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Everything posted by Arcphoenix

  1. You get a medal for that pun. Never played Miitopia, but from what a friend told me and from what I saw in a trailer, I suppose it would be like it. Enemy commanders would also be picked from the Miis chosen at the beginning though .(I also imagine there being defaults/randomly generated Miis if the player doesn't have enough). In hindsight, what I'm reminded most of is the Fire Emblem Randomizer but with Miis.
  2. So, imagine Fire Emblem... But with Miis. Prior to playing you pick some amount of Miis and the lord character, and the picked miis are randomly assigned roles. Would anyone think this cool or see IS potentially doing it some day? I know Miis are bizzarely absent on the Switch, but if it was for the 3DS or some mii-equivalent was made for the Switch, would you play this game? Do you think IS would make it canon? What would your reaction/opinion be if this wound up being Fire Emblem 16? All in all, I'm just curious of what others think about it. Also, wasn't sure what section to post this in. I hope this is the right one.
  3. When my friend was trying to get Love Abounds Hector, he got pity broken by his first Hector (Vanilla). Ironic right?
  4. I'd really like to see one for Azama and Jakob (should have been in Fates to begin with tbh, lol). Also, I'm really liking the ones I see so far.
  5. Is it just me, or has Tap Battle Progress been reset? More specifically the main levels. Rewards are reobtainable too on my end.
  6. I need vantage for Corrin if anyone has it
  7. I'd like the ability to see enemy stats. It feels weird that it wasn't an option in Warriors.
  8. I'm fine with archetypes, though I'd like to keep seeing variations on them and them being approached from different angles. The ninja brothers from Fates being the Cain and Abel and Ephraim being a blue-haired lance lord, for example. There're also Laegearn and Helbindi - antagonists with honor or have some sympathetic reason for fighting- I'm finding I like. I'm don't think they fit the Camus archetype much, but I'd like to see more sympathetic antagonists in future titles. Also as others have said, I would like to see in later games Manaketes of different age-gender combinations than the standard "young girl" for the sake of differentiating something that doesn't really need to be the same from title to title.
  9. I'm predicting either a fire hero of a water Hero. If it's a water Hero, I'm expecting Corrin, especially since he/she is a water dragon
  10. Thank you for the compliments, I'm glad I made some peoples' day with this That way of censoring it was a friend's idea. It's perfect XD Ah, ok. I'll add that information in the OP Very accurate
  11. EDIT: So I decided I'll use this thread for all my photoshopped FEH memes. A Depiction of Wrys (AKA My Masterpiece) Just something I worked on for some time as a joke I wanted to share. This was my first piece on this thread. According to FE memedom, Wrys is a god. The rest speaks for itself. Everything is photoshopped. I think the original piece of art was done by Michaelangelo maybe? The rest is photoshopped from Intelligent System's Fire Emblem Heroes. Created in Sketch on the iOS. EDIT: Yes, the original work - I think it was called "The Creation of Adam" - from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was indeed painted by Michaelangelo. In hindsight, I like to think the hand reaching in from the bottom left belongs to Kellam. We all know he's in Heroes after all... Somewhere.... Voting Guantlet Fated Battles. Sigurd vs Arvis (AKA "Charvis") You all know your Arvis roasting Sigurd memes. For those who missed it, Sigurd beat Arvis. I had made a bet to a friend prior that if Sigurd won, I would make this. Glad it happened. XD Found the original image googling "barbecue grill chef" or something. The salt came from googling salt shaker. The rest in this image are all sprites from Intelligent System's Fire Emblem Heroes taken from the Feh Wiki, I think. Credit to thenumberonebacon for the nickname "Charvis." Again, made in Sketch on iOS. Celica casts Rag n' a Rock (AKA "Mila Bless you") A visual pun I've had in mind for a while. I also considered doing a pun with the movie "Thor Ragnarock" but figured I didn't want to do the same joke twice and just stick to the cleverer pun. The base image image of Celica is from Intelligent System's Fire Emblem Heroes taken from Gamepress. Credit to thenumberonebacon for the alt title "Mila Bless You." I found the rock googling "rock transparent background" and the rag by googling "kitchen cloth transparent." Again, made in Sketch on iOS. "How do you like the taste?" (AKA "Chef Walhart of Valm's Kitchen") Titled and inspired by one of Walhart's special trigger dialogue lines. Regrets: Not including Walhart grocery bags in the background and not having Sigurd in the fire. Granted I've already done a Sigurd joke here, and that's more Arvis's thing I used Google to find images of a cooking pot transparent, a laddle, a lobster, an apron, a chef's hat, and this Walhart (art by Intelligent Systems). Everything was, again, thrown together in sketch on iOS High Deliverer (AKA Robin Weeds Out the Competition) The moment I first saw Robin's Epithet I wanted to make a joke about it. I don't normally appreciate drug related jokes, but I had to make an exception for these very clever puns. Regret: Missed opportunity to name the weapon "Blunt Force" XD I used paint.net and the feh stuff github unit builder to create this. I also did some googling to find the blunt, dank shades, leaf, and image of Robin (made by Intelligent Systems).
