reflect this, both with his family and with new recruits that were enemies at first. Thinking about it, a person like this Corrin would be needed to bring Hoshido and Nohr together after all the war, making him a perfect fit for the plot. As I think about it, it's like Awakening's theme of the strength of bonds and allies almost, but with a willingness to outreach and lower one's guard to connect with others. I feel focusing on that, with some degree of common sense, would make Corrin a better character. Probably still controversial though. This characterization of Corrin would make a theme of how, to interact with and reach others, you have to make yourself vulnerable. You'll be hurt by other people, you may get betrayed, but you will make many more connections and meet many more influential people than by keeping your guard up. I feel actual Corrin tried to be like this but failed at it. There was also the family theme distracting from it. I feel better Corrin would be accepting of the bad for the good of lowering one's guard to try to interact with more people. That's my opinion on Corrin. I hope you've found this interesting and that I may have given you another perspective on him/her. Oh, and as this is my first post, if there are any forum norms I missed and such, just let me know. Also, feel free to discuss. I'd like to hear opinions on my analysis.
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