  12. There's Genny, a healer who can essentially be a Pseudo Colorless mage with her attack stat and ready-to-go Wrathful Staff. There's Draug as well who, at least in the earlier meta, is shockingly fast for an armored unit. He can basically double a good amount of times without having to worry about getting doubled himself (unlike poor Arden).
  13. Yes. In fact I think it was implied he may have written it himself. Checking the wiki says it's confirmed in the Hidden Truths DLC.
  14. The story, the gameplay, and the challenge as well as the general freedom and options on how to approach each challenge and customize your army (to a degree). I also enjoy all the strategy involved as well as how Fire Emblem as an RPG is structured. I find it somewhat easier than say strategizing with main-series Pokemon for example (I've also yet to play more TRPGs. Does Pokemon Conquest count?)
  15. Grima, stop trying to convert Heroes to Grimleal and get back to work. Don't let Grima go anywhere unsupervised. No supplying Grima with cadavers or parts of them. This is aimed at you Henry, Rhajat, and Tharja. If you see someone who looks like your enemy, know that there's no point in attacking them. They aren't from your world and aren't the thing that'll fix your home. All fighting will do is just lower our numbers. Forming clubs and societies is fine as long as it isn't created for the purposes of criminal acts, uprisings or world domination, and as long as they don't interfere with the Anna-zon TM business. Also, no more claiming parts of the castle or barracks on your own decision. I'm sure everyone remembers in spite how the Blue-Haired Society claimed the pool for themselves. Soleil, no more taking off your shirt outside. It's become a hazard to a shamefully sizeable portion of the army in battle. Narcian, stop trying to convert Grima into worshipping you. Just... Allow Hector to bring his axe anywhere. Last guy who tried separating him from it was in the hospital near-death for a month. He's also too important to let go. People... Stop staring at Subaki. As much of a shocker as this may be, men can ride pegasi too. No one is to mess with Zelgius's sword ever again. If anyone is found in possession of Alondite that is not Zelgius again, report to one of the head officers immediately. If Zelgius happens to be nearby, RUN. Do not attempt to intervene. Felicia is not allowed in the chess club -Robin. Niles is no longer allowed to drop things in the suggestions box for "thing to make the army better or more efficient." Suggestions not suggestives mind you. If Gaius gives you a nickname, just roll with it. Peri and Setsuna must be supervised at all times by someone mentally stable and capable of defending himself or herself. Felicia is no longer allowed to use matches, work in the armory, nor work in the kitchen. Guys, stop flirting at that blonde tall healer. You're making him uncomfortable.
  16. Many of the pronunciation from this update surprised me. I guess that’s consequence of lack of voice acting and text-based communities XD. Are-mahds as Are-mads Sha-rain-uh as Sha-ree-nah and Cay-moo as Came-us (the latter in each is how I always pronounced it).
  17. On the last legendary banner I got an attack bane, res boon Summer Elise, and an HP bane, Defense Boon Summer Elise. With these IVs would either actually have merit?
  18. So on the last legendary banner I got an attack bane res boon Summer Elise... and an HP bane Defense Boon Summer Elise. With these IVs would either actually have merit?
  19. I would not know how to react. I guess it would be cool to be related but that's about it. My Avatar denies my existence and never took responsibility. He probably still sent occasional gifts regardless. I would also likely have diabetes or inversely be unable to get it with L as my father and probably not show up in any records.
  20. I'm a person who likes fun, and seasonal units are fun, even if the way they are handled is somewhat debatable I have to admit, unless there's a character I really like or need a skill from, I rarely ever throw orbs at non-seasonal banners as I know one type is limited, while the other I'll later be able to pull from the normal pool whenever a seasonal comes around. This somewhat decreased worth of throwing orbs at normal banners is the only thing that really comes to mind as a con for the banners. Still, again, I like what comes from them for fun.
  21. Faye is searching for a way to turn back time. She seeks to change the past so that she and Alm will be together forever. Faye will have to search far and wide, face competition, fight wicked villains, and meet new allies. Will she succeed? And if she does what then? Final bit of the story, I hope would actually give her some character development in which she has to accept things the way they are. Gameplay would be a typical JRPG if not the standard TRPG Fire Emblem style. Faye would also be the first Bow Lord (As a starter weapon. Ironically, this discounts Alm). The story will be surprisingly complex and intriguing despite its basic premise. Hmm.. That was a bit flattering. I'll try again Fernand is sick of all the commoners. Help him to remove the lowborn rabble scum from his fresh cut lawn, shoo them away from the Deliverance signup desk. Ditch your friends for associating with peasants, and show off your privileged wardrobe with various costume choices. Raise your stats in rank, pride, patronizing, superiority, and disgust. Try out the "Kiss up to Berkut" minigames to try for a chance at rare items. I don't even know. XD
  22. Saying Corrin is unpopular is a grand understatement. He/she does things at times that are cringey to watch and he/she often fails at being at being the player's avatar. Hector loses to his own daughter in Heroes. No, he's not holding back. Celica is terrible at talking to friends about important issues. Cervantes wasn't enough of a meme to last. Priam only exists in Awakening for fanservice. Genny doesn't have many friends. Just look at her amount of supports in Shadows of Valentia. Wherever Heroes Gray goes, he's always greeted by people shouting about pitybreakers and Five-Star pools. Chrom is just as destructive as Felicia. Henry's attack stat in Heroes is terrible.
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